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Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 14

by Evan Grace

  “Can we talk about it after dinner?” My stomach begins to turn. “Please?”

  He looks at me closely. “Sweetheart, tell me.”

  Mom reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “I’m here,” she whispers.

  I nod and take a deep breath. “Dad, I’m pregnant. Maverick’s not happy about the baby.” The silence is worrisome, and I chance a glance at him.

  Dad’s fists are clenched on the table. He gets up suddenly—his chair flies back, hitting the wall. He disappears and then I hear the front door open and slam shut.

  “Oh God. He’s going after him.” I move to stand up, but Mom grabs my hand again. “Mom, I can’t let Dad hurt him.”

  “Baby, you don’t know that’s where he went. He could’ve gone to one of your uncle’s houses. Don’t worry, okay?”

  I nod.

  “Now try to eat.”

  I do as she says, even though the food feels like lead in my belly.



  I pull my burrito out of the microwave and throw it on a plate. After I grab a beer out of the refrigerator, I carry both into the living room, setting them on the coffee table.

  While my burrito cools, I pick up the book I’ve been reading. What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I’m not sure why I bought it, but every night before bed I read a chapter.

  I pick up my burrito to take a bite when there’s a knock at my front door. The moment I pull it open, a fist punches me right in the face. I hit the floor as Butch starts going bonkers. “Boy, I’m okay,” I tell him as I look up into the extremely pissed off face of Grant Malone.

  “You knock up my daughter, and I’m assuming you kicked her out?” He grabs me by my shirt, lifting me up until I’m standing. I certainly deserve it, so I don’t even try to defend myself. “My daughter is heartbroken because of you.”

  “I know. Fuck, I know.”

  Chief lets me go. “Then fucking fix it.”

  “I’m fucking terrified, Chief. My dad split when I was ten, and when he was still around, he was an asshole who treated my mom and me like shit. What if I’m just like him and hurt her, or hurt our baby?” Well, I didn’t expect to just throw it all out there like that.

  He sighs before looking up at me. “Just because you had a shitty father does not mean you’re going to be one.”

  “I don’t know how to be a father.” If I ruined my kid’s life, I’d hate myself.

  “Listen, I have a great fucking dad, and I was scared to death when Emerson was pregnant with Gwen. When Taylor and Grant came along the fear was long gone, but with my firstborn, I was fearful of everything. The fact that you’re worried about turning into your father proves already that you love that child, you love that child enough to protect it—even if you were protecting him or her from you.” He looks at my coffee table and walks around me to pick up my book. “You love my daughter, yes?”

  “I do.”

  Grant sets the book down. “You’re an amazing officer and I’m proud to have you as part of the department. I have no doubt that you’ll be a good partner to my daughter, and a good father to my future grandbaby. Fix things with her—trust me, you don’t want to miss a single moment of this ride the two of you are about to take.”

  “I will, I promise. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Grant shakes his head. “Wash your face up first. My daughter and my wife will kick my ass if you show up with a bloody nose.”

  I nod and then head into the bathroom. My nose is slightly swollen, and I have trails of blood leaking from both nostrils. After that’s done, I get Butch settled and follow Grant out.

  My nerves kick into high gear the closer I get to my girl. What if it’s too late? What if she doesn’t want me around our baby? Nope, I can’t think of that shit right now.

  I pull up in front of their house and take a deep breath before climbing out. Grant meets me at the steps to the porch and I follow him up. When we step inside, I find Gwen sitting on the sofa. She looks up, freezing when she spots me.

  Grant walks into the living room and bends down, kissing his daughter. He grabs Emerson’s hand and they disappear. I walk farther into the room, not taking my eyes off her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I sit down next to her, but not close enough to touch her. “I’m sorry, Gwen. I love you. I told you my dad left when I was ten,” I tell her about him being an asshole, and my fears of becoming him. “See, I thought I was protecting you. I know it’s stupid, but I just couldn’t bear the idea of being just like him.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me? You let me believe that you didn’t want either of us.” She is crying now, and I can’t stand it. My heart hurts just thinking that I did that.

  I move in close to her, wrapping my arms around her until her head rests on my chest. “Baby, I’m so sorry. If you give me a chance, I’ll prove to you that I can be the man you and our baby need. I know I’m going to make mistakes, but I’ll try not to.”

  “Just so you know, I’m scared too. I never even thought about having kids, but I love this baby already.” She grabs my face. “Promise me that you’ll talk to me if you get scared again.”

  “I promise, baby. I love you and I’ve missed you so much this week.”

  Gwen hugs me tight. “I’ve missed you too. Take me home.”

  That’s what I do, and once she steps inside my place with me a half hour later, I finally feel like I can breathe—oh, and Butch is in seventh heaven when his girl comes home.

  I’m not sure what time it is when I wake up, but I smile when I realize my girl is home and in my arms. Once she unpacked—her stuff was still in her bag—we laid in bed, snuggling until things became heated between us.

  I made love to her until we both came and then she promptly passed out with me following behind her.

