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Boss Daddy: Naughty Daddies Series

Page 11

by Jayda Marx

  Once the image popped up on screen, my friends had to hold me in my chair when the doctor muttered, "Fuck, he's got a pneumo." I didn't know what a pneumo was, but fuck was never good.

  "What does that mean?" I demanded. "What's wrong?"

  "A pneumothorax; the bullet pierced his lung and it collapsed. That’s why his lips are blue; he’s not getting enough oxygen." Fuck is right. "Eric, grab a 14 gauge needle."

  Once it was in his hand, Doc felt around on Lucas' chest for a moment before stabbing the needle into his skin. Jesus. I covered my mouth with a shaking hand, at a total loss for words.

  Doc listened to Lucas' chest with his stethoscope and when he nodded at Eric, Sal and Johnny patted my back.

  With one crisis averted, Doc got to work cleaning the wound. I cringed when he sank forceps into the hole in Lucas' flesh and pulled out shards of suit jacket and shirt.

  The clock ticked on but time meant nothing as Doc and his boy dug inside my lover's chest. I'm not sure I even breathed until Doc lifted his forceps which held a bloody bullet.

  I excitedly exclaimed, "You did it!" as my friends cheered, but Doc shook his head. Even though his face was mainly covered by a surgical mask, I could see the hesitation in his eyes.

  "He's not out of the woods yet; I've stopped the bleeding, but he lost a lot of blood before he got here, and he needs a transfusion. Do you know his type?" When I shook my head no, he ordered Eric to do a "type and cross" on everyone in the room since the clinic didn’t have blood in storage, while he looked for any additional damage to my boy's tissue.

  Over thirty minutes later, we learned that unfortunately, I wasn't a match to Lucas' type AB blood, but Sal was, so my friend rolled up his sleeve without question for Eric to insert a needle into his vein to collect a bag of blood. Old habits die hard, and I had to tamp down my anger over another man's fluid in my boy's body; it could be a matter of life and death and therefore no time for petty jealousy.

  Sal's blood dripped into Lucas' vein as Doc finished his appraisal of the wound. I held my breath when he turned to give me the news.

  "Even though he suffered from blood loss and a collapsed lung, Lucas was very lucky. The bullet missed his brachial artery, which is a major vessel that sits just below his clavicle. The collar bone itself was unaffected, and no nerve bundles or other organs were damaged."

  "So…he's okay?" I asked excitedly. "He'll be good as new?"

  "He'll have a sizable scar, but function shouldn't be affected. I just need to close and dress his wound, and keep him under observation for a while to make sure that he doesn't have a reaction to the blood transfusion. I will continue giving him pain medication to make him more comfortable when he wakes, but that will most likely be several hours from now. But yes, he will make a full recovery."

  Sal and Johnny cheered and jostled me from side to side. Relief and gratitude washed over me; my Lucas is okay. I thanked Doc and Eric repeatedly as they returned to their work, and then I turned my attention to my friends.

  "I'm sorry I lost my shit on you guys. I was just so scared for Lucas and started lashing out. You didn't do this; you gave him your blood for fuck's sake!" And even though I was kind of an asshole to them, they still stuck by me because that's what real friends do.

  "We get it," Sal insisted as Johnny nodded along. "We should have been paying more attention and watched his back better. Like we said, we let our guard down and it's a mistake we'll never make again."

  I appreciated the sentiment, but there was only one man to blame for hurting my boy; only one man with the balls to come after me. He could have taken my boy from me. He hurt my sweet Lucas and it was the last thing he'd ever do.

  I stood up and took a step towards Doc, making sure to stay out of his workspace. "Keep my boy safe and call me immediately if he wakes up. I've got business to take care of."

  I hated to leave Lucas, but the need to avenge him eclipsed every other emotion. I wouldn't rest until Bones paid for what he did, and I couldn't put this off; he attacked once, and he'd be back. Chances were, he’d been tailing us; he knew where the casino was, and therefore probably knew where the clinic was as well. I wouldn't let him get close to Lucas ever again.

  "You forgetting something?" Johnny asked when I walked past him and Sal on my way to the door.

