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Page 23

by Debra Anastasia

  “I can’t say it doesn’t entice me to know what it is you offer. What your price is. But first, let’s meld these families together so that your outcome and my outcome are the very same. Think about that for a while. Feybi and your organization together on equal footing. It was like when great houses and empires would combine their strength, combine their bloodlines. I love the whole idea of it.”

  Nix bit his bottom lip. Waiting.

  Olin straightened his lapel. “Consider this a formal invitation. As soon as we decide on the date, we’ll clue you in. Hopefully, you and Ember can make amends before the big day.”

  Olin gave a little wave.

  While we watched him and his caravan of men leave, I stepped next to Nix. “Well, he’s insane.”

  Nix nodded. “He’s clever, too. Maybe too clever for his own good. I still think we run the numbers for an extraction.”

  I murmured out loud for T to follow the caravan back to Feybi property. She gave me her acknowledgement.

  I was starting to agree. Get in, get our girl, and get the fuck out.

  Chapter 52


  WE WERE STILL GOING to take the engagement pictures. And I was trying to get my feet to move. Ann, the madam from the brothel, was called in to fix my hair. Straighten it out. I wondered if I was going to have to tell her Laura, her employee, was killed. But as Cosmo left and Ann walked in, she made it clear with the judgment in her eyes that she already knew.

  Cosmo was hoping to take the pictures at sunset. He seemed pretty confident it was safe to leave me alone so he could go get dressed. Either he knew where his father was or he liked taking chances.

  Ann looked me up and down. “So, you’re the one that got Laura murdered.”

  I knew my eyebrows were damn near my hairline. “What?”

  “Yes. Laura could’ve taken a beating, but you stepped in and got her killed. I can’t get any work out of a dead person.”

  I held my stomach. This horrible woman was weighing her net losses. I wanted to kick her and cry. I did neither as she put her manicured hand on my shoulder and pushed me into a chair.

  Flat ironing the curls that Laura had painstakingly put in felt sacrilegious. And Ann wasn’t gentle. Clumps of my hair littered the floor, a harsh reminder of her rough handling. My bottom throbbed from the beating.

  I felt my will to make it through this whole fiasco draining out like a bathtub. Was my life even worth all of this? Waves of despair washed over me as Ann repainted my eyes with liner and shadow.

  Lock’s face peered through the front window. He was worried about me. I could feel it coming from him even though he said nothing. I started doing some magical thinking. Imagining myself with Lock, out of this situation. Living a normal life together. Going to the movies. Being back at school, going for a slice of pizza.

  “Don’t you start crying again. You can cry in your bed. And that’s it. And only if you’re alone.” Ann started cleaning up Laura’s makeup and brushes.

  Everyone was able to work Laura’s death into the day. It was horrifying. After Ann had packed the last of the brushes, she went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and apple slices. I was surprised when she set them down in front of me. “Eat. Can’t have you passing out on the cliff over the water during your photo shoot. Though, honestly, it’d be a whole lot easier for me. None of the girls would come here to work on your face after Laura was killed.”

  I took a long swallow of the water.

  I said nothing to this woman. She was part of the goddamn problem. She continued unprompted, “So now I have to take time out of running my business to be here every day. Starting tomorrow, I’ll train you to do the basic stuff yourself. Together, we’ll manage this less than optimal situation.”

  I forced myself to take a bite of an apple slice. Because she was right—about the need for food. I needed to stay strong for now. Move forward for now.

  It wasn’t until after the pictures were taken on the cliff that Cosmo told me that he was moving in. He told me it was for my own protection. That his father had a temper. In the next breath, he told me that Felix was also moving into the extra bedroom. He wanted to spend more time with me and really wanted me to work on my college degree. I listened and nodded. He would do as he wished. But the sex that I hadn’t yet been forced to have with him would become expected.

  Cosmo was handsome, but I didn’t choose him. I wasn’t interested in him. I wrapped my arms around myself on the way home. I wished I had my mother’s earring to touch. To give me strength. Cosmo, Felix, and Felon took the security cameras out of the cottage. There would be no more interior surveillance. But I dreaded what the price of this small freedom would be.

