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Kindles of War

Page 37

by Nicol Terra

  The demon slowly got up, his eyes burning yellow to blue. His throat repaired itself, patching the hole with ease.

  “You spared me… and now you show me mercy.” The demon shook his head, his head sunk to the ground itself.

  “Answer my question.” Duran frowned.

  “They call me… Belial.” He said.

  “Belial?” Duran asked.

  The demon nodded, then his back then sprouted jet black wings behind him. He then flapped them in the air rapidly as he created a small glimmer of light in the sky.

  “Wait” Duran yelled, but the demon flew into the light and disappeared. Duran tried to move to follow, but his head rang. He cursed, his body was too exhausted to pursue.

  Duran said nothing, instead of laying his back out as he stared at the five moons above him. He looked at the one with the red landscape and blue ocean.

  “Is it true Demons are the ones to inhabit Nieth?” He asked himself. He never got an answer. He passed out on the ground, laying there for hours, shrouded by night.

  Ahn rushed Red, covering his body with Red Energy as he blitzed through the empty neighborhood. He found Illevetar, and Rachel. Now, he needed to find and keep as many people safe as he can. The city burnt around him as he suddenly flashed Blue. He sensed the life force and those around him.

  Thousands of ‘weak’ souls fled away from the stronger souls of the soldiers. His Blue Aura allowed him sensed others and the thousands around him rushed outward, hoping to make their way out of the city gates. He felt his rage boil, they weren't supposed to attack for a few more days, but he couldn't think about that, he just needed to go. "Stop them." was his only thought. Their energy was far weaker than his. But they can still easily kill regular people. