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Page 30

by Debra Anastasia

  “I was wondering if you’d set up a meeting with Mercy and Havoc for me.”

  Now I tilted my head. “For?”

  I didn’t have a bad feeling in my gut yet, but I couldn’t see how the family that kidnapped Ember could ever get into their good graces. As far as I knew, they were dismantling the whole organization from the ground up.

  “I want to live in my house. I want to meet Cosmo’s next boyfriend. Maybe they’ll have kids. I just want to be around. I have to protect Cosmo. He’s my kid. But I want to make things easier for him. And you.” Felon tipped his head toward me. “They good to you?”

  “Oh yeah. Taking care of my people and everything.” He’d defended Ember and me in that church, by himself. “Thank you. By the way. For taking out everyone. They told me about the wrappers at the church and I knew it was you.”

  Felon swallowed hard. “No problem. Just sorry they got to Ember. She moved so fast. They just got her twice?”

  I nodded. I trusted Felon with information about Ember. Which meant I trusted the hell out of him.

  “Yeah. That’s hell to recoup from. I wish her quick healing.” Felon opened the passenger door. He tossed a burner phone near me. “I have my number programmed in there. Call me if Mercy and Havoc want to talk.”

  Chapter 79


  WHEN I WAS MOVED to the physical therapy facility, Lock could no longer stay with me. I had a roommate. As soon as he was allowed to visit, he was there and stayed until the night nurse kicked him out.

  He was gorgeous. Not just his face. His attentiveness to me. The way he joked with all the personnel at the facility, and beyond. How he took even quiet moments seriously. His focus and ability to help me were humbling. Hugging me through my guilt over Bowen and Laura’s death.

  We had this weird thing in common, the Feybis and being taken against our will. He told me one night all about how he wound up as a guard on their property. We interwove our fingers and he told me about Dice being killed. About Olin showing up. About the crooked frames. That he had to leave his mother and Rhy and expected to die every moment he was at Feybi’s. Until he met Felon. The non-talker that had a soft spot for Lock’s big mouth. He told me that the Tootsie Rolls were found at the scene of the church, that Felon had taken out the guards and he’d shot Lock so he would get down.

  When I asked him why he’d stood up during the gunfight, he just shook his head and smiled. “Let’s not think about that part. We’re here now.”

  Lock and I played Uno and checkers. He read out loud to me from some of my favorite books. We watched movies on my phone. Nix, Animal, and T all came to visit, though they seemed very busy and happy that I was in one place and that I was staying there. Lock suspected that the fallout from the church massacre was going to be driving their free time for a long time.

  My job was to heal. Lock’s wound was just shaping up to be a sexy scar. Mine were still bandaged and the locations of my incisions were in rough spots. One close to my shoulder and one near my hip. Moving was trouble. But I had Lock’s strong arms a lot of the time. And I had to do it by myself as well. Building up my stamina was required. My PT sessions were grueling.

  But I would fight for this part of my life that felt like I wasn’t meant to have.

  Chapter 80


  EMBER STAYED IN THE hospital for two weeks. Then she was moved to the physical therapy facility. Lock stayed with her, as did Nix. I went back to Midville with T. We had to play catch-up. Our soldiers had held it down, but some things were still brewing. The Feybi family was recoiling from the death of yet another family leader. The Internet chatter was vague. The only people who knew what really went down were Ember, Lock, Felon, Olin, and Cosmo.

  Kaleotos and I met, and I told them now was not the time to overtake the Feybi family. They were at a flash point. And Olin had built up quite an empire. We had to restore business as usual and that’s what we did. Nix had moved Lock’s sister and mother to a local house in Midville, and T had set up a new service for Rhy. Midville had the headquarters for the school that Rhy had loved in Valston.

  I knew that Lock had Facetimed his mother and sister a number of times, even introduced Ember to them digitally.

  But today was a big day. After months, Ember was coming home. Nix had changed his shirt three times. We’d all made sure her new room was ready.

