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Vengeance and Vampires- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 38

by Alicia Rades

  Venn went rigid. “Rae, I don’t think you understand—”

  A door banged open down the hall, and Sondra rushed into the living room. “Get everyone in here. I just got a lead on where Matias is staying.”

  Venn’s arms dropped from around me, and cold air rushed in to take his place. “How soon?”

  “I’m still waiting for full details,” Sondra said, “but we need to start packing. By the time dawn breaks, we’re going after him.”

  There was no talking any sense into Venn. And I thought I was supposed to be the stubborn one. Which only left one option. I was doing this without him.

  “Venn is going to be beyond pissed,” Fiona said when I told her.

  We were in the guest room we shared, packing up our stuff. I had all my belongings back since Genevieve had taken them from the apartment I'd abandoned. But I always knew our stay at her vacation home would be short-lived, so I only had to pack my hairbrush and a few dirty clothes I'd left lying at the foot of my guest bed. I'd plopped my bag on Fiona's bed and asked her to watch my stuff for me while I was gone.

  Believe me, I didn't want to leave the family. They were going to consider me a flight risk until the day I died. But I would return for certain. I just had to let someone know so they didn't think I was kidnapped or dead or something.

  “I know,” I agreed with her. “I just need a head start. And I need you to make sure he doesn't come after me.”

  Fiona gathered her hair ties from the dresser and turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Do you really think I can stop him?”

  I sighed. “He's the one who claims this is so dangerous.”

  “It is!” Fiona hissed. “You should take all of us with you.”

  “Ryland doesn't even want me around, and you're all going after Matias anyway,” I pointed out.

  “Yes, because he’s armed and highly dangerous.” Fiona sat beside me on the bed. “He probably already has a witch lined up who’s waiting on a big payday. Do you have any idea how dangerous it will be if he uses The Wise Owl? You wouldn't stand a chance against a vampire if you couldn't access your magic.”

  I frowned. “You’ve been talking to Venn, haven’t you?”

  “Well, yeah,” Fiona admitted without shame.

  “That's why you guys have to find Matias before he can use it,” I said.

  “Once we do, then we can go after Valkas. Together,” she replied. “What's the rush, Rae? He's been hiding out for years. Why do you have to kill him right now?”

  “There are a lot of reasons,” I told her. I didn't think I could even begin to explain any of it. All I knew was I had to do it. Maybe Synchrony was pushing me toward it or something… I mean, why would I get the dagger right now, right when the threat to lose my magic loomed over my head? I just had a gut feeling that Gregor Island was where I needed to be right now.

  Fiona shifted on the bed. “I don't know, Rae. It doesn't feel right, none of it. It was too convenient that Matias just handed over the dagger he spent so long searching for. You could be a pawn.”

  I shrugged. “That's exactly what I am to him, and I'm okay with that. I'll deal with his successor once I kill Valkas.”

  Fiona nervously ran her fingers through her silky red hair. “I think you should talk to Sondra.”

  “No,” I declined immediately. “You're the only person I trust to let me go.”

  Fiona bit her lower lip.

  “Speaking of which,” I said, glancing to the dark night sky. “It's time for me to leave. Maybe you can tell everyone I went to bed?”

  Fiona's eyes glistened with tears. “You're so stubborn, Rae.”

  I smiled, glad someone understood me.

  “You're like my long-lost sister,” she said, wiping at her eyes. “I didn't want you to go so soon.”

  I leaned over and pulled her into a hug. “Do me a favor and kick Matias's ass for me?”

  Fiona gave a nervous giggle and squeezed me back. “I'll get a good one in if I get a shot.”

  I drew away from her and swallowed down the lump in my throat. “I'll miss you.”

  Fiona's voice cracked. “I'll miss you, too.”

  I stood from the bed and crossed the room to the window, taking nothing with me but the clothes on my back.

  “Rae?” Fiona called in a small voice before I shifted.