  Chapter 53


  I DIDN’T KNOW HOW the hell people slept when a girl was murdered less than a stone’s throw from their bed. Gratefulness that it wasn’t Ember was still with me. But man, that makeup girl had been here every day. Ember was a beautiful girl, but even I had to notice the artistry and talent that went into her makeup.

  And like the snap of fingers, she was gone. Like Dice. Like I feared Ember and I would be someday soon. I hoped Nix had gotten my letter. I had a mini panic attack when I pictured Olin somehow intercepting it. I got out of bed in Felon’s amazingly intricate house. The pacing started. I wanted to check on Ember. I wanted to check on my mother and Rhy.

  I walked to the front door and unlocked the wood puzzle that barred the front door. I looked down at my sleeveless T-shirt and sweats. I wasn’t dressed up. I put slides on and crossed the front lawn. In the darkness I could see her bedroom window better from the little knoll toward the front of the property.

  I made out the silhouette of a woman moving around in the kitchen. Then she moved to the bedroom. Just staring out the window. I wasn’t close enough to make out her face, but I could guess Ember was having trouble sleeping for the same reasons I was.

  I peeked over my shoulder. Felon stood in the open doorway. “She’s really special, huh?”

  I bent down and pulled up a handful of grass. I started throwing the blades of grass like handfuls of pebbles.

  “Yeah.” I wanted to be honest with him, but he was blood with the Feybis so trust would be a tough ask.

  “I saw how screwed up you were when you thought that girl was Ember.” He stepped out farther onto the lawn.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” I offered the obvious. He was usually headed in for the night by nine.

  “Ah. Yeah. Usually. Hard to sleep on a night like this.”

  I took my eyes off the window that held the shape of Ember—the shape that I thought belonged to her—and gave him a disbelieving stare.

  “She was an innocent. I mean, hell, she worked for Ann so I know she was no Girl Scout. But you never know why these girls get into the life. If it was even her choice...” Felon started stretching his arms.

  “This was your family, though. Your brother lost his temper. How do you make peace with that?” I was toeing a line, though Felon and I had gotten to know each other quite a bit from the hours behind his house.

  “I woulda stopped him if I’d been there.” Felon looked off into the distance.

  We both watched another figure approach the woman in the window. I stiffened until I watched her turn and hug him.

  Cosmo. She was hugging Cosmo. It was really, really hard to see this.

  “If you love her, hang in there. You never know.” Felon turned and walked back into the house, leaving the door ajar for me.

  I watched as Cosmo and Ember held each other. There was no kissing or anything, but I was jealous. And sad for the makeup girl.

  Chapter 54


  THE FIRST NIGHT COSMO slept over he stayed on the couch. Felix was in the guest bedroom. By the second night, Cosmo had bought an air mattress and put it on the floor of my room. The only kiss we’d shared was the one I forced on him in front of Nix.

  He didn’t leer at my ass or linger on
my boobs. I was grateful for that small kindness. By the third night, I figured out why. I was up to use the bathroom when I heard the moaning. And then it clicked. Felix and Cosmo were together.

  My mind was blown. In this situation, I finally had an upper hand. I wasn’t sure what the hell I was going to do with that information, but it gave me a shot of hope.

  Cosmo was hiding his homosexuality from his dad. The ring on my finger was a cover. Felix, though a great guy and a good teacher, was here for Cosmo, not me.

  Their relationship was incredibly obvious in the morning light. I was shocked it took moaning for me to figure it out. They shared secret looks and gentle smiles. Now that I was watching for it, I saw the little touches, moments when they brushed up against one another. It was almost cute. Except I was stuck here. And I didn’t know the risks involved in any of this.

  Ann came every day, earlier and earlier, to make me up for the day even though we didn’t go anywhere. On Friday night, she had to return to enhance my makeup because Cosmo had a house party he wanted to go to.

