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Creed: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Lonely Rider MC Book 3)

Page 7

by Melissa Devenport

  Kate’s face settled into a hard expression. She chewed on her bottom lip. “Alright,” she finally sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just- tired. Like I said. Frustrated.”

  “Sexually frustrated?”

  “No!” She said sharply then glanced up again and moderated her voice. “No. I- I’m just- tired. My emotions are completely frayed from all of this. It’s the lack of sleep, I swear. It led me to make a very shitty decision earlier.”

  “One you don’t regret.”

  “One I definitely regret.” She sighed. “Now. Please. My sister... before I really do go get the kitchen scissors.”

  “If you cut my balls off, you’d miss them.”

  “What? Why would I miss your balls?” She couldn’t completely hide the regret in her eyes, like she really would miss them when he left.

  “Well, because if you cut them off now, you’re going to regret that when it comes time for kids.”

  “Kids?” Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “See, this is the thing. I told you earlier that you’re mine. You’ve always been mine. You just don’t know it yet.”

  “And I told you that you’re full of shit.”

  He nodded. “Right. You did. I’m still not taking no for an answer. When I go, you’re coming with me.”

  Kate stared at him hard. The only sign she’d even heard him was the slight flare of her nostrils. Then she slapped a hand over her mouth to smother her hysterical laughter. She shook with it, rocked back and forth, grabbed at her stomach with her free hand. Afterwards, she wiped tears from her beautiful glacier eyes.

  “Oh god. Oh my god. That’s hilarious. You should do stand up. Your sense of humor is just so- so crazy. Oh wow. I can’t believe you just said that.” She stared hard at him for a minute. “You were joking, right? Trying to get a rise out of me? That’s what this whole thing has been about? The whole I’m yours bullshit? I thought that was just to get in my pants, but you’ve already pretty much done that, with our face at least, so I thought you’d drop it after. Especially since I already said there is no chance of that happening again.”

  Creed smiled right alone with her. He let her have her fun. She’d come around. He only needed a day to convince her. Which was a good thing, because he was sure that’s all he had.

  “I’ll tell you something else that you’re going to find funny. And not in the haha sort of way.”

  “What?” Kate was back to staring at him, guarded, waiting for whatever terrible thing he was obviously going to come up with next.

  “Your sister…” She leaned forward, hanging on every single word. “She’s pregnant.”

  Chapter 11


  Jack left early that morning, before the sun was even up, confirming what Creed had said about him not going to work. Tia popped into the room at just after seven to say goodbye. She looked better. Still pale, but there was a bit of color in her cheeks.

  Kate wanted to call her back, to demand to know if it was true, to ask why she hadn’t told her yet, but she let her sister go.

  They had time for that after. After Creed was gone.

  The stab of pain in her chest was sudden and unexpected. He needs to go. It was never in dispute that he was going to leave. Kate was shocked only at her reaction to the thought of his massive frame not filling out that bed. She’d watched him on and off for days, while he was unconscious, fighting for his life.

  She’d spent the better part of the night, after Creed fell into an exhausted sleep, battling her own fatigue. She needed to stay awake. To keep watch. Not to watch him. There was a difference.

  After Tia popped into the room and left, Kate unfolded her limbs out of the chair, which had long ago become uncomfortable. It wasn’t meant to be sat or slept in, it was meant for office work. She cast one last sidelong glance at Creed before she left the room.

  He was still sleeping, his short hair mashed up on the side he’d spent most of the night facing, his features calm and serene. He breathed deeply and evenly, his chest and shoulders rising and falling, the sheets rising and falling. The bruising all over his body was fading.

  Kate gave herself a shake. She shouldn’t stand in the doorway and watch him sleep. After she’d spent all night doing just that. He’d drifted off, powerless to fight he rest he so badly needed.

  She steered herself towards the kitchen, where she made a fresh pot of coffee. She was so tired, her brain wrapped up in layers of fog, that she didn’t hear the soft footsteps until they were right behind her. She gasped as a set of strong hands encircled her waist and drew her into a granite wall. A very naked granite wall.

