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Page 19

by Debra Anastasia

  Skinny stepped to the side. “Well, either way, we better get you up there for your dinner.”

  The heels were tall and the trip out of my cage took us across the grounds and through a garden.

  I grabbed Lock’s arm. “Hey, I’m going to fall here. Can we walk slower?”

  Skinny was too close for me to say anything to Lock; I squeezed his arm. We fell a few steps behind and Lock whispered, “What the hell?”

  I shook my head. I had no idea if there were cameras on us. I looked up at him, despite my better judgment. He was baffled and extremely handsome. I had no idea why he was here.

  He whispered again, “Cosmo?”

  I shrugged and looked at my feet. I pictured the man dying in front of me again and again. And then Bowen. The last few days had been a tilt-a-whirl of nightmares. Still, I had to look at his face.

  “Why are you here?” I mouthed to him.

  “I work here.” Lock glanced all around us. I wasn’t even paying attention to our surroundings. I toppled a little and he caught me full-out, swinging me to his chest. “Whoa. You okay?”

  I was in his arms. Never before had I so fiercely wanted to tell someone something in my whole life. But it was a flash of Lock dead in my head that kept me from confessing.

  I needed to know more. I had to center myself. Get information. Keep a clear head so my people would be safe from Olin.

  All I could think to say was, “Stay alive.”

  I turned from his embrace and continued on my own. When we got to the long, stone steps, I reached for Skinny instead. I felt unnerved and grateful that Lock was behind me. We were coming up to a large outdoor entertaining space, complete with a pool and bar. There were guards stationed around the patio table with an umbrella, where Olin and Cosmo were already seated.

  Cosmo was surly, and Olin had his giant, blindingly white teeth on display.

  Skinny led me to the table. Olin Feybi stood and held out his hand. I took it and he made me spin. I struggled to keep myself upright on the heels.

  “Magnificent. We’re so lucky to have you here with us, Ember.”

  I nodded at him and smiled. Cosmo stood after his father slapped his palm on the glass top of the table.

  “You look lovely,” Cosmo offered in a half-hearted way.

  I saw Lock tense, his fist curling out of my peripheral vision. Now that I’d gotten over the shock of his presence, my mind was swirling. Was Lock really with the Feybis? Was he working for my brother? Why the hell was he here? I took the seat that had been vacant and Cosmo and Olin sat as well.

  Olin shooed the guards away. “We have family business to discuss.”

  I watched Lock. His gaze was darting around, seemingly trying to make sense of this situation before we made eye contact. I tried to give him a smile so he knew I was okay.

  He moved with the other guards, as naturally as if he truly belonged with them. They rimmed the edge of the pool patio.

  I turned my attention back to Olin.

  “There she is.” He’d been waiting for me to meet his gaze. “Make sure you only have eyes for my son, yes?”

  I swallowed hard. I knew a blush was creeping up on my face. Cosmo’s hand was on the chair arm and I made a point of putting my hand over his.

  “Nice. You are a quick learner, Ember.” Olin flashed that smile again.

  Cosmo didn’t react to my hand on his. A waiter stepped up to the table, bearing drinks and plates of hors d’oeuvres. My stomach rumbled. Anxiety clearly made me hungry.

  As I reached for a cracker, Olin slapped my hand. “No. We have to maintain that figure. Maybe start with a carrot.”

  “Fuck off, Dad.” Cosmo took his hand from under mine and grabbed a cracker. He turned to me and offered it. “You want this? You can have it.”

  This was my first real inspection of his face up close. He had hazel eyes and classical good looks. He was trendy, though, making a few distinct decisions on clothing that made him stylish. The cut of his pants was skinny and tight, his shirt the same. The latest trend, on the nose.

  I had to choose between the two directions. One from the father, one from the son. The tiny bit of empathy in Cosmo’s face led me to him. I took the cracker and nibbled on it.

  “All right. That’s fine.” Olin ruffled with his napkin, smoothing it and refolding it. “She’s yours, so we’ll let it slide this once.”