  Now I lay here in the dark with her draped over my body. I roll us so she’s on her back. I move down the bed until my mouth is right above her lower stomach. It’s still flat, but soon it’ll start to stick up as our baby grows—our baby, holy shit. I press my lips there and then pull back just enough.

  “I know you can’t hear me, but sweet baby, this is your daddy. I’m going to try my best to be the best father I can be. I’ll screw up, but I promise I will always love you and your mom.”

  I move back up the bed and pull her back into my arms.

  Just as I’m about to fall asleep, I hear Gwen whisper, “You’re going to be a great dad. I can feel it.”

  That’s all I can hope for and I fall asleep feeling at peace for the first time in over a week.



  Two years later

  “Good morning, everyone. I wanted to pop in before everything gets crazy. Maverick and I are finally making it official today at Sherwood Forest Beach. As I’ve said before, this will be my last travel vlog, but I just wanted to thank you all for your love and support. It’s meant the world to me and I have enjoyed sharing my adventures with you, but I’m excited to start this next chapter in my life.” I blot at the tears that start to form so I don’t ruin my makeup. “I love you all and will always cherish the memories I have of each journey I’ve been on, but now it’s time to start a new one. Peace and love, guys.”

  I stop filming and then save it. I’ll look it over later, but now I gaze out at the beach and the ocean, where Maverick and I are finally making it official. These past two years have been a whirlwind.

  Once Maverick and I made up, I immediately moved back in. Two weeks after that someone finally came forward that they’d heard Tawney talking about vandalizing my car. I didn’t press charges, but she did pay for the damages, reluctantly. Last I heard she’d moved to San Francisco, good riddance.

  I started my job at Modern Family Magazine. I answered phones, ran errands, and anything else they didn’t want to do, but I knew I was paying my dues. I was just happy that I would have insurance.

  Seven and a half months later
, I gave birth to our daughter, Emerson Marie, she’s named after both of our moms. Our baby girl is only thirteen months old and full of sass already. She’s got an adventurous spirit. She’d prefer to be outside all day every day and loves her Butch. I should be jealous that now he’s obsessed with our daughter, but she is freaking cute. I don’t blame him.

  The door to the bridal suite opens, and my mom and sister come walking in with Marcie and Emme bringing up the rear. Mom stops right in front of me. “My sweet girl. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks Mom.” My hair is in a curled side ponytail. Since it’s hot, I kept my makeup light. My wedding dress is the bomb, it’s a white slip dress that hugs my new post-Emme curves and is backless. It’s definitely the right kind of dress for a beach wedding.

  My girl screeches and tries to throw herself out of her aunt Marcie’s arms. Luckily, I know my girl and catch her with ease. She’s wearing a cute white sundress. Her hair is brown like her daddy’s with a touch of red.

  She smiles at me, her green eyes that match mine and her GiGi’s, sparkle with pure unadulterated joy. This girl is always smiling, and I hope she never stops. “Ma Ma Bah Kah.”

  “Really, baby? That’s great.” I kiss her cheek before Taylor takes her from me. “Thanks, I can’t really bend down in this.”

  Taylor and Marcie are in lavender sundresses that are knee-length. They look beautiful and that’s what I tell them. “Thank you to both of you for being here today and standing up with me.” I rub Marcie’s small baby belly. “Especially with this little guy cooking.”

  Mom steps up to us, smiling. “Girls, can you give Gwen and I a minute. We’ll be right out.” They both kiss my cheek before taking my daughter and stepping out. Mom turns back to me, smiling. “I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how proud I am of the woman you’ve become, and the wonderful mother you are. I’m so proud of you.”

  My eyes burn, but I try to blink them back. “T-That’s because I had a kickass mom who taught me everything I know.”

  She grabs my hands and pulls them up to her mouth, kissing the back of them both. “Your mom is pretty kickass.” Mom smiles at me. “Have fun on your honeymoon and we’ll make sure our baby girl is well taken care of.”

  Everyone is heading home the day after tomorrow. My parents are taking Emme home with them and are keeping her while we have our honeymoon. They spoil her whenever they watch her, but I can’t be mad about it because watching Dad go all gooey for his grandbaby makes my heart swell.

  “I know you will, Mom. Thank you again for keeping her.”

  There’s a knock on the door and Dad pokes his head inside. “Wow… you look beautiful, baby.”

  “Thanks Dad.”

  My parents lead me outside, Mom kisses my cheek before heading to the front. I look toward the makeshift altar and find Marcie and Taylor standing on my side smiling. On Maverick’s side, it’s Troy and my brother. They’re all in white linen shirts with the sleeves rolled up and khaki pants.

  Emme is in her daddy’s arms patting his face while he talks to the guys. He’s such a good dad, and I still hate that he ever thought that he could turn out bad like his dad was. All I know is whatever my dad said to him two years ago squashed any fears that were keeping us apart.

  Taylor steps across the aisle and wraps her arm around Troy’s waist. He leans down, kissing her temple. Those two have had quite the ride to get where they are, but it’s been a blast watching my baby sister fall in love, but that’s a story for another time.

