Human Monsters
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Human Monsters:
Stories By
Kerea Holliman
Copyright 2017 Sha’Kerea Holliman
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Info
Table of Contents
The Postcard
Death’s a Dick
Connect with the Author
About The Author
The Post Card
Hey Janise,
I didn’t know how to start this letter but I should probably say I’m sorry, I know how bad you wanted to come with me. I made it to the Kincemave Island and it’s quite beautiful, white sandy beaches, crystal blue waters, it’s just like how dad said it would be! The people in town are kind of strange though, but nothing out of the ordinary. Oh! I was wondering if you could look up the word “Camtina?” There isn’t any Internet here and it’s driving me insane.
Yesterday I decided to hike up the mountain and ran into the local priest, quite the believer (Dude is a total nutcase). I talked with him for a few minutes and it turns out he knew dad, I tried to ask him more question and he blew me off.
Anyway, did you happen to take some of my clothes? I can’t seem to find any of my shorts and I know a packed them. The town’s people are having a bonfire tonight and I’ll try to send you some of the Kalli’Mu flowers you wanted so badly. Fun Fact: On the island, they burn the flowers to let the gods know they have found a worthy sacrifice or something. I’m sorry you couldn’t be here.
I’ll write to you when I can.
Judi Singes
Kenya shuffled through the kitchen, the gash above her eye leaking blood and blurring her vision. She held the knife in her hand tightly as she felt her way through the dark kitchen, not noticing her opponent only a few inches behind her. Weston walked with a smile on his face, holding his breath as he got closer.
She stops and brings her arms to her side.
“Tobi,” Weston whispered.
Kenya twirls the knife in her hand and quickly turns around, she swings the blade wildly hoping to catch his skin at least once.
“That’s not my fucking name!” Kenya said.
She swings the knife again, and Weston takes a step back, his face scrunched in confusion.
“I don’t understand?” He said, “I thought letting you out would make it better?”
“Nothing will make this better,” She yelled.
Weston frowns and slowly approaches Kenya, his hands sliding across the counter. Kenya stands her ground with the knife held tightly in her trembling hands. Weston smiles and wraps his hand around a vase.
“Do you know the hardest part of this, Tobi?” He asked.
Kenya doesn’t reply, her face set in anger and slight fear. She’s ready to kill him.
“The hardest part.” He said, his hand gripping the vase. “Is hiding the body.”
Kenya charges him, and Weston smiles, he picks up the vase and brings it down on the side of her head. She falls to the floor unmoving and bleeding. Weston shakes his head and squats in front of the unconscious girl, he pokes her a few times and laughs.
“Therapy is really hard, Huh?”
He stands and dusts off his coat, he looks at Kenya and steps over her then grabs her feet. He pulls her towards a door on the far side of the kitchen and sets her down, Weston digs into his pockets and pulls out a key. He jams it into the lock and waits for the ‘click.'
Kenya groans and Weston looks down at her, he nudges her with his foot.
“I’m not in the mood for any more games,” He said.
Kenya is quiet but awake. She waits till she hears the door open, the hinges squeak, and she smiles. Weston bends to grabs Kenya’s legs and is kicked into the darkness of the open door. Quickly, she stands and slams it shut.
“Tobi,” He screams. “Open this fucking door! Now.”
Weston beats on the door and Kenya stumbles away, she glances at the key in the lock. “I swear when I get out of here-”
Kenya laughs, “You’ll do what?”
There is silence and then a chuckle from the other side of the door.
“They won’t believe you,” Weston said, his voice quiet and deadly. “I’ve seen your records. They’ll think you were just on another acid trip, girly.”
Kenya frowns and turns away, she stumbles over to the oven and opens it.
“It’s best if you just let me out and then we’ll start all over again, Okay?”
Kenya twisted the knobs on the stove and glanced back at the door, she smiles and makes her way towards the porch door.
“Goodnight, Officer.” She chuckles and staggers into the night.