One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 40

by Keith Martin

  “Otto what is going on here?” Linda demanded. She knew Otto would get her to the bottom of this. Her mind was racing with thoughts she couldn’t believe. It was too soon.

  “Joshua, tell me?” Linda’s voice sounded desperate.

  “A girl…!” Joshua and Otto said as one.

  “WHAT?” Linda and Jill shouted as one.

  Joshua leaned over to Jill who was sitting next to him and he inhaled deeply. “A boy here...” He looked to his father and stated. “I think you had better marry these two before you start having a family with them Dad.”

  20 Mars Takes it Back

  A storm like none seen in ten thousand years on Mars was churning up. It was moving north of the Martian equator and headed for the area of the base. Storms happened every Martian spring like clockwork. But it was rare for them to move north of the equator. The spent winds would kick up dust as far abroad as the base, winds of a hundred miles an hour where common at the base at this time of year.

  Every year sand storms would move massive amounts of sand and small rocks as the power of their winds blasted the surface of the planet.

  These storms were much like the hurricanes of Earth. There was an eye that would be calm of winds and free of dust. The eye would normally stay south of the equator, its winds wondering all the way across the Northern part of the planet as the storms broke up.

  It was a wandering storm that moved out of this normal track that caused Larry to bury the base for protection.

  Now a storm like none ever seen was building up. Like a devil with its tail on fire this storm just started to pick up speed. The winds out on the edge of the storm were clocked at one twenty five. The winds at the heart of the storm were clocked at two hundred plus and growing fast, the eye of the storm was tracking toward the north.

  With the thin atmosphere of Mars the winds where not the real danger, a wind of one hundred miles per hour only felt like a thirty-five mile per hour breeze on Earth. But these storms would also breed tornados, massive tornado’s that would blast through with winds moving at over 600 mph. These tornados would pick up dust, sand and small rocks and destroy everything in their path. They turned into huge sand blasters that scoured the surface of the planet leaving nothing unscathed. Twisters of massive sizes and with winds clocked at over a thousand mile per hour had been recorded on Mars south of the equator.

  This storm had taken its aim at 3-M. and was heading on a direct course for the base.

  Mars had destroyed every sign of the life that had once flourished on the surface.

  It was only luck and the deep canyons that protected signs of past life on Mars to show to the crew of 3-M.

  Mars was angry that its secret was out after being kept safe for the thousands of years it had been entrusted to her.

  Now Mars was going to take back what it had lost, the six lives on the base would be the price mankind would pay for what they had found.

  * * *

  The main chamber looked as if it was a garden in full bloom. The wedding ceremonies went off without a hitch, and all on the base were in attendance.

  All the brides wore wedding gowns that were hand made on the Moon. The men all wore dress white uniforms and looked fantastic. The General even suited up Chief so the men would all match up for group photos. He gave him a temporary commission of lieutenant to assure the uniform was worn within regulations.

  Chris presided over them, and in no time the three weddings were finished and three new families where formed.

  All were amazed at the work done for this occasion. The aroma of the feast soon to be consumed filled the air, and the children of S.M.B. ran around like little wild Indians on the warpath. It was everything a bride could want on her wedding day.

  “Will all the brides please gather for photos?” The photographer requested. Photos were taken of the bride’s together and alone, the same for the grooms, the families of the couples, the Commanders of the departments, and of the staff of people who had helped to make this all happen.

  Then the photographer asked for something truly special. Chris ordered every living soul to head to Chamber One for the first group photos of all the personnel of S.M.B. they had a blast getting everyone in the frame and smiling all at once.

  It was Joshua who finally put an end to this. “Ok people. We have taken enough photos. You will find cameras here and there to record anything you fancy. But I for one am starving, let’s all retire to the tables and dig into this feast that Terry and the staff of the chow hall has prepared for us.” He popped the cork on a bottle of champagne as the personnel of S.M.B. cheered and began taking their seats.

  This was the first meal served to the population of the Moon with them all in one place. The chow hall couldn’t hope to hold even a tenth of the population at a single sitting. So this day was breaking into new ground in many ways for everyone. Otto waited for all to find their seats, and then stood to address them.

  “I look out over our family and see babies in arms and smiles on everyone’s face. For me this would be a sign that we are succeeding here. We are developing a home for future generations to enjoy and our continued growth as a people will be tied to this base we are creating.” He held his glass high and toasted. “I am the luckiest man alive to have your love, trust and respect. We should all feel as I do, because it is each of us making a home for all of us……. TO US.”

  “TO US.” Everyone raised a glass and then drank.

  “To us what Mommy?” A little voice cut through the air innocently seeking answers. If there was a face without a smile in the chamber this little girl fixed that right away.

  She picked up her daughter and answered her question. “For eating all our vegetables Angel. We should all eat all our vegetables and we will be proud of you for showing us how.” The mother looked towards the crowd around her adding. “And a good mommy takes all the help she can get to make sure you do!”

  A roar of laughter set the crew to feasting, and the celebration of these new unions was underway.

