One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 39

by Keith Martin

  “Yes General.” She didn’t offer her name. Fred thought this a little unusual. She took a seat also.

  “What’s going on General?” Hackett asked. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

  “Well Connie….”

  “Hackett, please!” She demanded. “Everyone calls me Hackett.”

  He liked this little mouse more and more. “Ok, Hackett it is. Please call me Fred. Now that that’s out of the way we will get down to brass tacks. We have a Satellite to find. It is called The Seeker. But it seems to be so Top Secret that there is no record of it anywhere. I’ve looked through all the United States launches over the past fifty years and there is nothing. That’s the job right now. I expect you ladies to keep this top secret until I tell you otherwise.”

  “With your clearance you found nothing at all?” Hackett knew he would have complete clearance to access any information on the net or in any database. She was surprised he was unable to find what he was looking for.

  “No not a word. But Jackal tells me you’re my girl if I want to get this information. He tells me you even best him on the chess board.”

  “Jackal’s a wimp on the board Fred.” She said smiling. “But he can fly tail feathers around me on the simulator.”

  Fred thanked god that he was a trained military man. Only his years of leading men could have stopped him from losing it completely. Hackett was a pistol and she would need watching and training as she grew up. He wondered if he could just adopt her now. “Look Hackett. We need to get to work on this.” He stood and offering his desk to her. “Jackal is on his way in with this Seeker now. I would like to be able to tell him what he found once he touches down.”

  She took the offered seat and was buzzing with excitement. She had never been given real work to do. This was the first time using a computer to find something instead creating programs or doing homework.

  “This system is coded with my password. You can get into any system on Earth or the Moon from here. I expect you to be a good girl and not go where you shouldn’t be. Agreed?”

  “You can trust me Fred.” She promised and offered her pinky to him to seal their pact.

  “Coffee, soda?” He offered them as he shook pinkies with Hackett.

  “I drink diet.” She said as her fingers went to work. She pulled a CD from her pocket and loaded it. “Don’t worry. It will make your system run faster and it will compile from multiple systems at once, it a great helper.” She hit enter when he didn’t complain. Her new life as a part of the inner team was launched with a keystroke.

  “Hey Bongo, how’s it hanging?” Ton asked walking into the Med Lab.

  “Weak, but better after the meal I just had.”

  “Who fed you?” Ton knew it wasn’t dinnertime.

  “That woman Jill was just here. Christ she is a looker.”

  “I haven’t met her yet. But it is said that she is a real stunning woman.” Ton tried to make light of it.

  “And real smart too.” Steve added in her defense.

  “Well we never expected Otto to hook up with no dummies that’s for sure. They do need to keep up with him don’t they?”

  They both chuckled as the Doctor walked in to talk with them. “Ok boys. This is it; it’s time to pull the drain tube. It’s up to you Steve. Are you ready to be a good boy and do as I say so you won’t go and die on us?”

  “Shoot Doc?”

  “No work for six weeks, no rough play for six weeks, no jumping around or drinking or smoking of anything. To cough would just kill you anyway. Can you live up to that?”

  “Yes Sir!”

  “He will do what you say Doc.” Ton added.

  “Good.” He walked over to the bedside and asked Steve to lie on his side. A quick little pull and the drainage tube was out of his chest and a bandage was applied.

  “Now get out of my lab. You two make entirely too much noise.” The Doc chastised them as he call for transport and Med staff to take Steve to his quarters. He knew better than to order him to stay any longer.

  They found Brenda sitting in the driver’s seat waiting for them. “You didn’t think your care was finished did you?” She said with authority. “We will be taking care of you at home for at least a week or two.

  Brenda’s father was walking past and stopped, leaning in so that his face was directly in Steve’s face, his nose not inches away. “And you’re going to behave yourself or I will have your balls. Do we understand each other?” His words left no room for doubt.

  “She is safe in my care Sir.” Steve replied.

  He stood back up smiling broadly. “Good, that’s good to know. We will see you at the wedding then. If you would like we will save you a seat at our table?”

  “I would love to Sir. But, I will be sitting with the Chisholm’s, and likely returning home very early, thank you for the invitation.”

  Brenda hit the power and pulled away headed toward Ton’s place. The three rode in silence for most of the trip. It was Brenda who broke the ice with her simple words. “Just three months and I turn eighteen. Then my life is mine.”

  “She’s a brave lass.” Ton commented using his best Irish accent.

  * * *

  She wasn’t at it for half an hour and she seemed to just stop working. The silence of the keys is what attracted his attention.

  “Fred. Is this ‘The Seeker’ some kind of astronomical satellite?”

  “It could be. I won’t know until we get it unloaded and have time to download any information in its mainframe.”

  “Could it look like this?” She turned the screen his way and there it was a photo of The Seeker in a hanger. It was being mounted onto a rocket that would lift it into space.

  “Well I’ll be.” He looked at the photo amazed by the speed that she had found it. This had been a full demonstration of her abilities. She had proved herself a true hacker. “Wow Hackett. You are good.” Praised the General. “Your education will be reevaluated at once. You’re going to be schooled by the best we can find, and you’re hired.” He was glad he had found her. He knew she would be a huge asset to mankind in its fight for existence.

