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Evolving Crane

Page 24

by Dave Welch

39. The Symbassy /sim—bus—c/— A large and elite governing body with an unlimited reach in governing and political control. The Symbassy (also referred to as the body) was comprised of powerful politicians and thousands of spies that strand across several universes. The Primary goal of this organization was to enforce complete autocracy over all walks of life, to amalgam every reality.

  40. The Unitran/u—na—tran/— Over a million train systems composed of highly advanced rails and tracks. This transportation unit travels nearly about the entire Layo Galaxy (without ceasing) at the speed of light. The Unitran communicates with a docked Tele Pod at the passenger’s request. The Unitran systematically undocks the Tele Pod (and its awaiting passengers) without slowing down for attachment.

  41. Tierun /tie—ron/— The highly intelligent and sophisticated learning matter that continues to adapt to the times and the environment. The learning matter was neither a liquid nor a solid it was more of an alien mass of molecules that can communicate with itself via subspace. Tierun existed deep within the core center of the Layo Galaxy. It later migrated to the farthest ends of the Blue Lands where it then flourished out to the open surfaces of the Layo Galaxy. Tierun is believed to govern all gravitational forces, which makes it very impenetrable. It has proven to be an extremely complex substance to wield.

  42. Transportal Device (TPD)— This universal remote not only transmits a being to another place it can also be patched to reach different planets and galaxies. The device communicates with radio waves to exact a definite point in space. Then the device will convert radio waves into light, then light into tachyons, and then tachyons into a portal, which can travel to any extent of a said universe.

  43. Upper Riaxon /rye—ax—on/— The political capital for Xarchanzian and Symbassy ruling.

  44. Velleayan Fice /ve—le—ann/— Symbassy Coordinator with an extensive list of duties seeing that he was responsible for a vast majority of Symbassy planning. He was also the younger brother to the dreaded Simma Fice.

  45. Xarchanzians /zar—chan—see—an(s)/— A race of highly advanced androids created by the Inatechs with the ability to reproduce. This race was completely robotic, smart and so widely advanced that they can and adapt to any change, whether it be physical or technological. The average Xarchanzian (if not attacked and killed) can live for an eternity seeing that they can even adjust the aging process.

  46. Xarnan /zar—nan/— The birthing place for all Xarchanzians. Xarnan was the center for highly advanced weaponry, machinery, and structural development.

  47. Yueqatti Cycle /way—cot—tea/— A highly advanced hover cycle that can travel across massive spans of space and even rougher lands. Light powered the Yueqatti Cycle and can travel up to the speed of light in any direction. The cycle was usually driven by a Feuler as it can only be controlled or piloted by a Feuler’s physical DNA print.

  48. Zenickdale /zin—nick—dale/— A large section of the Layo Galaxy and birthplace of multiracial beings. The center of tourist travel, trade, commerce, and interdimensional travel. Piayas Grosine also governed Zenickdale.



  Book 2|Project: MOS

  A savage cut came from under the pod seat.


  “AAaaagghhhh!!!” The merc screamed as his foot chucked off, scattering blood over the monorail.

  He fired wildly, wobbling to the floor.

  The Feuler stood out of nowhere, chopping into the man’s head.


  He yanked his butcher knife out as the mercenaries fired.

  Sparks of death zinged by as the Feuler split in two.

  The firing stopped when the mercenaries lost sight of the deranged butcher.

  They advanced forward slowly, stopping about eight pods away from the Feuler’s cloak.

  The soldier standing in the rear reached for his intercom. But before he could relay the message, the Feuler popped up behind him, fully reunited.

  He chopped quick-


  Cleansing the merc’s head from his body.

  The vanquishing slice shook the soldiers as they turned simultaneously.

  And there the butcher stood, holding his giant knives.

  The mercs opened fire as the Feuler split in half, ducking the vicious lasers.

  FL stood beside one merc, juggling his knife into the air.

  As the merc turned to blast, his hands fell from his body.

  FL thrust his knife into the merc’s stomach.


  And with an up and down motion, he cut savagely across- until the blade cleared through.

  At the same time, FR slid behind the other mercenary. With a flick of his wrist, he aimed the butchering blade up, and-


  “Aaaghhhhh!!” The merc screamed as FR chopped deep between his legs.

  The Feuler pushed and pulled in an upward-sawing motion.

  Yanking his knife out of the man’s chest cavity, he twirled the blade back down, sloshing blood over the monorail windows.

  Both of the Xaris soldiers dismantled into a plashing gore.

  An instant death…

  As it should be.

  For the Feuler’s knives cut before greeting a surface.

  The Feuler rejoined, sheathing his mighty butcher knives up into the rear of his utility belt.

  The oily gore coated him fast as he collected a few organs.

  Carrying the gobbets in his arms like gentle perishables, he strolled casually up to the railcar’s entrance.

  The men on the platform glared as the doors opened.

  And there, the Feuler stood, in the doorway, with no emotion. For a moment, he gazed lifelessly into the army of Xarchanzians.

  Then, he dumped the mutilated lumps onto the platform.

  And with that same disturbing face…

  He took a step back, and the monorail doors shut with haste, closing the mad man up inside.




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