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Baby Mistake: Alphalicious Billionaires

Page 11

by Lindsey Hart

  Her eyes flickered open and met his. “You know.”

  “No, I don’t. You’ll probably have to tell me. I’m not sure I know what to do.”

  “You really want me to say it?”

  “Yes. I want you to say it.”

  “Well…” Teela sighed. “First we started up against the wall. Then you carried me over to the bed and dropped me onto it. You- uh- we- yeah. Right there. Then you turned me over and we- uh- from behind. Then-”

  “I seriously am not going to live up to this fantasy,” Ross said, but he grinned. He trailed his finger lower, through her soaked folds, right to her entrance. Teela gasped when he slid it inside, slowly, letting her savor and wait for every single inch.

  “I don’t know,” she panted. “You might. If you tried.”

  “I doubt we should do half of those things when you’re in your condition.”

  “I’m pregnant,” Teela scoffed. “Two months pregnant, not nine months. As long as you aren’t getting carried away, I’m sure it’s okay to do things other than the missionary pose.”

  “So, you want to do this? For sure? I mean, banging you with my finer and my tongue is one thing, but it’s a whole different ball game when we take it to the level of actually putting-”

  “I know how sex works.” Teela’s lips twitched, like she was trying not to smile. Trying and failing. “You don’t have to explain it to me. I’m a big girl. I guarantee that even though I got a late start in life and didn’t conceive this baby the normal way, I know how it goes.”

  Ross bristled. He didn’t want to think about anyone else teaching Teela how it went. It was a strange, irrational, jealous thought, when he probably hadn’t had a single jealous thought in his life, and it took him by complete surprise.

  “So which fantasy would you like to live out first? The wall? Or maybe I should drag you to the edge of the bed and make you scream my name that way. Or maybe you’d like me to turn you around and twine your amazing hair through my fingers and tug your head back while I make you scream my name?”

  “Given that we’re at your parent’s house, I don’t think any of those things are actually an option.”

  Ross sighed in mock-disappointment. “Missionary it is I guess.” Really, he wasn’t disappointed at all. He just needed to do something soon, or his balls were going to disappear so far up into his body that he might never find them again. Missionary sounded pretty damn good.

  Teela’s legs parted further and he raked his hand up her thigh, pushing her dress up, tucking it around her hips. He tore her panties away, down her legs while she kicked furiously, trying to get the damn things off. He was just about there as he spread himself over on top of her, dwarfing her much smaller form, fumbling with his boxers. He was so close. So fucking close.

  And then a knock sounded at the door.

  “Is everything okay?” His mother’s voice drifted through. “I heard a noise and I know that Teela wasn’t feeling well earlier and I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do? Do you want some crackers dear? Some ginger or mint tea? A peppermint to suck on?”

  Ross groaned. He rolled off Teela, threw the covers over them both and stared up at the ceiling. He didn’t think it was possible to get any more sexually frustrated than he was at the moment.

  “We’re good, mom, thanks.”

  “Oh, alright. Just checking. Have a good sleep, honey. I’ll make pancakes for breakfast. Is that alright, Teela? Or would you rather I not cook, if it’s going to upset your tummy?”

  Ross chanced a glance at Teela. She had her hands planted over her face and he was willing to bet his entire life savings that she was totally red.

  “This is not even happening right now,” she whispered before she added, much louder. “That’s fine, Mrs. Day. Pancakes sound amazing. Thank you!”

  “Sweet dreams, dear. Goodnight, Ross.”

  “Goodnight, mom.”

  They both froze while his mom’s footsteps retreated.

  “I thought you said they wouldn’t hear a thing!” Teela ground out. “Thick walls and all that, my ass.”

  “You have a very fine ass.”

  “Stop that!” She punched him in the shoulder hard enough for it to sting. “I could just murder you.”

