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So Wrong (Heart 0f Hope Book 3)

Page 3

by Ajme Williams

  This morning, she was standing at the kitchen table, sipping coffee. Her golden-red hair was tousled. She wore a soft looking tank top and shorts. My dick immediately went full tilt at the sexy image. This wasn’t the first hard-on I got from looking at her. In fact, since I’d hired her last year, she’d starred in all the dirty fantasies I had when I jerked off in the shower. It appeared that this morning would be another one.

  I entered my master bath, which I’d redone when I bought the home for Veronica and me after we learned she was expecting. Veronica wanted one of the larger homes along the river, but this was a safer, more affordable investment. The compromise was that the home was remodeled with all the high-end fixtures she wanted. Three years later, she was gone. Still, I couldn’t deny the tile shower with multiple shower heads was nice.

  I shucked off my shorts and t-shirt, and stepped into the hot spray. I looked down at my still-hard dick. When I’d first gotten a hardon involving thoughts of Tessa, I was mortified. She was my daughter’s babysitter, for fuck’s sake. Then I decided that in the privacy of my brain and shower, it didn’t matter what I thought about. In fact, I was glad I wasn’t thinking of Veronica or Brenda from the gym. With both of them, I’d had occasional friends-with-benefits sex up until nearly a year ago. Since then, my only sexual release came from thinking about Tessa. Not that I didn’t have opportunities with Veronica or Brenda, or other women, even. But it seemed like it was time to stop fucking Veronica, since we’d been divorced for nearly three years, and it wasn’t good business practice to get naked with a gym member.

  As I gripped my dick, I scanned my brain for what I should think about today as I jerked off. Tessa on her knees sucking my dick? Tessa standing in front of me in this shower as I fucked her from behind? Maybe in my bed, with her legs wrapped around my hips as I pounded away inside her.

  I stroked my cock as I shut my eyes and let the image of Tessa with her tousled hair and skimpy shorts and tank top come to mind. She looked so soft and warm. The need to touch and taste her spread through my body, making me hotter than the water pelting me. In my mind, I entered her kitchen. I was naked except for the tattoo of Maisie’s name, which was decorated with daisies. Tessa turned, looked at me with surprise, and then smiled. That sweet innocent smile.

  Her eyes drifted down my naked body to my cock, widening again. She didn’t say anything as I dropped to my knees and yanked her shorts down, revealing her sweet pussy. I imagined running my tongue through her folds, tasting her. A woman like her had to taste like honey.

  Seconds later, she was naked, and I had her on the table, her legs open wide, that wet pink pussy glistening with desire for my cock.

  “Fuck.” I gripped my cock tighter, sliding my hand along his length faster as I imagined plunging my aching dick inside her. I held her hips and let loose my raging need. I pounded into her, harder, faster.

  She was moaning and writhing, urging me on. “Come in me, Dylan. Fill me with your hard cock.”

  “Ah fuck, yeah.” Electricity gathered in a hot ball, and then like a bomb my orgasm blasted through me, starting from my dick and radiating out to every nerve ending of my body. My cum sprayed shot after shot onto the tile wall. My hand pressed against the wall to support me as I yanked out the last few drops.

  I took a breath and then dunked my head under the spray as the sweet sensations of pleasure washed away. Now that was done with, I needed to get thoughts of naked Tessa and orgasms out of my head.

  I washed up and exited the shower. I shaved and brushed my teeth, and then putting my robe on, I re-entered my bedroom. I dressed in slacks and a polo shirt with my gym’s logo on it. Then I went to wake Maisie. Fortunately, she was a morning person, and always bounded out of bed with a cheery disposition.

  “Today is my party,” she announced as she came into the kitchen wearing the clothes that she’d set out the night before.

  “It is.” I set her breakfast of an egg and some fruit on the table.

  “You won’t forget to come, will you?” She sat in her chair and looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

  “When have I ever forgotten?”

  She grinned at me. “Never.”

