From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation
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“Discours sur la nature des animaux” (Buffon), 183
Dissertatio de arte combinatoria (Leibniz), 40n26, 46, 400, 422
Divination manuals, 1–2
Divine Comedy (Dante), 147
Divine names, theory of, 150–151
Divine Names, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152, 157–158, 400, 404
“Dr. Brodie’s Report” (Borges), 438
Documentum de arte dictandi et versificandi (Geoffrey of Vinsauf), 124–125
Donatist heresy, 277
Donatus, 116, 117–120, 138
Dorando, Guglielmo, 1–2
Dorfles, Gillo, 544
Doubles, 225–226
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 313n5
Dragonetti, Roger, 292
Dreams, 27, 177, 261, 566, 579, 580
Dronke, Peter, 125, 136n19
Duby, Georges, 568
Ducrot, Oswald, 557
Dumas, Alexandre, 546
Dummett, Michael, 354
Duns Scotus, John, 240, 331, 338, 342, 352; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 343; on denotation, 373–374
Durando, Guglielmo, 2
“Du rôle de l’intellect dans l’activité esthétique” (De Bruyne), 346
Dynamic Object, 565, 567
Dyroff, Adolf, 311
Eckhart, Johannes (Meister), 335
Eclogue (Virgil), 171
Editio super Porphyrium (Abelard), 12–13
Egidius Romanus (Giles of Rome), 104, 204n29
Ekphrasis, 263, 268
Eleazar of Worms, 399
Elementatio theologica (Proclus), 234
Elipandus, archbishop of Toledo, 278
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 22
Empedocles, 181
Empiricism, British, 459, 460, 464, 468
Encyclopaedia septem tomis distincta (Alsted), 34
Encyclopediae seu orbis disciplinarum (Scalichius de Lika), 23
Encyclopedias, 3–4, 9, 18, 21–23, 28, 70–94; allegorism and, 136, 143; for children, 32n21; Chinese, 438; formats of, 70–94; Individual Encyclopedia, 72; Kabbalism and, 417; medieval, 28–33, 87; new encyclopedic models, 55–60; open-ended, 47, 55; Pliny and model of ancient encyclopedia, 23–28, 87, 183; polydimensional, 47, 437; Renaissance and Baroque, 33–37; semantics and, 550, 551–554, 565, 566; Specialized Encyclopedia, 58, 72, 85, 88, 89. See also Maximal Encyclopedia; Median Encyclopedia
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics (Sebeok, ed.), 552
Encyclopédie (Diderot and D’Alembert), 28, 47–49, 437
English language, 232
Enigma, 118, 119n2
Enthymemes, 63–64, 128n11
Epicurean hypothesis, 424, 440, 441
Epicurus, 175
Epigraphs, 229
Epistemology, 320, 580; correspondentist, 560; Thomistic, 314, 330, 347, 352
Epistolae (Virgil of Toulouse), 342n32
Epistola XIII (Dante), 144–146, 149, 307
Epitomae (Virgil of Bigorre), 122
Epitomae (Virgil of Toulouse), 342n32
Equivalence, relationship of, 195
Equivocity, 161, 162
Eriugena, John Scotus, 136, 230, 344, 403–404
Escorial monastery, Beatus of, 252
Esposito, Elena, 71n38, 88
Esquisse d’une philosophie de l’art (De Bruyne), 346
Essai de sémantique (Bréal), 548
Essai sur l’indifférence en matière de religion (Lamennais), 441
Essay towards a Real Character (Wilkins), 42–46, 427
Estats et les empires de la lune, Les (Cyrano de Bergerac), 427
Estats et les empires du soleil, Les (Cyrano de Bergerac), 427
Esthétique du Moyen Age, L’ (De Bruyne), 344
Ethics, 34, 47, 111
Études d’esthétique médiévale (De Bruyne), 338, 340, 341, 342–345, 348
Etymologies, 27, 232, 426, 447–448, 454
Etymologies (Isidore of Seville), 30, 111, 119, 135, 300–301
Euclid, 401
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (Curtius), 339n25
Eustathius, 445
Evans, R. J. W., 309n1, 385
Explanatio Apocalypsis (Bede), 256
Expositio super Poetriam (Bartholomew of Bruges), 104
Ezekiel (biblical prophet), 262, 263–265, 270–272
Fables, 27, 137, 138, 139
Fabbrichesi Leo, Rossella, 511
Fabrici d’Acquapendente, Girolamo, 221n50
Facsimiles, 227
Facundo, Beatus of, 252
False identification, 227, 228, 229, 235–240