  “Is there anything about its mission?”

  She exhaled slowly and looked at the image. “Well Fred that could take some time to find. You see its some sort of ‘Ultra Top Secret Mission’ it was built for.” She turned the screen back to face her and fingers went to work. She’d be digging until she found what Fred was looking for.

  * * *

  The shuttle touched down with Samantha at the controls. She taxied to the hanger pulling in like she had done it a thousand times before. Once the massive doors closed and the seals inflated the atmosphere began to pressurize. Being such a large area it took half an hour to return the hanger to breathable levels.

  Joshua and Samantha where ordered to assist with the unloading of The Seeker before their mission ended. It seemed the crew personnel moved like snails, it took them forever to do the simplest things. The Seeker was soon in a cradle and safe for future research.

  Shianne showed up to say hi and take possession of The Seeker. She was heading the team that would give it a microscopic exam.

  Joshua introduced Samantha, the two of them got along just like sisters. They were looking over The Seeker together when the order came for Joshua to report to the Generals office. He kissed Samantha passionately, gave Shianne another hug, and then was on his way. He made his sister promise to watch out for Samantha before he departed.

  “Like she can’t take care of herself!” She teased as he took off.

  Joshua was not half way across the hanger when the call came with orders for Samantha. She had a crossing to Earth at 6am the next morning. She was told to go home and get some rest to ready for the mission. She was close to tears at the thought of being away from Joshua for so long. She told herself she would have Joshua get himself assigned to the mission so that they could be together.

  Shianne walked her to the Craft quarters and she wa
s greeted at the door like she was one of the family; Samantha thought this unusual but she was so involved in her own thoughts and growing feelings for Joshua that it totally escaped her.

  This was where the best-laid plans started to fall apart. The dinner that had been planned for the two families had to be canceled due to the fact that both Chisholm men had duties to complete and Linda and Jill where in the chow hall helping to prepare the feast for the following day. The weddings were happening, no matter what was going on. Linda’s call to the General had assured that.

  Shianne stayed for dinner with the Craft’s, and the women had a great time talking about Samantha’s capturing of Joshua. She got very excited when she realized that Shianne would soon be her sister. Ashley showed up half way through the meal and joined in the fun.

  Dr. Ed Craft had enough of all this woman talk about his little girl marrying Joshua. There was only so much a man could take all at one time. He went to find Otto and check by the office to make sure no one had gotten hurt.

  As the sisters walked back to their quarters they were talking of the work that still needed doing to be ready for the weddings. “I bet she don’t sleep a wink tonight. Did you see how in love she is?” Ashley stated.

  “No I missed the woman with the shining eyes and the nonstop chatter about our brother.” Shianne teased in return. It was obvious to anyone that Samantha was head over heels in love. She wondered if they would get a few minutes to just be the Chisholm gang again before he was married.

  * * *

  Joshua and the General went over all the information Hackett had found so far. She stated she was in no way finished with the search. “She kind of grows on ya doesn’t she?” Joshua made fun of Hackett talking about her right in front of her.

  “I was going to check to see if we had a uniform that small!” The General stated as fact. He was not playing around. He’d decided Connie Keys would be under his wing until she finished being groomed for shuttle pilot service.

  Joshua could tell that the General found in her what he had, a natural commander and a little genius. Joshua had found her a few weeks after reaching the Moon, but at that time she was simply too young and way to small to start her career. The past two years had given her several growing spurts and he knew the Moon was ready to take her on.

  Otto walked in with DR. Craft while Joshua and the General where bantering over Hackett. Joshua wanted to put her straight into a co-pilots seat and start her flight training. Fred wouldn’t have it. “She is too young for that yet. First we get her schooling...”

  Connie couldn’t believe her ears. Never in her life had she been fought over by two people she respected so much.

  When Otto walked in with DR. Craft she was just plain overwhelmed. Otto was a man she had always loved being around. She had heard him tell the younger kids bedtime stories when it was naptime. And she loved the adventure of his words, and the fact that they all told of an adventure with Jackal and his sisters to save the day. He was the man who could fix anything. He was the father of three brilliant children. She knew the apples had not fallen far from the tree in this family.

  “Hi Hackett…” Otto tossed her hair. She knew this was his way of saying hi to the children of the base. She extended her hand like a woman would. Otto was impressed and he shook her hand gently. “… So have you figured it out yet?” He asked her.

  “It Sir?” She was confused.

  “You know? Everything? That’s your job you know.”

  Her smile told him that she was receptive to his jesting. She had passed another test with flying colors. She could take a ribbing without lashing out. This was a good sign.

  * * *

  They all talked about The Seeker for an hour then Otto couldn’t hold it any longer. “Son, we must talk.”

  “I knew Shianne had picked up on it, after that I just gave in to it.” Joshua admitted. “Did she tell many?”

  “Your wedding is at 10am tomorrow. The whole base has worked on it for days.” Otto spilled the beans.