  * * *

  Only one person was manning mission control when the signal came in from 3-M. It was broadcasted in the open on the emergency frequency. “S.M.B. Mission Control this is Monica at Mars Mission Control. Winds are now clocked at more than four hundred and growing, weather radar reports the eye approaching with winds of ……” And the signal went dead. She had only gone for a cup of coffee, the message was only four seconds long and she was monitoring the Com Link between Earth and the Moon. The distress call from Mars was missed completely. The station for Mars was at the end of a row of stations, the flashing light signifying the transmission was not in the line of sight from her station.

  Only the external warning light placed right outside Command and Control had a chance off attracting anyone. The halls were deserted because every man, woman and child on the base except for the single woman holding down the fort at C and C was feasting in Alpha chamber.

  The largest tornado ever recorded on any planet was rolling toward the base. External winds where over a thirteen hundred miles per hour. It was nine hundred miles across and moving at just twenty miles per hour in reverse direction to the storm; and building. Within its winds millions of tons of dust, sand and rock were suspended.

  It found the base and it was hungry, for the next forty hours it was going to eat its fill.

  The first indication that the storm was going to end life on Mars was when a ten ton boulder fell out of the winds and crashed through the roof of the base living quarters. It killed Penny and Nic instantly and broke the pressure lock of the base. The out-gassing of pressure was like an explosion. So violent and complete that the base just started to come apart. Massive sections of the base broke away with the force of the pressure release and were carried off in the raging winds. More boulders fell and smashed the base into dust as the wall of rock made to protect the base turned into a moving wall of destruction that was consuming the base.

  Monica was in the control room whe
n the roof fell in on her ending her commitment on Mars. She tried to get the word out, but Mars had silenced her. She did get off a burst transmission of the data she knew had to be saved.

  As the tornado sat over the base it dug out all that Larry had set up to protect the base and it ground everything that was man made into dust. Not a piece of the base or its contents remained bigger than the size of a dime now and it was all scattered to the winds over thousands of square miles. Even the heavy equipment was blasted into fragments of polished steel and scattered with the winds.

  As the tornado lost its hold on Mars and the winds died down, the sand and dust covered all signs of the base and the lives that once occupied it with a thick layer of dust and soil. The surface of Mars was just like it had been before the base had been constructed, clean and devoid of any sign of life.

  * * *

  Otto was heading up to the bars storage area to acquire more drink for the consuming personnel of the base. His new wives didn’t want to leave his side, so they all loaded into a transport and started to make their way to the base. As they passed the doors of Command and Control, there was a flashing red light calling to them.

  “Please not today Otto.” Linda begged him.

  “You know we must at least look my love. It’s the job of Command Staff to never pass this signal.” He knew she understood. “The only reason for that light would be Mars. Earth would have tried cell phones if they didn’t get a return from C and C. Mars is thirteen days out right now and whatever is wrong will have been over before we could get there to lend a hand. Whatever it is will have to wait for tomorrow. I’ll just run in and turn it off.” He said jumping from the transport and entering Mission Control.

  The signal had to be shut down at the emergency station and Otto hit ‘Play back’ knowing it was his duty to at least check it out. He listened to the recording and knew the base on Mars was gone. He knew they were all dead and there was nothing they could do to bring them back. Duty made him try though he knew it would be fruitless. “M-3 this is Moon Mission Control, M-3 this is Moon Mission Control, come in over…” He waited a few seconds then repeated the hail four times without a response. He knew his wives would be coming in any second now if he didn’t hurry. He shut off the emergency beacon and asked the controller to keep trying to reach the base but to report only to him if she could not raise them. “There is no point tarnishing this day for all with news like this. Let’s just keep this quiet for now, we will deal with it in the morning.”

  “I guess your right Otto, It’s not like we can do anything to save them anyway. I’ll leave any information I gather at the Mars communications station. No one is scheduled to man it until tomorrow.” He agreed to take care of it first thing in the morning.

  Jill’s suspicion showed in her eyes when Otto came out of Mission Control. “I don’t want to know, I don’t want any bad news on my wedding day.” He agreed with her. This was no day for bad news.

  “It’s fine Jill.” He leaned over and kissed her with passion. “We need lots of booze girls. They are all thirsty back there, it’s going to take a lot to quench their thirst.” Otto smiled as he hit the power, sending the transport down the hall toward the base bar.

  “Otto, if we can help we have to try” Linda said. She didn’t want to distract from her day either, but she did understand duty and understood that her husband was a Commander here, and it was their jobs to deal with the problems of the missions that went on across the Milky Way. She had to ask. She took Jill’s hand as she asked knowing Jill would understand.

  “We are here today and we are newlyweds. Today that is all we are… should we stop by the house and consummate this union or do we play nice and get back to the reception?”

  “Home!” They both shouted as one.

  “But we have to be fast. We don’t want them sending out a search party.” Linda finished.

  Otto gave the transport more power. He knew he was going to love having these two great minds working with him.