  “Oh my god.” She pulled away and stalked forward, shutting all the blinds in the kitchen. “What the fuck? You can’t just walk around the place naked. The neighbors will see.”

  Creed laughed low in his throat. The deep, rumbly sound did something to her belly. “So what if they see? I’m sure it’s not the first naked neighbor in the place.”

  “No one walks around like that in the suburbs. You’re lucky someone didn’t see and call the cops.”

  “Call the cops? Is it a crime here to be naked in your own house?”

  “That’s the thing. They’d know this isn’t your house. This is Jack and Tia’s house. They’d think you’re some weird naked burglar or something.”

  Creed laughed again, his shoulders shaking. Kate tried very hard to keep her eyes on his face, but they dipped down once and- holy shit. It was pretty evident that Creed was ready to pick up where he’d left off the night before.

  “Uh-uh,” she shook her head. “That,’ she pointed at his fully erect cock, which was so hard it stood up nearly vertical against the planes of his stomach. “That is not happening again. We had this talk already.”

  Creed’s dark eyes shone in response to her words. He titled his head and set his jaw, clearly too stubborn or thick headed to actually hear what she was saying. “No. You had that talk. You tried to sit there and give me all the reasons that I’m allowed to make you feel good. I didn’t say I agree with them.” He stepped closer and Kate edged back, against the counter. “You’re only delaying the inevitable. You’re mine, Kate.”

  “Yeah, got that. I’ve always been yours.” She put on a deep voice and mocked him. “But get this. This is a memo of my own. I’m not yours. I’ve never been yours. I’ll never be yours. So get over yourself, go find a fucking pair of pants somewhere, and then we can have a cup of coffee like normal, decent people.”

  The light in Creed’s eyes never wavered. If anything, it intensified. He took another step closer, hemming Kate in, trapping her between the counter and his hard body. She froze and when she tried to take a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she found that she could barely force anything into her lungs.

  “What if I don’t want to be decent? You already know that I’m not like other people.”

  Kate attempted to roll her eyes. She reached back and slammed her hands against the cupboards to brace herself. Her chest heaved wildly. So much for pretending that he doesn’t affect me.

  Of course he knew. He inhaled, scenting her fear and her the reluctant desire that was so obvious. Creed grinned. “I know that you don’t want to be like anyone else either.” He brushed his index finger lightly over her collarbones and Kate shivered. “You still have the same clothes on from last night. Don’t be shy. I already know what’s underneath.”

  “And it’s yours,” she snapped, mocking him again.

  “Yes.” His finger dragged a line of fire up her neck, tilting her chin up. “It’s mine.”

  His other hand tangled in her hair. He ran his fingers through the knots she hadn’t combed out from the night before and pinpricks of pain bloomed over her scalp. She should have fought him, pulled away from his touch, but it felt too damn good. It felt too damn right. That scared the shit out of her. The rightness of it. The fact that she wanted his touch more than she wanted to breathe. She need
ed him, needed him and she’d never needed anyone before. Wanted yes, needed, no.

  Creed stared down at her, his eyes focused on her mouth. They were hot and needy and full of desire. The look on his face made her body ache. The shit they’d done the night before, left unfinished, her body wanted him to give her everything that he hadn’t been able to do the night before when they were interrupted. Her head might say yes, but her body said something else entirely. Her heart said something else.

  What the fuck? My heart? Give me a break. It might be ridiculous, but the thought was a hard one to shake and the feeling was even worse.

  Kate froze. She couldn’t form another witty comeback or do anything to push him away. She was too shocked at herself to do anything other than stand there.

  Creed let his hand fall away from her hair. He reached down and gently tugged her shirt over her head. She had to raise her arms to help him and she was able to do that, as though she was functioning on autopilot. He peeled her leggings away after, throwing them to the side.

  She stood, just as naked as he was. Creed stepped between her legs and she parted them to let him. He cupped her face in his hands and growled against her lips.

