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Page 21

by Debra Anastasia

  “So, if we’re all done, maybe we can move along?” I stepped toward Mercy with my hands in front of me.

  I wanted him to take the out. Leave. Save himself. Mercy’s stare was riveted on the door his sister had just walked through. Olin came in seconds later, taking Ember’s place.

  “She wants to be here. I’m sure that was clear.” He waved his hand around like there was a fly he was trying to kill. “Young love…so difficult to predict.”

  Mercy lifted his chin. “If any harm comes to her, anything at all, I’ll turn you inside out. And I’ll make sure you’re alive for the whole experience.”

  Olin feigned astonishment, like the conversation they were having was one he really expected to go cordially. “But of course, she’ll be safe. I take care of my own.”

  “You didn’t take care of your half-brother that I roasted like a goddamn marshmallow.” Mercy folded his arms in front of his chest.

  Olin took his flamboyancy down a few notches. “That was unnecessary. And as long as you don’t kill her, Ember will be fine. You know, this could be a good thing, a very good thing for us both. I mean, think of the next generation. The children? This is the beginning of something lovely. My brilliance? Your…inherent deadliness. Of course, I hope they get my good looks.”

  Olin stepped to the side of the door on the opposite end of the room. “And as a show of good faith, I’m going to let you leave. You won’t even have to sneak out. And let’s meet up soon. Discuss our futures together. I’m excited.” He pulled open the door.

  I watched Felon rewrap the Tootsie Roll and put it back into his pocket. I heaved a mental sigh of relief. Mercy met my eyes before turning his back and leaving, the door hanging ajar behind him. Olin tipped it closed with his fingertips and whirled on his crew.

  “I want to know how he got in and who I have to kill. That man should not have gotten past any of you.” He pointed at each one of us around the room. I was too new to know how this all worked. Felon motioned for me to follow him again, so I did. We went outside and stood by the bushes along the patio.

  “You love that girl.”

  My steps stuttered as panic shot through me. “What do you mean?”

  “You wear your balls on your sleeve. You’re crazy about her.” Felon pointed at the golf cart. I guessed I was driving again when he got in the passenger side. I slid behind the wheel and didn’t respond, but he shook his head. “That’s some messy crap. She’s on lockdown.”

  I shrugged before hitting the gas. I was here and she was here. There was only one thing to do: watch over her. Try to figure out what the fuck was going on. Feel the pain burn inside me. Okay, that was a whole lot more than one thing, but all of it was true.

  Chapter 43


  MY MAN WAS DESPONDENT. I was expecting anger. Rage. But this total lack of emotion was troubling. He’d told me how it went down. That Ember had chosen Cosmo Feybi over him and the escape he was offering.

  It had appeared that he was alone, but we’d all been on standby. T had been in the woods with a sniper rifle. We could’ve gotten them both out. But instead there was just Nix. Becca, the love of his life, was busy rubbing his back. My man was dying a slow death in his head. He had rules he followed, and protecting his girls was the most important.

  I wanted him to rant. Punch a wall or two.

  “How could it happen so quickly? Like she’s in love with this douchebag? What about the other guy? And why the hell is he there? Did we miss something? Is there a connection?” He stood, grabbed Becca’s hand, and kissed the inside of her wrist.

  T was on one computer and I was waiting on a few messages. The hotel penthouse we’d rented to run this operation from was racking up quite the tab. Nix had moved in a ton of surveillance equipment. We needed to find out how things with Ember had spiraled out of control so quickly. T was running more background on Sherlock Sonnet. It was too convenient that he was there, too. We had to figure out why. Was he really working for the Feybis, or was he a plant from another family?

  T turned her monitor to face us. On it there was one pretty, older woman. “That’s his mom. And it says she has two children. We’ve had his address since we worked up his background.”

  Nix took his phone out of his pocket. “Text it to me.”

  “What are you gonna do, Sweetness?” I was concerned about his stress level.

