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Kindles of War

Page 2

by Nicol Terra

  "Keep the change, buy yourself a small house," Ahn said. He was a Chisean, as of today, they are now at war. Must be a tragedy to be a minority in an extreme situation. All the Five Great Powers were all homogeneous and this complicated mess of politics after two thousand years of peace did not help the matters, just complicating the situation even further.

  Chiseans look similar to humans but have two distinct features. One, they two have pointed ears like the elves, but they were not as obvious and can even be confused with human ears if not left to the untrained eye. Two, they have adapted to extreme climates. This one was out of necessity, after all when you lost your previous continent to Kragg in Era One and Riha sunk your old home in Era Two, you have to get used to the nail-biting cold. The frozen land of Nicux was perilous to the uninitiated. Thankfully, they made up for this harsh climate with enchanted roads, toasty houses and being the largest producer of Fusionbubbles in the world. Zynthia has changed their cities that nothing can threaten them. The supervolcanoes inland? Just create a forcefield. The harsh tides of the coast? Gravity Ports, literally pinning them to the ocean so that not even the waves could claim them. They used to call 'Alato' home then 'Rosetta' home. The chance to help the state buy any good they can to show off their Military and Technological Might was a sick obsession to Ahn. Then he remembered his father must be making a killing in this war. He then pulled out his Holosphere. It was nine o five. He looked at the woman who looked at him with confusion.

  He was in a hurry, but he pitied her. He also disagreed with the war, but as a Mercenary, he had no choice. He was to be stationed and ready for combat.

  The city of Gru was the largest in Zynthia. When the snowfall doesn’t hit the city, the spine cracking cold was enough for most to not roam the streets. Some used this opportunity to train their body, Chisean or otherwise. Often, it is not uncommon for warriors to come with just the clothes on his back. Each of the buildings looked similar with one another, being a pencil box that shot up into the sky. Some pencil boxes were only a few dozen meters tall, others were hundreds or thousands of meters tall. Each of these boxes had a unique little ‘bubble’ that was warm to the touch. He shrugged, passing through the pencil boxes until he reached the end of the city.

  He walked down the long dirt road as he saw countless airships docking and flying away above him, many of them lifting and popping into the sky in seconds. The city of Gru was not known for being mainly being quiet. He thought to himself that the soldiers passing by him, eager for combat, they do not understand what these civilians are feeling. Ahn saw in the corner of his eye a mother and child, cuddling in the alleyway, crying together. Ahn couldn’t help but frown, turning away to as he continued down to the Military Base. When he finally made it there, two soldiers greeted him on the front.

  "Ahn Kyung, Forward ID: 1921," He said, the tone was rehearsed and without emotion.

  "Ahh, Prince Ahn. We are expecting you. Come on in." He said as he walked inside the round building.

  He looked to see many high-ranking military officers debating military tactics and preparation as they waited patiently for a final briefing in an hour. The building dome room had a painting of a dragon and a Chisean engaging in combat, as the man blocked a beam of fire from the dragon's mouth, almost engulfing him and smothering the surrounding light. Ahn never expected to fight a dragon, such a creature long hunted to near extinction by humanity. That or much worse, as he turned to a man with a red crystal pointed like a star shape.

  He turned to see a man, with a flowing gold robe and a silver sword and shield greeting him. Ahn raised a brow to the man, his boss was a higher rank then he expected.

  "Oh, a Legion Commander. Aren't you supposed to be leading a Legion to combat sir?" He said, pausing as he stammered at his name. He never knew this man even though he should. It was respectful in Chisean society to know military leaders and address them with their name at first contact.

  "Ryunsun. I will let it slide today, I never expected someone from a royal family to be interested in Mercenary work." He said, as the three soldiers dispersed from him. It was just Ahn and Ryunsun as the two smiled and shook each other's hand. "Don't worry. It is an easy mission. I will brief you." He said as the two walked together to a room in the far back, a small cubicle with a plaque Ryunsun on it.

  The cubicle only had a desk, a coffee machine and a half-burnt joint in an ashtray. Ahn reached for the Joint but stopped himself midway.