  “If you want out of this, tell me now. Run now, because after I have you, I’m not letting you go. You’re not going to want me to let you go. You’re going to want me over and over and over again.”

  “Yes, I know all about your confidence,” she choked, trying to find some shred of wit to use against him. “I also know about how you came in my hand like a teenage boy.”

  “That was a compliment,” he rasped, breath hot on her cheek.

  Kate shivered hard. Her heart hammered wildly. “Oh? A compliment, hmm?”

  “It was just a taste.” His tongue traced her bottom lip and Kate’s insides clenched hard. Her heart went wild.

  “A taste. Yeah, it was a taste, alright.”

  “Kate…” Creed groaned as he nipped her bottom lip. Her body went from being turned on to just about rocketing through the fucking ceiling. “I’ll warn you, I want you so much that I’ll try and be slow and gentle, but the first time is probably going to be fast and hard.”

  “So just like last night. Except instead of my hand you’re going to be inside of me.” He groaned against her lips and she nearly smiled at the small victory.

  “Yes, I’ll be inside of you. I’ll fuck you again and again and again. I’m not going to stop until you’re soaking wet.”

  “Don’t- uh- shouldn’t I be soaking wet before we even start? You know, so it doesn’t chafe?”

  He pressed in against her, his knee jamming up against her sex and it was all she could do not to writhe against him to try and diminish the horrible ache. “I wasn’t talking about that. You’ll be wet because you’ll be dripping with my-”

  “Okay. Whoa there. God, you have a filthy mouth.”

  “I’d ask you to taste it and let me know if you like it, but I know you already do.”

  Obviously, he was done with talking, because his mouth crashed over hers. Kate lost it. Her hands scrabbled at his neck, pulling him into her as she kissed him furiously. His tongue thrust through the seam of her lips and danced with hers. He stroked it in hot, erotic motions. She was so wet between her damn legs that when she pressed up against Creed’s leg, she slid around there, creating a delicious friction that she so desperately longed for.

  He kissed her like a demon, eating at her mouth, sucking and pulling back, panting, groaning, nipping at her, licking her. It drove her wild and she ground shamelessly against him. Her hand slipped down between them. She gripped his cock and tried to maneuver him over. She needed him inside of her, desperately. She needed him to do what he said he would and fuck her senseless.

  Even if it was wrong. Wrong for so many reasons. It felt so fucking right.

  His body went rigid when her hand closed around his thick shaft. His hands closed around her waist and she expected him to lift her up onto the counter. She was surprised when he turned her around. He bent her over and her hands slapped the granite counter top. A few inches away, the coffee maker burbled along happily, dripping a steady stream of hot black liquid into the pot below. Sunlight streamed through the cracks in the shuttered blinds, sending little slants of sunlight over her hands. Small dust motes danced in the golden streams.

  When she felt Creed at her entrance, her eyes slammed shut and she forgot all about coffee and sunlight and the fact that they were in the kitchen.

  She squirmed against him, begging him with her body. He rocked against her hard, sending his cock sliding through her soaking wet folds. She gasped and mewled. Her palms flattened out against the cool granite.

  “Just fucking do it,” she ground out. “Unless you aren’t sure where to put it.”

  A deep chuckle rumbled through the air. She felt Creed’s chest heave with the effort. She craned her neck to the side and had to smile when she saw his grin. God, he was far too handsome when he smiled for real. Far, far too handsome. Even with the bruises and the cuts. Even with his hair cropped a little too short.

  He smacked her hard, right on the ass. Kate went rigid. No one had ever spanked her before. She didn’t find that kind of shit hot, but when Creed did it… lord, it was unbelievably erotic. Pain bloomed from the spot where he’d slapped her and right behind it, the most incredible pleasure. He leaned in and licked her right below her earlobe.

  “Trust me, darling, I know where to put it.”

  She made a strangled sound in her throat, for once, lost for words. Creed took her earlobe between his teeth and nipped her lightly. He traced a delicious pattern with his tongue, right along her jawline.