  The family was getting back together. Lock was due to move in with her. It was the safest way to be. When Lock pulled up carefully in the Charger, Nix opened the front door and we all barreled through it.

  Baby Girl was home. She’d thought she was saving all of our lives while staying with Olin Feybi. And maybe she had. And she’d been “framed” for the killing of a man named Files. T handled the evidence one evening. There wasn’t much, a gun with bloody prints, some bloody clothes. My poor, sweet Ember.

  But now, this was the happiest I’d ever seen Nix. He was like a mama hen with all her eggs set down under her getting warm. I told him as much, only to get a skeleton middle finger in my direction.

  After we walked into the house, I came in for a gentle hug and Ember got me back with surprising force. She was strong. PT was doing great stuff for her. Her hair was streaked with fresh rainbow colors. It was really nice to see them. It suited her. T walked next to her and took her purse off her shoulder. Ember navigated the steps easily, but we would have broken all the bones in our bodies before she fell.

  We took her to the elevator Nix had installed, which whisked us all to her wing downstairs. He’d stocked the place with presents, food, and balloons. Ember was delighted. She was doing great until she staggered a little, and Lock and Nix insisted she sit down on the couch. Once there, she regained her color.

  It was going to be a long road for our girl, but we were happy she was here. Proud, too.

  Just the day before, Mercy and I had a meeting with Felon Feybi and Lock. It’d taken quite a bit of restraint not to kill the remaining Feybi for his half-brother’s sins.

  Lock insisted Felon was good. And he’d helped save Ember and himself that evil day in the church.

  It was worth hearing what he had to say. He came to our location without any entourage. He submitted to my pat-down willingly. And then he apologized. He said that he should‘ve taken Olin out himself years ago. He was willing to turn over any and all territory to us in reparations. Felon wasn’t interested in the business. He’d lost the woman he loved and just wanted to make things right for his son, Cosmo.

  He put a lot of trust right on the table. He was telling us stuff Cosmo didn’t even know. We told him we’d think about it and sent him on his way.

  I could see a truce down the line. Maybe. But right now, it was magic looking at Nix with a full house. A guy who thought he was alone was anything but.

  Chapter 81


  THE ELEVATOR WAS EXTRA. I could do stairs. But I loved Nix for the thoughtfulness. It was a given that Lock would stay with me. We were inseparable. After we were all moved in, Rhy and his mother were coming over for dinner.

  We’d met on Facetime, and I was looking forward to meeting them both in person. I made Lock stop on our way to Nix’s so I could get a toy for Rhy. She was a fan of the smooshie cupcake toys that smelled like vanilla and reduced stress, so we grabbed three.

  I held Lock’s hand. I thought about Merck saying that my mom liked holding hands. I could get where that came from. Merck was coming over tonight, too, for a homecoming dinner. Becca and Animal were making a feast. It was like a mini Thanksgiving. I put my head on Lock’s shoulder.

  “We just need to get your dad out of prison,” I offered.

  He snorted. “You reading minds now, pretty lady?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know. Dying made me really think hard about living. I want us all to be next to each other. If I could have my mom here, I would. If Nix thinks he knows a good lawyer and Merck has some pull, maybe we can get him an appeal?” I put my other hand on the center of hi
s chest.

  “That would be great. For Rhy in particular. She misses Dad harder than any of us. She loves straight on, you know?” He kissed my forehead.

  We were quiet for a while before making out. We hadn’t been physical since I came back to life. I was far too injured, but we could still touch one another. Revel in the fact that we made it out alive.

  He pulled out a box from his pocket. A jewelry box. It was about the size for a necklace, so I wasn’t getting marriage thoughts.

  He opened it for me. It was a silver lock on a chain. I laughed.

  “This is perfect.”

  He helped me put it on.

  Then he revealed a key on a ball chain and slipped it over his neck. “It fits in your lock.”

  “That’s pretty sexual,” I offered.

  “I hope so.” He whispered into my ear, “So, does this mean we’re going out now? Like you’re my girlfriend?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  I tucked myself under his arm carefully. Safe.