  "May I?" He asked. Ryunsun smiled, and pulled a pack of 'Chakra Chains.', It’s a popular brand of joints. He threw them at Ahn as he grabbed then instantly.

  "On the house, keep the pack. I owe the Kyung family alot." He said as his finger gave off a small flame as he lit his joint, took a deep breath and exhaled. He gave a euphoric smile as if he left this world and ascended into a higher plane. "Nothing like a morning joint to start the day."

  "I feel you, sir." He said as he pulled out a joint, reached into his pocket and realized he left his matches at home. Ryunsun pointed his finger at Ahn's joint, lit it from a good foot away. "Thank you." He said as he took a deep hit and exhaled it. He felt his brain rattle a tad as his perception time slowed down for him. He felt euphoric, and his body was at ease. A smile wiped over his face as he tapped the roll into an ashtray.

  "Why do you want to be in this line of work? You are wealthy, and I am curious to know why you are in the service." He asked Ahn shook his head. This was the first time he has been asked this question, it was almost enough to catch him off guard. He smiled.

  "I want to see the outside world, perhaps come back one day, but I wanna see more places around the world.." Ahn admitted

  Ryunsun smile, taking a full drag from his roll and exhaled immediately.

  “A kid like you with your money hasn’t seen another city?” Ryunsun asked

  Ahn shook his head. “I never left Zynthia, and I have only lived in two cities; Cosmow and Gru.”

  Ryunsun took another drag from his joint, kicking his feet up on the table. Ahn noticed that he had a dozen papers scattered on his desk, loose leaf and scrawled with various notes or red ink. Ahn smiled, feeling at ease with the officer.

  “I see. Well, after that what do you wanna do?” Ryunsun inquired

  “I…” Ahn paused, his silence emanating through the room as he took a long puff from his roll. He then clenched his hands together, perhaps on instinct. “I guess after I see more, I wanna change this land.”

  "Change it how?” Ryunsun tilted his head.

  Ahn blinked for a moment and shot his gaze away “I don't know how, but I know the people are not happy in the world.”

  Ryunsun took a small puff and knocked his feet back to the ground. He slid his feet together as he motioned closer to Ahn. He felt his stare, calming him and relaxing him.

  "Why does a prince care about what the people think?" Ryunsun said, taking a pull from his roll and exhaling the plume of smoke like a dragon.

  "Because without faith in a leader, what can we depend on?" Ahn said. Silence. Ahn frowned at the deafening silence as he was ready at that moment to be fired on the spot.

  Ryunsun looked him in the eye and gave a quick laugh. "Ryo Sin."

  "I am sorry?" Ahn asked in a questioning tone

  "You never heard of him?"Ryunsun asked.

  "No." Ahn shook his head.

  "He recently wrote a book, it is titled: "A new world elected by the new people." It is radical, and it was censored by the five families... He said in his book though, and I don’t disagree. Then again, he is my boss.” He let out a laugh. Ahn took another drag and shot him a gaze.

  “Oh? Are we talking about General Ryo?” Ahn asked.

  “The same, he is popular in our ranks. Since I am your boss, you got the lucky general to lead you.” He gave him a small smirk, shaking his head. “Some chief officers don’t care about your life, to put it bluntly.”

  Ahn shrugged, looking at the floor beneath him. It was meticulously well kept and clean.

/>   “Quite an office you have here, sir.” He inquired.

  Ryunsun gave him a small laugh. “Well, it pays well. My job really.”

  “I guess if I ever get to your position, I can have an office where I can fuck off, drink of coffee and smoke drugs?” He winked at him. Ryunsun, taken aback gave a bellowing laugh, smacking his hand on his leg. He slid a tear away as Ahn took a relaxing sigh, his worries from before slipping away.

  “I like you kid, but yes. Let's just say if you do well, we can have a smoke in your office next time.” He said. Ahn smiled.

  “I look forward to it my dear sir, but I will also settle on making a canopy on some tree.” Ahn said.

