by Kevin Kelly
synthetic senses, 242–44
synthetic worlds, 219, 230
tags, 63, 98, 139, 140
technium, 273–74
TED videos, 278
television, 88–89, 177, 223, 282
texting, 89
textual literacy, 198, 201–2
thermostats, 223, 253, 283
3-D modeling, 199–200, 211–12, 232
3-D printers, 173
3-D Warehouse, 141
time, 64. See also real time
Time Machine backup system, 246
TiVos, 205
Toffler, Alvin, 113, 148
top-down vs. bottom-up management, 148–54
total lifetime spending, 187
total recall, 248
tracking, 236–67
bias toward tracking, 252–57
and cognifying, 8
and consumer attention system, 184
and coveillance, 259–64
current practices and trends, 237–42
and digital storage capacity, 264–67
and growth of connected devices, 283
and lifestreaming, 244–51
and mass customization, 173
and platform-selected advertising, 183
and rate of information production, 257–64
routine tracking, 255
self-tracking, 105–6, 237–38, 266 (see also lifestreaming)
and synthetic senses, 242–44
and virtual reality technology, 219
traffic monitoring, 252
trailers, 202
transhuman minds, 44
translators, 51, 104–5
Transparent Society, 260–61
transportation, 43, 57–58, 62, 111–12, 115–16, 252. See also Uber
travel data, 239–40
trust, 67, 264
Tumblr, 136, 139
TV Guide, 72
Twitter and tweeting
and aggregated information, 147
and anonymity, 263–64
and artificial intelligence, 32
and creative remixing, 194
and etiquette, 3
and filtering systems, 169, 170
and hashtags, 140
influence of, on public conversation, 140
and self-tracking technology, 239–40
sharing information on, 145
as streaming technology, 63
and user-generated content, 21, 138
on-demand services of, 62, 114
and filtering systems, 172
model of, 115
peer-to-peer networking, 183–84
and social impact of connectivity, 273, 274
success of, 154
and tracking technology, 252
Uncharted 2, 227
Underkoffler, John, 222
upgrading technology, 10, 62–63
US Supreme Court, 270
Varian, Hal, 286
video and video technology
ease of creating videos, 166
and filtering systems, 196–99
and lifelogging, 249
and new media fluency, 201–3
and rewindability, 204–7
streaming, 205
and user-created content, 82
video games and industry
and artificial intelligence, 32–33, 230
and creative remixing, 195
and depth of content, 282
and graphics processing units (GPU), 38
interactivity of, 103, 227–34
narrative in virtual reality games, 229
and rewindability, 206
and virtual reality technology, 215–16
vigilantes, 263
Vine, 76, 194
virtual reality
and computing practices, 222–23
and digital storage capacity, 265
and immersion, 226–27
and interactivity, 211–15, 218–27
revolutionary nature of, 231
social effects of, 234–35
varied uses for, 229
VR headsets, 219
Wachter, Udo, 243
Warhol, Andy, 209
Watson, 30–31, 40, 287
wearable devices
growth of industry, 283
and interactivity, 224–25
and lifelogging, 248, 251
and lifestreaming, 244
and rewindability, 207
and synthetic senses, 243–44
anticipation of users’ needs, 25
blindness to evolution of, 15–22
and context of time, 24–25
and fear of commercialization, 17–18
and future searchability, 24
genesis of, 19
and Google search engines, 146–47
hyperlinked architecture of, 18–19, 21, 146–47
page content on, 89
surfing, 188–89, 280–82
and tracking technology, 254
ubiquity of, 25
and website design, 220
See also internet
WeChat, 63, 76, 124, 246
Weiswasser, Stephen, 16
Wells, H. G., 292
WhatsApp, 63, 76, 199
whistle-blowers, 261, 263–64
and artificial intelligence, 39
collaborative efforts of, 135–36
and collective content creation, 143, 269–74, 276
correcting errors in, 104
and Creative Commons licensing, 136
dynamic content in, 102
and editors, 151, 152, 153–54
hybrid model of, 144
interlinking in, 95–96, 98
and nondestructive editing, 206
and screen culture, 93
“wild” information, 258
The Wire (series), 206, 282
Wired magazine, 16–17, 18, 25–26, 148–49, 238
The Wizard of Oz (1939), 203
Wolf, Gary, 238, 250
Wolfram, Stephen, 239
work environments, 217, 222, 232–33, 280
X-Ray vision, 226, 231
Yahoo! 32, 170, 285
Yelp, 139, 266
and convergence of internet media, 282
and creative remixing, 196–97, 201
and improbable events, 277
number of users, 143
and sharing economy, 139
and tracking technology, 254
and ubiquity of unlikely events, 277
and user-created content, 21–22, 273
“zillion” term, 264–65, 276
Zip, 62
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