  I turned back to her, and a knot formed in my chest. “Yeah?”

  “Come back in one piece, okay?”

  I hesitated before answering. I wasn't about to make a promise I couldn't keep. “I'll do my best.”

  Then I turned to the window, shifted, and flew off into the night.


  I'd never flown over such a long distance before, but it was easy to follow the roads to Nocton. Once inside the city limits, Genevieve's house was simple to find.

  I landed at the edge of her lawn and stared up at the dark bricks that matched the night sky. The windows were dark, like the rest of the houses on her street. For some reason, I pictured Genevieve as the kind of witch who would still be up at an ungodly hour, brewing potions in her cast iron cauldron. But even witches had to sleep. She'd make an exception for me, right?

  I spent far too long staring at her house, contemplating my options. Did I go up and knock on the door, hoping she was still awake? Or did I wait until morning?

  The sound of scuffling footsteps in the grass caught my attention a moment too late. I’d been wrapped up in my thoughts and let my guard down because I thought this was a safe street.

  My head snapped in the direction of the noise just in time to see a tall, muscular figure diving for me. My heart lurched, and I spread my wings, but I wasn't fast enough. Hands clamped around my throat, slamming my raven body into the grass. Judging by how hard he squeezed, I had to guess he was human or witch. A vamp or shifter would have a much tighter hold on me—but that didn't change the fact that it still hurt.

  I shifted immediately, hoping to startle the guy. It worked. He loosened his grip on me. I got my feet beneath him and dug them into his ribs, then kicked outward. He went flying across the lawn and landed with a thud. He gasped for breath but jumped to his feet quickly, taking on a defensive stance.

  In the light from a nearby streetlamp, I was able to make out his features. He had light skin and dark hair that was just beginning to gray at the temples. There were age lines to his eyes that suggested he was in his late forties or early fifties. He had a straight nose and strong jaw, with a successful businessman vibe going on. Except for the plaid pajama pants and white t-shirt.

  “What the hell?” I snapped. Did this guy seriously think he could take on a shifter?

  “I don't take kindly to shifters hanging around my house,” he growled. “Who sent you?”

  His house?

  Before I could answer, the sound of the front door opening met my ears. I was relieved to see Genevieve poke her head outside. Her short hair was tame, and she wore a silky black nightgown.

  “Are you going to stay out there all night?” she called across the space between us.

  I glanced to Business Guy. The look he gave me said he didn't know whether she was talking to me or him.

  “You'll have to forgive my husband,” Genevieve said. “If I'd have known you were coming, I would've warned him.”

  Business Guy glared at me. “You two know each other?”

  I straightened my shirt. “As a matter of fact, yes. And I don't appreciate being attacked for it.”

  His lips tightened. “You were acting suspicious.”

  “I was standing here!”

  “Suspiciously,” he muttered.

  “That's enough,” Genevieve snapped. “Richard, leave our poor guest alone. Rae, come inside. I don't have all night.”

  I hurried up the lawn to the front door. Genevieve didn't say anything as she pulled the door open to invite me inside. Richard followed, looking embarrassed.

  “I'll see you when you're finished, darling.” He took Genevieve's hand and kissed
it before turning down the hall.

  Only when he was out of sight did I finally speak. “I'm ready for that dagger,” I said, glancing around, as if I expected someone to come bursting into the house looking for me.

  “I figured you'd come for it soon.” She gestured to the stairs for me to follow her.

  “You're just going to hand it over?” I asked, shocked. “Just like that?”

  “Yes,” she said simply when we reached the top. “Your family asked me to keep it safe. They didn't say safe from whom.”

  I let out a snort. Totally embarrassing. Genevieve cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “Clearly, you know I'm doing this without their blessing,” I said.

  Genevieve shrugged and led me into the room at the top of the stairs. “You don't need their blessing, do you? I, for one, would like to see you kill Valkas. Together, you and this dagger are his biggest weakness.”

