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by K. A. Berg

  Mikey was placed with them within three weeks. His mom left him at a firehouse when he was only two weeks old, and that’s all we really knew about his past. None of it would have mattered anyway. We all fell in love with him instantly. With his big brown eyes and sandy colored mop of hair, who could resist him?

  “If we were betting, I would have won,” Ashley states matter-of-factly. “Quinn loves Christmas as much as I do. I would have bet on this being the month. You’ve probably already been thinking about next year and how much fun it will be being Santa while bingeing on the holiday Hallmark movies.”

  I feel my cheeks blush a little at how well these women know me.

  “Well, if you really would’ve wanted to win, all you would have had to do was tell me how great sex is while trying to get knocked up.” Great might be an understatement. “Alex can’t keep his hands off me. It’s like we’ve uncovered a whole new facet of our sex lives.”

  Hailey snorts. “You two have never been able to keep your hands to yourself. When did you guys start trying?”

  “This is our first month.”

  At first, it was weird not having to take my pill. I’ve spent almost twenty years religiously taking those little tablets. It was as second nature as brushing my teeth. I still feel like I’m forgetting to do something vital every morning.

  Hailey gets a wistful look in her eyes. “I remember the excitement I felt when we first started trying for Jaden. You’re right, there’s a change in your sex life when it comes to trying to conceive. There’s a whole new level of intimacy.”

  Ashley nods, the nostalgic look on her face matching Hailey’s. “I’m going to miss that feeling. I’m kind of sad I’m done having babies.”

  All three of our heads turn toward her. “You guys are done?” Tiff asks.

  She nods. “Yeah, three is plenty. I love my babies, but we’re outnumbered. I don’t know why the transition from two to three has been so rough. I went from one to two with no problem. I’m pretty sure after the season’s over Tanner’s going to go in and make it permanent.”

  Her voice hitches a little in sadness, but all and all Ashley seems confident in her decision. “I’m just glad you’re going to pop out some babies. If I get the itch in the future, I can scratch it with your kids, and then send them home.”

  I laugh. I’ve been using that same line for a while. “Well, that solves your dilemma, but I still can’t figure out something to get Alex that will compare to a positive pregnancy test. I’m not due for my period until the week after Christmas.”

  Hailey gets a devious look in her eye as she leans forward and whispers conspiratorially. “There’s always blow jobs and a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit. Or hey, go big and give him anal. They always love that.”

  A vivacious round of laughter fills the air. “He already gets blowies and anal, Hailey,” Tiff says after the amusement settles down. “I don’t think those will have the same effect she’s going for.”

  “Honestly, I think beginning this journey together is enough for him, babe,” Ash says with a sincere smile. “You guys already have everything you could ever want. Knowing Alex, you’ve already given him more than he ever dreamed of.”

  I wish I had thought to have my camera ready to go on my phone for when Alex pieced together my little surprise last week. Astonishment and happiness filled his wide eyes, and his smile was brilliant when he grabbed and tossed me on the bed while covering my face with kisses. It was the most ecstatic I’d ever seen him.

  Maybe Ashley is right? Perhaps I’ve already given Alex the best present I can give him at the moment.



  ALEX RAISES HIS GLASS. HIS FACE IS SHINING WITH HAPPINESS as he toasts us. “To another fantastic year of wedded bliss with the only woman who could ever make me happy. Happy Anniversary, angel.”

  I hope he can see my love for him as clearly as I can see his for me. “To many more.”

  Glancing around our home, I think back on the new memories we made together here. Last year we did the same thing. Reflecting back on everything we have and all we’ve accomplished was the best way to celebrate our anniversary. We made a promise to do the same thing every year.

  We’ve accomplished so much within these walls. This has been our first place together, our first big commitment together, the place we’ll start a family. Hopefully, when we look back next year, there will be many more firsts together, only inside a different set of walls.

  Alex and I are meeting with a real estate agent tomorrow to sign the listing agreement for our condo. As much as we love this place and all it represents, there’s no room here for a baby, so we decided to sell.

  I squeal as Alex picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

  “I think the couch needs a new memory,” he suggests before dropping me down on to it. “I can’t seem to remember one involving you bent over the back, moaning my name.”

  I move my fingers in haste to get through the buttons of my blouse. Underneath I have on a new bra set, and I can’t wait to see the look on Alex’s face when he sees it. “Well, we need to rectify that problem.”

  His reaction is as I hoped. A deep groan rumbles in his throat as he zero in on the swell of my tits. This bra is impressive. Even I couldn’t stop staring at them while getting dressed this morning. Alex’s pupils dilate as his eyes become hoody and hungry.

  His voice is deep and throaty. I love that sound. “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous.”

  I drag my skirt up my thigh, exposing the top of my garters. “There’s more.”

  He pulls me from the couch and positions me in front of him. With a soft, but eager touch, he slides my top down my arms until it falls to the floor. Spinning me, he finds the zipper of my skirt and drags it down slowly, the same way you would untie a bow on top of a gift. “This is new… a present for me?”

  “No, I bought it to wear for the neighbors.”