  “You’ve been bothering me for two years about getting a girl. If she’s mine, she’s mine. Period. Don’t you touch her. No slapping her either.” Cosmo grabbed a handful of food and doled it out. Crackers, cheeses, fruits, filling both of our plates.

  Olin’s smile could have been caked on by rage.

  Cosmo fingered the gold chain around his neck while he gave the mansion’s yard a glance, followed by pushing his lips to the side, his attitude revealing just how spoiled he was. “What about my party? The tents should be setting up by now.”

  “Soon. I wanted us to have this time to get to know Ember.” Olin took some food as well.

  I ate a piece of mozzarella. It felt like sand, my throat was so dry.

  Lock was here.

  It was like his presence was forcing my head to turn in his direction. But the old man had all his attention on me. As Cosmo listed things he wanted for his party, Olin watched me like a television set, so I kept my eyes where they were supposed to be.

  Lock’s appearance gave me a tender hope. Maybe the nightmare would be over soon. Before I had to do whatever it was I was supposed to do for Cosmo as his girl. I clued back into the conversation when my name was mentioned again. Cosmo was requesting something for me.

  “So, I think we need to get her a tutor. Someone to help her stay up on her classes.” Cosmo patted my shoulder. I flinched at the touch and then forced myself to stop reacting. I quickly checked Olin’s face. Anger flashed over it before it was replaced by this mask he wore around his son.

  “That’s admirable, son. But, honestly, it’s a waste. She’s just a woman.” Olin waved his hand airily, as if my education was something that could be released like a balloon.

  “If you want this to work, she needs a tutor. Education stimulates me. I’ll have my guy arrange it.” Cosmo copied his father’s hand gesture, emulating him, possibly on purpose.

  Through my self-preservation I was starting to see these men’s relationship for the toxic thing it was. Cosmo was manipulating his father, even as Olin controlled his life. Rich as hell, but still screwed up. Maybe all the murder in their lives tainted everything.

  Cosmo stood quickly and I followed suit, my nervous system humming with fear.

  “I’ve got to get the hell out of here. This party had better be lit, old man.” Cosmo turned to me. “Good meeting you, Ellen.”

  I didn’t bother to correct him. Cosmo was clearly a mixed bag of tricks. Very hard to read. Olin, on the other hand, was transparent, or at least his intentions were. He wanted things his way. When I moved to follow Cosmo, Olin caught my arm.

  “Stay. Sit a spell, Ember. We have a few things to discuss.” I looked at his hand and then felt Lock’s eyes on me. I couldn’t meet them. Instead, I turned my back so I’d have to ignore him.

  After I sat back down, Olin took his seat and messed with his napkin again. I glanced at him. I knew better than to eat now that Cosmo was gone. I was full anyway, but still.

  The waiter came over with a bottle of red wine. After Olin sipped a small taste, he submitted to having his glass filled, and then indicated that I’d be having one as well. I wasn’t a wine drinking girl. Anything I had in the past was full of fruity concoctions that hid the liquor.

  I lifted my glass to touch Olin’s in the toast. After the first sip that I disliked, I took another. Olin watched me the whole time.

  “You’ll be perfect, after you’re molded.” He took a hissing sip of his drink.

  His hands had age spots and prominent veins. His tan was clearly applied by chemicals, despite his obvious access to a huge, gorgeous pool.
This close, I was thinking the hair he had in the front might be plugs. This was a man who was clearly fighting his age.

  “My son, his childhood wasn’t the best. Honestly, and I think I do have to be honest with you, Ember.” He reached his hand across the table and patted the top of mine. I made a mental note to stop making my hand so accessible.

  Lock was here, still. At the perimeter. Part of my brain screamed to run to him. Tell him that I was kidnapped and this was all an act. And then I thought of Bowen again.

  “You’ll have access to my son. And despite the act he put on here, you’re mine, not his. You work for me.”

  I felt my brow furrow and then quickly tried to smooth it.

  “Yes. You work for me. Some payment isn’t monetary, my dear. The lives of those you love are in your hands. You’re a perfect fit for what I need. And my son? He’s just a bonus. Do you doubt I can do what I say? That I can kill the people closest to you? I can prove it again to you, if I must. I’ll prove it as many times as I have to.” Olin’s smile spread slowly like a cancer.

