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Vik (Shot Callers Book 2)

Page 1

by Belle Aurora


  (A Shot Callers Novel)

  Belle Aurora

  Copyright © 2021 by Belle Aurora

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  A note from the author:



  Age 15

  “C’mon. Don’t walk away from me,” his amused holler echoed through the schoolyard.

  Ah, geez.

  I held my books tightly to my chest and tried like hell to avoid the human form of halitosis that was following me. And when he grabbed at my arm to stop me, it took everything I had inside me to not throw my books down, then throw down. Because you did not touch a Leokov without permission. Especially if you wanted to breathe through the designated holes you had and not the ones my brothers would put in you.

  I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood and counted to ten, hoping the anger simmering inside me would calm itself before it boiled over. I tried to be nice. “Mason, there’s nothing to talk about. You asked me out, and I told you that although I was flattered, I’m not allowed to date.” He looked like a wounded kitten in a letterman. “I’m sorry. I can’t go out with you.”

  Clean-cut, blonde, blue-eyed, and with a gleaming smile that hid the kind of asshole this guy actually was, Mason pursed his lips and gave me a perfectly pathetic pair of puppy dog eyes. “Give me a chance, Natalia.” Nice. The guy couldn’t even get my name right. “I’m sure when your parents meet me, they’ll change their minds. I’m a good guy.”

  Oh, puh-leeze.

  I almost said it out loud. Crowed it, actually.

  His long eyelashes fluttered in an attempt to look cute but oddly made me nauseous. I gave him one more chance to back down gracefully. “Mason, please. I don’t want any trouble, and if my brothers find out about this, there will be trouble. For you.”

  That all-American smile told me he was stupider than he looked. “Babe… I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  Ugh. What a douche.

  Well, he’d actually done it. He pushed too hard. All I could do at this point was push back. Dropping my “sweet girl” façade, I took a step toward him and uttered, “Do you know who my father is?”

  For the first time since he began targeting me, he looked unsure. “Uh….”

  Yeah. He knew who my father was. Rumors had circulated about the mob princess. They knew who I was—who we were.

  “Do you really want to do this, Mason? Are you ready for this life?” The seriousness in my tone was no joke. “Do you know what a dying man looks like? What a gunshot wound to the head and the mess it makes on carpet looks like?” I wasn’t lying when I revealed, “I do.”

  Mason leaned away from me, his pride stopping him from taking the full step back, but his response was quiet. “I just wanted to take you to the movies.”

  I blew out a breath, showing him just how stupid he sounded. We both knew what he wanted, and holding my hand in the theater wasn’t it. “No, babe. You wanted to fuck me and report back to your buddies.” He looked stunned by my brash words. “You wanted another notch on your bedpost, and I would make a very nice notch, I agree, but—” I looked him up and down. “—you and I are never going to happen, Mason. Not ever.” My eyes lowered. “And if you keep harassing me, I will have no choice but to tell my brothers about the guy at school who won’t fucking leave me alone.”

  I wouldn’t do it, but he didn’t know that.

  For a second, Mason looked spooked. He swallowed hard, his voice quieter than usual. “I just wanted to—”

  “I know,” I cut him off. “But the answer is no. You understand that, don’t you, Mason?”

  “I… uh….” He nodded, avoiding my gaze. “Yep.”

  A strong arm came around my shoulders, and my heart did that weird stuttering thing it did whenever I was close enough to smell his cologne. I didn’t take my eyes off the jock, and from the way Mason’s gaze was flittering back and forth between us, I knew the pair of us were a sight, holding our pose, the image of unwitting danger.

  “You good?” Viktor Nikulin asked in deathly quiet.

  Mason’s eyes lowered to Vik’s forearm. XAOC—the bold black Chaos tattoo was out on display, worn proudly but also as a warning to those like my dear friend Mason.

  I took pity on the guy. “Yeah. Mason was just leaving.” I blinked prettily. “Goodbye, Mason.”

  And off Mason fucked.

  We watched him saunter away, and when he was out of sight, I twisted slightly to look at Vik. “What are you doing here?”

  “What a fucking dweeb,” he uttered, still looking in the direction Mason went. “Do you like that guy?”

  My nose bunched in disgust. “God, no.”

  “Good,” he said, taking my books and holding them by his side. His arm slipped down from my shoulders to snake around my waist. “You’d think they’d get the point by now, but they just can’t help themselves. They always want to touch an untouchable.”

  I glanced down at his large hand splayed across my hip. “Says the guy touching an untouchable.”

  He didn’t deign to look at me, but his lips broke into a wide smile, showcasing his gleaming white teeth and dimples. My head swam with how beautiful this man was.