  “Don’t worry.” Ross rolled over, facing away from her. He had to. If he looked at her or even got close, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her and there was no way she was going to let him resume what they’d been doing after his mom cock blocked him for a second time. “I think the blue balls will take care of that all on their own.”



  The next morning, after the most delicious pancakes with blueberry syrup and whipped cream that she’d ever had in her life, she expected Ross to just drop her off at her place. She could still make it to work and salvage most of the morning, seeing as they’d got up at a ridiculously early hour.

  When Ross pulled up to the condo and killed the engine, Teela swiveled in her seat. “Uh- you want to come in? For a cup of coffee or something?”

  Ross smiled lazily back at her, which caused all sorts of hot pooling lust and butterflies and rapid heartbeats on her end. “Sure. Coffee sounds great.”

  “Even though we’ve each had two cups already?”

  “Yeah. The third’s the charm. Isn’t that how that goes?”

  “Not in this case.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we have to get ready for work. I can still make it there at a reasonable hour and blame my lateness on- on being sick or something. I don’t know. No one asks anyway. I’ll just say late or mark off the hours, but I can still make it in.”

  “You know, the owner of the company would find your dedication something to be marveled at,” Ross said patiently. “If he wasn’t in dire need of a cup of coffee.”

  “You don’t even have to be there. No one would question where you were, but I’m a different story. Especially if someone drove by and noticed your vehicle parked in front of my house.”

  “Why should that matter? Who cares if they notice? Or are you ashamed of me?”

  Teela’s cheeks heated up. “Of course, I’m not ashamed of you!”

  “I’m ashamed of my parents at the moment. No, ashamed isn’t the right word. Horrified. Mortified. A little pissed off. A hell of a lot of frustrated.”

  There was no mistaking the heat in his eyes and Teela finally figured out that when Ross said he wanted a cup of coffee, he didn’t really want a cup of coffee. Her body lit up like a damn fireworks celebration. Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe? Oh right. Because he was looking at her with that intense smoldering look in his striking blue eyes that said if she didn’t let him in and serve him a cup of coffee, he might actually combust on the spot. Or maybe that was her. Yeah. It was probably her.

  “She meant well,” Teela said, but her voice was all raspy and wrong.

  “Yeah, I’m sure she did. But still.” Ross’ eyes flicked to her condo. “There aren’t any parents in there. Are there?”

  “No. Not one. Mom and Dad live in Philadelphia.”

  “Most people move from a small town to the bigger cities, not the other way around.”

  “I guess I’m not like most people then.”

  Ross’ eyes darkened and Teela was back to wishing for that sinkhole. His eyes swept over her body, sending a flurry of sparks shooting through her, which she seriously didn’t need because she already felt like a stack of dynamite sitting there contemplating about playing hooky from work to bang her boss. When she thought about it that way, it was so much naughtier. Which shouldn’t have tickled her in all the right places, but there was definitely some tingling and some throbbing going on.

  Stupid hormones. Stupid, stupid, out of control hormones.

  “No, you’re not, are you?”

  “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Besides the fact that you’re a pain in the ass, it was meant as one.” Ross p
ulled on the door handle and ejected himself out of the car before Teela could respond. He walked up her steps and stood there waiting, until she had no choice but to get out of the vehicle and go unlock the door.

  “You’re serious about coming in?”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything.” Ross grinned. “I hear you have a nice shower. One of those that’s just barely big enough for two people, but if we’re careful, we might manage not to slip and break our necks.”

  Teela made a choked sound in her throat while she dug in her purse for her keys. Where are the damn things anyway? Her fingers were like blocks of wood, stiff and useless. Finally, she scraped the bottom of her bag and her finger brushed cold metal. She pulled them out triumphantly and managed to get them in the lock, even with the trembling her hands were doing.