  LOCK ZIPPED UP MY pale yellow dress and kissed my shoulder when he was done. I leaned toward him and was rewarded with a head kiss, too.

  I looked at him in the mirror. He was amazing in a tuxedo. I touched my lock necklace and he responded by touching his own key one.

  “It was nice of Becca to have the wedding here at the house.” I turned and put my hands on his shoulders. The fabric on his jacket was stiff. I straightened his bowtie.

  “I don’t think anyone here will have a wedding in a church after what you went through.” He trailed his index finger on the sweetheart neckline of my dress.

  “We went through. You got shot, too.” I lifted his finger to my lips and licked it gently.

  “Pretty. You can’t start that now. We have to be upstairs in one minute.”

  Lock looked like he could be easily convinced to do something else. I took his hand and led him behind me. I slid my feet into my flats. I was healing. I was doing great, but pushing my hips forward into a pair of heels for a whole evening would be too much.

  After pretending to put his elbow on the top of my head, he laughed when I faked a punch to his middle.

  We took the stairs up to the main floor, avoiding the elevator and enjoying my strength. Once up top, Lock shook hands with Nix and Animal, who both had tuxedos on as well. Nix was smiling widely.

  Both greeted him with his hated street name.

  “Thanks, Asshole.”

  “Hey, Asshole, put ’er here.”

  Lock rolled his eyes, but laughed it off.

  Nix was marrying his Becca today. He already had the wedding band tatted on the correct finger. Becca had done the honors a few days ago. She had added a slim band to her “engagement ring,” which had been a skull tat on her ring finger.

  I kissed my brother’s cheek and then smacked Animal on the ass as I walked by.

  Lock gave a very loud, “Hey!” but I kept going right up the stairs to find Becca and T.

  I liked to make Lock jealous with my adoration of Animal. There were usually sexual “claiming” benefits to be had later from him. When I got to the master bedroom, Becca was fussing with her custom veil.

  T looked relieved to see me. “Can you try this? I can’t make it stay securely.”

  I grabbed a brush and worked the combs into the right place. T and I were wearing similar gowns. She was the matron of honor and I was doing double duty as the flower girl and bridesmaid.

  Becca’s makeup looked lovely. She had such an artist’s eye and human skin was her regular canvas. Half of her face was etched with a hint of a skull tat, matching Nix’s. Her dress continued the theme, with half of it featuring a full skeleton, outlined in silver. Her shoes were mismatched as well, with one showing the bones in her foot.

  After I had the veil all set, she stood and shook out her hands. “I guess I’m ready?”

  “You nervous?” She and my brother were so perfect for each other; I couldn’t imagine her having anything but joy.

  “Well.” She walked past me and opened the closet.

  Hanging there was a very sexy black teddy. It had a full skeleton embroidered on it. Upon closer inspection, I saw there was a tiny baby skeleton on the tummy.

  “What?” I whirled on Becca. T covered her mouth.

  “Just found out. Nix doesn’t know yet. At least I don’t think so. He’s pretty in tune with my body and…” Becca put her hand on her belly.

  The three of us did a group hug. “He’s going to lose his mind.”

  Becca was glowing with her excitement.

  “We’re aunts!” I put my arm around T. She let out a very un-T-like squeal.

  The wedding was everything. I managed to keep my mouth shut about the baby, despite the fact that I almost messed up twice. I danced with Nix and Animal and Merck, who I called Dad for the first time.

  My friends from high school stopped by. Lock acted suspicious of my guy friends and I ate it up.

  Lock’s mother and Rhy were a hit. The legal prognosis for Lock’s father’s appeal was looking great. He was being protected in prison as well—Nix and Animal had connections there.

  Lock and I worked our way through the party and danced as much as possible. After the last song was played, the lights were dimmed and our guests cleared out, we returned to our wing of the place with a nice chunk of wedding cake. My middle was a little achy. When I had a huge day, it would sometimes act up.