  "I'm not asking you to go with me." It would undoubtedly be dangerous, and I didn't want anyone else in harm's way.

  "Since when do you have to ask?" Sal quipped as both of them stood up.

  "This is my fight."

  "And ours," Johnny argued. "Lucas is one of us. Don't you think we deserve to make those bastards pay for what they did to him?"

  "Besides, Lucas will be pissed if we let something happen to you," Sal added with a smirk. It was a dirty trick to play on my guilt, but it worked.

  "One rule," I told them with a lifted finger, "None of them walk away."

  I once told Lucas that I wouldn't kill a man; that it was a line I wouldn't cross. And until tonight, I believed that to be true. But to protect and avenge my boy, I would immerse myself fully into the darkness. I would willingly sacrifice my soul for the man who held my heart.

  An unnervingly evil grin crossed Johnny's lips. "What are we waiting for?"

  Chapter Ten


  I groaned at the gnawing pain in my chest and flinched when a warm hand carded through my hair.

  "Shh, shh, it's okay."

  I recognized the comforting presence before I even opened my eyes. "Daddy?"

  "I'm right here, Lucas."

  I cracked my eyelids and saw Daddy's handsome face smiling at me. He was sitting beside me and I was lying down, but not in our bed; this one wasn't nearly as soft or large. I took a quick look around the dark room but couldn't place my surroundings.

  "Where am I?"

  "You're at a medical clinic. Do you remember what happened?"

  I searched my fuzzy mind and details came rushing back. “I remember the casino and then the car…” The car! I’d been so busy trying not to die, I didn’t have a chance to tell Daddy who tried to attack him. “I know who it was!” I tried to sit up, but cried out at the pain it caused. Daddy shushed me some more while petting my hair again, but I had to tell him; he could still be in danger. “It was Bones! Or at least one of his men.”

  “Relax, sweet boy.” He helped me lie back down and kissed my forehead. “I know who it was, and they’ve been taken care of.”

  Taken care of? I looked around the room again and saw that we were alone. Oh god. “Did Sal and Johnny go to find him? They could get hurt! Oh Daddy, please tell them to come back. Please!” I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to my friends. Once again I tried to get up, and Daddy kept me in bed.

  “Easy, Lucas; Sal and Johnny are just fine. They’re waiting in the hall for you to wake up. Angelo came too after I called and told him what happened; they’ve all been worried about you.”

  Tears escaped my eyes as I tried to piece together what was happening. My mind was racing, but my body felt slow and heavy. The pieces weren’t matching up and the confusion was making me emotional. “Daddy, I don’t understand.”

  He wiped my eyes before letting out a long breath. “I need to show you something, but I’m afraid you’ll think less of me.”

  “I could never,” I promised quickly; that I was sure of. Daddy was everything to me and nothing could make me stop loving him.

  He nodded slightly and reached into the pocket of his jacket; I noticed for the first time that he was no longer dressed in his nice suit, but his black cotton jacket and dark jeans. I hope my blood didn’t ruin his suit. He gave me a pleading look and pulled out a long chain, which was adorned with a dozen or so ivory colored bones, and five freshly cut fingers with the chain laced through the flesh.

  Maybe it was an effect of whatever medication I was on, but the first thought through my mind was, I’m glad it wasn’t just my blood that stained his nice jacket. Then my tired brain bu
ilt the puzzle of the evening and I realized what a terrible first thought that was.

  “He’s gone?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

  “His men too,” Daddy nodded. “Johnny, Sal and I stormed their place and took them all out.” Before I could say anything, he quickly added, “I didn’t leave here until I knew you were okay. I would never do that. And I know I told you that I wouldn’t do something like this, and I know I put myself in danger, but please don’t be mad; it was the only way to keep you safe. I had no choice. I knew Bones wouldn’t give up until all of us were dead and hanging on this fucking necklace. I hate myself for letting you get hurt and it will never happen again; my actions tonight made sure of that. I just pray that you can forgive me and that you don’t hate me or fear me or-”

  I lifted a heavy hand and placed it on his mouth to stop his babbling. He kissed my palm repeatedly and I told him, “There’s nothing to forgive. I understand; you did what you had to do. It’s hard to feel bad for a guy who tried to kill you and put a hole in my chest. I will always love you, and I could never fear you.” How could I? Everything he did was to keep me safe and happy.