  "Well. I am glad to know you are flexible." Ryunsun pulled out a piece of parchment from the side of his desk, with 'Top Secret' lettering in the corner. Ahn instantly pulled to read.

  Dear Forward,

  You will be part of the ten thousand forward forces heading to the western expanse. You are to find a rare stone called a 'Calamity Stone.' It is said this stone has the power to create deities and even entire dimensions. It can destroy the world, and you are tasked with finding one. Military leaks show that the Faerie Republic has one, Elven Republic has two, the Maldition Empire has one and the Kragg Empire has none. We have none, but this mission will change that. Only the most skilled warriors will take part in this mission. All the other four world powers also have mercenary on this new continent, some for exploration, some in search for this stone. You have kill on sight orders for anyone, not Chisean.

  For a moment, he took a pause as he let out a single puff of smoke, his roll almost burnt away. He felt his face flush white, and color returning once again. He has seen things that scare him. This mission does not sound fun. Then again, even if he prayed, praying won’t stop a blade to the neck. “Better than being here.” He said to himself, but he let out a small giggle.

  “Well, you marching me to die already? I got here sir, if this is my first date, I am scared to know the next.” Ahn cooed.

  He snorted and shook his head. “Oh no, we haven’t even got to the date yet, we are still chatting.”

  Ahn face turned ghost white. “Lovely.”

  Ryunsun took one last drag and smashed what’s left of the burnt roll on the ashtray. “You will not be allied with that ten thousand, you are practically alone. In the west, it is kill or be killed. You are outside our jurisdiction, you die..well.” He stopped for a moment, letting out a sigh. Ahn raised a brow, is he choking up? He never felt his feeling before, he felt sick to his stomach, and at any moment he felt like he could bolt in the other direction any second now.

  “You die, let's just say you can’t get that office.” He said. Ahn blinked once and then giggled. Color returned to his face as he shrugged.

  "I accept. Is there any standard equipment I will get?” Ahn asked.

  Ryunsun pulled out as well a black box with the labeling "Natrura." This was a crystal brand, they farmed Elementals, Dragons and many more unfortunate species to turn into crystallized stones. Only humans use crystals though, although considering this one can run hundreds of silver, he might as well snatch him. He always hated asking his dad for a loan, even if he could give him thousands of gold for a high-quality crystal, he still would rather have something cheaper... He slipped the box open to reveal a blue stone.

  "All Forwards will get an Agate, plus many of them have military training or are trained magic. Some of them are immensely powerful, most can be lieutenants for the Army.”

  Ahn rolled his eyes. Great, Ahn hated to fight someone in his same level of skill. He took another hit of his joint and gave a quick cough as he felt time slow down to the milliseconds, his mood was elevated and euphoric. He felt better now, then again he was so high, Ahn didn’t know why he was anxious.

  He held onto his necklace, rubbing the gold, round piece across his fingers. He let shot Ryunsun a glare, who was snuffing out the flame of his roll.

  "Eh fuck it. I accept." He said as he slipped on his blue agate necklace.

  "Your first stop is the Idera Archipelago. We are still allies with the Kragg Empire and the Maldition Empire. Your mission starts after you leave this island with your Airsail. Humanity, however, might not be as welcoming as Malditions are.”

  "Why?”Ahn inquired.

  "Let's just say, their king is not exactly in the greatest state of mind now." Ryunsun said. Ahn took a pause as he took a quick pull from his joint.

  Ahn raised his brow and rolled his eyes. "." He thought to himself. He didn’t know much about it as he looked at his pack of 30 joints. It was enough for the month. Idera was two days away via airship. He was curious however if this king would send anyone his way, he loved meeting someone on his mission.

  "What airship do I leave in?” Ahn asked.

  "You leave in the next one. Do you plan to take the job? Prince might get a boo-boo, and you can't cry home to mommy thousands of miles away." He said. Ahn gave a small laugh.

  "Don't worry, I am good at kissing my wounds if I get lonely." He said in a sarcastic tone as he walked away, holding the doorknob before he turned back to Ryunsun. He paused.