  “I don’t count.”

  I wished things were different. So many times, I prayed to every god imaginable that this stunningly handsome man would look at me as more than just his best friend’s little sister. Someone to protect. Someone to guard and shield. But he didn’t. And I was just another teenage girl craving a person I could never have.

  Maybe one day, things would be different. Maybe one day, he would see me as a woman and not some girl he needed to keep an eye on. Alas, I was just a family friend to him. Nothing more. And I was sure that when he touched me, he felt no more than platonic friendship while my every nerve ending was set on fire by a simple glance of his fingertips.

  I didn’t ask for much in life. Sure, I had everything I needed, so I never had to ask for a single thing. But if the gods were listening, I hoped they heard my prayer. I only wanted one thing.

  For Vik to look at me with the need of a man who wanted something he couldn’t have.


  He wasn’t wrong though. He didn’t count. Because my father trusted him… and for the secret fact that I was head-over-heels in love with Viktor Nikulin.


  Age 16

  He was punishing me.

  Of course, he didn’t outright come out and say it, but I had a deep, unwavering feeling he was indeed attempting to reprimand me. I could never ask though, because what if he wasn’t? I wasn’t so full of myself that I believed Vik’s every movement revolved around me.

  I watched him with her. It was torture, but I couldn’t tear my eyes off them. I wasn’t spying. We just all happened to be at the same place at the same time. And I couldn’t look away.

  Why couldn’t I look away?

  It was a Friday night, and, as per usual, the upper echelon of New Providence High School’s student body made our way over to our current hot spot, Joe’s, for a slice. If I was being honest, not many of us actually ate. It was just an excuse to slide into booths with cute boys and nurse a soda while wishing we were at home in our ratty sweats and mismatched socks.

  My excuse was that I was expected to be there. What was Vik’s excuse when he was not? The only flickering thought in my mind was that he wanted me to see him.

  The minute I walked into the decently-sized restaurant, Anika came flying at me. With an excited squeal, she hugged me tight, and her musical laughter washed over me. “Can you believe we won?”

  I’m sure she didn’t expect any more than what I gave her. I waved an invisible flag and muttered sarcastically, “Go team.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Where’s your team spirit, Nastasia?”

  I glanced down at her cheerleading uniform and smiled. “Don’t fret. You’ve got enough for both of us, Ani.”

  My gaze flittered over to a booth, and the moment I saw him, my stomach knotted. Anika locked onto my line of sight and rolled her eyes. “So, yeah. My brother’s here.”

  I could see that. But I was more interested in who he was with.

  Chastity Davis.

  My not liking the girl had nothing to do with her, and I had to give credit where credit was due. She was smart, she was kind, and—fuck me—she was beautiful. Chastity was a senior, and Vik had graduated the year before. He’d never mentioned her, so I was a little stumped at the sudden need to go out on a very public date a week after I—

  “…sleeping over at Melissa’s house tonight.”

  I found focus once more. “Sorry, what?”

  “I’m sleeping over at Melissa’s house tonight.” Without a second thought, Anika asked, “Want to come?”

  Here was the thing. Anika was sweet; she always had been. She and I were very different people, but we always came back to each other. I wasn’t sure whether it was because our families were friends or the fact that we both knew what it was like to see our fathers covered in blood… and not their own.

  Anika and I had a connection that seemed unbreakable. We had a love for each other that didn’t judge, and over the years, that connection turned solid. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

  Except sleep at Melissa Forman’s house.

  “I don’t think so, Ani.” My hesitation was clear.

  Her face fell, and I hated that it made me feel bad. Anika wore her heart on her sleeve. “Are you sure? Her parents won’t mind, I swear.”

  I was sure. “I’m not feeling it tonight.” Inhaling deeply, I let out my breath slowly, then shook my head. “I think I’m gonna go.”

  Those pretty blue eyes widened, and she reached out to squeeze my hand. “Don’t go. You just got here.”

  “Who’s going?”

  Anika and I both turned toward the sound of the voice, and when I saw who stood there, my mouth parted slightly.

  Santino Ricci.

  He was a senior, he was gorgeous, and he didn’t talk to anyone. Like, anyone. He had the reputation of being a dreadful snob. But the dreadful snob was talking to us, right now.

  I inwardly narrowed my eyes.


  “Not you, I hope.” He looked directly at me. Those perpetually hooded eyes searched me lazily. The level of confidence he had was off the charts. Normally, I would steer clear, but Anika beat me to it.

  “Nastasia isn’t having a good time. Maybe you could”—with a bump of her hip, she sent me flying in his direction—“entertain her.”

