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The English Proposal: Christian Victorian Era Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Trilogy Book 1)

Page 11

by Jenna Brandt

  Sighing softly in contentment, she leaned forward and kissed Henry gently on the lips. As she pulled away, she saw one eye crack open and a smirk cross his face.

  “So, my wife, I wake to find you ogling me while I sleep.”

  “Oh, you.” She pinched him playfully. “You were awake the whole time.”

  He opened both eyes now and leaned up on his elbows. Jokingly, he replied, “So what if I was? I wanted to see what you would do while I slept defenseless in your arms. Would you stab me or drown me in the lake? I had to know.”

  She jumped up on her knees. “You are incorrigible! I cannot believe how you continuously dupe me into believing your fake innocence.”

  “Yes, I know, I am such a horrible man. But you redeem me, my love. Will you not give a guilty man a pardon, my queen?”

  Laughing, Margaret said, “You are atrocious!” Then she shrugged and said, “But I suppose I can give you leave if you kiss me like you did earlier.”

  Raising an eyebrow, he leaned forward and grabbed her, then flipped her over onto her back before searing her mouth with a kiss.

  She could still feel the embarrassment from when they had walked in through the side doors of their estate. She had tried to be discreet and get to her rooms before any of the servants saw them, but luck was not on her side.

  Instead, Motty and Francisca were headed down the same hall they entered. The girls looked at them, took in Margaret’s wet clothes and the couple’s messy appearance, and hurried past them. She could still hear their giggles as they echoed down the hall.

  When they reached their chambers, she turned around to confront him. Pointing a finger at him, she said, “See, I told you that the servants were going to find out. And just wait, soon it will spread throughout Brookehaven, and probably within the day throughout the county.”

  He frowned. “We are man and wife. What should it matter if people know what we do?”

  “It matters because what we do behind closed doors is one thing, but what others know about our private life is quite another. I do not want anyone to know about what we do or where we do it.”

  A look of puzzlement crossed his face for a moment but was quickly replaced by anger. “Why? Is it because you fear that your precious duke will find out?”

  Hurt flashed through her but was quickly replaced by her own rising anger. “No, it has nothing to do with him. To be perfectly honest, I do not even know if I have feelings for him anymore.”

  “I say, then why were not fighting him off when I came upon you both in the clearing?”

  She wanted to explain what happened out in the grove, but nothing made sense. Something changed for Margaret when the duke grabbed her and hurt her the way he had, she realized she really did not know the man. Was it possible that she had only been infatuated with the duke and had mistaken it for love? As she continued to get to know the duke, she realized she did not like the dark side that manifested when he did not get his way.

  “I didn’t ask or want him to do what he did out there in the grove. Henry, I want you to know: I will never hurt or betray you. You, your home, and your family are my life now. Nothing else matters, and I intend to do whatever it takes to make our life together happy.”

  He looked at her for several minutes before walking over to the window and looking out. His voice was quiet when he said, “I want to believe you, Margaret, I really do. But part of me insists that you still love him and it is only a matter of time before you give in to your desires.”

  She strode over to him and rested her hand on the back of his shoulder. “You are wrong. I could never do that because my honor is stronger than any desire or feelings I used to have.”

  Pulling away slightly, he shook his head. “You just do not get it, do you? The fact is that I am jealous of him. I want those feelings, your desires, for me and me alone. I do not want you to just submit to me. I want you to want me and need me. I want you tell me your in love with me. And what disturbs me the most is one day I fear you will do those very things for him.”

  She did not know what to say. If she argued with Henry, it would just make her seem guilty, but if she did not argue, then it would seem as if it were true.

  Without thinking, she pulled him around to face her. Placing a hand on each of his shoulders, she leaned up on her tiptoes and placed a sincere kiss upon his lips. It was the only thing she could think of that might express what she was trying to convey.

  He stood there idly.

  Not getting a response, she became more passionate, making the kiss more demanding. She felt him holding back, so she deepened the kiss and enfolded her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

  That move was his undoing. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her back with fervor. He wrapped his arms around her as he whispered, “You win this round, my dear. But then, you always do.”

  Chapter 14

  Everything was going well with Catherine’s training. Margaret could not wait to see the look on Henry’s face when she presented his sister to him as a lady.

  The two of them stood in the parlor where Margaret had been drilling Catherine for days about etiquette, proper protocol, and various other social aspects she needed to know if she wanted to pass as a noblewoman.

  “All right, Catherine, now make sure that when you see someone of lower class you make them come to you. Also, you should never curtsy to anyone who is lower than you. Let them make the first move.”

  Standing still as Margaret circled her, Catherine maintained proper demeanor. Stopping at the young girl’s side, Margaret continued, “I think that you are almost ready. All we have left is a few more proper dining and etiquette lessons as well as equestrian training. Then we will be finished.”

  Catherine cringed. “Finished? But we only began a few days ago.”

