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The Awakener

Page 19

by Amanda Strong

  Eden stopped at her locker, cranking the dial a few times, and then methodically selected the lock’s combination. The metal door swung open.

  “So?” Caitlyn asked over Eden’s shoulder.

  Eden jumped.

  “Sorry,” Caitlyn said. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No, you’re fine; I’m just a little…” She let her words trail. Skittish, freaked out, scared of demons? Somehow, I don’t think she’ll understand that.

  Eden was kicking herself for the umpteenth time for not asking what her guardian’s name was. With how much I’ve talked to him all week, it’d sure be nice to have a name.

  Caitlyn’s hazel eyes were watching her, puzzled. Unlike Jessie, Caitlyn waited patiently; she didn’t push for details. Since they were both reserved by nature, it had taken them a few days to connect in the English class they shared. Now Eden was thrilled to have another good friend.

  Caitlyn was slender, standing only a few inches shorter than Eden did. Her light brown hair was naturally highlighted and her hazel eyes were framed with thick, black eyelashes.

  “Eden,” Jessie’s voice cut in. She had come up behind them. “Are you so excited? Tonight’s the night!”

  Eden groaned inwardly. She was not excited; she was dreading it. As if to nail in her reservations further, Willow stalked past them, nose held high, refusing to acknowledge their presence.

  “Ok, maybe you’re not excited about that,” Jessie sniffed as Willow disappeared in the crowded locker hall. “But Andrew’s worth it. He just needs to dump his friends, and then he’s totally cool.”

  Caitlyn smiled, wrinkling her nose.

  “I kind of doubt that’s going happen, Jessie,” Eden said, trying to smile, but it came out a grimace. What was I thinking agreeing to this? “Andrew has no idea he’s about to commit social suicide tonight with me as his date.”

  Jessie barged into Eden’s room later that night, carrying an oversized makeup bag. Eden cringed.

  She likes theater makeup. I hope I don’t end up looking like I’m playing a part in Hamlet.

  “We’ve got to figure out what you’re going to wear, because it’s obvious you haven’t got a clue,” Jessie announced. “And I brought my makeup because someone has to show you there’s more to makeup than eyeliner and mascara.” Jessie held up her enormous bag to make her point. “It’s a shame you can’t borrow some of my things. But you are tall and thin and I’m short and fat, so that’s not going to work,” Jessie stated matter-of-factly.

  Eden half-laughed, half-gasped. “That’s not true!”

  “Oh stop it, it is true. I’d like to see you in my pants; they’d be capris on you. And you’d swim in my shirts. So let’s move forward. You do have a few shirts I really like. I just hope they’re clean.”

  Eden bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. “Jessie, you’re not fat.”

  “Ok, fine, I’m not fat, just really curvy.”

  “Wish I was curvy.” She glanced at Jessie. “You know, boys like curves.”

  “Well, no one has liked mine,” Jessie huffed, “but we’re wasting time. Come on, we’ve got work to do.” For an hour, Jessie fussed over Eden’s hair, face, clothes, and eyebrows.

  “Honestly Eden, didn’t you know girls pluck?” Jessie mercilessly took a pair of tweezers to her eyebrows while Eden did her best not to cry.

  For some reason, the thought of her guardian having to sit through all this with her made her smile. He doesn’t strike me the type to be caught dead in a beauty salon. Poor guy’s probably begging to trade places with another guardian.

  Andrew does have a nice laugh, Eden thought during dinner. They were alone, waiting on Chase and Willow, who were supposed to meet up with them forty minutes ago. Andrew didn’t seem to mind and they’d ordered food.

  Bet they don’t even show. Poor Andrew, he’s going to lose all of his friends because of me.

  “I loved how red your face got when Mr. Giles caught you talking to me today.” Andrew gave her a crooked grin.

  “Ah,” she croaked. “You got me in trouble on purpose! That’s terrible.” She remembered Mr. Giles glare.

  He leaned forward, his face inches from hers, and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, busted, you got me.”

  Oh gosh, I think he’s going to hear my heart beating.

  She opened her mouth, with only, “Uh…” coming out.

  He moved back into his chair. Noting his tousled hair, his clothes having the thrown together, but coordinated, look of a beach worshipper, she was stunned they were on a date.

