Book Read Free

One Giant Leap

Page 26

by Keith Martin

  It was all over the World News. Only six minutes into the flight and they wanted to know it all and the test wasn’t even finished yet. Shianne switched on WORLDNEWS.COM. “Yep…. There we all are.” The screen held a photo of the whole family together at Shianne’s graduation, then other photos of other events in their lives flashed by.

  Ashley checked her watch. “Wow they are fast. Twenty-six minutes ago we walked out of a chamber on our way to the Moon, with no one knowing, now here we are on the World News.”

  “WHAT DID YOU DO GIRL?” They both screamed as one; excited beyond containment.

  * * *

  Joshua wouldn’t let her go. He enjoyed having her sitting on his lap. The feeling of being complete was working its way through every fiber of his being. She kissed him over and over again and he crushed her to his chest trying to make them one.

  Being the man that he was, and his father’s son, he knew something was not quite as it seemed… it was time for the truth.

  She was holding him close when he said. “Sweetheart… more than anything… anything at all… the one thing I cannot stand is a lie! I know why and you were right to do so. I’m a bozo for not opening my eyes before now.”

  “It was easy. I just fixed his chart and he got bumped. Yes, I asked him first. It cost me an introduction to Connie; the woman in the chow hall.” There was nothing held back; she simply spilled the beans.

  “Costly.” He added thinking of the beautiful Connie from the chow hall. Even he would have paid for a date with a beauty like her, any man would or they would be a fool. He realized just how bad she wanted to make sure she was on the mission with him alone. Connie was one heck of a poker chip to bet on a game.

  She sat up growing very serious and looking him right in the eyes. “You didn’t have a chance. I’ve lived my life so that I could get to where I am right now. Not on this ship. That was just a road. On your lap and in your arms was my goal. I never dated in school. I was too busy studying to play around. I made sure I was the best in my flight to be here with you.”

  “So you could get the top graduate incentive? Mission to Mars?”

  “I had to make sure you were here to fall in love with me.” She pouted in her defense using all of her womanly charm to capture this mans heart.

  He let the hook dangle for a few seconds and she punched him for it. “And?” She said with a smile.

  “I think you’re going to do just fine in my family.” He noticed her chin come up and she was proud of accomplishing what she’d dreamed for so long. Her man loved her with an equal passion for their future. He knew it took planning, and she had pulled it off. He was more than impressed, he was stunned, and she was unbelievable. “But I’m warning you, right now. My sisters will freak when they find out about you!”

  “Why Joshua?” She asked innocently, she didn’t know just how new the grounds she was treading were.

  * * *

  The main thrusters burned for ninety seconds sending them streaking across the heavens. They orbited the Earth twice and when they were ready the computer sent them slingshoting on course to the Moon.

  As the G-forces slacked off the feelings of weightlessness in space took its hold on them.

  “So, there are two G-Class shuttles in space right now. Let’s call Joshua!” She moved her mouse to G-1 on the screen placing the call. “G-1 this is G-2. Come in. over.”

  ‘That was Shianne’s voice…’ Joshua set Samantha down on her feet and scrambled to the right seat.

  “G-1 this is G-2. Come in. over.”

  ‘Yep. That’s Shianne.’ Once in his seat, he put on his headset. “G-2 this is G-1. I read you loud, and clear. Over.”

  They knew there was a delay at the distances they where communicating.

  “Hi Joshua... Over.” Was all Shianne would give him. She was so excited with thought of being a whole family again she was distracted and not on top of her inner game.

  With what was going on in his life, he knew he had to be kool or Shianne would have it all figured out. “Hi Shianne...I have a question?” He had them both on the cockpit camera too. “Why don’t you tell me, how my little sister is Commanding G-2?” “Hi Ashley…Over”

  “We are delivering a load to S.M.B. With a surprise for you on board… Over.”

  He knew it then, Ashley had figured something out. They were headed to Dad. Two plus two still made four. His heart raced, he knew the distance would take time to cross. “Ten days to return crossing and mission completion. Copy that. Over.”

  “Turn on the World News and get a laugh. Sorry. Over.” Ashley’s voice came across to him. She started to point at the cockpit camera; and laugh at him. He switched on the World News. The family was right there splashed all over the screen.

  Samantha was standing behind him looking over his shoulder at him and the screen was filled with his family in it.

  Another screen came up and his whole family was splashed across it also as they checked all Earth News Networks.

  Realizing she stood there, he quickly disabled G-1s cockpit camera. It was not time to announce anything to anyone yet and here was Shianne. Like their dad she was a very sensitive person. Some called it ESP. Dad called it The Gift. They all had it in some way, but Dad and Shianne where the ones who really had it. And there was a special bond between Shianne and Joshua with only nineteen months between birthdays, they were more than siblings, they were the best friends.

  This would be hard enough without them seeing a stunning woman standing with him. He switched on the sound for her, but motioned for her to stay silent. “Ten days Joshua. Over.” Shianne was trying to do things right, she could feel something from him, something bigger than a normal Mars run.

  “Ten more beautiful days…over.” He said automatically as he looked into her eyes. It surprised them both and she silently scolded him playfully for being so open with his feelings for her.