  When the music starts to play, Dad holds his arm out to me. “Are you ready?” he whispers and I don’t miss the way his eyes look brighter.

  “I am.” The moment Maverick sees me as Dad walks me down the aisle is one I’ll never forget. His smile is blinding and the fact that our baby girl is in his arms, ups his hot quotient that was already off the charts.

  As I get close, he hands Emme to her uncle Grant, whom she loves more than anything because he absolutely adores her. When I finally reach my man, he takes me in his arms, kissing me deeply, and then we get married.

  Maverick thrusts into me over and over. The only sound filling our room is the sound of our flesh slapping and my moans. “Fuck, baby. I’m gonna come soon. Help me get you there.”

  I reach between us, rubbing my clit, and then he wraps his lips around my nipple, sucking hard. That’s all it takes before I am crying out. He picks up the pace and then thrusts once, then twice, before burying himself to the hilt, coming inside me.

  When he pulls out of me, he kisses my lips, then bends down kissing me where we are hoping he just planted our second child. “I’ll be back.”

  I watch his fine ass as he walks into the bathroom, returning with a washcloth, taking the time to clean me up before tossing it aside and then climbing into bed with me.

  We left the windows open to listen to the sound of the surf and while we lie there in the king-size bed in Hawaii, we let the sounds of the surf put us both to sleep.

  Epilogue II


  One year later

  I step out into the family room of the hospital, smiling when I see our family all gathered waiting to hear the news. “It’s a boy.” They all clap and cheer, except for my tiny little princess.

  “No boy.” Then she begins to cry.

  I scoop Emme up in my arms. “No, baby. You have a brother now, and you have to teach him stuff. He’s gonna love you like crazy. He also bought you a gift.” That perks her right up, causing everyone to laugh. I look at our family and smile. “Let me take her back there to meet him and then I’ll come out and get you.”

  My daughter and I head down the hallway and reach our room. Gwen smiles as soon as she sees our girl. “Hi, baby. Mommy sure missed you. Come give me some love.”

  I set Emme down and she runs over to the bed. Gwen picks her up and sets her on her lap. “I miss Momma.” She kisses our girl’s head and hugs her tight. “We’we Bubba.” We both felt it was a boy and little miss thang couldn’t say brother or sister, so she began calling the baby, Bubba. It became our son’s official nickname, even though we didn’t find out what we were having.

  Our son sleeps peacefully in his bassinet, so I carefully scoop him up and lay him on Emme’s lap, with Gwen basically holding both kids. “What do you think?”

  She doesn’t say anything, Emme just bends down, kissing him. She moves her hands, luckily Gwen’s there to spot the baby. “I done.”

  I pick up our boy and hold him to my chest. “We need to name this little guy,” I tell Gwen. We’ve thrown around some ideas, but nothing is set in stone yet.

  “I like Goose or Iceman,” she says with a laugh.

  “Haha, baby. Do we want to continue the family name theme? I kind of like the name Isaac.” She smiles at me. I know she had that on her list of possible names.

  “What about Isaac Maverick Graves? That way he’s not a junior, but he’ll have his daddy’s name.”

  I look down at my boy. “What do you think, Isaac?” He gives a big yawn and then begins sucking on his fist. “He likes it.”

  Our nurse comes in and I ask her to take a picture of the four of us. My wife scoots over in bed with our daughter on her lap, and I sit next to her with our son in my arms.

  The nurse takes a couple of photos and hands me back my phone. “You guys are a beautiful family.”

  We thank her before she takes her leave. I pull up the picture and show my wife. Fuck, we are beautiful, and to think I almost gave this all up because of fear.

  I never thought this is where life would take me. Gwen always says that I rescued her that day in the van, but honestly, I think it was the other way around—she rescued me from a life I wasn’t meant to lead. She is my soul mate, the other half of me, and I will be forever thankful for the beautiful life she’s already given me.

  Oh… and by the way, I never did go skydiving.

  The End

  Want to keep up with all of the other books in K. Bromberg’s
Everyday Heroes World? You can visit us anytime at and the best way to stay up to date on all of our latest releases and sales, is to sign up for our official KB Worlds newsletter HERE.

  Are you interested in reading the bestselling books that inspired the Everyday Heroes World? You can find them HERE.

  Coming 2021

  Freed: An Everyday Hero Novel

  The story of Taylor Malone and Troy Daniels is going to be a scorcher.

  Check out more titles by Evan Grace

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  First, thank you to my wonderful hubby, Jim. Between quarantine and endless deadlines, you stepped up as always to make sure everything was running efficiently. I couldn’t do what I love without your love and support.

  To Kristy, thank you for allowing me to write in your world. I’ve loved reading your series, and then bringing Emerson and Grant’s daughter to life. I hope I did you proud.

  Thank you to Ellie Mclove, editor extraordinaire. You always make my stories shine.

  Many thanks to my amazing ARC team. Your support over the years has meant so much to me. I promise one day I’ll be more organized.

  To Evan’s Entourage, my reader group, your excitement with each release is unwavering. I love you all and hope that I get to meet a lot of you, let’s hope next year the book signings will be back on.


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