  She was less rough than she had been that first night, but there was no friendly banter like there had been with Laura. I missed her, plain and simple. And my heart hurt every time I thought of her.

  After Ann had swept my hair up into a swirled bun, she shared that I needed to be seen on social media with Cosmo and my ring. Olin was getting ready to leave on business on the other side of the country and would be checking his son’s Instagram for evidence that I was doing my part.

  Lock, with a handful of guys, was escorting Cosmo and me to the party. And, of course, Felix was with us as well.

  The house was huge and on the water. Cosmo explained that it belonged to his friend’s uncle. I made sure that Cosmo took a few engagement pictures for Instagram, and then we split up. The crowd was young. The lights were low.

  I got a glass of wine and put my back against a wall while Cosmo and Felix went upstairs. Across the crowded room, I spied Lock. He was all business in his suit with his earpiece in. I stared at him until he returned my gaze.

  Instead of letting my stare scurry away, I held still.

  The conversation we had didn’t contain words. Just a tongue to the lips or a shake of the head.

  He thought I looked nice. I thought he was crazy. A hint of who we used to be. I set my glass down on a nearby end table and left in search of a bathroom. I glanced over my shoulder and Lock followed.

  The house was a maze of rooms and hallways. As I went deeper in, Lock got closer. After two left turns and two doors, I opened a door that led to a nondescript looking bedroom.

  I waited inside with the door ajar, the lights off.

  Lock slipped in and closed it behind me. “Are you okay?”

  We were only illuminated by the slats of light that the blinds allowed in. His voice and the sweet tone got me. I walked right into his chest so he was forced to put his arms around me. I shook my head slowly. No, I wasn’t all right. No, I wasn’t okay. I was the reason a girl had died a few days ago. The man I was supposed to marry was leading a double life. I wasn’t sure if this whole farce I was putting myself through was worth it. Was it even helping keep Nix and Animal and T alive? Or was I nothing more than a pawn in Olin’s fucked-up game?

  I didn’t voice those concerns, but his kiss on my forehead was understanding enough. Lock still had feelings for me. Thank heavens. Because I needed the connection more than I could even admit to myself.

  “It’ll be okay, Ember.” He rubbed my back.

  “Not for Laura.” I tilted my head up. Lock was so handsome in the moonlight that was making its way inside the room. “Are there cameras here? For Olin?”

  It was always about him—that horrible murderer.

  “No. Things aren’t as tight in this house. I think that’s why Cosmo picked it. We do have eyes on us, though.” He tucked a bit of stray hair behind my ear.

  “Okay. I get it. Just a quick visit.” I touched his face. “I’m so sorry. For all of this. God, this can’t get you in trouble. I can’t deal with it if you’re hurt.”

  I was saying too much. The last time I had wine I had taken risks. I couldn’t do this to him. I needed to let him do his job.

  “Does this mean we’re friends? Because this feels like you softening to me.” He was serious.

  I shook my head. “Please don’t put friendship on me. You’ve sacrificed so much, your sister, your family. I can’t take that on right now. I need to just get through, day by day. And I think, if I have to do this to the very end, I would like hugs from you from time to time.”

  He had a sad smile for me. “That’s okay. We can do that.”

  Chapter 55


  I INHALED THE SCENT of her hair. Her arms were locked around my neck. I swayed a little, making her move with me. Almost a dance.

  She didn’t know how much had changed between the last time we were alone and now. Telling her wasn’t an option, not in this moment anyway. Felon had been teaching me behind his house. How to aim. How to shoot. He had years and years of practice, but he was able to pare down a lot of his best tips into easily understood lessons. I was careful around him; I couldn’t forget who he was. Who he was loyal to. But I was really starting to like him. And starting to trust him as well.

  I was moving up in the Feybi organization at a breakneck speed. Another Felon perk. The guys didn’t give me shit. And I was getting things that should take years to earn. Like the right to go to the store and grab food and stuff for Felon and me in my time off. During my second trip to the Shoppers Grocery Store, I’d learned I was being watched. Mercy, Ember’s brother, had appeared at my side, a hood covering his elaborate tattoos.