  We entered a large room lined with dark bookshelves. The drapes had been pulled over the two long windows at the other end of the room. Two plush black armchairs stood in front of a burning fire that cast shadows across the library.

  Genevieve strolled over to the mantle, her nightgown billowing around her as she walked. “You'll have to excuse my husband,” she said without looking back. “He's very protective and gets nervous about the kind of business I run. Please, take a seat.”

  I followed behind her and sank into one of the velvety chairs. My hands shook against the armrests. I couldn't believe I was going through with this. But at the same time, I never dreamed there was any other option.

  Genevieve pulled a decorative box off the mantle and turned to me. It looked like a jewelry box and had a lock on the outside, though I didn't see a key anywhere in her hands. She sat across from me and waved her hand over the box. She muttered something under her breath that I couldn't understand, and the top popped open.

  I inhaled a sharp breath when Genevieve turned the box toward me. The silver dagger sat on a bed of velvet material. I reached out, and my fingers curled around the handle of the blade. Warm tingles of magic spread up my arm. I felt powerful and unstoppable. This mofo is going down!

  “Do you know how you’re getting to the island?” Genevieve asked.

  My grip tightened around the handle. “I was kind of going to wing it. I figured I could hitch a ride, then fly to the island.”

  Genevieve’s eyebrows shot up. “You said it was in the middle of the Great Lakes, didn’t you?”

  I nodded.

  “That’s a long way to travel, considering you might miss it. I thought you said it was concealed by magic.”

  I shrugged. “I have pretty good endurance and a hell of a lot of determination. And it was concealed by magic—when Valkas was prisoner there.”

  Genevieve pressed her lips together. “If Valkas has even one witch on his side, it could very well still be concealed. The concealment charm won’t be nearly as strong as the one that was on the island before he escaped, so it should be easy to break once you’re close enough. The incantation veritatem revelare—reveal the truth—should work. The spell will be virtually undetectable since the island will only reveal itself to you and no one else. But the spell has a short range, so you have to know where you’re going.” She shot me a pointed expression, as if she didn’t believe in me.

  “I know where it is,” I said confidently. I’d never forget where Clarita placed the mark on that map. It was my only connection to Jenna.

  Genevieve stood. “Richard will drive you, then you’ll take a boat as close as you can get to the island. You can fly the rest of the way. Remember the incantation.”

  “Veritatem revelare,” I repeated.

  “Good,” Genevieve said with a nod. “When would you like to leave?”

  I hesitated. By now, Fiona had surely dropped the bomb on where I was headed. No doubt Venn was already on his way to stop me. What was his deal, anyway?

  “As soon as possible,” I answered.

  “I’ll have Richard get the car.” Genevieve started toward the door, but she stopped halfway there and turned back toward me. “Oh, and Rae?”

  “Yeah?” My throat tightened. I didn’t like the tone of voice she used, as if she was about to break some terrible news.

  Genevieve cleared her throat, but she held her head up high and confident. “You should know that there’s always more than one way off an island.”

  I furrowed my brow. It sounded ominous, like she thought I might get trapped on Gregor Island. “I thought witches couldn’t tell the future.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t. I’m just letting you know that even when strong bridges crumble, there’s always another path to take.”


  I stood at the end of the marina, staring out into the vast water. It was like standing at the edge of the ocean. Water stretched across the landscape as far as the eye could see, and waves lapped at the rocky shore. Unlike the beautiful blue skies and clear water I’d seen when I visited the ocean as a kid, Lake Michigan was covered in a gray haze, and the horizon was invisible behind a dense layer of fog. The early morning air was cool, and I couldn’t see the sun behind a thick layer of clouds. I wrapped my exposed arms around myself and clutched the dagger tightly in my hand.

  Jenna was somewhere out there. I was so close to her now… yet so far away.

  “Time to go.”