  Alex pulls back my garter and snaps it against my ass cheek. “Don’t sass me, you little minx.”

  He swiftly rolls the tiny thong down over my ass until my pussy is exposed. “Bend over the couch, angel.”

  With the press of his hand on my back, he urges me down to the couch while slipping two fingers inside me. My head lulls forward, and I moan enjoying the tingling between my thighs as Alex continues playing with my pussy. “Always so wet for me, baby.”


  “Yes?” he asks as his free hand unclasps my bra. His fingers reach around and roll my nipples, making me beg more.

  “Fuck me,” I demand. “Now.”

  His hands leave my body, and the sounds of his belt buckle being undone fill the room. Looking back over my shoulder, I stare at his crotch as he slides his pants and boxers down his legs revealing his perfect cock, hard and thick. I lick my lips, and he chuckles.

  “Well, it is our anniversary, and you asked so nicely.” He strokes his length with his fist. “Is this what you want?”

  “God, yes.”

  He steps forward and grasps my hips. “And have it you will.”


  ALEX’S FINGERS GLIDE THROUGH MY HAIR AS I LIE ON HIS chest, trying to catch my bearings after christening the couch with a new memory. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get up off the couch any time soon. My body might as well be Jell-O. Every part of me is limp thanks to Alex’s magic cock.

  “So, I’ve been thinking…” he pauses briefly before continuing. “I’m ready to start working on the rehab facility. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and it’s time. Everything about doing it seems right.”

  Over the years, Alex has mentioned his desire to open a place of his own, a place where he could help more people. I always assumed he meant down the line. He loves his job. The man truly enjoys going to work. My head pops up, and I search out his eyes. There’s a calm in them. “Yeah?”

  “He nods. “After we started trying, I couldn’t stop wondering how I was going to be able to leave home for days at a time.
I’ve always wanted a house full of kids, and now that it’s almost here I don’t want to miss weeks at a time while I’m traveling with the team. I want to be here with you and our children.”

  He places a kiss on my forehead. “Opening a private practice is something I’ve always seen myself doing. There was really nothing pushing me to start thinking about it yet. I didn’t have a spark big enough to light the fuse to get it all going. Now, I do. I’ve got so many ideas—lists of things I want to do and offer. I can’t stop thinking about it, but I need to know what you think. I can’t make a decision about our lives without talking to you first.”

  His passion for this idea is painted all over his face. His eyes glow brightly. His lips tip at the corners as if he’s trying to hold back a smile. I can feel the energy vibrating off of him. How could I not support the man when he’s always been my biggest champion?

  “If this is something you want to do, you know you always have my support,” I tell him without hesitation. “But, are you sure this is what you truly want? I can tell you’re excited and passionate, but those things are also present in your current work. I don’t want you to leave the team because you think you have to be home more. I have no intention of giving up my career, and I’d never expected you to give up being a part of something that means so much to you.”

  A brilliant smile spreads across his face, revealing two rows of perfectly straight, pearly whites. I hope our kids have his teeth. I needed braces for a year and a half to get my straight smile, and it sucked. “One of the many reasons I love you, angel. Don’t get me wrong, I love the team, and I love my job, not many people can say that and truly mean it, but I love my family more. I don’t want to have to do bedtimes over the phone or watch first steps through Facetime, like Tanner. I don’t have to stay in the league to do what I do best like the guys do. I can treat people here and still be home for dinner. It’s something important to me. Family dinners where everyone talks about their days and what’s going on in their lives. Something neither of us ever really had. I can’t think of anything better to give our children than that.”

  My heart swells with immense love. This man continues to amaze me, continues to show me there’s no one I would rather be a parent with than him. He soothes my fears. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still scared shitless, but no one can calm me like Alex. No one makes me feel so capable.

  “I want you to do whatever makes you happy.” I smile back, my eyes a little misty. “I do have to say though… family dinners sound wonderful.”

  He kisses my nose. “Yes, they do. I love you, angel.”

  “Happy Anniversary, handsome.”



  AS I STAND IN THE AISLE OF WALGREENS AND STARE AT THE selection of tests, I realize I probably should have done some research before trying to pick one of these. I had no idea there were so many choices of ovulation kits. The last time I was standing in the family planning aisle looking at tests was when Ashley figured out she was pregnant with Daniel. At that time, I wasn’t interested in tracking my cycles. I did that through my birth control pills.

  Now, I stand here attempting to decide which one to buy while knowing I need to get my ass moving. Alex and I are meeting the real estate agent at a possible location for Alex’s facility in half an hour. I have a twenty-minute drive and still need to go back to the pharmacy counter to pick up my prescription, my whole reason for stopping here.

  This wasn’t part of my morning plans. I hadn’t really planned on saying anything to my gynecologist about trying to conceive at my appointment this morning. It was just my annual visit. Plus, we’ve only been trying a couple of months, and I know it’s not unusual to take a few months of trying before getting pregnant.

  Dr. Andrews brought it up, though. She asked about my last period, and if I was still relying on the pill for birth control. The words kind of flew out of my mouth. “No. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant.”

