So Wrong (Heart 0f Hope Book 3)

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So Wrong (Heart 0f Hope Book 3) Page 17

by Ajme Williams

  “You betrayed me,” I said trying to get away.

  “You hurt me too, and yet I’m still here. Till death do us part.” She looked up at me from where she knelt before me.

  “It’s not real. Our marriage isn’t real.”

  “Yes, it was. For a few moments it was real. It still could be real.”

  I shook my head, but then her lips were on me, and my anger was no match for my desire. I woke with a start, my cock throbbing with need.

  The following week, I brought Maisie to work with me, paying the playroom staff extra to watch her while I worked. Fortunately, Corrine was able to watch her on my court date, as she had during the other court appearances.

  I walked into court wondering how the judge would take it that Tessa wasn’t there. Being with her folks was a good reason, right? But as I approached my lawyer at the table, I saw that Tessa was here. She looked worse than before. Tired and worn out. Was she having a hard time with the pregnancy?

  She gave me a tentative smile. “I said I’d help, so I’m here, but if you want me to go …”

  “You need to stay,” the lawyer said, pulling out a chair for her.

  I nodded my agreement and sat next to her. My lawyer started talking in a low voice, but I couldn’t hear him. I was distracted by her presence. Her scent. The warmth of her body next to mine. She was fucking wreaking havoc on my emotions and my senses.

  “Are you feeling okay?” I asked, because I wasn’t a total asshole. She was carrying my child. I needed to take care of her.

  “Yes.” But her tone didn’t make me a believer.

  “All rise,” the bailiff’s voice filled the room.

  We sat again when the judge entered and sat, and the first order of things was to check about Maisie’s visit.

  “I have the social worker’s reports from two visits; one to Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and one to Mr. and Mrs. Baskin. Overall, both visits seem to have gone well.”

  “In that case, we’d like to push for a month-long visit before school starts in the fall,” Veronica’s lawyer said.

  “In light of new information, we have concerns about any further visits with the Baskins,” my lawyer said.

  Was this where he accused Leo of banging the nanny?

  “What new information?” the judge asked.

  “We have two concerns. The first is that we are questioning the stability of the Baskin marriage.”

  “What’s he talking about?” Veronica blurted, looking over at our table.

  “We have evidence that Mr. Baskin is having an affair with the child’s French nanny,” my attorney said.

  “That’s absurd,” Leo sneered.

  Veronica looked at Leo with such shock, that I felt sorry for her.

  “Quiet,” the judge ordered. “What evidence?”

  “I have it here.” My lawyer handed an envelope to the bailiff. “However, our biggest concern has to do with a plan for the Baskin’s to move to France, taking Maisie with them.”

  “What?” I said. I looked at my lawyer. I hadn’t heard about that.

  My lawyer put his hand on my shoulder, cueing me to be quiet.

  “That’s outrageous,” the other attorney said. “Just because my client travels to France frequently doesn’t mean they plan to move there or take the child. They understand how important Mr. Hyatt is to the child.”

  “This passport for Maisie suggests something different. Your honor, I believe that Mrs. Baskin wants sole custody, as opposed to joint, because she plans to leave the country with the child and can’t unless she has full legal rights. While you may decide she’s a better parent, it would be cruel for the state of New York to allow a child to be ripped from the only parent who’s been with her all her five years to live in another country where she can’t see him.”

  My gaze shot to Veronica, who sat looking down as if she had something to hide. Fuck. Was she really going to do that? Of all the things I considered, taking Maisie out of the country and away from me wasn’t one of them. I truly had no clue what women were capable of.

  “As I said, the Baskins travel and they’d like to show Maisie other places in the world. They don’t plan to move there,” the other attorney said.

  “So, this bill of sale for a flat in Paris in Mr. Baskin’s name isn’t to live in? Or is it for his mistress?”

  “Mr. Connors, let’s remember our manners,” the judge chastised my lawyer.

  “Yes, your honor.”

  “Mrs. Baskin, what can you tell me about all this? Remember, you’re under oath,” the judge said. I was glad she was taking the issue seriously.

  Veronica’s fiery eyes glared at me and then the judge. “I’m not the one lying here, judge. Dylan and Tessa have a fake marriage. They only married to fool you into thinking he was stable.”

  “I’m not talking to them now,” the judge said, but she cast a glance at me before returning her attention to Veronica. “What is this about moving to France?”

  She sighed. “We do want to spend more time in France, but not forever. Dylan would still be able to see Maisie.”

  The judge pursed her lips and then turned to me. “What’s this about a fake marriage?”

  “Your honor, the Hyatts are legally married. I have the marriage certificate to prove it, and they just found out they’re expecting a baby. They’re thrilled to be giving Maisie a baby brother or sister.”

  Tessa stiffened next to me, and looked my way. I forced a smile and hoped to hell she’d do the same. That’s why we were here, after all. To look like the happy family we weren’t.



  One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was walk into that courtroom. I wasn’t sure if Dylan wanted me there or not, despite his lawyer telling me to come. Dylan seemed surprised at first, but didn’t say anything. He asked how I was, which was a good sign, I suppose, but I held no illusions that things would work out for us.