  “Yo-yo-yo watz-up,” Chase’s voice boomed.

  Eden’s neck jerked up; Chase and Willow stood next to the table. Willow’s long, black hair was swept up in a clip, bearing one huge, white flower. She was attractive with her tan skin, bright blue eyes, and glossy makeup.

  Chase’s honey-brown eyes were staring back at them. Andrew stood up to smack hands with him, and Eden rose to her feet, unsure what she was supposed to do.

  She was shocked when Chase pulled her into a bear hug. With all the hugging she’d been doing, she immediately knew this time was different. Her body wasn’t tumbling into him. If anything, she felt a resistance pulling her back.

  “Hey Eden-bo-beedan. I know you’re a hugger, saw how you bowled Micah over,” Chase crowed.

  Eden moved back quickly. Andrew was staring at her, his mouth half-open. Willow was taking turns glaring at her and Chase.

  It was the last thing she’d expected Chase to do, and she was lost on what to say.

  Chase was chuckling though, and she realized he saw it all as a big joke. She decided to play along.

  “Yeah, I hadn’t seen Micah since we were kids. I guess I sort of surprised him,” she said, trying to make light. Her tone sounded weird.

  Willow pulled her lips to the side, squinting at her.

  She really likes to dish out the glares, doesn’t she?

  “Hey, hope you don’t mind we ordered. You guys were late and we were starved,” Andrew said as they all sat back down. Eden was happy Andrew sat next to her instead of across. She feared Willow might stab her with a fork under the table if she were near enough.

  Willow sulked through dinner, her brows bent, lips pouting. Chase and Andrew talked sports a lot of the time, Andrew peeking her way whenever Chase would stop to shovel food in.

  His smile is so endearing, almost boyish. It made the night bearable.

  Knowing they were getting ready to leave, Eden tried to quietly inform Andrew she needed to use the restroom.

  “I’ll go with you, Eden,” Willow stated, making Eden feel terribly cliché.

  Willow’s high heels smacked the wooden floor as they made their way to the back of the restaurant. Eden hustled into a stall, mostly to avoid Willow’s glares.

  “I could just kill Chase,” Willow announced.

  Was I supposed to hear that?


  There was no response. Eden finished quickly and walked to the sink, where Willow was reapplying lip-gloss.

  “Sometimes boys can be,” Willow stared at her, “clueless.”


  Eden turned the sink off, hands dripping.

  Great, the towel dispenser’s behind her.

  She moved towards it, but Willow continued to gaze into the mirror, pulling out her powder.

  My jeans will do.

  “Eden, have any of your boyfriends ever forgotten your birthday?” Willow blurted, snapping her powder shut.

  She’s joking, right? Surely she knows I’ve never had a boyfriend.

  But Willow’s eyes were conflicted. It dawned on her why Willow was ticked off. She doesn’t know about her surprise party yet.

  “Is today your birthday?” Eden asked, playing dumb.

  “Yes! And I really thought he was planning something special tonight.” Willow’s eyes filled with pain. “I didn’t think we were really going out with you and Andrew, not that I didn’t want to go out wi
th you,” she added.

  Eden could tell by her tone her last statement was forced, but at least she wasn’t scowling now.

  “Well, maybe he didn’t forget. Maybe he does have something fun planned still.”

  Willow shrugged her shoulders and then sounded urgent, “Don’t say anything, ok? I know I’m being dumb to even care, but you’d think he’d remember with Megan putting birthday stuff all over my locker.” Again, the annoyance crept back into her voice.

  “I won’t, don’t worry.”

  Willow appeared relieved and, for the first time, smiled genuinely at Eden. It was amazing how much prettier she became with a softer expression.

  Eden felt something then—a need—like she wanted to… hug Willow.

  Oh no, not her! Come on, Guardian, you have to be kidding me.

  She didn’t know if he could read her thoughts or not. Perhaps he did, because she found her body moving, and in one movement, she was embracing Willow.

  Willow stiffened, sucking air in. Eden backed away quickly.

  “Sorry, just thought you could use a hug,” she said lamely.

  You’re not going to hear the end from me, Guardian!

  To her complete shock, Willow replied, “Thanks, I guess I sort of did.”


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