  “I won’t forget today. Now, eat up. Tessa will be here in a few minutes.” The image of Tessa naked on her kitchen table flashed in my brain, and blood rushed to my dick. Down, boy, I thought, chastising myself for letting my brain go there. God, if she knew the things that I thought of her, she’d probably be horrified.

  There was a knock. As I went to answer it knowing it was Tessa, I had to hope she couldn’t tell that I lusted for her.



  Dylan’s ex, Veronica, was a well-known model who likely made a ton of money selling lingerie, designer clothes, and skin care products. But I was sure that Dylan would make more if he decided to go into modeling. He was a perfect specimen, at least as far as I could see. The truth was, I hadn’t ever seen a lot. I’d never seen him without his shirt on. But he wore his clothes in a way that showed off his perfect physique.

  When I arrived to pick up Maisie for school, Dylan answered the door in khaki pants and a polo with his company’s logo. I watched him, appreciating the hard-defined muscle from his taut ass to his sculpted chest and strong arms as he made his way through the open living area to the kitchen. I wanted more than anything to see what he looked like in the flesh. Even if I could only look and not touch, I wanted to see the six-pack of his abs and defined pecs. Okay, so I did want to touch too, but even if I couldn’t, seeing him in all his glory would give me plenty to work with when I was alone at night in my room wishing for a man’s touch.

  “Maisie, Tessa is here,” he said, helping her down from the table. When he turned to me, I quickly tried to mask that I was admiring him from behind.

  I turned my attention to Maisie. “Don’t forget your brownies, unless your dad ate them all.”

  “Daddy, did you eat them?” Maisie looked up at him as she put her hands on her hips.

  He held his hands up in surrender. “I wanted to, but didn’t.”

  “I knew you were a secret chocolate monster,” I said teasingly.

  He winked. “Mais, go get your backpack.”

  “’Kay.” She ran out of the kitchen toward her room.

  “Do you want some coffee?” he asked.

  “No, thank you,” I said. “The school party is at one today, if you can still come.”

  “I’ll be there.” He ran his hand through his short dark hair. “I can’t believe Maisie is finishing her first year of school.” He shook his head. “It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital.”

  I smiled, not hiding how much I loved how open he was with his love for Maisie. I’d never seen nor heard about grandparents, which lead me to believe Dylan hadn’t had a family life like he was working to give Maisie.

  “I hear that a lot from parents. Do you think you’ll have more kids someday?”

  He shook his head as he dumped his coffee in the sink. “No. Maisie is it. She’s all I need.”

  “What if you got married again?” It would be a shame that such a wonderful man wouldn’t share his love with more children.

  He pulled Maisie’s lunch box from the counter and began filling it with healthy foods. “Been there, done that. Didn’t take.”

  “Really? You’re giving up just because your first-at-bat didn’t go so well?” I wasn’t sure if I was more surprised or disappointed in his insistence that he wouldn’t marry again. Not that he’d marry me, but it seemed like there had to be someone who’d appreciate the man he was.

  “I’ve had step-parents. I won’t put Maisie through that. Besides, I don’t need a woman.”

  I quirked a brow. It didn’t seem possible that a big, sexy, manly man such as himself didn’t need a woman. Taking my mind out of the gutter, I realized he probably meant in terms of raising Maisie. “You’re a great dad, Dylan. Maisie is lucky to have you.”

  His che
eks tinged with pink, and I was pleased to have made him blush.

  “She’s a great kid. And you’ve been a big help. I don’t want to discount all you’ve done for us. But in terms of marriage … I won’t be doing that again.” He set Maisie’s lunch box on the table and then went to the counter. “Don’t forget your brownies.”

  I took the plate from him, noting one or two were missing. I looked at him. “You are a brownie monster.”

  “That’s why we don’t normally keep treats in the house. I can’t be trusted around them.”

  I laughed.

  Maisie returned to the kitchen. “I’m ready.”

  “Here’s your lunch, Miss Maisie,” he said handing her the lunch box.