  The lawyer surprised me by telling the court I was pregnant. That meant Dylan had to have told the lawyer. Had he started his strategy for fighting for our baby as well?

  Dylan looked at me and smiled. It wasn’t a genuine smile, but one to show the court he was happy. Doing what I’d agreed to do, I smiled back. Because it was so painful, I turned and looked at the judge.

  “That only suggests he knocked her up,” Veronica scoffed.

  “Mr. Jackson, keep your client under control.” The judge looked back to us. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt.” She looked over the documents Dylan’s lawyer turned in and then up at us again. “In light of this new information, I’d like to recess to review.” She adjourned us for thirty minutes.

  Feeling like I couldn’t breathe, I excused myself and went to the restroom. I splashed water on my face and stared at the woman in the mirror.

  “How did you get here?” I asked her.

  Needing fresh air, I stepped outside, wishing the sun could cast away the doom and gloom I was feeling.

  “Mrs. Hyatt.”

  I turned to Dylan’s lawyer.

  “It turns out that information you found was important.”

  I nodded. Just like I thought.

  He cocked his head to the side as he studied me. “I hate to do this now, but I don’t know when I’ll see you again.” He handed me an envelope.

  I swallowed as dread filled me. “Are these divorce papers?”

  He shook his head and looked around as if he wanted to make sure no one was listening. “No. These have to do with the baby and Mr. Hyatt’s rights.”

  My heart felt like an aching mass. “I don’t want—”

  He held up a hand. “I’m his lawyer, and anything you say to me, I could use against you.”

  I was only going to say I didn’t want to take the child, but I decided maybe he was right in that I needed to protect my rights too.

  “I don’t know about your marriage, and I don’t want to know. But I suspect even if it started as a sham, it’s not so now. Try to work things out.

  I nodded. “Does he plan to divorce me?”

  He looked at me with sympathy. “Try and work things out.”

  I took that as a yes. Dylan had every right to be angry and want nothing to do with me. I made a mistake by not telling him about the baby sooner. I knew how he felt about Maisie and the woman trying to take her away from him. My only choice now was to try and figure out a way to have an amicable relationship with him for our child’s sake. I had to hope that he wouldn’t use his resources to take my child from me.

  I opened the envelope and took out the papers.

  “Have your lawyer check them over. My card is in there too so you can give it to whoever you retain.”

  Seeing legal papers knocked the wind out of me. I inhaled sharply trying to get my bearings.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I felt completely gutted. It was my own fault, I knew, but that didn’t change how much I wished Dylan would talk to me and forgive me. This baby wasn’t born and already, I was grieving that I might lose custody of it.

  “I’m not feeling very well. The pregnancy …”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I … need to leave.”

  “It would be better if you could stay.”

  I managed to look him in the face. “I’m sorry, I just …”

  He nodded. “I’ll make your excuses.”

  I felt like I was in a fog as I walked down the courthouse steps toward the parking area. I got into my car, but didn’t know where to go. Should I go to Dylan’s? Was I supposed to continue this ruse? If I went to his house, would he toss me out? I felt so alone and broken, and I couldn’t do it anymore.

  I decided to go back to my parents’ home. I wouldn’t tell them about the fake marriage, but I would tell them everything else. I couldn’t do this alone, and they were the only people in the world I knew would forgive and help me.

  Before I headed home, I decided to pick up my things and maybe see Maisie since I was in town. Pulling myself together, I headed back to Dylan’s.

  I parked in the driveway and was barely out of the car before Maisie was rushing over from my old house.

  “Tessa!” She launched herself into my arms. “You’re home! I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Corrine followed her over. “Sorry. She’s fast.”

  I held Maisie close. I was going to miss this kid. “Hey, honey. Did you have fun with Corrine?”

  “Yes. I showed her how to make big bubbles.”

  “I bet she loved that.”

  “Since you’re home—” Corrine started.

  “Actually, I can’t stay. I’m just grabbing a few things and heading back to my parents.”

  She quirked a brow. “Everything all right?”

  “Just some things going on at home.” That wasn’t a lie, even if she thought I meant at my parents’ home instead of here.

  “You have to go?” Maisie’s face dropped. She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Don’t go, Tessa.”

  I squeezed her tight, feeling like a heel for messing things up so badly for us. “I’m sorry honey, but I have to.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “I … don’t know.”

  “Come on Maisie, let’s go make that picture you said you wanted to color for your dad.”

  “Can you come too?” Maisie’s little eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m sorry, Mais, I can’t.”

  Her lip quivered. “Don’t you want to be with us anymore?”

  How was it possible my heart could break even more? “Oh honey, I do. I want to be with you always. I just can’t right now.” I squeezed her tight again and kissed her cheek. “I love you baby. Don’t forget that, okay?”


  She looked so sad as Corrine led her back over to her place. This was all my fault.