  I slammed into his front, my forearms pressed up against his firm chest, and reflexively, he caught me, one hand coming to my shoulder while the other held me easily at the lower back.

  Anika, the big fat liar, crooned, “Oh my God, Nas. Are you okay? I am such a klutz.”

  Eyes wide, I blinked up at him. He smiled down at me. “Nastasia. That’s a nice name.”

  “I—” Jesus, he was dreamy. “Yeah.”

  His lip twitched. “I’m Tino.”

  I stared at his lips and showed my level of intelligence when it came to handsome men, breathing out, “I know.”

  His eyes crinkled, and he forced down a chuckle. “You wanna share a slice with me, bella?”

  I was already nodding. Unfortunately, someone else answered for me.

  “No, she doesn’t, because we’re leaving.”

  Tino still held me close as Vik strode toward us. It took me a moment for what he said to register, and when it did, my brow bunched.

  Like hell. I wasn’t going anywhere. “I’d like to stay.”

  Vik took the two steps forward to meet me. Taking my hand, he gently pulled on it. “We’re going.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “I don’t want to go.”

  Vik chuckled caustically. “You think I want to leave a date to take you home, Nastasia?” His gaze narrowed. “Because I don’t.” I don’t know why he did it, but what he said was cruel. “But when Daddy calls, I deliver, and he wants his baby home. Now. That’s why I get paid the way I do. Mercenary rates.”

  Like I was nothing to him. As if he didn’t even like me. As though I was nothing more than a thorn in his side, a burden.

  My cheeks heated, and I mourned.

  For a second, I thought about lashing out. Unfortunately, that would show Vik just how much his words wounded me. So, I said nothing.

  Mortified, I stepped out of Tino’s hold and dipped my chin. “I’ve gotta go. Sorry.”

  Vik tugged on my fingers, but I snatched them back, tucking my hands into the sleeves of my sweater. I didn’t want him to touch me right now.

  Anika glared at him before she stepped forward and hugged me tight. “Call me.” As she walked past her brother, she muttered, “You’re a dick.”

  Vik escorted me outside and into his car. We didn’t talk the entire car ride. It was only when the vehicle stopped that I looked around.

  This wasn’t my house.

  My brow lowered in confusion. “Where are we?”

  It looked like a park.

  “You kissed me.”

  Oh, shit. Okay. We were doing this? Now? Right now?

  “You kissed me, Nas!”

  Yes. I had.

  Sinking into the seat, I covered my face with my hands. My words came out muffled. “I’m sorry.”

  I wasn’t though. What I did was shoot my shot. It didn’t work out exactly the way I hoped, but at least I was brave enough to have done it.

  “Why the fuck would you do that?” He followed up by yelling, “Why?”

  I dropped my hands from my face, looked straight ahead, and revealed a quiet, “Because I wanted to.”

  “Like you wanted to kiss Tino Ricci tonight? Is that your thing now, putting your lips on any fucking guy because you want to?”

  Oh wow. I did not deserve this. And now I was pissed.

  My eyes flashed, and I scoffed. “Better than trying to fuck some chick called Chastity, Vik.”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “And what I do with any freaking guy is none of your business.”

  “It is my business,” he boomed and for a split second, he looked unhinged. “You are my business!”

  My heart kickstarted.


  I opened the door, slid out, and walked away. I heard the car door open, and the sounds of gravel shuffling at my back told me he was catching up.

  “Where are you going?” he asked on a sigh.

  I sneered, “Anywhere away from you.”

  He caught the back of my sweater and held me still as he moved to stand in front of me. Looking maddened and confused, he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He tried again and again until finally he crossed his arms over his chest and said, “This can’t happen, Nastasia.”

  If he had taken a baseball bat to my temple, it would have hurt less.

  It took me a while, but I replied, “I know.”

  My response had him straightening, his arms falling to his sides, and his breathing steadied. “Good. Okay. Good.”

  What? Did he expect a fight?

  Well, he wouldn’t get one. I was done. Officially done.

  Our eyes locked, and we held each other’s gaze a long time before Vik swallowed and blew out a short breath. “C’mon.”

  And that was that. Whatever fantasy I had about Viktor Nikulin would remain just that.


  He walked me back to the car and opened the door for me, but just before I moved to step in, he threw the door shut with a slam. Perplexed, I spun to face him. The moment I did, he crowded me, stepping forward and using his body to hold me captive, caging me between two strong arms by either side of my head.

  My pulse increased as Vik’s eyes pleaded with mine. He shook his head. “This can’t happen.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded in agreement.


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