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Kindles of War

Page 15

by Nicol Terra

  “Woah, Woah!” He pushed her softly aside, grabbing her shoulders as he bowed, gazing her at eye level. “She is…well; she is alive.”

  She tilted her head, shaking it for a moment. “What do you mean alive?” Her voice started to break.

  The man touched her forehead. She then felt her worries and anxiety flush away. Illevetar felt her body soothe into relaxation; her emotions now elevated. She blinked a few times as the man slid his hand off her forehead.

  “How did you do that?” Illevetar asked.

  “Kid, once you are my age, you know how to use your ability to max effectiveness.” He took another puff and exhaled, this time Illevetar did not care about his smoking, even though it irritated her throat and eyes. He took a step back and started to smoke freely in the hallway. He looked away for a moment and extended his pack of cigarettes to her.

  “Take one; it will calm your nerves. We have a lot to discuss.” He said.

  She obliged her mind blank. She took out the white roll from the pack. It was smaller than a roll of weed, more compact and tight. The leaves of tobacco also seemed to smell less. She pinched the roll and lit it ablaze with her free hand. She felt a rush of smoke fill her lungs, and in a second, she pulled the cigarette away and started coughing.

  He smiled a tad. “Don’t worry; you will feel better in a bit.”

  A few moments passed as her legs stopped shaking and her hand started to stabilize. She took another drag and exhaled, this time for far longer. She felt relaxed. Her tensions rolled away on the pillow of smoke. The elves did not smoke, partly because it was taboo in Elven culture to treat tobacco plants with the additives, human liked to add for flavor. She sighed and rolled her eyes, Elves also rarely drank and got high, it has been just as taboo as smoking.

  “Your friend is alive, but severely wounded.” He said.

  She took another drag, her hand acting on reflex this time. “Is she going to be okay?”

  He grimaced. “Okay is a relative term, but she will live. Her crystal was shattered in the fight, and it is likely she will be unconscious for a few more days, probably a week.”

  When her eyes rode across the walls, she saw a crest of a bird. The bird was emitting electricity and fire; she knew it was a representation of a phoenix. She pondered for a moment, wondering if Phoenix Crystals still existed.

  “How long was I comatose for?” Illevetar choked.

  “It was only two days since we picked you up. You recovered rather quickly.” He said

  She scoffed for a moment and smiled. “Rachel is stronger than me, and yet I am the one to get up first.”

  “You did exhaust most of your Magic and Aura, but minus frostbite, you were far better condition.”

  “I need to get stronger still if that is my limit.” She said.

  The man took a drag from his cigarette. “I take it Zalima’s goons attacked you.”

  Illevetar perked her eyebrows upward. “Zalima? That is a new name.” She thought.

  He nodded. “He is a Chief Commander of Kulso and a literal monster. He is the reason Maldition attacks have been happening to travelers.”

  “Because of the upcoming war?” She asked

  “Because of THE war. You were out of it, but Zynthia mobilized and is attacking Agall as we speak.” He said

  Illevetar laid her back on the wall, her eyes hollow. She felt a sense of pain erupt inside her chest. Her body was no longer weak, but the heart seemed to break in two. Were mother and father safe?

  They can take care of themselves; all you can do is finish your quest and find an answer.

  She shook her head. “So we are victims.”

  “By extent. Zalima also is hoping to take this archipelago and even this city. Ioja, myself and Raza are the three currently pushing him back, but he threatens the cities, and even now, raiding parties on trading caravans are not uncommon.”

  She grimaced. “What happens if he finds you outside the city?”

  “I don’t know; ask your friend how he responded.” He took a puff and exhaled.

  She didn’t know what to think; her first response wasn’t to run away in fear. Nor was it to run back to her family. She drifted her gaze to her hands, still bandaged. She almost lost them because she was weak and Illevetar had no excuses for herself, she needed to get stronger. She had, too, or else she could never call herself Queen.

  “I want to help; is there any way I can?” Illevetar asked. "Please, I wanna help these people! I will fight if I must." She said.