  “WHAT?” Joshua snapped. He thought they would have time to plan their wedding together.

  “Congratulations Son.” The Doc shook his hand now that the news was out. “I know you’re going to take great care of her.”

  “Or we kill him together.” Otto added.

  “Slowly.” The General agreed as he took out four glasses asking Hackett to pull the bottle of aged rum from the desk drawer.

  Connie’s mother had long since left her daughter in the General’s care. So it was just she in the room with four of the most respected men on the Moon. She uncapped the bottle and served each a healthy swig. A last glass she filled with her soda. “Here’s to Joshua getting hitched before his father.” She raised her glass and the men followed suit. They all drank deeply from their glasses.

  Joshua had not caught Hackett’s cryptic message. “So how did this all happen?” Joshua demanded. For him, confusion and emotions all started to collide.

  “She’s mine; so guess I will field this one guys.” Dr. Craft volunteered. “It was your sister Shianne. She took my wife’s hand and picked it all up from her. I didn’t even know she was in love with you. I’m sure she told you all about her feelings, and how she has dreamed for years of you?”

  “Yes Sir. She has done that.”

  “Well we don’t know the half of it, and we should never be in a position to know the rest. Just go with the flow son, and it will all work out in the long run. Id be honored to have you in the family Joshua.”

  Joshua liked Dr. Craft. He had from the first day he had met him. He was a man to be trusted and called friend, and now he was going to be a part of his family.

  * * *

  “And now for the other news…” His father took the floor.

  “So how is Linda, and who is the stunning blond woman?” Joshua shot back.

  Otto was not surprised that Joshua had figured it out. He just started to bust up. “Jill. She is Linda’s life partner and they are a package deal.”

  “Well I have news for you Dad.”

  “What Son?”

  “Kids…? … From both of them...?”

  “That’s the idea son. Hell it’s the law of the land.” Otto wasn’t surprised, he smelled their condition on them too, and expected children from them both. The fact that it was going to happen so quickly didn’t bother him. He was looking forward to starting a larger family with these two stunning women.

  “So who’s the Asian woman?” Joshua asked trying to sort out the entire dream.

  “Asian?” Otto had no idea what he was talking about. This was news to him.

  The General felt somewhat uneasy, this conversation was way over his pay grade. He didn’t understand how they could know things having never talked about it. He was just glad that the Chisholm’s were on his side. “You people are going to take some getting used to.” He exhaled wondering what would come next.

  “I’m starving. Is there any way a man could get a meal around here?” Joshua complained.

  Otto got on his cell phone to Linda and Jill first; both were on their way to the chow hall as he ended the call. Next he called the Crafts, inviting them for coffee after Dianne informed him they had just finished dinner. “Bring that daughter in-law of mine too.” With that finished he invited the General to join them and the men headed for the chow hall.

  Hackett begged off saying she was too busy and wanted to work on The Seeker project. Otto scooped her up in his arms and started to carry her along.

  The General wondering why he had done it asked. “Do we need her for this meeting?”

  “General you’ll find the best way to get what you want from this one is just take control.”

  The whole time Hackett was on his shoulder belly down, and fighting like a landed shark to be put down. “Ok Otto, I’ll go along peacefully if you will just put me down” She gave in. She loved the attention she got from these people. With them she felt like she belonged, a feeling she didn’t experience
at home. Being physically snatched up by Otto was definitely a first for her, and she loved it. Otto slipped her into backpack position and carried her to make sure she didn’t get away.

  The chow hall was practically empty at this time of the day, so finding an empty table was easy. Jill and Linda arrived first and ordered Joshua a steak with all the trimmings with a pot of coffee for the table. The Crafts and Chisholm sisters soon joined them. The men got there after just a few minutes and they all started to take their seats.

  Linda hugged Joshua right away and introduced Jill to him. She hugged him like family without hesitation.

  “Where’s Samantha?” Joshua asked.

  “She is in bed sleeping Joshua.” Shianne took the question. “Once I got her home the Craft’s invited me to take dinner with them, and after dinner she was spent from chattering all through the meal about you. That girl is in love Joshy.”

  “Well I was hoping so or marrying her would be a big waste of emotions.” Joshua defended his girl.

  “I gather you’re in the know about everything?” Ashley asked him.

  “Sure. But thanks for trying to surprise me. I gather no one told Samantha yet?”

  “No she is still planning to go on the mission she was assigned to in the morning. Thinks we are planning a wedding for a few weeks from now.” Shianne answered.

  Joshua kept looking over at Jill and Linda. Shianne picked it up right away. With them all together it seemed to make all of their abilities stronger.

  “Do you smell it on Jill?” Shianne asked him.

  “Yes. But Linda has it too.” Joshua informed her.

  “Ok you two, what’s going on?” Linda demanded.

  Joshua sat there for an extra few seconds quietly just to let the two women squirm a little.

  “Stop this at once Joshua!” Jill scolded him motherly. “Linda asked you to explain yourself?”

  Otto’s face was lit up like a kid on Christmas day he had smelled it on them for the past day. He was just waiting for Joshua’s conformation before he talked to his women about it.


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