  “Did you put grapes? I like them better than apples.”

  “I did.” He squatted down to her level. “Now, give me a kiss and go learn something.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, her lunch box making a banging sound on his back. She kissed him. “Don’t forget my party.”

  “I’ll be there,” he said standing.

  “Come on Maisie,” I said holding out my hand. She trotted to me, taking my hand, and I led her out the door.

  I secured Maisie in the booster seat in the backseat of my car and then drove us to school.

  “Will you be my teacher next year?” she asked as I pulled into the parking lot of school.

  “No, honey, but I know you’ll love whatever teacher you have. I know all the first-grade teachers and they’re great.”

  “I wish you would be my teacher.”

  I smiled at her through the rear-view mirror. “I wish I could be, too. I still have my own school to finish.”

  “You’re too old for school.”

  I parked the car. “You’re never too old to learn, Miss Maisie.” I helped her out of the car and walked with her to the classroom. I set the brownies over by the goodies the other kids had brought in as Maisie put her lunch box in her cubby.

  That morning, Mrs. Anderson spent circle time reviewing the year with the kids and how much they learned. I led an art project that involved compiling some of the art and work they did throughout the year into a book with a construction paper cover.

  After lunch, I put out the goodies while Mrs. Anderson took the kids outside to play.

  “Am I early?”

  I looked up to see Dylan walking into the classroom. Like always, the sight of him made my breath stall in my chest.

  “The kids are at recess but will be back in a few minutes.” I set out paper plates and napkins.

  “Can I help?”

  “I’m going to run to the teacher’s room to get the drinks. Can I trust you not to eat the yum yums?”

  He flashed a sexy smile. “Probably not.”

  “I’ll chance it.” I hurried to the teachers lounge to get the juice boxes from the refrigerator and brought them back to the classroom. When I arrived back, the kids were in from their recess, and Dylan had been recruited to read them a story as Mrs. Anderson finished setting up for the party.

  “Here are the drinks,” I said as I handed one out to each child.

  “Have you ever noticed how out of place Mr. Hyatt looks here at school until Maisie’s with him?” Mrs. Anderson said under her breath when I finished passing out the juice and stood with her by her desk.

  I frowned, not sure what she was getting at.

  “Most of the time he looks like a badass, and then when Maisie’s there, he goes all soft.”

  I wouldn’t say badass, although there was often something under the surface of Dylan that hinted at darkness. She was spot-on about him going all soft around Maisie though, so I nodded. “He’s a doting father.”

  A few moms entered the classroom, and we got the party started. I watched from across the room as Dylan ate brownies and drank juice with Maisie while she showed him the book that she’d made that morning. It was such a shame that he wouldn’t be sharing the love that clearly filled his heart with others. He had so much to give, and it was sad that Veronica had ruined him on love and having a bigger family.

  When the party was over, Dylan left along with the other parents, and we finished the day with the children. It was sad to say goodbye to the kids and Mrs. Anderson when the day was over. I hoped that I’d be able to stay in town to finish school in the fall so I could at least see them around town.

  After school, I loaded Maisie up in my car and took her to the park. “It’s summer vacation,” I said. “Time to play!”

  “Yay!” At the park, Maisie spent most of the time on the swings. She clearly loved the feel of the wind on her face. Or maybe it was the feeling of flying.

  When we got home, I went through the kitchen looking for what to make for dinner. “How about spaghetti?” When I didn’t get a reply, I sought her out and found her curled up asleep on the couch.

  She was still there forty-five minutes later when Dylan walked in.

  “Is she sick?” Worry crossed his face as he saw that Maisie was asleep.

  “Just tired from the day. I’ve got spaghetti for you two.”

  He knelt by Maisie, brushing his hand over her forehead as if he was feeling for a temperature. Clearly he didn’t believe me, but I wasn’t offended. I found his love for Maisie endearing.

  “Hi Daddy,” Maisie’s sleepy voice said.