  I entered the house and went to Dylan’s bedroom to pack up the rest of my clothes. I hadn’t brought a suitcase, so I used large garbage bags. It was a little sad how all my stuff fit in a couple of plastic bags. I loaded them into the back of my car. I took out Maisie’s booster seat and left it in the living room. The next babysitter would need it. I was jealous of her being with Maisie and Dylan already.

  Two hours later, I was back in Brooklyn and parking at my parents’ home. My dad was working, but Mom was home in her sunroom, painting.

  When she first turned to see me, she was smiling, but the minute she saw me, her face dropped. “What happened? Did the judge order against Dylan?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I left early.”

  She frowned, until I burst into tears. “Tessa, what is it?” She dropped her paintbrush and rushed to me, wrapping me in her arms.

  “I’ve messed everything up.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’d told her everything, except that the marriage was fake. If she was interviewed by the court, I didn’t want to put her into a position that she needed to consider lying.

  “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell him about the baby.” She held me as we sat on the couch.

  “He said he didn’t want more kids … I know that’s dumb and not a good reason. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “Do you love him?”

  I looked up at her. “Yes. More than anything.”

  “If he loves you too, it seems like this is something he can forgive you for.”

  I rested my head back against her shoulder. “He’s not a very forgiving sort.”

  “So, he’s willing to sacrifice the love of a good woman and hurt his child because he’s not a forgiving sort?”

  “I think he had a difficult childhood and then everything with his ex … I don’t think he trusts others … or even himself. It’s him and Maisie against the world.” I gave a soft laugh. “It was one of the things that made me love him.”

  “That he’s damaged from his childhood?” My mother gave a tsking sound.

  “No, the him and Maisie against the world. You saw him at the wedding, Mom. He’s devoted to her. For all his faults, his utter devotion to Maisie isn’t one.”

  “Fathers who love their children are attractive, but so are men who love their wives. Marriage isn’t easy, Tessa. As big and tough as Dylan looks, it seems he’s weak on standing by his wife.”

  “I hurt him.”

  “And he never hurt you?” She looked down on me with sharp eyes.

  I turned away, not able to let her know just how many times Dylan had hurt me. I’d let it go, because while his words had hurt, they weren’t unexpected. He’d been honest about his feelings and intentions from the beginning. I was the one who had lied.

  “Tessa.” My mother gave me a little nudge until I did look at her. “Have you and Dylan talked … I mean really talked about all this?”

  I shook my head. “Not since he called and told me he found out.”

  “Today at the courthouse, you didn’t talk?”

  “No.” I held back the information about the lawyer handing me some sort of paperwork regarding Dylan’s parental rights to the baby.

  “In the twenty-five years I’ve been married, the only time your dad and I have had trouble was when we didn’t talk. At the time, withholding information seemed like a good idea. We didn’t want to make waves or hurt the other person. Maybe we were afraid the other would get mad, but in the end, things were worse.”

  “What is there to say, Mom?”

  “How about how you love him and his daughter? How about how you feel to have his child growing inside you? How about why you didn’t say anything right away and how you regret that? Just tell the truth and how you feel.”

  I understood what she was saying, but I couldn’t imagine how it would change anything.

  “Then he needs to tell you what he’s feeling, and eventually, you will come to an understanding. Maybe that means you don’t stay a family, but once you have an understanding, hopefully you can move forward amicably, because your baby will need that.”

nodded. “I’ll try.” I had an appointment for my sonogram next week. Maybe I could talk to him then. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, am I allowed to be excited about becoming a grandma?”

  I smiled up at her. “Yes. You’ll be the best grandma ever.”

  “I will. I could be one to Maisie, too. Perhaps you can tell Dylan that as well.”



  When court resumed, Tessa wasn’t there, and it worried me. Was she sick? Had she run off? “Do you know where she is?” I asked my lawyer.

  “She wasn’t feeling well after I gave her the papers.” He cast a glance with the same judgmental expression as he’d given me when I asked him to make them up.

  “I have to protect my rights,” I defended my actions.

  “Yes, you do. But that baby isn’t born yet, and you’re in the middle of a custody case. The timing is bad.”

  I turned my head away and rolled my shoulders. I wasn’t going to feel bad about this.

  “She’s a young woman hopelessly in love with her husband. Enough so that she married him to save his other kid. She’s in the early stages of a pregnancy, which can be tough if she’s having morning sickness. Her husband is planning to divorce her and served her legal papers while she’s here helping him fight for his other kid.”

  I swallowed down the guilt.

  “Seriously, Dylan. Why she came to help you I have no idea. This probably won’t be over today. Will she be here for the next hearing?”

  “She will.”

  He gaped at me. He was probably wondering if I was delusional or narcissistic. “Why? Is she a sadist? A glutton for punishment?”

  I shot him a scathing glare. “She sticks to her commitments.”

  He nodded. “At least someone does.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Have you stuck to your commitment to her? You treat her like shit, and yet she keeps her word.”

  I hated feeling like an asshole. She was the one who didn’t tell me about the baby, but somehow I was the bad guy? Fuck, I was. Everything he was saying was right, which made me the world’s largest asshole.


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