  “Maybe I just enjoy the show.”

  “Better stop watching, in case you come early,” she panted.

  He flexed his hips and his cock rubbed against her folds again. The head hit her clit and her hips bucked forward, grinding her pelvic bones right into the counter top. It hurt, but even the pain felt good, mixed with the pleasure overload consuming her.

  Creed’s hand tangled in her long hair again. Not tangled. Fisted. He pulled her head back as his hand braced her hip.

  “I just want to make sure you’re ready for me. In case you didn’t notice, I’m not exactly a small man.”

  “I’ve had- bigger…” she rasped. It was hard to get words out when her head was pulled so far back.

  He chuckled again, that confident laugh that told her he knew she was lying. He ran his index finger up the exposed column of her neck. He bent over her and his tongue followed the same pattern. He didn’t stop until he reached her lips. He kissed her again, hungrily. She kissed him with equal ferocity and they went to war, battling each other’s lips, fighting each other’s mouths, consuming each other.

  When Creed broke away, black spots danced in front of her vision. “Do you want me to fuck you now?”

  “Yes,” Kate whimpered. She pushed her hips back as far as they could go, back into Creed’s rock hard pelvis. He groaned at the contact, so she did it again.

  He let go of her hair and both hands came to her waist. “I’m warning you, this isn’t going to be gentle. I want you too much for that.”

  “I don’t need it to be gentle,” she gasped. “I just need you.”

  “Finally, you admit it.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was, I need your cock.”

  He shifted his hips, fitting his cock to her entrance. He paused there and so did she. When she felt how big he was, she actually thought about telling him to stop. Which was madness. Her body craved him. She wanted him. Even if he was big. Even if he hurt her. Even if he fucked her until she was aching and couldn’t walk… she wanted it. She wanted all of it.

  He rocked against her, pushing inside an inch. The pain and pleasure were so sweet, she nearly screamed. A strangled sound escaped her throat and her hands fisted on the counter top.

  Creed pushed in another inch and groaned. “God, you’re so damn tight.”

/>   “What did you expect?” she panted.

  “Just this. Exactly this. I just didn’t think it would feel this good.”

  She wanted to say something sharp and biting to take back the upper hand, but she knew what he meant. She knew it would feel good- she just didn’t expect the white hot pleasure that ripped through every shard of her being.

  Creed didn’t hesitate any longer. He lost it, just like she did. He pushed inside, filling her up with a single hard thrust. She screamed as the pressure that had built so sharp and fast exploded inside of her like a damn bomb. She rode the waves of her climax, ecstasy spreading through every limb and nerve ending and pleasure receptor she had in her body.

  “Looks like coming in ten seconds isn’t reserved just for me,” Creed said thickly over her shoulder.

  Kate shuddered. She trembled around him and writhed against him. His fingers dug into her hips and ass. He groaned as her inner muscles spasmed around him. He flexed his hips and pushed inside further, further than she thought was possible. He hit spots she didn’t know existed even in her own body.

  “Fuck,” she panted.

  “You feel amazing,” he groaned. “So fucking tight. So fucking good. Better than I ever could have imagined.”

  When Creed moved, Kate was thrust right back up into the stars. He pulled out and pushed back in, filling her, stretching her. It hurt, but the pain was delicious. He was right. She’d never had anyone half as big as he was. And she loved it. She loved his cock. She loved how soft and hard he was against her opening when he pulled out, how he felt like he was going to rip her in half as he pushed back in.

  His fingers kneaded the flesh of her ass as he started to lose it too. His thrust became harder and faster, creating a rhythm that was hot and frantic. Kate threw back her head, not sure whether she was actually coming again or whether it just felt that damn good. Her body was on fire, the sounds of their joining reaching her, his flesh smacking against hers, her body hitting the counter, her knees slamming into the cupboards. She inhaled and smelled the scent of what they were creating, something sharp and primal and delicious.


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