  How could I fear the man that stayed by my side when I was hurt and told me how much he needed me with him? I’d never forget the terror and pain on his face when he realized I was injured; the need in his voice when he spoke of spending our lives together. My heart beat faster at the memory.

  “Daddy, did you mean it when you said you wanted to marry me?” Sometimes things were said in a moment of tragedy that weren’t entirely true.

  “You bet your ass I did, rabbit.” His lips tipped up into the pretty smirk I knew and loved. “Hmm, I don’t think I can call you that after what happened tonight; you’re my goddamn tiger.”

  I chuckled until another sharp pain bloomed in my chest, and Daddy soothed me with more head pats. “How bad is it?” I asked, tucking my chin down to look at the bandage on my skin.

  “The bullet popped your lung, but missed all other crucial parts. Doc fixed you up and you’ll walk away with just a scar.”

  Even though I was grateful to be alive and it should be the least of my worries, I couldn’t stop the question, “What if it’s ugly?” More than anything, I never wanted to disappoint Daddy, especially with my body.

  “Are you kidding me? That scar will be the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. It will show your bravery and loyalty and you should wear it like a badge of honor.” I should have known better than to expect anything less. “There’s one more thing you should know; you lost a lot of blood but the clinic didn’t have any on hand. I wasn’t your match but Sal was, so he donated some of his to you.”

  “He did that for me?” My eyes welled up again; I’d never had a friend who was willing to sacrifice part of himself for me.

  “You’re one of us, tiger,” Daddy said with a wink. “We look out for each other.”

  “Is it okay if he comes in?” I appreciated the time alone with Daddy, but I really wanted to see my friend; especially after that news.

  “Of course.” He stood up and took a step towards the door, but I stopped him by calling his name.

  “Can I have a kiss first?” More than anything, I needed his touch and to feel his love. Daddy smiled and stepped back to my bed before pressing a tender kiss to my lips, followed by every other inch of my face. When he pulled away, I asked, “Can I make one more request?”

  “Anything, Lucas,” he replied seriously.

  My eyes drifted down to the chain he still held in his hand. “I know you probably want to keep that thing as a trophy, but do you think you can store it in a drawer in your office or something? It’s kind of gross.”

  He blinked before tipping his head back and laughing out loud. “I promise you’ll never have to see it again.”

  “Thank you.”

  He gave me another kiss before stuffing the necklace back into his pocket and shuffled out the door, still chuckling as he went. I couldn’t believe how little we spoke about what happened to Bones and his crew, or how little I cared. What was done was done, and all that mattered to me was that Daddy was safe.

  I just hoped he or our friends didn’t get in trouble for taking out Bones’ crew. Hell, the police should throw them a parade; the whole damn city was safer because of what they did; Bones was a bad man. It was rich coming from a guy who was excited to marry a syndicate boss, but Daddy was different, and so were Johnny and Sal.

  My thoughts were interrupted when Daddy returned to the room with Angelo, Sal and Johnny trailing behind him. Well, at first; then Angelo marched his way right up to my bedside and smacked a noisy kiss right to my forehead. I looked to Daddy, worried he might get angry with Angelo, but he was just wearing a wide smile.

  “Listen here; next time, you let Vinny take the bullet,” Angelo insisted. “And as far as I’m concerned, you’re the boss until you’re feeling better. I’ll cook what meals you like, prepare any treat you wish, and play video games with you whenever you want.”

  Sal and Johnny chuckled in the background while Daddy gave the older man a fake-angry look. I held my arm up the best I could, and Angelo bent down for a gentle hug. “Thank you for being here,” I told him as my eyes prickled again. It meant so much to be surrounded by people who cared about me.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” He gave me one last, even noisier kiss to the cheek, and his wink told me it was just to get under Daddy’s skin. I pursed my lips to keep from laughing.