  His eyes slowly twisted around to look at her in the face. She had fierce eyes, her eyes determined and her body stern. Illevetar's inner soul was fiery, brought to strong vigor. His smile became a wide grin.

  “There is one way you can. How about we tour the city first?” Yas said.

  The city of Ramas was nothing she expected. The roads were lined up in sharp, right angles. Each neighborhood was neat and orderly. The houses shot up like pencil boxes, each with varying colors. The people, however, was what shocked her. The majority of the city was human, albeit she saw an occasional Faerie or Chisean walk the streets. The road was not lined up with markets. Instead, the shops were inside large, wooden cubes. The shops have been always in the middle of the road, wrapped around by houses like a closed circle. She raised a brow; this was the same for churches, military towers or even Airsail ports. She laughed for a moment, and even Airsail ports were in the city. If she knew that, she would have parked her Airsail here instead. Then again, breaking into a magically enhanced Airsail was nearly impossible, and even then, most mages of that level would sooner do something else with their time.

  The two walked down the road, circling shops and churches until they reached a large tower. The tower was surrounded by no houses and lay in the far back of the city. The tower had stone spires shoot up from the side, each with windows shrouded by black magic, hiding the inside from the outside world. The tower was also large, easily a kilometer tall. The interior was even more luxurious, with gold carpet lining the floors. Each room was the size of a farm field, with hundreds of people quickly running in and out bubbles. The bubbles of space shot warped and disappeared, teleporting the user to anywhere in the tower they pleased. The bubbles felt like water to the touch, running fluidly across her fingers like soft soap.

  There were desks of Holocubes, showing holograms of news of the outside world, some of these cubes even being used for writing notes or playing games. The room easily had twenty Holocubes, each having a group of five people using their Holospheres and connecting them to the Holonet. She looked in amazement, even far away from civilization there was technology of this caliber. Then again, technically Idera is a Kragg Colony.

  Just a faraway colony.

  "Just so you know." Yas started. "We only have these Holocubes on the entire island." He said. Almost as if Yas read Illevetar's mind.

  "Wait. So can't you call for help?" Illevetar asked.

  He shook her head. "Why not use the Holonet?"

  Illevetar blinked and waltzed over to one of the Holocubes with an empty chair. The swivel chair was enough for her to hold her and she jumped giddily up the chair like a child playing a new toy.

  "Illevetar." Yas inquired. "Are you-"

  Illevetar knocked back into reality. "Oh shush just give me a minute." She said, blushing as she pressed the Holocube. Suddenly, a rectangular hologram greeted in front of her. The Screen had your typical apps, including a word processor, spreadsheet software, a calculator, a home screen, settings, 'Playback,' 'Float' and even 'Alexandria,' a very reliable Holonet browser. She clicked.

  "We are sorry, but the connection is currently unavailable, please try again later”

  Illevetar tilted her head and pressed again. The same text. She slid her eyes around to the dozens of people around her, all with frightened and blackened eyes. Then, she frowned. The ones using the Holosphere were using the Word Processor, they too can't connect.

  Then she remembered, Kulso has technology that
can block and trap light, making connections to the Holonet impossible.

  "Fuck." She said out loud.

  "Yeah, we are fucked," Yas said.

  "Well, nevermind, forget I thought that." She said getting up from the fun chair. "You have something to show me?"

  “Yeah, the next floor is where Ioja is, another Chieftain.” He said, walking inside the bubble. Illevetar puffed her cheeks and followed, warping and reappearing in a new floor. The floor was far less small than the bottom floor. It had a single hallway with a door at the end — the room smelled like coffee and pages of paper. The most exciting thing had yet been the walls, all the walls around her had a single crest on the white paint, a shield with a phoenix on it.

  “That is a unique crest.” She said.

  “Ah, that thing? We are affiliated with a Guild called Phoenix Feathers. This city is one of many in their territory. They usually come here for missions and quests.”

  “What do they get in exchange?”

  “Well, usually most of the missions they do for us they get a large fee. They made this city a secondary base; their primary base is in the Western Expanse.”

  She raised a brow. “Do they offer protection?”