Faral, Edmond, 106, 123, 123n9, 124, 125, 125n10, 342n31
Al-Farabi, Muhammad, 107, 111, 112, 114
Fathers of the Church, 93, 132, 243, 258–259, 272
Feature semantics, 18
Felix, bishop of Urgel, 278
Ferdinand and Sancha of Madrid, Beatus of, 265–266, 266
Fichant, Michel, 420
Ficino, Marsilio, 186, 235
Fillmore, Charles J., 56
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 67, 70, 439, 569
First Cause, knowledge of, 159
Flaubert, Gustave, 255
Flavius Mithridates, 408, 414
Flores Rhetorici (Master of Tours), 127
Florilegia, 243
Flowcharts, 53, 473, 474, 475, 528
Focillon, Henri, 280n11, 338
Fodor, Jerrold, 18n12
Foigny, Gabriel de, 427, 430, 432, 433–435, 437
Forest (sylva), metaphor of, 36
Forgeries, in Middle Ages, 223–225, 248–249; appropriation from unjust possessors, 246–248; categories of false identification, 235–240; difficulties of authentication procedures, 228–235; historical truth and, 241–244; influence of tradition and, 244–246; meaning of knowledge and, 240–241; semiotics of, 225–228
Forgetfulness, 82, 83–84, 85, 89–93
Formaggio, Dino, 545
Foucault, Michel, 27–28
Fowler, Robert, 21n13
Francesca da Rimini, 164
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 189
Fredborg, K. M., 214n42, 216n44, 369
Frege, Gottlob, 354
French language, 424
French, Peter J., 385
From the Logical Point of View (Quine), 558
Frontières de la poésie, Les (Maritain), 317–319
Frugoni, Arsenio, 146
Fumagalli, Armando, 511, 513
Futurists, 582
Galen, 303n12
Galileo Galilei, 38, 62, 259, 489, 552
Galla, Giorgio, 97n4
Gargani, Aldo G., 379, 566
Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais), 22–23
Garin, Eugenio, 409, 414, 545
Garland the Compotist, 206
Garroni, Emilio, 457
Garzoni, Tommaso 415
Gelasius I, Pope, 86
Gellius, Aulus, 24
Gematria, 398
Genette, Gérard, 440
Genot-Bismuth, Jacqueline, 306–307
Gensini, Stefano, 47
Gentile, Giovanni, 545
Genus/genera, 6, 42, 81, 103; difference and, 8, 11–12; existence of, 5; genus generalissimum, 7; language and, 446; limits of nature and, 582; metaphor and, 116–117; Porphyrian tree and, 406; as predicate of own species, 7; schematism and, 480
Geodetics, 46
Geoffrey of Vinsauf, 123–126, 169
Geography, 25, 34
Geomancy, 308
Geometry, 31, 34, 386, 404, 472, 473
Gérando, Joseph-Marie de, 436–437
Gerard of Cremona, 96n3
Gerbert d’Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II), 230
Geschiedenis van de aesthetica (De Bruyne), 343
Gesualdo, Filippo, 75–77, 92, 93
Geyer, Bernhard, 127, 199n24, 362, 364
Gibson, James J., 581
Gil, Ferdinando, 16
Gilbert of Poitiers, 159
Gilbert, Katherine, 341
/> Giles of Rome (Egidius Romanus), 104, 109, 115, 307
Gilson, Etienne, 230, 232n8
Glaber, Rodulfus, 284–285
Glunz, Hans H., 340, 343
Gnoseology, 524, 560
Gnosticism, 88, 131
Godwin, Francis, 427
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 155
Gombrich, Ernst, 520–521
Goodman, Nelson, 227n5
Gorni, Guglielmo, 308
Gouguenheim, Sylvain, 280n11
Gould, Stephen Jay, 481–482
Grabmann, Martin, 243
Grammar and grammarians, 31, 46, 213, 214n42, 291; denotation and, 359; Modistae grammarians, 232, 296; of original Hebrew, 444; paronymity and, 361; transcendental grammar, 424
Grammatica Speculativa (Thomas of Erfurt), 240
Grande Antologia Filosofica, 340
Grazia, Roberto, 486
Great Chain of Being, 6, 33, 37, 87, 136, 170; constraints imposed by metaphysics of, 420; Llull’s trees and, 400–408
Greek language, ancient, 22, 23, 96, 97, 231, 235, 454; formation of compound words in, 446; grammar of, 296
Gregory, Tullio, 245n
Gregory of Nyssa, 187n15
Gregory of Rimini, 186
Greimas, Algirdas Julien, 551, 552, 553, 554
Grosseteste, Robert, 96n3, 97, 111, 342
Gruber, Tom R., 60
Grünbaum, Adolf, 527
Guattari, François, 54
Guichard, Estienne, 426
Guiraut de Borneill, 122–123
Guldin, Pierre, 420–421, 422