  Lock followed me down the stairs and into our apartment. After our door was shut, I climbed up onto the kitchen counter and Lock placed himself between my legs. We fed each other bits of cake while we talked about weddings. After we were full, I set the plate into the sink. Lock licked my fingers clean.

  “You look happy, Miss Ember.” He kissed my wrist and then my palm.

  “I’m alive, Mr. Sherlock Sonnet. And you’re here. How could I not be happy?” I sat back, propping myself up on my arms.

  Lock pushed away and started frontin’. I knew what he was doing. I told him it was hot when he was being a badass so he would do it for me.

  “So, you like slapping some ass that’s not mine?” He was using the big gestures. Someone else might think he was threatening me.

  I crossed my legs and bounced my foot. “Sometimes. What are you gonna do about it, tough guy?”

  He wiped his lips with his thumb and dropped his shoulder. “Imma go upstairs and teach that man a lesson.”

  I lifted my eyebrow. “Really. The giant muscle-bound murderer?”

  “Yes.” He fake boxed in my direction.

  I leaned forward. “And what are you going to do to me? Isn’t that kinda sexist? I mean, I’m the one who harassed him.”

  Lock narrowed his eyes, then started walking toward me, dragging one leg like we were about to get in a bar brawl.

  “Still. His ass touched your hand.” He bobbed and weaved until he was pressed against the counter between my legs.

  “And, actually, out of the two of us…” I dipped my finger into the sink and got some white icing on the tip. I touched it to his nose and then to his lip. “I’m the only murderer in this room.”

  Dark humor. Here, in this little cave, I would joke. He knew how much I was tortured by nightmares where I saw Olin’s face. We used laughter as medicine.

  I watched as the façade slid from his eyes, the playacting over. “I wish I could have done it for you.”

  “It’s okay. We don’t have to be serious.” I licked the icing off his nose. “Let’s love on each other. That’s what tonight is for.”

  We heard a shout from above. Lock smoothly removed himself from my arms and found his hatchets.

  “Stay in the closet.” He pointed in the direction of the closet in our bedroom. It was a fully functioning panic room.

  I shook my head. “No. It’s good news.”

  Lock relaxed his stance just in time.

  Our door flew open and N
ix ran in like a madman. “A baby! I’m going to be a dad!”

  He had on just his tux pants and no shoes. I hopped down from the counter and ran over, giving him a huge hug. He spun me around before putting me down quickly. “Are you okay? I’m sorry. I was so excited.”

  I watched as the excitement dulled a bit. Like the thought of hurting me set his mind on a roller coaster of emotions that led back to his murdering dad.

  I put my hand on his face. “No. Don’t go there. We’re made of pure love when it comes to our people.”

  Nix nodded against my hand.

  “You get to be excited and feel all the things.” I hugged him again.

  Lock stuck out his hand and gave Nix a congratulatory slap on the back.

  “Thanks so much, Asshole. I appreciate it.” Nix beamed again. “Well, you can be Uncle Asshole.”

  After the excitement was over and Nix vaulted back up the stairs to Becca, I led Lock back into our bedroom.

  “Time to let me deal with all this sexy in a tux.” I lifted my hair so he could unzip me.

  I let the dress fall to the floor. Lock grabbed up my hair in a fist and used it to make me tilt my head. He gave me whisper kisses praising my beauty. His other hand covered the scars on my stomach. He said he loved those as well, and I believed him.

  He turned me after he dropped my hair. His eyes were fire. After leaning down, he kissed me as if we’d just come back to life, again.

  “You’re the inhale, Ember.” He cradled my face in his hands.

  “You’re the exhale, Asshole,” I offered.

  I watched as his dimples were brought out by his smile. “Oh, you’ll pay for that.” He went to his knees and removed my panties. After tossing my leg over his shoulder, I paid over and over and over.


  I clicked the door to our bedroom closed. T was on her side, eyes closed. White panties and a white tank top should be illegal in every state—the way she wore them anyway. She knew I was there. I’d not been able to sneak up on her yet. Though I never really wanted to try.


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