  “Usually no, they are just a guild. A rich one like theirs has no obligation to this city.” He said. "But they can use this place as a place of refuge and quarter in Guild Wars."

  She cursed. "So none of the benefits, all the cost. No wonder their technology barely works."

  Yas slid open the door. The room smelled like fresh cut grass. The carpet was still gold, with a single desk and two bookshelves in the back of the room being the only decor. The man slinking on the chair wore a black vest and had a tattoo across his right face. Illevetar gulped as he looked at this man. I wonder what they are going to ask me to go do?” She asked herself.

  Ahn was awakened to a loud crackling storm in the distance. He tossed and turned in his bed in a frantic panic, his face beading with sweat. He hears faint cries of nature in the distance as if the winds were screaming out towards him. Then, one big thunderbolt came down next to him as he was awakened. The bolt of lightning shot from the heavens and into the wooden floor below. Even nature here was more dangerous then he expected.

  He grabbed at his body, his pant slowing down to a near halt. He looked down to realize he was covered entirely with bandages. Ahn smiled for a brief moment, his head turning slowly to the side. The two suns were out, the dark clouds started to part as quickly as they appeared. Lightning crackled as the storm was growing more and more unstable the longer he looked. Strangely, there was no rain. Just lightning.

  The inside of the room was wooden, the smell of oak flushing his senses. He looked to see heavy rain and bolts of electricity shower from the sky above. The blackened clouds stretched for as far as he can see, with the sliver of the two suns and the blue sky peeking out just enough to light up his day. The massive storm was gone, and it crackled with energy, the bolts of electricity woke him up. He couldn’t access his Aura, as he felt most of it drained away. He looked in awe. He then flashed Blue, on instinct.

  Then, he gulped. The storm above was flowing with blue streams of Aura, this Aura flowing across the sky with ease. He felt the Water flush above him, giving the storm life. This was man made.

  Ahn slipped out of his bed, only for three knocks to echo on the door. He walked over and slid it open. A man, nearly six feet tall greeted him. He had a light brown tint to his face, a common expression, and wrinkled smile welcoming him. Ahn wore a light blue robe and a white necklace wrapped around his neck. He bowed once at Ahn as he gave him a small grin.

  “Welcome to Ramas. I am Ioja, Chieftain of the City.” He said.

  Ahn let out a perplexed grin, only for the man to sneak inside his room an instant as he waltzed over to a small table. He readied his gaze. The large man towered over him. He was not dressed like a soldier, but Ahn felt his power. The two were comparable with each other. He sensed a massive swelling of energy inside him. Ahn stopped flashing Blue Aura for a moment. A glass jar, filled with wrapped caramel was next to his bedside, with Ioja snacking on them freely as he gave off a tight smile.

  “Curse that Yas, giving my favorite candies to guests!” He mumbled to himself, shaking his head.

  Ahn didn’t sense him at the door, nor did he sense him enter his room. He felt his skin turn colder as he let out a big gulp.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Ahn whispered. “How did I get here?” He asked.

  Then it came to him. He remembered himself being strapped to a dragon, flying over here during the night. He looked at his hands instinctively, and they were covered in bandages, yet intact.

  “You be lucky, you almost lost your entire right hand to frostbite.” Ioja smacked his lips, freely popping caramel candies inside his mouth, gulping them down gluttonously. “As for how you got here, Dragon. Overnight. Yas.” He said

  Ahn connected the sentence in his head but felt a sense of offense boil inside him. He rolled his eyes and then he blinked.

  “Proper Globus, please?” He asked.

  The man sighed, smacking his hands together and rolled his eyes.

  “You were flown in by Yas’ Dragon overnight. You were in pretty bad shape. Surprised the Maldition’s under Khoza didn’t find you.” He answered. "Although after we flew you in and someone else in, he got shot down," Ioja said as he let out a small frown. "I wanted to play catch with him too."

  Ahn raised a brow. “Why would they? Kulso is allied with Zynthia.” He said ignoring that last comment.

  The man grumbled, walking back outside. He then rolled his body over and locked Ahn in the eyes, his eyes giving off a faint blue coloration as Ioja crystal shined a thick white. Ahn grimaced, this man had a crystal. This White Light turned Yellow. Ahn instinctively closed his eyes as to avoid the Mind Spell.

