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Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 9

by Evan Grace

  While I clean up the breakfast dishes Gwen grabs some shorts and then she takes Butch outside. From the window, I watch her. Her hair is down and flies behind her as she chases Butch—the sun bringing out more of the red.

  She stops running and walks toward the fence. I can no longer see her, so I walk around to the sliding door. The little neighbor girl’s, I’m not sure what her name is, or her parents for that matter, head appears above the fence. Gwen is listening intently to whatever the girl is saying to her.

  Since I know she’s fine, I move back to the dishes and start cleaning up. A few minutes later the sliding door opens and Gwen comes walking inside, followed by Butch.

  “Who was your little friend out there?”

  She grabs her coffee cup and takes a drink. “That’s Allie and she’s adorable. Her mom called her in for breakfast so we didn’t get to chat too much.”

  Once the dishwasher is running, I grab Gwen’s hands. “What do you say we hop on my bike and go for a ride through the mountains? There’s this great little burger joint that’s a few hours ride from here we can stop there when we’re ready for lunch.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  I grab her and throw her over my shoulder. “Hey, what are you doing?” She squeals.

  “Shower time,” I say and then slap her ass, hard.

  “Hold on,” I shout before hitting the throttle and flying down the road. Gwen’s squeal makes me smile. We just got done eating lunch at The Burger Shack. We had a couple of their bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and chocolate milkshakes.

  When we finished eating, we got back on my bike and Gwen took a selfie of us. Now we’re just going to ride around for a little bit. She’s got her tits pressed against my back and my dick is half hard.

  As we ride along the coast, I know we’re getting close to the accident site. I’ve thought a lot about going there, but just never have done it. When I get close I find a safe spot for us to pull over.

  I shut off the bike and look back at Gwen. She’s staring at the embankment and her chin wobbles. “Baby, it’s okay. Come with me.” I climb off the bike and take her hand when she does the same.

  We walk to the edge where we can see what we rolled down—jagged rocks poke out from the dirt. Boulders of different sizes lay haphazardly at the bottom of the embankment.

  I move behind Gwen, wrapping my arms around her chest. “I still can’t believe we survived,” she says softly.

  “I know, but we did—we need to be thankful for that. We don’t think about the what-ifs.”

  She doesn’t say anything but leans back farther into me. I kiss her temple and lead her back to my bike. We ride back to my place and by the time Gwen and I roll into my driveway, I’m ready to be off of my bike.

  As soon as I let us inside, Gwen heads down the hallway and disappears into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

  “Fuck,” I whisper to myself as I let Butch out. While he does his business, I give him some fresh water and food. Once he’s back inside, I go to the bathroom and just as I am about to knock, the door opens. “Are you okay?”

  Gwen smiles. “Yeah, sorry, I had to pee really bad.”

  Phew, that’s good. I thought maybe I had messed up taking her there, but I just wanted her to remember that she was alive. I haven’t told anyone that I’ve made an appointment to talk to the therapist the department uses. It’s the same one that Grant told his daughter about.

  She follows me into the kitchen and I grab a bottle of water for both of us. I open the freezer and see nothing that looks appetizing. I’m sure there isn’t anything in the refrigerator either.

  “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I don’t feel like cooking” I say as I grab a hank of her hair, wrapping it around my fingers. Fuck, it’s soft.

  Gwen freezes. “Uh… yes. That sounds good because I don’t want to cook either.”

  I know why she’s reacting that way. We haven’t actually been out on an official date yet. I can tell it means something to her. “Great. What sounds good?”

  “Chicken tenders, fries, and a strawberry malt.” She starts to laugh because her stomach growls loudly.

  I grab her hand and pull her toward me. I lean down and kiss her lips. “Lulu’s?”

  She gives a little fist pump. “Yes.”

  Later that night, I take my girl to Lulu’s.



  Maverick leads me into Lulu’s and we grab a booth in front of the big window that overlooks Main Street. Our waitress stops at our booth. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  I smile up at her. “I’ll take a strawberry shake, please.” I look across the booth at Maverick.

