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Page 23

by Lauralana Dunne

  Those were not the words that she had meant to say, but they leapt out of her mouth before she had had a chance to stop them. She was surprised by her own insolence, and she dreaded knowing that Master Malcourt would hear of her being so disrespectful, but she kept her gaze steady as if she had meant to say it all along.

  The Captain’s expression changed drastically. His head snapped up and he glared at her scathingly. His face darkened and he leaned in slowly to whisper at her. “Watch yourself, girl, and know that I will be doing the same. Rest assured that as soon as I find a way to get rid of you you will be gone.”

  Before she had a chance to ask what he meant, he whipped the corner of his cloak over a shoulder and strode purposefully into the Prince’s chambers. The guards shut the double doors behind him.

  Kit snorted her displeasure and Phoenix turned her glare on to the dog. She snapped her fingers and marched down the hallway angrily, exiting the wing and returning to the main section of the castle. The bite on her leg stung, she was jittery from all of the embarrassment that she’d just experienced, and it was all she could do to keep her temper in check while she walked - stomped - back to the main section of the castle. She kept her breath steady in an attempt to calm herself. It certainly wouldn’t do any good to burn Angor down before all of the celebrations.

  Reaching a side door, Phoenix flung it open so forcefully that it crashed into the adjoining wall. She pointed out into the courtyard. “Go,” she told Kit firmly.

  Kit looked up at her with a soft whine and gave her tail a friendly wag.

  “Go!” Phoenix yelled. Kit tucked her tail between her legs and took off across the castle grounds.

  Phoenix pulled the door shut with a satisfying clang.

  Tired and shaking from the day’s excitement, Phoenix rubbed her arms and headed to the dorms.

  Everyone was in the common room. Despite all of the extra activities at Angor, it was lessons as usual for the other girls.

  “I’m so sick of all this ledger work!” Maggie wailed, rubbing her face with exasperation. “How am I ever supposed to meet the visiting noble boys when I have to do all of this work? Did you see Duke Ellington’s son? He’s so handsome!”

  Jenny snorted. “If you ignore his nose.”

  Maggie’s face flushed when some of the other girls laughed.

  “Now, Jenny,” Brianna said, surprisingly reproachful. “Maggie would do good to land him. After all, we can’t all get a Prince, can we?” She smiled with self-satisfaction. “Besides, Maggie,” she continued, “lessons are important. They’re what separate us ladies from the lower classes.” Brianna’s eyes followed Phoenix meaningfully when she spoke.

  Phoenix ignored her and crossed the room to sit with Elise and Sophie, both of which greeted her in a friendly fashion.

  “What happened to your leg?” Sophie asked. Phoenix looked down to see that a small spot of blood had seeped through her clothing to show up on her trous.

  Elise looked concerned. “Did that happen when you were with the Prince?”

  Phoenix grimaced and perched on the arm of the couch. “Kit got a little too excited,” she grumbled with embarrassment.

  Both girls’ mouths opened with surprise. Sophie looked aghast. “She didn’t...”

  “No!” Phoenix held out her hands to ward off Sophie’s look. “She only bit me, thankfully. I didn’t realize she was so protective.” She said the last part mournfully, feeling embarrassed about the whole situation. Her stomach hitched when she recalled how close the Prince had been sitting before Kit had interrupted them. Phoenix felt her face getting hot.

  “She’s probably just excited about all the new people,” Elise said kindly. “Our dogs used to go crazy whenever new smells came into the house. She probably felt that she was doing her duty.”

  “Duty or not,” Sophie sniffed, “what were you thinking - bringing her to Prince Hallan’s quarters like that?”

  A shriek of fury stopped Phoenix before she could answer her. Brianna had jumped up and was glaring at them from across the room. Angry red blotches spread across her face, and Phoenix felt a small twinge of satisfaction at the unflattering complexion of the other girl.

  Brianna took two swift steps towards them. “And what were you doing in the Prince’s quarters?” she hissed at Phoenix. Her voice was low, but the fury in it carried easily throughout the room. Everyone became quiet, and only Jenny dared to watch the confrontation.

  Phoenix pressed her lips together. She realized that the longer that she refrained from answering, the more antagonized the dark-haired girl became.

  Brianna, who was used to others listening to her without question, was becoming more incensed by the moment. Phoenix found it difficult to feel sorry for the girl.

  Sophie fidgeted with her needlework next to her, and Brianna’s storming eyes snapped to her quickly. “And you,” she spat at the nervous Sophie, “how dare you not come to me with this knowledge sooner.”

  Sophie’s body went rigid, and she paled as Brianna continued to glare at her. An interesting accomplishment, Phoenix thought, seeing at how the girl’s skin was tan to begin with.

  “Leave her alone, Brianna,” Phoenix told her. She was tired. Her body ached, and she was on edge from being attacked by both friend and foe. It had already been a long day, and she just wanted to get some sleep. Already she could feel the familiar dull ache forming between her shoulder blades. She didn’t have the patience to deal with Brianna acting like a spoiled child.

  “What?” Brianna hissed at her, outraged.

  Now everyone in the room was watching. Phoenix didn’t know if any of them had ever stood up to her before, but by the look of Jenny’s smirking face, Phoenix could only guess that she was the first in a very long time.

  “Leave her alone,” Phoenix repeated, tired of the girl’s sulky behaviour. “Maybe if you stopped yelling like a hysterical child you might be able to hear better. I know we all would.”

  Elise gasped. Brianna took another step forward, and Phoenix wondered if she was going to try to hit her. All eyes were on her, however, and she watched as Brianna struggled to bring herself under control.

  Brianna drew herself up. Her eyes turned vicious as a mocking smile slid across her face. “What do you know, anyway?” Her voice was rough with repressed fury. “You walk around here like you’re so special. Enjoy your little dream while it lasts. You have the standing of a slop bucket - you’re nothing but glorified trash. You, and your pathetic friends, and every freak Caller in this place!”

  “You take that back!” Phoenix cried, rising to a standing position. She was used to Brianna ragging on her, but her friends?

  “Make me!” Brianna told her triumphantly, reveling in the fact that she had finally succeeded in angering her. “Everyone knows it’s true! You three,” and she gestured to them with contempt, “are only here to learn your manners. You’re lower than those sad animals you dragged here. You have no future. The best you can do is to hope to serve someone like me.” Brianna’s beautiful eyes narrowed with hatred as she took another step forward. “And trust me - I will gladly make sure that you are on my service, personally.”

  Phoenix glared at the girl’s wicked expression. Her temperature rose as a steady knot of anger grew inside her stomach.

  She knew by now how it worked at Angor. Those girls not lucky enough to marry, or to keep their Apprenticeship, were kept on as wait staff for the noble ladies. The only alternative was for them to return to where they came from, which was something that Phoenix would not do. Unfortunately, with only their Lady to vouch for them, waiting girls became reliant upon their mistresses in order to survive.

  Phoenix also knew that she wouldn’t allow the latter to happen to either her or her friends. That was a vow she made silently to herself.

  Phoenix took the half-step to close the distance between them. She was taller than Brianna, which forced the shorter girl to look up in order to keep their eyes locked. Brianna’s face was flushed, and
Phoenix realized that she had been unintentionally heating the air around her. Instead of making herself calm down enough to cool off, Phoenix continued to warm it.

  Slowly, she brought her arm up. The Caller’s stripes on her tunic were easily visible against the darker material of her sleeve. Brianna winced slightly but she did not move, and Phoenix had to admit that she was subtly impressed by the girl’s ability to stand her ground.

  “I will never serve the likes of you,” Phoenix said to her evenly, “and that is a promise.”

  Brianna opened her mouth to respond in kind, but Phoenix, with a noise of disgust, spun on her heel and walked away from her without another word, The heels of her boots clicking on the stone floor.

  “Don’t you turn your back on me, Apprentice!” Brianna shrieked after her in outrage. “You come back here this instant!”