  “Alright, alright, it’s our turn,” Johnny said as he and Sal pushed their way to my side. “I’m glad you’re okay, kid,” he said with a pat to my non-injured shoulder. He was the least sentimental of the crew, but I appreciated him nonetheless.

  “Thanks, Johnny. And thank you for helping Daddy know.” I didn’t want to give too many details in case Angelo didn’t know what happened.

  Johnny snorted a laugh and bounced his eyebrows. “Trust me, it was my pleasure.”

  I turned my attention to Sal. “And thank you for the blood; I could have died without your help.”

  “It was nothing,” he shrugged, but I shook my head.

  “It was everything. Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He too leaned down and gave me a hug, being mindful of my chest. I smiled at the group until it turned into a wide yawn. “We better get out of here and let you rest.” He turned to Daddy and insisted, “Keep us updated.”

  “You got it.”

  I gave a little wave to my friends before they left Daddy and me alone again. He took his spot in his chair once more, and caressed his hand up and down my cheek as my eyes grew heavy.

  “Rest, Lucas. As soon as Doc gives me the green light, I’ll take you home and give you more love than you can handle.”

  His soothing touch and sweet promise sent me off to sleep feeling treasured and blessed.

  Six Months Later


  “Are you ready?” I asked Lucas as I zipped up his jacket. He reached into his pockets and pulled a handful of flash cotton from one, and a Zippo lighter from the other.


  This wasn’t the first job he’d joined me on; in fact, for the past three months, he’d been right by my side for everything. I taught him all of the tips and tricks I knew in the art of housefires, carjacking and insurance fraud, and he was a natural at it all.

  Bringing him in on jobs wasn’t my first choice. Actually, I tried to leave the business behind me altogether. As soon as Lucas was healed from his gunshot wound (after I waited on him hand and foot for weeks, having to fight Angelo off to do so), we flew to Aruba, where I married him on the beach. We spent two weeks on a honeymoon, which consisted of sun, sand, and fucking him in every position I could dream of. My poor boy could barely walk by the time we flew home, but he had a smile on his face.

  During our vacation, I tried to talk Lucas into making a new life for ourselves on the island. I even offered to fly Angelo down to continue our lives as th
ey’d always been; I had more than enough money in the bank for us to live many luxurious years in paradise. But my sweet, perfect boy insisted that ‘paradise’ was anywhere as long as I was with him.

  He also argued that we couldn’t leave Johnny and Sal to fend for themselves. He said we were a team; a family, and that we belonged together. When he put it like that, it was hard to disagree.

  However, I did disagree when Lucas initially said he wanted to go with me out on jobs. But when I tried to convince him that it was too dangerous or risky, he just flashed me the sexy scar on his chest and reminded me that he was tougher than I gave him credit for. And so, I conceded. I’d never deny my husband one goddamn thing...not that he needed to know that, of course. I was Daddy, after all; I had to at least pretend that I was in control.

  From that day forward, Lucas has been an integral part of our group. He’s nimble, intuitive, and clever, and I don’t know how we ever got along without him.

  As far as Bones and his crew, the police discovered their bodies (sans the fingers that rested in my desk drawer) but didn’t try too terribly hard to find their killers. No one mourned the loss, but despite Lucas’ wishes, we didn’t receive a parade either. The police just wrote it off as “gang violence”, which was technically true. But that bloodthirsty gang being out of the picture made me more comfortable with my husband running the streets with me.

  Lucas flipped back the cover of his lighter and flicked the striker, making a flame dance in his hand. “Come on, Daddy; I’m in the mood to light some shit up.” He gave a devilish smile which sent my blood rushing south.

  “How do you get sexier every damn day?” He answered by flipping the lighter shut and winking at me. “Come here, boy.” I cupped my hand around the back of his head and pulled him into a long, passionate kiss, tangling our tongues together and taking his breath into my lungs.

  “My god, do you two ever stop?” Johnny’s voice rang out from the doorway. He and Sal had a nasty habit of interrupting us just when things were getting hot. Lucas surprised me by flipping him the bird, and I’d never been prouder. “Just do your thing and let’s get on with it.” I was also proud when Sal slapped Johnny in the back of the head. My friends are the best.


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