  “I’ll take a chocolate shake. Actually we’re ready to order too. We’ll take the chicken tenders and fries,” he tells her and then hands her back the menu.

  “I’d like onion rings instead of fries,” I tell her.

  Once she disappears, Maverick grabs my hands. He smiles at me in a way that makes my belly flip and my heart race.

  “Would you ever go skydiving with me?” I want to jump again and think he would love it. I want to share that experience with him. Our waitress drops off our shakes and then disappears. “I think you’d love it.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not afraid of heights, but I don’t know how I feel about hurtling toward earth at rapid speeds.” Maverick shrugs and then takes a drink of his shake.

  “I totally get it, I do. My sister won’t do it because she’s afraid of heights just like my dad, although my dad did go skydiving with my mom once. We could do it tandem.”

  He raises his brow.

  “That means you’re attached to me. I do all the work and you’re just along for the ride.”

  Maverick smirks and I know his mind went to something dirty, I’m sure.

  “Oh stop you pervert.” I laugh.

  “Let me think about it.”

  “Will you?” The thought of us jumping together fills me with a lot of excitement. “Please, please, please think about it.” I flutter my eyelashes at him, trying my best to look cute.

  He shakes his head and chuckles.


  I turn and find my grandma and grandpa Malone. I smile and then slide out of the booth, hugging them both. “Hi Nana. Hi Poppy. What are you guys doing here?”

  “We just came to grab some dinner.”

  I notice my poppy looking at Maverick with a curious look. “Poppy, this is Maverick. He’s a police officer and works for Dad.” Maverick stands up. “Maverick, these are my nana and poppy. My dad’s parents.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” He shakes both of their hands. “Do you want to join us?”

  Nana shakes her head. “No, sweetheart. You and my granddaughter enjoy your date.” She pulls me into a hug. “He’s very handsome. Sunday dinner, I want you to come and bring your man.”

  “We’ll be there,” Maverick says from beside me.

  When they walk over to their booth, we sit back down. “You don’t have to go tomorrow if you don’t want to. You know they’re all going to drill you with questions.”

  “Baby, it’s fine. I’d love to go and officially meet your family, and I would expect them to question me.”

  Our waitress brings our food and we both dig in. The silence between us is comfortable while we eat. He steals an onion ring from my plate, causing me to wrap my arm around my plate, shielding it from him. “Hey, don’t touch my rings.”

  He laughs before taking a drink of his shake. When I can’t take another bite, I push my plate away. “Oh my gosh, that was so good.”

  “Yeah good call.”

  Maverick pays the check and we stop by my grandparents’ booth on the way out. I bend down to kiss both of their cheeks. “See you tomorrow. Love you both.”

  “Good meeting you.” Maverick shakes hands with Poppy and kisses Nana’s cheek. When we’re outside, I jump onto his back and he carries me toward his bike. He lets me down
and we both climb on.

  He takes the long way back to his place. Once inside, I kick off my shoes and then let Butch out. I leave the door open so he can just come back in when he’s ready.

  When Butch comes back in, I lock the back door and then get him a treat. I head back to Maverick’s room to find him in his bed, lying on top of his comforter. He’s in nothing but a blue pair of boxer briefs.

  I strip off my jeans, take off my t-shirt and my bra. I grab my black sleep tank and throw it on. When I get into bed, I snuggle into his side. Butch jumps up, getting in between us and spinning in a circle before plopping down and resting his head on my crossed ankles.

  I look at Maverick, who is shaking his head looking at me and then his dog. “Your dog likes me better,” I sing.

  He tackles me to the mattress and pins my hands above my head. “You are such a naughty girl.” While he pins my hands, Maverick bends down, wrapping his lips around my nipple through my tank top.

  I moan and try to rub against him, but he doesn’t let me. He nips at the flesh through the tank top. I writhe under him, moaning, which turns into a giggle because Butch comes up and licks my face.

  Maverick lets go of my hands and tells Butch to stop. The dog pouts and jumps off of the bed. When he turns back to me, I don’t miss the heated look in his eyes and it’s a long time before either of us finds sleep.

  I pull into the parking lot of Wings Out. Mom wanted me to come see her, I’m sure to tell me what my whole family thought of Maverick after we left Nana and Poppy’s last night.

  It didn’t go bad and my uncles and male cousins didn’t try to kill him, but I think that’s only because they were grateful to him for taking care of me during our ordeal. Dad though, he was quiet and watchful. Every time I looked at him, he was watching us.

  Maverick took it all in stride and charmed my aunts and the female cousins. Marcie was out of town so she wasn’t there, but my sister was and I didn’t miss it when she blushed whenever Troy was brought up.

  When I climb out of my car, I spot Mom stepping out of the building. “Hey Momma.” I wrap my arms around her and we hug each other tight.

  “Hey my beautiful girl, thanks for coming to visit with me.” I follow her inside and take a seat in a chair across from her desk. She hands me a diet pop. “Everyone enjoyed meeting Maverick last night. Did he have a good time?”

  I nod, “he really did. I’m just glad no one gave him any crap. I don’t think Dad is happy I brought him.”

  “I don’t think that’s it, baby. I know you know that he’s got a bit of a reputation, but your dad did too. People change, and sometimes it’s just a matter of meeting the right person at the right time. I watched the way Maverick was with you, and it’s the same way your dad is with me. I think your dad is just sad that his baby girl is growing up.” She gives me a soft smile.

  I shake my head. “But I’ve had boyfriends before and he’s never stared them down like that before.”

  Mom takes the seat next to me, grabbing both of my hands in hers. “Most high school relationships are a lot different than the ones we have as adults. Maybe he could see something that made him think that his little girl might belong to someone else in the near future.”

  I don’t even know what to say right now, but it warms me. Of course I don’t want to get my hopes up because I’m not sure where we’re at. Yes, we act like we’re in a relationship, but we haven’t really talked about what we want out of this. “I can see myself falling in love with him.”

  She smiles at me. “He’d be lucky to have your love.”

  “I want to take him skydiving. He said he’d think about it.”

  “That’s great. I hope he says yes. Just give me a few days warning and we’ll get it all set up. I stopped trying to get your dad to jump again a long time ago, but you and your brother will keep the tradition alive.”

  She walks me out a few minutes later. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you to the moon and back, my precious baby.”

  Mom stands on the sidewalk waving as I back out of my parking spot. I decide to head to Maverick’s even though I know he is working. He told me I could and gave me a key.

  Butch greets me at the door when I let myself inside. “Should we go for a walk?”

  He gives a snort and then goes and sits by the door. I’ve totally spoiled him, but I don’t care because he’s my boy.



  It’s after midnight by the time I get home. It was a shit day, well it didn’t start shitty—it started off boring, but then went to shit when I got a call about a domestic disturbance. Troy got punched in the face by the abusive husband. He fought us both, we got him cuffed pretty quick, but it was the fact that he pulled that shit in front of his kids who were scared out of their minds.

  Thank God the wife pressed charges and between that and resisting arrest, he wasn’t going to be going anywhere. When we got back to the station, we had paperwork to do, including an incident report. Luckily Troy got away with just a black eye.

  It does something to me to see Gwen’s car in my driveway knowing she’s inside waiting for me. The moment I step inside, the stress from the night disappears.

  The house is dark with the exception of the light above the stove, coming from the kitchen. I move down the hall toward my bedroom and when I stop in the doorway, I freeze.

  Gwen is in her usual PJs; a gray tank top and electric blue silk panties. Her strawberry blonde hair is spread out on my pillow, and my dog is curled up next to her. He’s definitely her protector, which makes me happy.