  "What...did my family owe you?" He asked, his tone of voice shaken slightly. When Ahn's father had people 'owe' him something, it was never good.

  "Nothing. I owe them.” Ryunsun said.

  “What is the reason?” Ahn asked.

  “Let's just say, a close friend of mine was from that family. I did something for them, and now I am here. I am returning them the favor.” Ryunsun. Silence once again. Ahn then swung around.

  "I see." He said to himself. "I will keep in touch with you via Holosphere." He said, pulling out a Gray Holosphere as he walked out of his office.

  He left the room as he walked to the far back, to the open outside as he waited patiently for the next airship to take him off. He looked to see a seal in the corner of his eye, a banner.

  Paid for by the Kyung Family

  Ahn gritted his teeth and took another hit from his joint, waiting patiently for the airship to arrive. Then he pulled out his sword- Ahn Kyung was inscribed on the side. He sighed, as he uses the last of his joint to melt his last name and cover it with ash. “Ahn” was his only name.

  The City of Luhonolu. In one of the most Northern Cities in the world, the city sits on top of a massive volcano range. The erupting soot shot up from these active monstrosities. Lava and Magma flowed for miles, just outside the city gates. Protected by a massive barrier, the outside cold is kept out in ironically one of the warmest cities far north. Luhonolu used Geothermal Energy to heat homes, keep a moderate temperature inside and free from the outside clouds. The city itself thus adapted. The roads were heated, the buildings shot high, shaping clouds for rain and snowfall. The city was a model for the government, the capital of Zynthia, in fact, had the most Spidernet trains connecting too and from the city. Hundreds of trains floated a meter from the air and out across the continent in all directions. That was not including the thousands of underground lava tube tunnels where even more trains darted from side to side. The train however, marked past Luhonolu chugged away to the city of Gru.

  In this darkness, at the dusk of the morning, Yukari flipped up her Holosphere as it floated in front of her. The artificial light inside the train cab shifted colors depending on the stop. Right now, the light was a solid blue. There were thousands of Chiseans around her. The trains were often kilometers long and were designed to hold up to a million people. The seating for each seat was intended for four on each side. Except for the front of each cab was a small, 'private' cab for the military. This was the cab Yukari was in. As she looked across her, she saw her colleagues cars. She saw the name "Ryunsun" printed a metal piece across her room and to her right was Yuki, also printed on a metal piece. As Yukari looked outside, she saw only people, a sort of natural wall. If she so desired, she could press the app on her Holosphere and darken the room. In fact, she did so, flipping on the 'Smartroom' app as the room dimmed a
round her, with a black sheet of darkness covering her door.

  Her room had a single twin sized bed to her right and a table to her left. Next to it was her vaporizer that was filled with Sour Diesel. She pressed the button on top as the news continued to spout in her right ear.

  "In a shocking turn of events not seen in years, Zynthia has declared war on Maplesworn and Mysen, siding with their ally of Kulso in conquest for both the continent of Siphor and the Calamity Stone, an ancient stone said to have the power to make someone a diety. Discovered only ten years ago by Nicholas of Kragg, it is a stone with mysterious properties and a near unlimited source of energy. In response to Mysen collecting the second Calamity Stone, the people of all five countries have polled at ninety percent being against war, hoping too.-"

  "Fucking dumbasses," Yukari said, the vaporizer in her hand as she took a few second drag.

  "Discard the stone and never touch it again. Indeed, despite growing inequality, prosperity thanks to technology, expansive transportation and lower and lower unemployment, many view war as unnecessary. Despite the unpopularity of the war even in Zynthia, a riot was instantly dispelled by the Zynthian Military, with Yukari Unmei leading the charge and arresting over five hundred and nine people. The Military is also planning a mandatory inspection throughout the city for illegal and possibly revolutionary activity."

  Yukari shut it off as she slinked her cape off. She was well built, around six foot tall with strong eyes like a cat. As a Legion Commander and the only other one next to just 7 others, she took her position of power very seriously. She closed her eyes, took one last drag of her vaporizer and exhaled it. She intensified her gaze and readied her meditation, her dream place.


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