  “Hey lazy Maisie. Do you feel okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m hungry.”

  “Tessa says she has spaghetti.”

  Maisie wrapped her arms around Dylan’s neck and he stood holding her. “Can she stay and eat with us?”

  He looked over at me. “If she wants to.”

  I often felt like an intruder when he invited me to stay, and yet I couldn’t ever leave when invited. In most cases, I stayed to eat with them a few nights a month, but over the course of the following week, Maisie asked if I could stay every night. She and I spent all day together playing, going on outings, and even making dinner together. I declined to eat with them a few nights even though I wanted to stay. It was probably a bad sign, how attached I was to the both of them, and I’d need to deal with that especially if I was going to leave at the end of the summer.

  Even so, at night alone in my bed, sometimes I’d let my mind wander to the fantasy of being more than Maisie’s babysitter. I knew I’d never replace her mother, but I could be more than just the sitter to the both of them if they’d let me. But Dylan had been clear when he said marriage and more kids weren’t in his future. There were some days when I thought I might try to change his mind, but I quickly dismissed that idea. I knew Dylan appreciated and respected me. Maybe he even cared about me, but it was as his babysitter. He’d shown through his marriage to Veronica that he liked gorgeous sophisticated women. I wasn’t ugly, but I wasn’t supermodel material. I was smart and educated, but not worldly. No, he’d never be interested in me.



  Fridays at the gym weren’t as busy as other days out here in the ‘burbs. I guess people started their weekend early. The gym closer to New York City was actually the opposite; it was packed on Fridays. It was one of the many trends I tracked at all five of my gym locations. Regardless of lower attendance on Fridays, all my gyms did well. While I made monthly trips to each location, I spent most of my time at the one here at home, partly because it was the first, but also to stay near Maisie in case something happened and she needed me. Not that I didn’t trust Tessa, because I did. Whether she left this fall or next year, I was going to miss her. I was certain I wouldn’t find anyone as caring toward Maisie. When I watched them together, it wasn’t just a babysitter and a child. The two of them were bonded. I knew it would be hard for me to see her go, but it would be even harder for Maisie.

  But as the saying went, all good things must come to an end. My marriage had. In fact, my marriage ended long before Veronica walked out to pursue her dream of becoming a model. She wasn’t suited to domestic life, something that hadn’t been apparent until Maisie
was born. I couldn’t completely resent Veronica, because without her, I wouldn’t have Maisie. But for the life of me, I couldn’t understand how she could so easily flit in and out of Maisie’s life. The truth was, Tessa was more of a mother to Maisie than Veronica ever was. Someday, Tessa would meet a man and start a family. He’d be one lucky son of a bitch. I envied him already.

  I shook my head of that idea. Tessa was a hell of a woman, but not for me.

  “Counting your pennies?”

  Startled, I looked up from the papers on my desk to see Veronica standing in the office doorway.

  “Veronica.” I stood and went to her, giving her a hug as I always did. She still smelled like expensive French perfume. Her dark hair was down looking tousled but in a purposeful way. Like she’d paid hundreds of dollars for a slightly messy look that Tessa got naturally.

  “Surprise,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. It wasn’t unusual for her to sweep in unannounced. Normally she breezed in like she owned the world. Today, there was something off. Like she was nervous.

  “Do you want coffee or water or something?” I motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs near my desk.

  “No, thank you.”

  I pulled the other chair near her. “How long are you in town?”

  “For a while, actually. I got married,” she blurted with a sheepish smile as she held up her left hand to flash a sizable rock. My gut clenched, but not at the idea that the woman I once thought I’d spend forever with was married to another man. No, I was bothered by the idea of Maisie having a stepfather.

  “Congratulations,” I said without much effect. I estimated that the engagement ring alone was five carats, which told me her new husband had money.

  “He’s really great, Dyl. I want you to meet him.”

  “Of course.” If she thought I was going to let Maisie go with her without meeting him, she had another thing coming.


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