  “Sounds like your having a great time. I thought you hated the Mars runs. Over”

  “It’s not as bad as it used to be. I think I’ll keep doing them. Over.”

  This was not her brother. She was not pleased at all. He never kept things from her but he was right now; she knew it for a fact. “I’m glad you’re doing better... Joshua.”

  She said his name hard, and he heard it for what it was. He was in deep doggy dung with her. “Drop the load on a dime and keep the wind to your backs. Over.”

  “You know I will little Sis. For now this time in the limelight is all for you two. I want to keep the roaches off my radio until I return to the Moon. Agreed? Over.”

  Well there was truth in that. She understood he needed time for something important.

  “Agreed, Can do. We are out of here. This is G-2 to G-1. Over and out.”

  * * *

  Joshua knew his surprise was not going to be a surprise for much longer. All he could hope was she didn’t catch too much. That she wouldn’t think about it until they got back, didn’t radio again, didn’t talk to Dad about it. Knowing all the while she would be digging into the computer to find out who was on this mission with him… they were toast.

  * * *

  “S.M.B. this is G-2. Come in, over.”

  “G-2 this is S.M.B., Con Man Here…” He had not left the communication station. “… Over.”

  “Hey Con Man, we are doing a few laps, then we will line up where you put us. Have you seen the news? Over?”

  Had he seen the news? It was them who needed to be filled in. “We have some scared men up here… this would not be a good time to touch down. Advise you hold in orbit until we get this worked out, I’m sure your father will have this under control in a few hours. Do you copy? Over.”

  The girls understood completely. Ashley started to get a little mad and then thought better of it. “Men…” Was all she could say to vent her frustration with the situation.

  14 Commander or Lab Rat?

  Chris was walking the halls kind of doing a check around just to make sure eve
rything was going as planed. He was riding high with the thought of regular transportation between Earth and the Moon once again opening the path to so much more then he ever dreamed of.

  That’s when he first heard words said by a few gathered members of the digging crew that had him making a beeline to find Otto. He knew Otto was the man to quell what was brewing to a head. This was simply above his pay grade. He found Otto at the chow hall and advised him they needed to get back to Mission Control right away.

  On the short walk exiting the chow hall and reentering the Mission Control doors they overheard angry words coming from a crowd they passed. “…. Fight to the death we would be doing. I say we keep them out of here or we all die...”

  Otto turned around to see who had said it. He could see that the crew was dividing, some talking harsh words and others just stopping to hear what was said. He could see fear in their eyes too and this was what he had to deal with. He had to put an end to the nonsense at once. His mind was winding through itself looking for an answer. It was there somewhere.

  “We can’t wait around on this Chris. It’ll get out of control fast if we don’t pinch it in the bud. Otto stated as he turned around to follow Chris into Mission Control.

  “That could have just been big talk.” He said to Chris. He wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince Chris or himself. “Call Vic, have him meet us here.” Otto was rolling again. A plan was forming, but he didn’t know what yet. “I have a feeling he might earn his keep today.”

  Chris dialed Vic, on the second ring. “You’ve got Vic.”

  “Vic, Otto and I would like you to meet us at Mission Control.

  “I’m on my way. Give me ten seconds.”

  “Thanks Vic.” Fred hung up. “He’s on his way.”

  It was midday at the base, a busy time on the Moon. Crews were filling the halls with a shift change and the kids were still out playing. With all the view screens and skylights adding to their energy to the halls, it was a buzz saw of activity.

  Otto loved it.

  Chris thought it was all too much, too loud, and too uncontrolled. It was a tide of action and a hundred conversations all at once.

  There was a daycare now right outside of Mission Controls doorway. Steve Terry’s crew had built the kids a playground with a sand box, slides, swings; a climbing tower with firemen’s pole, monkey bars and a ball pool next would be the school. It would hold up to two hundred students, when needed, and this was just a part of the school system the plans called for. A Childs first eighteen years on the Moon would be filled with input at college levels as soon as the child could take on the work.

  It was a confusing moment for Otto. He was never as happy as he was right then. He was about to see his daughters. At the same time he was about to fight a war just to get them on base. He knew their fears were causing this panic. And panic could hurt people. He needed to stop it from spreading and stop it fast.

  Vic walked into Mission Control to find Otto and Chris waiting for him. “Vic we have some possible real trouble and we need your help, armed.”

  “Lets all go to your office Chris. We need to talk about this.” Vic took Chris by his arm and the three men entered his office.

  All eyes turned to them except for Pete’s; he was hard at work with G-2, supervising its crossing. The rest of the men in the room looked as if they were sizing them up. The female crew was loyal and seemed calm. It was going to be up to the three of them to keep the base together through this and Otto knew it.

  The General’s office overlooked the Control Room. From his desk Chris could see every station and he liked it that way.

  They both turned to Vic as the door closed to the office. Vic had his back to the windows; he reached into his belt pulling out an old .38 special. He checked its load and handed it to Chris. He pulled another doing the same for Otto. He always had two weapons on him and he had his personal arsenal just a few steps away in his housing unit to replenish his need for weapons quickly.