  I turned to see Richard standing behind me. He gestured to one of the motorboats parked at the edge of the dock and held tightly to the keys he’d rented.

  “You know where you’re going?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  I nodded. “If you have a map, I can show you exactly where it is.”

  “Follow me.”

  I climbed onto the boat behind him. It was the nicest boat I’d ever been on, with an enclosed cabin and fancy leather seats for sunbathing. It wasn’t big enough to live on, but I could probably sell it and buy a house in a cheap neighborhood.

  Richard let me inside, and I pointed out our destination on the navigation screen. He started up the boat and began the long journey across the water. I stood outside the cabin, clutching on to the metal railing and letting the wind rush through my hair. I barely registered the cold air since I was concentrating so hard on the water in front of me, searching for any signs of a hidden island.

  After what felt like hours, Richard slowed the boat until we left no wake behind.

  “We’re close,” Richard said, “but we have a large area to search.”

  I closed my eyes, concentrating hard on the energy around me. If there was magic concealing the island, I should be able to feel it. I felt nothing but damp air on my skin.

  “Keep going,” I stated confidently.

  Richard didn’t even question me. He increased our speed slightly, though not as fast as before.

  After several minutes, the faintest feeling of magic tingled across my arms like static electricity. I took another deep breath, letting out all the tension in my shoulders. My senses were on high alert. I heard the water lapping against the side of the boat, smelled and tasted the humidity in the air, and felt the faintest of breezes across my skin.

  “We’re getting closer,” I said.

  The farther we went, the more I felt that magical tingle. It was barely there, not nearly as powerful as the magic that radiated off The Wise Owl. I wouldn’t have even felt it if I hadn’t been paying attention. But it filled my heart with a sense of hope. Jenna didn’t have to wait much longer.

  Richard slowed the boat again as the fog thickened, blanketing the water until we could barely see in front of us.

  “We’re here,” I said, more to myself than to Richard.

  He pulled back on the throttle and killed the engine. The boat gently cut through the water, propelled along by our momentum. Without the sound of the engine to distract me, the magic felt stronger. It tingled up my arms and down my spine like a hundred tiny ants crawling across my skin.

  “The full moon is shining, t
he stars glitter above, the wind whispers softly, goodnight my love.” I closed my eyes and whispered the tune to my mother’s lullaby. I let it carry me to another place, a happy place, where all magic was possible.

  In my head, her voice called back to me. You can do this, Rachel.

  I was born to do this, I replied.

  My eyes sprang open, and the incantation dropped from my lips. “Veritatem revelare.”

  Straight in front of me, the fog parted, revealing huge boulders jutting out from the water fifty yards off the side of the boat. The boulders led like stepping stones to the edge of a rocky cliff. The cliff spanned hundreds of yards, but it barely covered the full length of the island. The island wasn’t huge by any means, but it had to be at least fifty acres. Atop the cliff sat a lush green forest, full of all different types of trees, from deciduous varieties to evergreens. Just above the trees, I saw the peaks of a large building and several chimneys reaching up into the sky. It looked like it might be a mansion.

  A sense of pride washed over me. I’d found it. I’d found Gregor Island!

  I turned to Richard. “It’s here.”

  His eyes continued to scan the water. He couldn’t see it. The incantation Genevieve had given me only lifted the concealment charm for me.

  “You’re sure?” he asked.

  “Yes. Please tell your wife thank you.”

  “Wait.” Richard stopped me before I could leave. “Should I stay here and wait for you?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t know how long it would take me to find Jenna. “Your only job was to get me here. I’ll find my own way back.”

  With that, I shifted and scooped up the dagger in my talons, then took off. I soared high above Gregor Island, trying to take in as much of the layout as I could. In the center of it all was a huge structure bigger than Maliya’s mansion. It reminded me of a French chateau, with high towers stretching above the peaked roof. There were rows upon rows of windows set into the brick siding. A stone pathway led from the main doors and into the surrounding forest.


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