  “Ember’s my sister. And whether or not she’s there of her own volition, I’m going to make sure this kid does everything to help her. His loved ones’ lives depend on it.” Nix went to the weapons closet and started picking his poison.

  He usually left women and children out of things. But all bets were off as far as Ember was concerned.

  Chapter 44


  I WAS ON THE patio, holding a drink as the party continued around me. When I realized the contents were splashing around too much, I set it on the table. I tried to see what was happening to Nix. I had to believe treating him the way I did was necessary. I reached up to touch my mother’s earring and then remembered. Cosmo caught the movement. He was staying next to me, but he had dropped my hand when we got outside. As far as I could tell, Nix was leaving. I could see into the sitting room now that it was dark.

  My brother was here. And as much as I’d pushed him away, it was hell watching him leave. Having him believe the lies I was telling. It occurred to me then that he may never know the truth. That I was trying to help him, not hurt him.

  I’d been overwhelmed with indecision. But that room had been packed with men with guns and they made the decision for me, for Nix. I wasn’t thinking about escape, just life.

  I watched as Lock and another man got into a golf cart to leave. He didn’t see me or was actively trying to not look my way. I touched the fabric of my brother’s jacket. His pockets were empty. I’d checked discreetly.

  “That was some kiss.”

  Cosmo, who was holding my glass and one of his own, snapped me out of my thoughts.

  I took the glass, remembering Olin’s words. We were in a circle of his friends who were loudly discussing pools.

  I took a gulp of the wine instead of putting it down again.

  “There you go. That’s the answer. If you feel something, drink. That’s what I do.” He touched his glass to mine and we both drank together.

  Chapter 45


  IT WAS TWO WEEKS ago today that Ember had arrived on the compound, and she was giving me nothing to go on. As far as I could tell, Cosmo was her new man. He was at her cottage any time she had her college tutor over. They spent time hunched over a book or an iPad.

  I wasn’t sure it was even a legal way to get a degree, but I was guessing that with the vast Feybi money, anything could happen. The more I saw, the deeper I believed the roots went.

  Meanwhile, my friendship—if that’s what you called it—with Felon was heading toward a doable routine. The guys didn’t raz me the way the Cokes did. I expected to be called teacher’s pet or whatever, but Felon had built a reputation of not hearing anyone. And not talking. So they treated him like deadwood. It was actually genius. Because he was privy to everyone’s conversations. They forgot he was in the room.

  Olin clearly trusted him. He was called into at least six meetings in the last two weeks, always with a handful of Tootsie Rolls. Sometimes he returned with the candy. Other times, the wrappers were empty.

  The day after the Mercy scene, he’d offered to take me to the woods out back and show me some of his tricks. What the tricks were, I was pretty sure had everything to do with the duffle bag he meticulously packed with weapons before heading to meetings. I had to take him up on it one day. I didn’t want to be rude, and I wasn’t making any more friends here.

  The duffle bag came with us, and my eyes couldn’t help but follow it as we made our way through the trees. Just waiting to see what would come out like a deadly jack-in-the-box. Felon set it on a stump, unzipped it, and pulled out two hatchets.
/>   “We start with the basics. People who pick up a gun first lose perspective. How to ground themselves. How to find the mark using your own power.” He twirled the hatchet and faced the handle toward me. I took it and felt the weight in my palm. The forest was scarred with the rehearsal of death. Targets pinned up on various trees, some free-standing.

  Felon started by showing me how to position my feet. We spent an inordinate amount of time on centering myself and feeling the direction of the target. It was a good hour before I heaved my first hatchet. It slapped against the red bull’s-eye and tumbled to the forest floor.

  Felon laughed. “You’ve got work to do. If you’re not on detail, come out here. Do this until you can hit the mark with your eyes closed. Then we’ll do more.”

  Felon embedded his hatchet into the stump after zipping the bag and tossing it over his shoulder.

  Two weeks later, I was able to bring Felon back out. He was impressed with the new skill I’d learned. Maybe he attributed it to the motivation that could be seen from my bedroom window. He upgraded me to a pistol.