  She stepped inside. “Maybe I’ll get us a cup of-”

  Ross shut the door and slid the lock in place. She didn’t have time for another word before he pulled her into his chest. Strong arms encircled her while she was shoved up against the wall, pinned down by Ross’ body. Which she actually didn’t mind one bit. She gasped and her purse slid out of her hand and hit the floor. Because she was absolutely shameless, and maybe she didn’t mind that so much after all, she arched into Ross and tipped her head up.

  And because he was Ross, he met her halfway, his lips blazing a trail of fire over her chin as he miscalculated her movement. It didn’t matter. He could kiss her anywhere. She wanted him to kiss her everywhere.

  He found her lips and devoured them. Claimed them. His mouth was hot and demanding and Teela gave back to him as good as she got. She wasn’t overly worried about her breath. Ross’ mom was kind enough to find her a toothbrush when she woke up and he’d partaken in the coffee.

  He didn’t seem to care.

  She knew she didn’t care.

  She’d kiss him if he tasted like a dragon. If his breath was stiff enough to stand up on its own. If… okay, she’d pretty much kiss him always.

  “Maybe you should lose that shirt,” she panted when Ross let her come up for air.

  He complied readily, tossing the scrap of cotton that was far too tight and far too tempting, somewhere behind them. The problem was, Ross made clothing look too good. All that bulging muscle and straining this and straining that and tight this and tight that was too much for any woman. And then… then he got naked and all that never-ending muscle- yeah. Who could resist that?

  Maybe there wasn’t something wrong with her. Maybe Ross Day was just built to tempt all woman-kind into sweet, sensual, amazing sin.

  Ross fumbled with his jeans then he stripped those off as well. He somehow managed to work them off while he was kissing her, which was a marvel she hadn’t exactly seen before. Her hands roved lower, over his hips and okay, he’d lost the boxers too. She dug her nails into the smooth skin of his ass, just because she could. Because right there in her front entrance, that glorious, sexy, god-like man was hers, and yeah, so was his rock-hard ass.

  And other rock-hard bits.

  One of which was currently pressed against her thigh, doing all sorts of throbbing. Causing all sorts of throbbing.

  “Two can play at that game,” Ross rasped against her lips.

  Teela didn’t have time to ask him what he meant before his hands slid down her hips and cupped the rounded globes of her ass.

  “You’re so hard,” she whimpered, because he was. He was crazy hard and long and thick, and he was so close. All that separated them was the thin barrier of her dress and her even thinner panties.

  Ross kissed her again, but this time, he nipped her bottom lip when he pulled away. A flurry of shivers and sparks erupted through her veins. He groaned when he heard her whimper and that was that. He picked her up like she weighed nothing at all, and she wrapped her legs around his broad hips, his broad naked hips.

  “Shower,” he ground out against her lips. “Which way?”



  Ross debated the odds of actually reaching the shower, once Teela pointed to the hallway behind them. He’d never felt so out of control and, fuck me sideways, it had been a long lead-up. He’d never been overly good at foreplay, or at least he didn’t think he had the patience for it, at least not for hours and hours of it, but that’s exactly what the past two days had felt like. Like a really long foreplay session.

  That almost succeeded in killing him.

  He stumbled blindly through the living room and down the hall, feasting on Teela’s lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth while she stroked it with hers. He was hard. He was so impossibly hard. There wasn’t a single inch of him that wasn’t turned the hell on and raring to go. His balls were about as blue as they’d ever get. Literally, he expected that if he looked down, the things would be as blue as the damn sky on one of those cloudless days. His dick was so hard it was beyond pain. His entire body felt like it was vibrating.

  Finally, finally, they reached the bathroom. Teela stuck out a hand and fumbled for the light. He didn’t bother to set her down as he stepped into the small stand up shower. She giggled as he turned the taps on, but then shrieked as they were blasted with a stream of icy cold water.

  “The hot!” She screamed. “Turn the hot on!”

  “I’m trying!” His hands worked the taps, blindly, dousing them with an even stronger stream of frigid water.