  “I understand.” I took another sip of the horrible wine, trying to not let my nerves show. Of course, the liquid in the glass was like a wave pool from my shaking.

  “I’m glad. From this point forward, you’re in love with my son. He should never doubt it. And neither should I.” Olin crossed one leg over the other.

  I nodded again. Across the sparkling pool, I could feel Lock’s intent stare. I knew how to pretend to be in love, because I was pretty sure I was already there. With him.

  “Very good. Tomorrow you’ll be in a different outfit. The same girl will come, but also someone else to get those pesky colors out of your hair.” He stood and I copied him. “You’re going to thank me when all is said and done. I’ll turn you into a wealthy, respectable woman. What more could you want?” Olin offered me his hand and walked me straight to where Lock stood with another guard. “You’re the new one, correct?” Olin addressed him directly.

  I was petrified I’d given away too much of Lock’s and my connection with my stolen glances during the meeting.

  “Yes, sir. Super new.” Lock kept his hands tucked behind his back.

  I darted my gaze all over to avoid looking at him.

  “My brother really likes you. Thinks highly of you.” Olin held my hand out to Lock. I felt the warmth of his hand as it enveloped mine. “See that she gets back to her cottage safely. Ravenous dogs these men are. And she’s so very beautiful.”

  Lock pulled me closer to him. “She’s gorgeous. Looks scared, though.”

  I silently prayed to all the gods ever worshipped that he would drop his threatening tone. He always seemed proud of his big mouth. I literally could still feel my heart beating from Olin’s threats on my loved ones. I didn’t want to see Lock die right here in front of me.

  “She has a big day tomorrow. She’s very happy. Right, Ember?” Olin was testing me.

  “Yes. I can’t wait to see Cosmo again.” Even I could hear the tremor in my voice.

  “I bet you can’t. Look at those white knuckles! You’re going to squeeze this guy’s hand right off.” Olin motioned toward my grip on Lock.

  “My name’s Sherlock, sir. And my hand can take it. No worries.” Lock did a half-bow and led me off to the garden path.

  I picked my way carefully, slowly. I didn’t want to lose my balance again. Lock’s arms around me again would break me. And my farce would shatter on the ground like glass.

  Chapter 40


  SHE WAS SHAKING. A shell of the girl I knew. Her confidence was dismantled. I raged, thinking about what could have taken it from her. Skinny stayed on me like glue, so all I could do was try to read her body language.

  Volt was at the guest door, clearly doing my job of protecting the empty place, and he unlocked it as we approached. Ember went inside without turning around. Volt locked her back in. Skinny was assigned to be the second on the job.

  A golf cart trundled down the garden path then. I looked up and locked eyes with the driver: Felon. He tapped on the steering wheel and then patted the passenger side. I expected a verbal jab from the guys for my special treatment. None came. I glanced at the windows of the cottage. Ember was sitting on her couch, not moving. I hated leaving her, but I had no choice. I climbed into the cart with Felon. He pulled us away from the scene.

  I expected him to drive me to the warehouse, but instead, he veered right. After the crest of the next hill, a house came into view. It was clearly artsy. The roof mimicked an aircraft hangar. The windows seemed mismatched. There were trees stripped of bark that were performing support duty.

  “This is awesome.” The whole effect was incredible. It almost seemed like a prop from a fantasy movie.

  There were carved details and at least three different doors visible from where we sat.

  I peeked at Felon. He was grinning. It made him look so much younger.

  “My pride and joy. I’ve been building this for at least two decades.” Felon parked in front of it and pocketed his keys.

  “You built this?” I stepped out of the golf cart and walked up to the closest wall. I ran my hands over it. Smooth wood of all different colors. There was clearly a lot of love in the place and I told him so. He let out a low chuckle.

  “Can I see inside?” I had a ton of things on my mind, but seeing this art in the middle of nowhere seemed like the break I needed.