  Phoenix continued walking down the hall away from the common room. Mistress Ruby exited her room as Phoenix walked past it.

  “Miss Phoenix,” she greeted her.

  “Mistress,” Phoenix responded respectfully.

  “I feel as though I always miss the excitement whenever you are around, Miss Phoenix.” Mistress Ruby raised both eyebrows slightly as she regarded her.

  Phoenix gave her a slight bow. “I cannot help the excitability of those around me, Mistress.”

  Mistress Ruby looked at her silently for a moment, then, with the smallest of smiles, gestured for her to continue on her way. She turned then and made her way to the common room to calm her charges.

  Phoenix continued uninterrupted up the stairs and to her room. Sighing softly, she walked to her bed and gratefully lay on top of the covers, using her pillow to cover her head and shut out the extraneous light around her.

  The door opened as two sets of footsteps entered the room. She heard noises coming from both Elise and Sophie’s desks, and the three girls occupied themselves quietly without a word to one another.


  Phoenix was still in her bed, lying face-down, when the sun rose the following day. She did her best to ignore it, tossing under the covers in an attempt to claim as much extra sleep as possible.

  Her stomach’s eventual protesting was what finally woke her. Her rest had restored her energy, but it had done nothing to make her feel refreshed. She had had her regular sleep-terror again - her scars once more were screaming in protest - only this time gargoyles had appeared in it to add to the confusion.

  Phoenix sighed and rolled over, staring vacantly at the ceiling while consciousness chased the sleep from her eyes. She used her thumbs to try and rub the itch from the scars between her fingers.

  It was delightfully quiet. Phoenix was grateful for the fact that the room’s windows opened onto a private courtyard. It was one of the few places on Angor’s grounds where large crowds of people or caravans would not gather.

  Phoenix’s stomach growled again, and she rose in order to satiate it. She winced slightly when the fabric of her trous pulled the dried blood from the cut on her thigh. With a sigh, Phoenix threw the clothing into her washing bag with the other dirty articles. She made a mental note to wash everything tomorrow so that her finest would be ready in time for the King’s birthing celebrations.

  Changing quickly, Phoenix hurried from the dorms and down to the kitchens.

  The hearths were hot, and all the cooks were busily getting ready for mid-meal. Phoenix knew that Apprentices were not supposed to be in here picking at the food - especially before a meal started - but Tessa had told her that she was welcome to do so at any time. Her appetite had increased dramatically over the past season, but she had been told that it was normal for Callers to eat more since they used so much energy with their Power.

  Phoenix ate quickly so that she could escape before she was noticed. All the kitchens were working overtime in order to feed all of the hungry mouths, and it wasn’t uncommon that a station cook would berate her for being lazy in order to try and to get her to help out. Tessa always found a way to intercept before it became an issue, but Phoenix hated distracting her from her immediate tasks.

  She was just finishing her bowl of broth when Camden strode into the room. He was dressed in his regular Apprentice stripes, but his eyes seemed particularly stormy this morning. He must’ve had a rough eve, Phoenix thought, judging by the expression on his face. Ignoring everyone around him, he took a plate and filled it quickly without so much as a word to anyone. Phoenix saw a few black looks pass among the cooks, but he received no reprimand for his actions.

  Phoenix raised her arm to get his attention. Catching her eye, Camden stiffly made his way towards her and seated himself at her table.

  “Where have you been all morning?” he asked her, putting a large piece of cheese in his mouth. He seemed overly disapproving, but Phoenix couldn’t tell if it was because of the cheese or not.

  “I slept in,” she told him shortly. He opened his mouth to berate her, but Phoenix picked up one of his bread rolls and held it in front of his mouth in an attempt to block his speech. Sullenly, he pushed her hand away, so, with a shrug, she took a bite of the roll herself.

  “You look exhausted,” she told him, noting the darkening circles under his eyes. “Do you even sleep anymore?”

  He glared at her but didn’t answer. Instead, he took her mug and drank her tea as payback for eating his bread roll.