  Now, he stayed with me, making minor adjustments to my stance, my shoulders, anything to get a more accurate shot. I released my fury here. Letting the anger I had at Dice’s death. The frustration at my father’s arrest. My sister and mother being alone. But mostly, it was about her.

  Ember was acting like we meant nothing to each other. She was making every effort to ensure we were never alone for a second while she held Cosmo’s hand.

  There was something, though. Maybe it was my imagination—Ma always said I had a great one. But when she was looking at him, I couldn’t shake the feeling that her soul was still facing me.

  I was decent with the gun. Pretty goddamn good with the hatchet, after the endless days of practice. Then, four weeks after Ember’s arrival, I got a text that Cosmo wanted to go out tonight with Ember. And I was on her detail.

  I wanted to hit myself in the dick with the hatchet. But I would go. I’d watch. She’d be as safe as I could make her.

  Chapter 46


  THE COLORS WERE GONE from my hair. It was insane to feel so alone in a place that had visitors in and out. Laura and her friends. The guards. Cosmo and the tutor. And, of course, Lock.

  Lock was watchful, and in my head he was waiting for me. A knight outside my bedroom window in the distance. As the days piled on top of each other, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Nix to burst in here and try to save me. I dreaded the moment he saw through the lies I told him. He needed to stay away. Stay safe. And despite everything, my brain insisted on trying to come up with plans for escape. And then I’d end up back to my original assessment. It was impossible to protect everyone the minute Olin wasn’t getting what he wanted. And so the endless cycle continued, and I let myself plan escapes I would never act on.

  Cosmo wanted to go out. Felix the tutor was coming and all of Cosmo’s friends. Laura put me in the corresponding skintight dress and sky-high heels a nightclub required. Cosmo was late picking me up, but Lock was with him. I felt a whisper of relief. It looked like his job was to stay close to us.

  Felix was right behind him. He was cordial to me. I thought it was weird that the tutor would come with us, but Cosmo was just that kind of person. He wanted to round up everyone, be the life of the party.

  I had to take deep breaths as I walked out of the cottage. We were going into public. I knew the need to run would be strong. To collapse and give up the façade of going along with all of this nonsense. I could feel where Lock was, like my body had a radar just for his heat. Behind me. To the right a little. When we got to the set of stone stairs just beyond the pool patio that led to the driveway, I felt his hand touch my lower back. The heels were stupid. My ankles would be so sore in the morning.

  As we descended the stairs to the driveway, the front door to the mansion opened. Olin stepped onto the porch. I nodded at him. The light from inside was a broken halo around him; his white hair almost looked like it was on fire. The devil himself, maybe.

  I headed toward the waiting SUVs. All black with dark tint on the windows. Cosmo jumped in first, then Lock held the door open, offering a hand.

  We hadn’t touched. Not since…

  I avoided his hand, instead climbing into the back in a fairly unladylike fashion. Touching Lock would break down my walls like a sledgehammer—at least, that’s what I was afraid of.

  He cleared his throat and closed the door once I was seated, avoiding my eyes. Cosmo opened the door closest to him and leaned out.

  “Felix! Ride with us!” Cosmo left the door ajar. Soon enough, Felix was climbing past us and sat in between us.

  It was cozier than it needed to be for an entire train of vehicles. Lock slipped into the front passenger seat. I was free to look at the back of his head all I wanted. And I did. Cosmo and Felix had a murmured conversation that didn’t include me.

  I pulled on my dress to try to keep my panties covered. Lock turned around in his seat to stare at me. We gazed into each other’s eyes. My skin tingled. My lips parted as I inhaled. His pupils widened as he exhaled.

  Cosmo broke the connection inadvertently by reaching across Felix and grabbing my hand. His fingers curled around mine. Lock dropped his gaze and turned back around.

  The club was barely noticeable. It had a sign that wasn’t illuminated, but there was a line out front. Cosmo and Felix got out of one side of the SUV, and I got out of the other. The driver tried to rush to my side, but I’d hopped out before he could help me.