  Teela screamed and went rigid against him, trying to avoid the spray. Finally, he turned her enough to get her back onto the slippery plastic so that he could see what the heck he was doing. He spotted the hot tap and cranked it and the water immediately warmed.

  “You have a good water heater,” he panted, when he caught his breath. Because that’s a super sexy thing to say.

  Teela blinked up at him through starry, wet lashes. She giggled. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

  Ross eased her down, but the second her feet hit the shower bottom, he was working the sodden fabric of her dress off her. He practically tore at the thing, but it was drenched and heavy and clung her to her curves like a second skin. She laughed as she helped him and finally the fabric pooled around her feet. She kicked it away, out of the shower, which was currently raining onto the bathroom floor since he hadn’t shut the door.

  He turned and gripped the glass and heaved it shut with a bang that probably woke up half the condo block. He winced, but then he turned around and… and just wow.

  Teela fully naked…

  He’d been waiting his whole life for that minute when he finally figured out what was supposed to give it meaning. What he was supposed to be doing. He’d spent so many years trying to make the stores a reality, trying to get the app to work, blah, blah, blah, and none of it meant a single damn thing when he was standing next to Teela.

  She was what he was supposed to be doing.

  And not just like that, though his dick had other ideas.

  He’d known her for all of three seconds. She was barely a blip on the radar of his life, but he knew she was going to be so much more than that. And not just because she was carrying his child.

  It would have been scary as hell if he’d allowed himself to think about it, that sense of utter rightness, so he shut his brain off and concentrated instead on finally, finally finishing what they’d started.

  “Are you just going to stare at me, or are you actually going to do something?”

  “I’d rather just stare at you,” Ross admitted. “You’re perfect.”

  “I am not,” Teela scoffed. Her cheeks reddened and it was more than just the hot water.

  “You are.” Ross reached out and cupped one of her perfect breasts. “These. These are prefect.” He ran his thumb and index finger over her straining, dusky nipple. “This is perfect.” He let his hand wander down, over the curve of her hip to her flat stomach. “This- this is a crazy miracle that is going to bring everyone so much joy.” He didn’t stop, even when she inhaled sharply. “And this…” he slid his fingers down the
folds of her perfect pussy, which were already soaked and not just because they were in the shower. “This is the most perfect part of it all.”

  “Two can play at that game,” she whispered before her hand shot out and gripped his cock. She ran that delicate palm down his shaft, right to the tip, before she circled the head gently and repeated.

  “You can’t do that,” he panted. “Seriously. If you want this to- uh- be at all enjoyable for you, don’t ruin it before we start.”

  “I’d love to not stop,” Teela rasped. There was a devious twinkle in her eyes. “I’d love to do this until you came all over my hand and my belly and my thighs.”

  “Teela…” Ross groaned. His cock kicked hard in her hand. “Don’t say things like that.”

  “Why not? It’s what I want.”

  “What I want is to be inside of you, buried to the hilt, giving us both pleasure.”

  Teela’s brow arched. “For two and a half seconds?”

  “Yeah. For two and a half seconds.”

  Teela shrugged maddeningly, but her hand fell away. “Alright, if it’s what you want.”

  “It will be the best two and a half seconds of your life.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to protest. His hands encircled her hips and when he picked her back up, she was ready. Her legs curled around his hips and her back hit the shower wall. The water streamed between them, making them both slick and wet. Slicker and wetter were probably better terms.

  Ross gripped his cock and brought it to her entrance. She was so warm and wet that he nearly didn’t even last the two and a half seconds he promised her. He had to grind his teeth so hard his jaw clicked and think decidedly unsexy things like his mother interrupting them, just to keep it together.

  There was no one to interrupt them and when Teela’s feet bit into his ass and her hands grasped his shoulders and her nails sunk into the muscle, and her head fell back, her eyes closed and her lips parted, it was it. He closed his eyes and surged forward, filling her in a single hard stroke.


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