  His eyes lit up. “Sure thing.”

  Instead of a key, there was a complicated wood puzzle to free the door, which rolled to the side. I marveled at the engineering. I knew jack shit about building, but anyone in his or her right mind would be able to tell this project was a labor of intense devotion.

  The interior was amazing. It would take days to appreciate all the details in the nooks and crannies. But the overall impression was like a tree house; the walls were constructed of honey-golden logs, stripped of their bark and shined to perfection. There were plenty of places for the sunlight to stream in. Felon jerked on a rope and part of the ceiling shuttered out of the way. Railings made from the same logs as those lining the walls framed the stars. An ingenious way to make the night sky part of his décor.

  “You’re a genius.” I wasn’t trying to compliment him. It was an obvious fact. I watched him kick the floor with his foot. “You could make stuff like this. I bet people would pay serious change.”

  Felon walked over to another pulley. A wall slid to the side, revealing a hallway. “I have money. I just like to build. My hands need it.”

  Down the hall were four doors, all closed.

  “I have these guest spaces. Never use them. You want to pick a room here instead of the warehouse?” He seemed almost shy in asking.

  I put my tongue to one side of my mouth, considering. This place was far closer to Ember’s cottage. “That’d be great. Thanks a lot.”

  I put out my hand for a shake, like my father had taught me. From one man to another, when there was an agreement, you shook hands. When there was a gift given, you shook hands.

  Felon pumped my hand once and then smiled again. “Good to hear it. Each bedroom has a bathroom, so it’s just a matter of choice. I’m going to bed. Good night, Lock.”

  “Thanks again, and night, Felon.”

  The older man worked his way up an elaborate spiral staircase. I had concerns; I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. But there was something deep inside that drew me to Felon in this fucked-up situation. He could kill the hell out of me. After the Tootsie Roll show, I knew this was the truth.

  But I had to play this right. Ember had done a complete 180-degree turn. Instead of being into me, she was tits high in a relationship with Cosmo? I didn’t buy it for a second. She was here as unwillingly as I was, maybe more so. I thought about her security detail. As far as I knew, her brother was in charge of her situation. The Olin thing wasn’t a match. I needed to get some online connection and do some research.

  I toured each bedroom. They had
different themes and colors. I picked the forest green one. From the window I could see Ember’s cottage lights in the distance. She’d looked so lost. They’d taken her colors from her hair. Made a plastic doll version of the girl I’d fallen for. I could watch over her from here. And as little power as I had in this scenario, I would give it to her.

  Chapter 41


  I THINK I SAT on the couch for an hour. Just sat. The dress and Spanx and everything I was wearing were so complicated that I just sat. Lock was here. I wasn’t saved yet. Nix wasn’t here. I had waves of panic attacks as I sat there. I lived and died a million different ways in my head without moving. I watched my loved ones die in my mind as well. Their safety hinged on me.

  I felt resigned after hashing it all out. The best I could do was follow Olin’s lead. I had no way to communicate with Nix. And I didn’t even want to go down that path. I wasn’t testing Olin. Not with Nix and Animal and T’s lives. And Becca. And Lock. Not to mention the threat of jail time.

  Lock. So handsome. I had no delusions that he was some kind of superhero who could swoop in and fix this whole situation, but having him here was good for my heart. For my hope. Knowing I wasn’t alone mattered.

  I finally stood and made my way into the bathroom. Laura had laid out a nighttime ritual for me to follow. It was far more elaborate than my usual toothbrush and face washing. By the time I got into bed, I didn’t even care that I left my blinds open. I just collapsed.


  It was weird waking up to a human that I didn’t know really well, but Laura did her best to be gentle about it. She praised me on completing the new skin routine. I sat up and she handed me coffee. I felt bad telling her I didn’t like it, so I took a few sips and set it aside.

  Cosmo’s party was that night and we devoted the entire day to getting me ready for it. She’d even called in one of the other girls to help with my hair, which was getting permanently dyed dark today.

  I sat at the kitchen table as I was attended to. She thoughtfully put on a chick flick to give us safe things to talk about.


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