  Cosmo and Felix strode toward their friends, leaving me in the dust. I reached back into the Escalade and got my purse. I had some backup makeup in there that Laura insisted I take in case I needed some touch-ups. The door to the club opened and shut, each time allowing the music to pulse through the night. Cosmo started dancing every time he heard it.

  As an afterthought, he trotted back to put his arm around me. I was as important to him as my purse was to me. Felix and Cosmo cracked jokes around me. Lock trailed behind. Cosmo was insulated by the pretense of about fifteen Feybi men. They didn’t have to stop to show their IDs or anything, just got waved through.

  The interior of the club was wall-to-wall people. Cosmo pushed me in front and put his hands on my shoulders. After tiptoeing up the stairs, not letting my heels touch, we got to the VIP section. It was small, and only a few guys could fit with Felix, Cosmo’s friends, and me. Lock was left below, on the dance floor.

  Cosmo dragged out a chair and I sat. The table was soon covered with drinks. I had a glass of sweet wine that I drank heavily—the only way I could escape. The music was pounding. Cosmo, busy drinking and laughing at jokes I couldn’t quite follow, seemed to be having a great time with his friends.

  I could see through the glass divider. Lock was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Volt leaned over and spoke into his ear. Lock shrugged and started dancing. As I scanned the floor, I saw all of Olin’s men trying to blend in. Some were dancing, some were chatting up girls, and others were holding drinks. Clearly, Lock had gotten the message.

  My glass was getting refilled when it was halfway empty, so I stopped trying to count how many I’d had. I liked the way the alcohol slowed down the worry. It took away the terror at being a pawn in Olin’s game. I drank more.

  Cosmo touched my shoulder a few times, clinking his glass against mine. He was more interested in talking to Felix, though. I stood, because it was time to use the ladies’ room. Check my makeup. Something. I walked to the railing on the balcony. I found Lock in the crowd; not one but two girls were grinding on him. Like he could feel my gaze, he looked up. I peered down my nose at him as my anger built.

  How dare he?

  Right here. While I was a prisoner, he was going to dance with two sluts? I finished my glass of wine and slapped it on the table. I wanted to storm downstairs, but these stupid heels were like shackles. I kicked them off. I walked much more assuredly over to the VIP stairs, and Cosmo didn’t stop
me. I wasn’t his focus anyway. I made my way down the stairs, only stopping once to get my balance.

  The guards nodded at me. They must be confident enough that they had the place secured to allow me to walk free. It was fine. I had one destination in mind. Well, one person in mind. I fought my way through the crowd of gyrating bodies. When I spied him again, he was watching me, unmoving while the girls around him danced.

  I came up close to him and grabbed his hand. He allowed himself to be pulled. One of the girls clutched his suit jacket.


  She couldn’t stop what was happening. Lock brushed her off. He squeezed my hand as I towed him through the crowd. I wasn’t sure where the hell we were going, but my walls were crumbling. My determination was dissolving. I staggered. The wine was hitting me all at once. Lock switched hands so he could guide me with a hand on my back.

  He hurried me up the stairs and pushed me toward the VIP bathroom. Since we’d clogged up the VIP section with dudes, the ladies’ room was empty. He let go of me altogether to grab the door and hold it for me.

  He tilted his chin, indicating for me to go through. He was waiting to see what I’d meant by bringing him with me. I turned around and backed through the door, grabbing his tie and pulling him with me. I was irrational now. This was far from the stiff upper lip I’d been presenting to the world for the past month.

  Lock pulled the door closed behind him. I reached past him and locked it.

  The bathroom was done up in a gaudy rose gold marble. The lights had a tint. I pushed Lock against the door. He was staring at me like I was a lit fuse. Distrustful. Scared.

  In my head I had a million things to say to him. I bit my cheeks to keep the words inside. I could feel his heart pounding under my hands.

  “Ember.” The rumble of my name in his lungs.


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