  * * *

  The celebration lasted late into the night. Some of the sober miners took it upon themselves to act as drivers to get those unable to get home on their own power back to their quarters, the children of the base where at an impromptu slumber party at the base school and the band didn’t stop playing until the staff of the chow hall informed them it was time for breakfast.

  * * *

  Otto never did sleep. After spending the night making love to his new wives, he just lay there thinking of all he had to do. The call from Mars had to be checked and he had to dig into the gas chamber. That would just be the start of it all. But he was compelled to get out of bed and get to it. He could tell that something was up and that it was bigger then he knew. He had that old feeling again. Life for them all was about to change.

  He called Ben on his cell phone as soon as he got out of the shower and got him on the way with a transport. By the time he was finished shaving and dressing there was a quiet knock at the door to let him know he was there for him.

  “It’s your honeymoon Otto. You should be in bed with your wives.” Ben scolded him. A good man of the old ways himself, he understood Otto could not stop working even for a honeymoon, but he didn’t like it.

  “They need rest before I get back into that bed!” Otto said with pride, and more than a little arrogance. Ben loved it and just hit the power. His respect for this man went up a notch.

  “Bless your soul Otto and may the saints bless you with sons and daughters to fill your life and grandchildren to send home spoiled. You’re a good man Otto and you deserve every happiness this world can bring you.” Ben blessed Otto’s union in his own words and Otto felt truly grateful for it.

  As they drove through the main chamber they could see more than a hundred miners where still celebrating with their woman at the reception. Ben pulled up next to their tables with Otto facing them all. “Good morning you dirty moles, good morning ladies.” Otto greeted them all.

  They all called out greetings to their Base Commander. There were many catcalls mixed in with it all asking how his night had gone, they were soon all laughing together. Otto took the ribbing in stride and gave it back with gusto.

  Ben took the lead and called out to one of his foreman who was sitting playing poker with six women from the mining crews. “How’s the game Patty?”

  “It would be better if we had some money I could take from these ladies. But we are having a time of it Ben.”

  “We are trying to get him to play strip poker but he won’t do it. I think he’s chicken!” One of the women players said jokingly and punched Patty on the shoulder. This comment brought renewed laughter from all the men. ‘Chicken’ was not something a man could get away with calling Patty O’Brien. That would have led to a fight, and no one wanted to fight that wall of a man. But women had nothing to fear from him. Their abuse was all taken in good fun. For Patty, the women of the base where treated as Queens, one and all. That’s how his mother had raised him to treat women and he couldn’t raise a hand to or even disrespect a woman if he tried.

  “I’ve a shovel with your name on it their lassie, don’t you go thinken that ol’ Patty O’Brien has forgotten you be worken for me now.” Patty threatened her playfully for her words.

  “But I could break a nail Pat!!” She said in her best pouting defense. This causing renewed laughter for all in attendance.

  “Could you men get this place cleaned up for the ladies please? It would be a great surprise to them if it was all finished before they got down here.” Ben requested of his crew.

  “It is finished now Ben.” Patty assured him rising from his table while shouting his orders to the crew. The area suddenly exploded with activity as his orders brought men and woman to their feet. Ben knew the work was soon to be finished with a crew this big and Patty in control.

  * * *

  Ton watched as the transport carrying Otto and Ben pulled into the chamber from his porch. He knew Otto would be up early and back
to work. He had just caught a catnap so that he could join him knowing the first thing he would do was to finish the dig into the gas chamber.

  “Is Ton joining us or not.” Otto said as he turned around to look up to Tons place. The lift was on its way down.

  * * *

  “I just don’t get it. I used to be able to party all night long and then work all through the next day. What happened to us Ben?” Otto commented.

  “Face it Otto. We got old!” Ben said in reply while looking around to make sure no one could hear him.

  “The hell you say!” Otto acted insulted then both started to laugh at the situation.

  * * *

  “Good morning Men.” Ton said as he got in the transport. “Let’s get to this before your wives find out Otto. I think they would kill me if they found out I was helping you like this the day after you got hitched.”

  Ben hit the power and they were on their way to the gas tunnel. Ben radioed ahead to have the tunnels cleared for their passage and he ordered all nonessential personnel to be evacuated from the area.

  “So, did you tell the girls where you were going this morning?” Ton knew Otto hadn’t told anyone in his family what he was doing this morning. If he had they would all be in the transport with them. “After all, it did damn near kill Steve when he dug into it!”

  “Boys, boys, boys… all of our loved ones would kill us if they knew what we were doing right now. Do you think I told my women what I planned to do with my morning? And Ton, did you happen to mention the task for the day to Steve?” Ben did not want to hear it. He knew they were all risking their lives for the sake of the lives of everyone on the base, maybe for all of mankind. “Look at the bright side. It’s just one hour of digging and it’s finished, nothing to it. It’s just crazy that’s all! But that’s the job that needs doing. None of us would give the job to anyone else. So let’s just get it done, and try to live through the doing.” Ben barked at them both. He had never spoken to them in such a manner. It was easy to see that he too was a bit apprehensive about the job at hand. But he was too proud and brave to ever admit it.


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