  Phoenix hid her smile by finishing the roll. “When did you want to practice today?”

  “After evening’s meal,” he told her, around a mouthful of hot broth. “We’re supposed to be running drills all day, so I don’t think we’ll get any other time for it.”

  “Drills?” she frowned.

  He blinked at her. “You didn’t Hear Master Malcourt?” He raised an eyebrow and Phoenix frowned. She never missed a calling from their Master. “He’s suspended all of our normal lessons for the next two days. He wants us to concentrate on learning combat drills because of the incident from yesterday morning.” He trailed off with a hard look, then shot her a sly smile. “You probably would have Heard him had you not slept so late...”

  Phoenix chose to ignore the last remark. She waited for Camden to finish his meal then brought their dishes to the sinks. She would have cleaned them, but one of the washers whisked them from her hands and shooed her out of the way.

  She smiled her thanks and returned to Camden, and the two walked easily together towards the courtyard.

  Camden led the way outside and into the pale sunlight.

  The smell of horses was strong, and Phoenix found herself wistfully thinking of visiting Muler and hiding away in the stables.

  Several of the new youths had assembled in the courtyard to try their hand at the beginner drills. Phoenix knew that boys flocked to Angor every year to try out as squires and pages in the hopes of eventually becoming a soldier or ranking as a Knight. From the eager grins of those assembled, many of them planned on getting a head start before tryouts.

  Captain Rolf made a point of glaring at her as she approached, but she made a point of ignoring him in return, taking up the position he begrudgingly indicated. Camden stayed up front, but she was placed in the back with the smaller inexperienced youths.

  The boy standing next to her gave her a surprised stare. “Hey! You ain’t supposed to be here!” he whispered at her. He had wide-eyes and a disarmingly youthful face.

  She blinked at him. This was where the Captain had told her to go. “What do you mean?”

  “’Cuz yer a girl,” a voice drawled next to her. An older youth was standing next to them. His sandy-blond hair was dishevelled and his skin was the color of someone who spent a lot of time under the sun, but his clothing was better than most of those assembled. He had no obvious indicators of ranking and Phoenix found herself annoyed by his haughty expression.

  “Then you won’t have no trouble keepin’ up!” she challenged, drawing herself up to match his height.

  He smiled confidently and took his position next to her. />
  A hush fell over those assembled as Rolf stood in front of them. His raised voice projected easily as he began to call out the different movements. He first demonstrated each defensive position while naming it, then he crossed his thick arms as he led the group in runs between them.

  At first the Guardscaptain called the positions slowly, pausing to allow everyone to take the stances, then he bellowed them with increasing speed. The more experienced boys in front kept up easily, their muscle memory taking over to keep their bodies flowing, but those in the back ranks were finding it difficult to keep coordinated with the movements.

  Phoenix and the blond boy were easily matched. He’d obviously had practice before. He knew all of the positions, but the faster they came the more he faltered. She could tell that he was watching her and trying his hardest to beat her.

  The younger boy on her other side tapped out and went to sit on the sidelines. A larger crowd of people had gathered, and many were leaning against the surrounding railing to watch. A few were calling out encouragement to the ones they knew who were still remaining.

  Phoenix gave up listening to Rolf and concentrated on Camden’s lean form. He moved easily from position to position, and she found that by watching him and ignoring what Rolf was saying, it was easier for her to keep up and make the appropriate movements.

  She was still having trouble with the more difficult poses, her muscles were not strong enough to support them - which surprised her, as she had no idea that Camden’s were - but she found that she could mimic them with relative ease. It got to the point that she could anticipate what Camden was doing just by his subtle beginning movements.

  More and more youths tapped out. The youngest were the first to go, followed quickly by those who were already bored. Soon enough it was only her and a handful of others.

  She was getting overheated, and her legs ached from all the crouching, but the blond boy still stood next to her so she refused to give up. Finally, when it was apparent that no more of them were going to retreat, Rolf called a halt to the exercise.


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