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 426
Gundisalvi, Dominicus, 111, 112
Habermas, Jürgen, 583–584
Hackett, Jerremiah, 113n18
Haiman, John, 55n33
Halm, Carolus, 120, 122n7
Havet, Julien, 230
Haywood, Ian, 225n2
Hebdomad, 442
Hebrew language, 22, 23, 231, 232, 235, 408; adulterated translations of original text in, 490; grammar of, 444; letters used in Kabbalism, 386, 397, 398, 399, 411; as matrix language, 440; as perfect original language of Adam, 293, 294–295, 297, 298, 299, 300–301, 424; philology and, 286; as protolanguage, 304; representation of divine name and, 302, 303, 304; Thomassin’s dictionary of, 453
Hegel, G. W. F., 245
Heidegger, Martin, 240, 374, 441, 460, 471, 582; “death of God” and, 564, 565; on intuition, 458
Heraclitus, 84
Herbals, 30
Hermann the German (Hermannus Alemmanus), 97, 98–99, 100, 102–104, 107–108, 111, 113
Hermeneutics, 132, 242, 258, 259, 580, 582
Hermes Trismegistus (mythical), 235, 240
Hermeticism, 122, 235, 419
Herodotus, 24, 182, 306
Herren, Michael W., 122, 342n32
Hesiod, 445
Heuristics, 414
Hexaemeron (Saint Basil), 182, 186
Hieroglyphica (Horapollon), 192
Hieroglyphica (Valeriano), 192
Hieroglyphics, 27, 40, 81, 229, 444
Hildegard of Bingen, 284
Hilduin, 238
Hillel of Verona, 306, 307
Hillgarth, Jocelyn N., 411n16
Hippolytus of Rome, 129n12, 256, 282
Hisperica Famina, 122, 342n32
Histoire des Sévarambes, L’ (Vairasse), 427
Histoire naturelle (Buffon), 183
Histoire véritable du bienheureux Raymond Lulle (Vernon), 409
Historia animalium [History of Animals] (Aristotle), 174, 182, 185
Historia Naturalis (Pliny), 25
Historiarum libri (Glaber), 284
Historicism, 337
Historiography, 93, 230, 242, 337, 510
History of Aesthetic (Bosanquet), 339
History of Aesthetics (Gilbert and Kuhn), 341
History of Aesthetics (Tatarkiewicz), 341
History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe (Saintsbury), 339–340
Hjelmslev, Louis, 18–19, 80, 353–354, 514, 582–583
Hobbes, Thomas, 380–383
Holt, Elizabeth G. 341
Höltgen, Carl Josef, 192
Holy Grail, 227
Holtz, Louis, 209n37
Homer, 131, 138, 147, 445, 571
Homonyms and homonymy, 81, 161, 257, 259, 558, 574
Honorius of Autun, 87, 105, 111, 135
Horace, 147, 285, 315, 546
Horapollon, 192
Hugh of Fouilloy, 186, 192, 272
Hugh of Saint Victor, 105, 111, 137, 186
Huizinga, Johan, 339n25, 343
Humanism, Renaissance, 235, 308, 343
Human sciences, 38, 556, 557
Humboldt, 424
Hume, David, 459, 528, 529
Hungerland, Isabel C., 382
Husserl, Edmund, 354, 461, 477
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 254, 342n32
Hylomorphism, 344
Hyperonymia and hyperonyms, 7, 19
Hypertext, 45
Iamblichus, 129n12
Iconicity, 213
Iconism, primary, 508, 509, 520, 522, 529
Idea del theatro (Giulio Camillo), 35
Idel, Moshe, 408
Iliad (Homer), 571
Illuminated manuscripts, 227n6, 260
Imagination, 471–472, 482, 528
Immanuel of Rome, 307
Imola, Benvenuto da, 147
“Inanis impetus” [“Antagonism that achieves nothing”] (Alciati), 193
In artem brevis R. Llulli (Agrippa), 417
Inconsistency, 19
In de divinis nominibus (Thomas Aquinas), 348
Indexes (indices), 36, 41, 200, 203, 205
Indo-European hypothesis, 440
Inference, relationship of, 195, 513, 516
Inferno (Dante Alighieri), 132, 147
Ingredientibus (Abelard), 198, 362
In Sphaerum Ioannis de Sacro Bosco (Clavius), 420
Instauratio Magna, 36–37
Institutiones grammaticae (Priscian), 244–245n14
Institutio oratoria (Quintillian), 22n
Intentionality, 199, 206, 218
Interchangeability, presumption of, 237–238
International Association for Semiotic Studies, 1
Interpretability, 20–21
Interpretance, 21
Interpretants, 50, 51, 52
Interpretation, 51, 90–91, 149, 250, 352, 536; adulterated, 491; Beatus and, 254; knowledge and, 524; moral, 30; multiple interpretations of Scripture, 257, 258; Peircean, 565; perceptual judgment and, 469; reliability of, 571; rhetorical, 433; schematism and, 486; truth-conditional semantics and, 561; use of text and, 581; visualization of Scripture and, 270–271; World-Mind experiment and, 576–577