  Margaret faced the girl and said, “Yes, but you knew most everything a lady needs to already. I only had to refine a few things and teach you a couple of others. That was easy enough since you are such a quick learner. Once you know how to ride a horse like a lady, as you will need to know how to do for fox hunts, you will be able to keep up with the ton without any problems.”

  The girl took a step back, stumbling slightly. “Ride? Did you say ride a horse?” She bit her lower lip, a habit that Margaret was trying to break her of. “Must I?”

  “Do not bite your lower lip, Catherine. And yes, riding is a requirement as part of the titled.” Then a realization struck. “Do you not know how to ride a horse?”

  “At boarding school, there was never a need for me to know how to ride.” She looked away for a moment and then continued with an edge of fear in her voice. “I am also petrified of horses, Margaret. They terrify me.”

  Margaret looked at her sister-in-law for a moment and asked, “Is there a reason why you are afraid of horses?”

  “Yes, but I do not wish to talk about it.”

  “I think you must in order to get past it. I think it will be the only way that we will be able to finish your training.”

  Catherine stood still for several seconds. Then her voice lost all emotion as she said, “Perhaps I was right after all when I said that I would always be a servant. I just do not think that I am meant to be part of the nobility. Now if you will excuse me, my lady, I need to be going about my duties.”

  She turned and started to walk away when Margaret stopped her. “Wait! You do belong. I can help you get past this fear of yours, but first, I must understand it.” She reached out and touched Catherine’s arm. “Please, let me help you.”

  Turning back around, Catherine stared over Margaret’s shoulder as if she were battling with a ghost. “I was five when it happened. I had been playing hide-and-seek with Cecilia, my dearest friend. She was a daughter of one of the servants who worked for us while I lived abroad with my governess. I was searching for Cecilia in the stables, even though I knew that we were not supposed to be in there, when I heard this noise, like whimpering. I followed it to see what it was, thinking
it was a lost baby kitten or something, but when I arrived at where it was coming from, I spotted Cecilia curled up in a ball in the corner of a stall. She had spooked a horse and it had reared up.

  “I stood there, frozen with terror as I watched the horse’s front legs come down and trample my friend. It must have already done so before because there was so much blood all over her, coating her hair, her face. I just stood there for several seconds, and when she did not move, I whispered, ‘Cecilia?’ as if calling her name would bring her back. But she continued to lie there, unmoving in a puddle of blood.

  “That was when the impact of what had occurred hit me and I ran screaming into the house. The governess asked what had happened, but I just kept screaming and screaming. She held me the whole night as I alternated between screams of terror and sobs of fear. For years after that incident, I had nightmares. Infrequently, I still do. I am deathly afraid of horses. I barely look at them and I break out in a sweat.” Catherine’s eyes refocused and she looked at Margaret. “Perhaps now you understand why the mere thought of riding them is beyond me.”

  “I do see where you are coming from, and I think I understand. My brother was… killed by sharks off the coast of France when I was ten. I did not believe he was dead at first, but once the truth set in, I was petrified of the ocean. I just knew that if I went into the water, sharks were going to kill me too. But after several trips to the sea and me refusing to go in the water, my father said it was time I face my fear. So I did. I made myself go in the water. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I went out, and after that, it was like the ocean had no power over me anymore. I began to respect it and realize that we need the sea to survive, and I was able to swim without fear.” Smiling, Margaret continued, “If you can learn to find respect for the thing you fear but not let it control you, then you will be able to let go of your fear.”

  Putting on a brave face, Catherine replied, “If you will stay with me through it, then I shall try, Margaret.”

  “Good! We will start tomorrow.” She turned to Catherine and asked, “I will see you for dinner this evening, will I not?”

  Catherine nodded. “I am going to go upstairs and take a bath beforehand, and perhaps take a small nap.”

  “A bath sounds heavenly. I think I will have one as well since I feel a bit tired.”

  Once upstairs, Margaret requested that a bath be drawn for her, and since the natural light was fading as night approached, the servants also lit several candles and placed them around the room. Once the servants had left, Margaret disrobed and slowly slipped into the porcelain tub.

  The warm water felt magnificent, and she leaned back in the tub and began washing. Once she felt good and clean, she stood from the tub and placed her dressing robe around her, humming to herself.

  She felt a set of hands rest upon her shoulders, causing her to jump and twist around. She sighed with relief when she saw that it was Henry.

  “You startled me. I did not hear you come in. Do you care to take a bath? I could have the servants draw fresh water.”

  He began to massage her shoulders. “Perhaps in a moment, but right now, I want to indulge my wife.”

  Margaret sighed, loving the feel of his touch on her skin. “Oh Henry, that feels so exquisite.”

  “I need to let you get ready for dinner. If I keep this up, neither one of us will make it,” he said, letting his hand drop. “I’ll see you downstairs in a bit.”

  “Are you ready for this, Catherine?”

  Catherine nodded and the stable boy helped her mount the tamest horse Margaret could find.

  Both women were dressed in freshly pressed riding outfits: Margaret wore a dark purple and black set and Catherine donned a green and tan outfit that Margaret let her borrow. Catherine’s new clothes for her introduction into society were being made and would not be ready for several more days.