  She beamed a bright smile at me. “That’s fantastic news. When did you stop taking them?”

  “The end of November.”

  The rest of my visit was spent with the doctor informing me of things I didn’t know, hadn’t thought of, or just plain old recommendations from her years of experience. Who knew so much went into the planning of getting pregnant? Sure, I’ve been through a pregnancy with Ashley, holding her hand at every visit, but everything I learned from that experience was about what came after conception.

  “Mrs. Taylor,” the pharmacist calls out, startling me from my daze. I grab the box with the smiley faces on the front, which are supposed to indicate the best days to get down and rush to the counter, having lost another five minutes. I’m going to be so late. There’s the possibility of making it on time if I’m lucky and there’s no traffic, and I hit all green lights. Then I try to remember a time when there wasn’t traffic in the direction I’m heading. Yup, definitely going to be late.

  Thank god for Apple Pay, I think as I hold up my phone and tap the pay button with my thumb while sweeping the bag off the counter. The older gentleman behind the register smiles at me as I rush out to my car. “Have a good day!”

  My mind races the entire drive to the listing. I’m shocked I even heard the GPS’ directions. The planner and control freak in me is spinning with ideas and strategies. I need to research the best brands of tests since I just grabbed the one without knowing anything about it. Maybe I should read the books Dr. Andrews suggested before I start trying to track my cycles. Find out exactly what I’m supposed to be checking and looking for. But my period started ten days ago, and I feel like it’s stupid not to start trying to find the best days now. I can’t believe I didn’t think about these kinds of things before.

  Alex walks over to where I just parked. He flips his sunglasses on top of his head and greets me with a very steamy kiss as I step from the car. “Well, hello to you too.”

  “I haven’t been able to think about anything other than these lips since you had them wrapped around my cock this morning. I think you sucked out part of my brain.” He laughs as he closes the door for me. “How was your doctor’s appointment?”

  The real estate agent pulls up just as Alex finishes asking his question. With a quick peck on the lips, I smile at him. “I’ll tell you about it after we’re done here. Want to go get lunch before I head into the city?”


  “YOU REALLY THINK THIS ONE IS IT?” I ASK ALEX AS THE server leaves with our lunch order. After the showing, we found a little bistro around the corner and are taking advantage of the lovely spring weather on their outside patio.

  “I loved it, Quinn,” Alex beams. “It’s a prime location. The exterior was perfect and the frosted privacy windows they already have save us from having to do it.” There’s so much energy and excitement pouring from him as he tries to put it all into words. “It feels like everything I’ve been looking for without sacrificing any part of the budget.”

  I laugh in my head. Alex knows damn well he can buy whatever the hell he wants, but he’s focusing on the business plan we created, bottom lines, and ROI, which is how I know he’s going to be hugely successful. I respect his plan. It’s hard to sit here and not get enthusiastic with him. I can see it all in my head. I can see the place becoming Alex’s. “The design of the waiting area in the front was perfect, and the location and layout of the bathroom is exactly what you need. Honestly, I don’t think you would even have to change much of the shower area either.”

  Alex sits there looking sexy as hell as I watch him come to a decision. His back straightens, pulling his white and blue dress shirt taut across his chest and arms as he brings them atop the table, folding them together. His eyes swirl with confidence and pride. “I want it.”

  I smile proudly at him across the table as our lunches are placed in front of us. “Call the agent and tell her to make an offer.”

  “Full price?” he asks my opinion while shaking some ketchup onto his fries.

/>   I steal one, now wishing I’d gotten fries instead of soup. “If you really like the place, I say offer asking or just slightly under. It’s priced to sell, you’re already getting a deal, you don’t want to insult them and be refused completely.”

  During the showing, our agent told us the owners of what is now a high-end spa are moving to South Carolina and ready to go. Something about a grandchild coming soon. It’s listed at a very reasonable price so it sells quick. I’m willing to bet this is going to get multiple offers. “No one wants a bidding war. The quicker they accept, the better, so just give them full price.”

  Alex shoots off a text to his agent and switches topics. “How’d your doctor’s appointment go?”

  “It was informative,” I answer around a bite of my turkey club. “She gave me some useful information, wrote me a prescription for vitamins as well as an order for blood work.”

  “What are the vitamins and blood work for?” he asks, his tone simmering with a pinch of hope and I backtrack not wanting him to think I’m doing a big pregnancy reveal.

  “She said it’s beneficial for women trying to conceive to take prenatal vitamins for the folic acid among other things. Helps the body prepare for the baby, I guess,” I explain. “The blood work is routine. The doctor said if, after the next few months, we haven’t had any luck yet to go for the blood work and make an appointment to see her.”

  “Ahh,” he nods and swallows. “I thought for a second…”

  “I know,” I say with an apologetic tone. “Sorry. I didn’t think about it before I said it. But I did grab the ovulation kit she suggested while I filled the prescription for the vitamins before I met you at the building. She did say I could grab any over-the-counter ones if I wanted, but she was partial to the brand she gave me a script for.”


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