Intuition, 313, 314, 458, 463, 465, 515, 578; creative, 324–325, 326; Croce’s theory of, 532, 538; immediacy of, 511, 513; as inner expression, 318; intellectual, 345–352; intuition-expression, 534, 535; language and, 491; perceptual judgment and, 468; schema and, 471, 477–478, 484; sign and, 543; in Thomistic epistemology, 330
In visionem Ezechielis (Richard of Saint Victor), 272–273
Irenaeus of Lyon, 256, 282n13
Irrweg labyrinth, 52–53, 53
Isagoge (Porphyry), 4, 5, 12, 96, 162
Isidore of Seville, 30–31, 111, 119, 441; etymology of, 232, 447–448; on intelligence of dogs, 185–186; on names of God, 300–301
Jackendoff, Ray, 517
Jakobson, Roman, 1, 78
James, William, 529
James of Venice, 96, 96nn2–3
Jeauneau, Edouard, 244n13
Jerome, Saint, 186, 231, 251, 254, 256
Jesus Christ, 29, 30, 40, 235; Antichrist and, 282n12, 284; Apocalypse and, 275, 279; Hoy Grail and, 227; language spoken by, 295
Jews, 191, 231–232, 283, 307, 425
Joco-seriorum naturae et artis (Schott), 39
John of Dacia, 111, 213n40
John of Garland (Johannes de
Garlandia), 105, 124
John of Jandun, 115
John of Saint Thomas (John Poinsot), 321, 333, 347
John of Salisbury, 121, 123, 138, 139, 238, 356, 401
John of the Cross, 317
Johnson, Mark, 64n35
Johnston, Mark D., 389n8, 395, 397, 408n14
John the Apostle, 256, 280
John the Baptist, 260
John the Saracen, 238
Joyce, James, 67, 68, 92, 334, 343n, 439, 569
Julian the Apostate, 442
Kabbalah, 301–303, 304, 306, 308, 400; Llullism after Pico and, 422; names of, 386; Sephirot of, 400, 412
Kabbalism, 23, 283, 426; Christian, 385; Llullism compared with, 397–399; Pico della Mirandola and, 408–414
Kandinsky, Wassily, 528
Kant, Immanuel, 1, 168, 333, 347, 457–458, 484–487; empirical concepts in, 458–466; on intuition, 525; judgments of perception, 466–471; schema of the dog and, 474–478; schema of unknown object and, 478–484; on schematism, 471–474; thing-in-itself, 584
Kant and the Platypus [K & P] (Eco), 72, 508, 509, 511, 515; on immediacy of intuition, 513; interpretation and, 567; on perspectives in Peirce, 524–525; semantics and, 550, 562, 563; World-Mind experiment in, 571–585
Katz, Jerrold J., 18n12, 19
Kepler, Johannes, 62, 487, 537
Kern, Hermann, 52
Kilwardby, Robert, 127, 214n42
Kircher, Athanasius, 40, 222n50, 229n7, 386, 393–394, 394n10, 405n12, 426, 444
Knowledge, 22, 27, 38, 86, 119, 151, 456; analogy and, 159, 163, 167, 168; animal symbolism and, 193; ars excerpendi and, 83; branches of, 48; chain of, 33; conceptual, 536; continuity of, 245; encyclopedias of, 436–437; global, 50; historical, 235, 241; inferential, 513, 524; innate knowledge of animals, 175; intellectual intuition and, 350–351; interpretation and, 28–29; latency of, 87–88; linguistic, 21, 305, 463; metaphor as instrument of, 95, 117; mnemonic tradition and, 261; mystical, 334; open-ended conception of, 55; organization of, 26, 34; perfectibility of, 421; poetic, 141, 318, 320, 324, 326; representation of, 3; reunification of, 35; sense perception and, 466, 467, 468; specialized, 72, 87; Thomistic theory of, 333; transcendentalization of, 487; transmission of, 24
Koch, Josef, 311n2
Komensky, Jan Amos, 35n23
Kovach, Francis, 341
Kunstliteratur, Die (Magnino), 340
Kripke, Saul, 550
Kuhn, Helmut, 341
Labyrinths, 36–37, 48, 68; as semantic networks, 57; types of, 52–55, 53, 54; vertigo of, 74–78, 88, 93, 94
Lactantius, 256
Lakoff, George, 64n35
Lalande, André, 347
Lamb, Sidney M., 553
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 459n2
Lambert of Auxerre, 206, 208n33
Lambertini, Roberto, 171–172n, 343n 373–374
Lamennais, Hughes-Felicité-Robert de, 441
Landes, Richard, 280n11