  A chill went through me. I knew he’d be able to kill me in no time flat. “Give T your list. She’ll get the stuff you need. Come talk to me in the van.”

  Was anyone brave enough to stand up to this guy without an army? I hadn’t met them yet. And I certainly was smart enough to do whatever he said.

  In the white “free candy” van in the parking lot, Animal was sitting in the driver’s seat. He nodded at me when our gaze connected in the rearview mirror. I returned it.

  Nix opened up a laptop. I saw the screen and my blood went as cold as a slushy.

  My sister and mother were in a picture, smiling. “I know who these people are to you. I’ve been to see them.”

  And then I flipped. This man, Ember’s brother or not, was an assassin. His visit could only mean one thing—he’d threatened them or killed them to get my compliance. I started swinging.

  Nix moved fast, ducking out of the way of my first two punches. He wrapped my wrists up and used my own weight against me. Before I knew it, he was sitting on my back, hissing into my ear, “They’re alive. Calm the fuck down.” Nix waited until I stopped struggling, then let me up slowly. I was still fuming and close to primitive in my need to protect my girls.

  In the driver’s seat, Animal had a gun pointed at me. He shrugged as if to say he was reluctant to do it, but my obvious violent impulses required it.

  “Your mom was running out of money despite what you’ve sent her. Your sister’s doing great in the new school, but there are a lot of extra expenses.” Nix reached past me and flipped through some more pictures. Obviously candid, security camera style.

  My sister and mother were being tailed by Nix and company. I was raging. Fury washed over me, despite the firearm pointed at my head.

  “Settle down, Lock. Your sister’s tuition is now paid in full through to her senior year in high school. Including programs and extra stuff for your mom and sister to do together.”

  I felt my eyes narrow. There had to be a catch.

  “I now own the building they live in. They’re living rent free. T put money into a trust for your sister, so she has what she needs for the foreseeable future.” Nix folded his arms in front of him.

  He scrolled through the paperwork that had been completed. My signature was forged all over it.
For as much as Ma would ever know, I had provided for her and Rhy.

  I copied his movement. “Thanks? I think? I’d rather they weren’t being tailed by a bunch of murderers. What do you want?”

  Nix tipped his chin up. “My sister. I want you to watch her. Take care of her until I can get her the hell out of there.”

  I nodded. “I was already doing that.”

  “Yeah. But I wanted you to know that your responsibilities are covered. As far as your family. So…”

  “So, if I get killed, I can die in peace.” I tilted my head to the side.

  He bobbed his chin in agreement. “I hope it doesn’t come to that. I need a bit of time to get her out. And to make sure that she wants to get out.”

  “I sent you a letter saying as much. Did you get it?” At the rear of the van, the tailgate doors opened. T climbed inside with the bags and Felon’s credit card.

  Her appearance clearly signaled that I had to get moving back to the compound. I couldn’t be gone longer than a reasonable amount of time.

  “I got it.” He waited while I gathered up my stuff. “You’re telling me Ember needs to be removed from the Feybis?”

  I had to be clear. “Hell yes. But it’s tricky. Olin’s got her scared. Real scared.”

  “Whenever you come out to the store, one of us will be here. Give me updates on Ember. Let me know what’s going on. You’ll be our guy on the inside. Don’t tell Ember, though. She has to keep doing what she’s doing. I don’t want Olin to be able to torture her for information.” Nix half stood.

  “And in exchange? My sister and mother are taken care of. But if I don’t do as you ask?”

  I needed to know how deep in the shit I was.

  Animal spoke up, “Nix doesn’t kill women and children. They’ll be taken care of as long as one of us is alive, no matter what you choose to do.”

  T nodded and Nix gave me his steely stare. I knew then they were on the right side of wrong—the kind of guys Dice and I always wanted to be. They were the good bad guys, if there was such a thing.


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