  I strip out of my clothes and walk across the hall to the bathroom. After a quick shower, I brush my teeth, and then head back into my bedroom, throwing on a pair of boxer briefs.

  After I boot Butch out of bed I climb into it and the moment I’m close, Gwen wiggles until we’re touching chest to chest. I tangle my legs with hers and wrap my arm around her.

  I’m exhausted, so it doesn’t take long for my eyes to turn heavy. Before sleep pulls me under, I hear Gwen say quietly, “I’m glad you’re home safe.”

  I give a squeeze and settle in, yeah I could get used to this.

  Tonight Gwen is out with her sister for what she called “girl’s night.” They were going to bar hop with some friends they grew up with. I told her to call me when she needed to be picked up.

  A very big part of me wanted to make her change her clothes. She’s too sexy already, but in the little sundress that showcased her long ass legs she was a knockout.

  Her sandals were tan with tall wedges that added a few extra inches to her height. Gwen’s hair and makeup had her looking like a Victoria’s Secret Angel. Yep, totally should’ve tied her to my bed to keep her there… naked.

  I pull up in front of Troy’s townhouse and climb out of my Jeep. He’s got the MLB package on his TV, so I’m coming over to watch a Dodgers preseason game. I don’t bother knocking and just step inside.

  “What’s up, dick?” Troy greets me and hands me a beer.

  I take a pull from the bottle. “Thanks. What smells good?”

  “I grilled some brats.” I follow him into the kitchen. The counters are covered with side dishes. “This looks great, brother.”

  We grub while we watch the Dodgers kick some ass. After they win, I help him clean up the food. “Are you and Gwen officially a couple now?”

  I take a drink of my beer and we head out back to sit on his deck. “I’m not sure what we are, but it’s something. I’ve met her family officially as her—well, whatever we are.”

  “How’d that go? Did Chief Malone threaten to murder you if you hurt his baby girl?”

  “Naw… nothing like that, he was just very watchful, which I get because I’m sure I’d be the same way if I had a daughter.” Images of a little girl with strawberry blonde hair flit through my mind, but I quickly shove them out, even if I liked them. “It was good though. I don’t really know how to date.”

takes a drink of his beer. “Just do whatever feels natural. I don’t think there’s really a wrong way or right way to do it. Every relationship is different.” He grabs himself. “Phew… I thought maybe my dick and balls crept back up into my body, talking about this girl shit.”

  My phone rings and I see it’s Gwen. “Hey babe.”

  “Hey, Taylor is trashed and I’m afraid she’s about to be sick. We’re taking an Uber home.”

  “Babe, cancel it. Troy and I are coming to get you. He lives nearby.”

  “Yeah okay. Thank you.”

  We disconnect and we head out to Troy’s Explorer. By the time we reach the bar, I spot Gwen with a very intoxicated Taylor standing outside. Troy stops, hops out, and goes right to them, taking Taylor from Gwen.

  I walk over to my girl and pull her into my arms. “How’d that happen?” I ask.

  She looks up at me. “I told her to eat before we went out, but she said she was fine.” Gwen throws her arm out. “Obviously she’s not.”

  As we walk back to the Explorer, I crack up. Troy has his arm around Taylor’s waist and she keeps poking his nose, saying “beep” and giggling. He just shakes his head and then loads her into the passenger side.

  When we get back to Troy’s, he carries Taylor into the house with us following behind them. “I’ll just lay her down on my bed.” He disappears down the hall with her. Gwen follows behind him.

  I sit down and wait for Troy and Gwen to come back out. When Gwen does finally come out, she’s smiling. “She finally passed out. Troy says we can sleep in his spare bedroom, or we can go and he’ll look after her.”

  “Why isn’t he out here?”

  Gwen shakes her head. “My sister is using Troy as her personal mattress. In other words, she’s asleep on top of him.” She sits down next to me and yawns. “Is it okay if we stay here? It’s not that I don’t trust Troy to take care of her, but I’m not sure if she’ll remember how she got here and I don’t want her scared.”


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