  “I ain‘t gonna Mind Break you. I want to talk,” Ioja said.

  Ahn felt his emotions soothe and despite being against his better judgment, he relented. The man appeared inside Ahn’s mind, his Mind Magick communicating with him. He reached out to Ahn.

  “You can hear me, right?” He said, snapping his fingers. Ahn looked around to see himself surrounded by pure, white light.

  Ahn gave off a single drop of sweat. He reached for his crystal, ready to strike, only to stop midway as he shot the man a glare. He could have killed him if he wanted too, he was not a threat. Then, he felt it. His crystal was gone. He then readied a blade of red energy.

  “Where is my-”

  “Woah Woah, buddy, I ain‘t here to hurt you!” Ioja said, grumbling to himself. “Your crystal didn’t make it. We lost it when we found you in the snow.” He said, his voice echoed in his mind. He vaguely felt his body move in the streets, walking from place to place. Inside this mental state, he turned to Ioja.

  “Congratulations, you survived the Mountains.” He said. Ahn smirked softly.

  “Well, I was a little dry on Aura there. My chakras were starting to slow down.” Ahn grumbled.

  “Yeah, it is a miracle you made it.” Ioja added.

  “I am on Idera, right?” Ahn asked.

  “Yeah, on the smallest island. You are in the city of Ramas right now.” Ioja answered.

  “Where is the man that saved me in the first place?” Ahn asked.

  “You two will be meeting soon.” He said. Moments later, the spell broke.

  The two walked down the street to a Monastery. It was reasonably large, a single domed building that was easily a mile high. He gulped, the sheer size of the building made him feel small. He felt a faint sense of Aura inside, a strong one and dozens of smaller ones surrounding him, lined up in a row of six. The large one was sitting in the center of them, his legs crossed as the others laid their legs out on the floor and prayed, heads down. He instinctively walked inside, and the building had dozens of white lights hanging freely above. There was no lamps, or candles, just lights floating around the room. He felt amazed for a second, walking
over from side to side to look at the ceiling above, which was a hundred feet from him on the ground. He looked in the back very briefly, a staircase in the back of the building that snaked it’s way up to the top of the building.

  Ahn let out a sigh in amazement, only for a loud grumbled to slam him back to the reality below. He jumped up, only to see Ioja and a large man together. The man was seven feet tall, much taller then Ahn was. He had light brown skin and piercing yellow eyes. He was large, possibly over three hundred pounds, most of that was toned and carved muscle. Ahn instinctively took a step back, only for the man giving off a gentle, wise smile and patting him on the head.

  “Hey, Hey! Why the long face! I am not scary, am I?” He said. Ahn looked at the far back, as twelve monks in white robes giggled. Ahn let out a small, meek sound.

  “I-I am not sure, and you seem scary.” He admitted. Ahn felt his heart race, only for his eyes to give off a flash of blue energy. This man’s Aura was warped, almost in the shape of a lion. The Aura was so large and consuming. He felt his body freeze. He was not scared of this man’s actions, nor his physical appearance, it was his Aura.

  Then, he saw Ioja smack Yas upside the head. He turned around, a small grumble being let out.

  “Idiot! He is an Aura user, he can sense you! Control it!” He cursed and yelled.

  Yas let out a small sigh, as his Aura started to retreat inside his body, being pulled inside his body like an endless well of water. Ahn felt his heart race less and less. Color returned to his face. He then let out a small, gentle smile.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know-” Yas frowned.

  “Can it, I don‘t wanna hear it.” Ioja shot back. Yas cursed.

  “I didn’t expect the boy to be an Aura user, the girl and the princess can’t sense Aura so I figured that he couldn’t either.” Yas protested.

  “Boy, if only Zane were here.” He raised his finger and dug it into Yas shoulder.

  Yas ignored the rude gesture and instead walked over to Ahn, his hand extended outward.

  “Well, not sure if you can tell, I am Yas.” He said, a faint smile forming across his face.


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