  “Vic it’s not as bad as to need weapons now is it?” Otto wanted his opinion of the situation. “These are our men… you don’t think they would do anything foolish do you?”

  “I hope not. These people are my friends. But if weapons are needed; it’s better to have them with us than not.” He had heard the scuttlebutt getting started in the halls and he was just about to phone Chris with the information when he was asked to join them. It always amazed him how fast word of anything happening around the base spread through the grapevine. He was just watching the girls on his security monitors as they took off less them an hour ago and this was now the talk of the whole base.

  “Do you want us to carry extra rounds?” Otto asked as his mind was searching for an answer that didn’t include a shootout.

  “I’m just wondering where we would lock anyone up if we have to. I guess we could use that old airlock off hanger bay one.” Vic voiced his thoughts. He too was trying to think of how this was going to play out. His mind was thinking of the use of force to quell this uprising as he had been trained to do.

  It hit him hard; Vic had given Otto the plan that would avert any more foolishness on the part of the crew. Otto felt so good about the plan that he handed Vic back the revolver with a smile. “We won’t need these Vic; thanks for taking care of this for us.” He turned to pick up the phone. “I need to be patched into the base P.A. please.” He requested as Pete answered his call.

  Vic stood there holding the weapon at a loss as to how he had just taken care of an uprising before he had even seen it.

  “Go ahead Mr. Chisholm Sir.” He stumbled nervously; he was still not sure how to address Otto at any given time. Commander, Sir or Mr. Chisholm. They all fit.

  * * *

  “This is Otto Chisholm; please everyone give me a few minutes of your time. I am told that many of you are rightfully fearful of my daughters coming here from Earth. I don’t blame any of you for your fear of this happening; we have all seen the past few years and lived through it. To help you all feel better about this influx to our population, and to make sure we are all safe from the virus here on the Moon. I will be going out to the shuttle to live with my daughters in that confined space for twenty four hours before the girls enter the base. If any of you have a request that will help to protect this base in any way better than this test, please contact me at once. In the future if anything feels wrong or any of you feels threatened in any way by the operation of this base contact me or your shift Commanders at once and we will do whatever it takes to rectify the problem. We are in this together and we will live as a single family until we can return to the Earth and our lives there. Any suggestions on how we can make this quarantine more secure for the base would be greatly appreciated. G-2 is holding formation in the crossing pattern now and we need to know we are able to transport living flesh to the Moon once again. More women would be nice, but lets think of the supplies that we can once again utilize flowing up from Earth. We are asking for your help to make sure we are all safe here from the virus. Any and all suggestions will be considered. That is all and thank you for your time.”

  Otto was smiling as he sat down and relaxed, relieved that it was over, all he wished to think about now was seeing the girls. Life was good again.

  “That should do it.” Vic commented to Chris as they watched Otto sink into Chris’s chair.

  “I bet we don’t get one note in the suggestion box.” Chris made light of it and the three of them laughed.

  * * *

  “S.M.B., this is G-2. Come in. Over.”

  “Hi Shianne, how’s the view? Over.” Pete was monitoring the flight, watching Shianne bring the G-Class Shuttle into orbit with the Moon like an old pro. She was handling the ship letter perfect. The ship was at twenty miles and she was slowing down for entry into the Moon’s gravitational pull.

  “It’s breathtaking, Pete. What’s that big pile of dirt next to the base? Over.”

  “Will tell all over beers once you’re on base, glad
you two are taking the tour, it’s worth the time. By the way, nice slingshot move off Earth. It saved you one hundred and eighteen minutes and thirty eight seconds in the crossing. Not bad at all. Over.”

  “Pete, on our first pass we could see someone in a space suit standing at the end of the runway on the scanners. Are we seeing things? Over.” Ashley cut into the conversation.

  “Roger that on the man at the end of runway G-2, over.” Pete replied.

  Ashley turned to Shianne, they screamed as one. “Daddy!!”

  “Copy on the Daddy G-2, you have an open mic, over.” Pete heard giggling around him in C and C. He decided to go with it. “Daddy will direct you to your holding area. There will be twenty-four hours in quarantine before admittance to the main base. Daddy will explain all. Over.”

  With everyone and their sister listening on Earth to every word they said perhaps that would stop the questions from filling the airwaves.

  “We copy that S.M.B. over.” They just wanted to be girls on their way to see their father. But reality was duty called at all times.

  “G-2…. Please don’t run him over… we need him here…you guys have one brilliant father. Over.” Pete said.

  “Thanks for the heads up Pete; will try not to crush him. See you all in twenty-four hours. We can’t wait to meet every one on S.M.B. The beer is on you, Pete. Over.”

  Like he wasn’t going to take them out for their fist beers on the Moon. He didn’t need her to tell him what he was going to do. That girl was going to take some getting used to now that she was going to be in his face and not just a friendly voice on the phone. “Shianne, you‘ll be setting down as much weight as a small apartment building, use your lightest touch please. Over.”

  Pete’s concerns were getting on her nerves and she bit her lip so she would be nice. “Won’t even break an egg Pete, I promise. Over.”


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