  “Margaret,” Catherine said in a shrill voice, “I do not think I can do this!”

  After mounting her horse, Margaret came up next to Catherine. She took hold of the other horse’s reins and murmured, “Whoa, whoa now. Settle down, boy.”

  She looked at Catherine, who was stiff as a board, and said, “Remember what we went over. You need to relax your body and loosen your grip. The horse can feel your tension, and that makes him nervous.”

  Margaret watched as Catherine made herself slowly calm down. Margaret was trying to be courageous for her sister-in-law’s sake, but secretly she was afraid the girl’s uneasiness would spook the horse. That was all they needed! If Catherine was already afraid of horses, being bucked off one would make it so that she never wanted to get on one again.

  Wanting to keep the horse calm, Margaret continued to hold the reins firmly while gently stroking the horse’s face as she whispered soothing words. Once she felt the horse was calm enough for Catherine to take over, she handed the reins back to her and said, “All right, now we are going to start out at a light trot. Remember to press in with your legs and guide him with your reins.”

  Catherine did as she was instructed while Margaret followed alongside.

  “Good, you are doing well, Catherine. Now I need you to give the signal to bring him to a little faster trot. Remember how I taught you to do that.”

  Once again, Catherine carried out the instruction, and the horse started to trot faster.

  “See, Catherine, you are doing fine and nothing bad is happening.”

  “It is not over yet, Margaret,” she said in a small, shrill voice.

  “But there is nothing to it once you get the basics down, and you have them.” She paused for a moment, then continued, “I think it is time for us to call it a day. Remember how we went over cooling him down before stopping completely.”

  Catherine took the horse from a slow trot to a gait and finally to a stop.

  “Thank you, Margaret, for making this possible. If not for you, I do not think that I would have ever gotten over this fear.”

  “Nonsense. It might have taken you a little while longer, but I have faith that you would have done fine on your own.”

  She laughed. “Perhaps you are right, but thank you nonetheless.”

  Margaret smiled in return. “You are very much welcome.”

  The two of them walked towards the house and chattered about the events of the morning. As they entered through the back door, Catherine sputtered in elation, “I am so happy that I was able to do this. I cannot believe that I actually followed through and was able to accomplish everything I did!”

  “I know, I am so proud of you!”

  Catherine hugged her sister-in-law, saying, “Thank you so much. I never thought I would be able to do that.”

  From around the corner, a voice asked, “Do what?” After a moment, Henry came into view and was gazing at them with curiosity.

  Margaret replied evenly, making sure to hide her surprise at being overheard, “Catherine learned to ride a horse today.”

  He raised an eyebrow in puzzlement and asked, “You did not know how to before today?”

  Catherine shook her head. “It was Margaret who encouraged me to try and helped me through it.”

  He looked at his wife with apparent respect and admiration. “Well done, my love. I am pleased that you have taken an interest in my sister.”

  Catherine’s eyes opened wide as Henry called her his sister so openly. He had never done that before.

  Patting his sister lightly on the back, Henry said with a grin, “Good job. Keep it up. Perhaps soon, all three of us can go on a ride and picnic.”

  Smiling, Catherine rushed forward, hugging her brother. “I would like that very much, Henry.”

  He looked over his sister and met Margaret’s eyes. “How about you? Would you like that?”

  “Very much, my husband.”

  “Then a picnic we shall have, and I think today is as good a day as any.”

  Both the women clapped their hands together in excitement and laughed.

sp; “This will be so much fun!” Catherine squealed.

  Margaret lovingly put her hand on Henry’s arm and said, “I am so glad you decided to be spontaneous and give us this treat.”

  “My pleasure. I can think of nothing more charming than spending time with my two favorite ladies.”

  After having Cook put some food together for them in a picnic basket, Henry tasked a few of the other servants with gathering up the supplies they would need. Once they had all of their provisions for their outing, Margaret, Henry, Catherine, and Sarah made their way to the lake via horseback.

  Once there, they set up their blanket on the bank of the lake. Margaret and Henry sat down on it to talk while Sarah went with Catherine to walk along the waterline.

  “We are beginning to feel like a real family.”

  He glanced over at his sister, who was wading in one of the naturally made pools of the river. Then he looked back at Margaret. “Yes, I am beginning to feel the same way.”

  She wanted to bring up Catherine’s introduction to society, but she did not know how to go about it. Worst of all, she feared Henry’s anger at her for going behind his back to prepare Catherine.

  Margaret was afraid that he was going to be so enraged that he would refuse to even consider it. So, even though Catherine had been ready the last week, she had said nothing, waiting for the right moment.

  “I am glad that you are settling in and accepting everything. Once you are fully accustomed to Brookehaven, I was hoping that you would not mind if we hosted a ball. How does that sound?”

  She thought about it a moment and realized that it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Catherine. As her plan began to take shape, her excitement grew. “That would be wonderful, Henry.”

  “Good, then we shall set the date for two weeks from tomorrow and have the invitations sent out posthaste.”

  Chapter 15


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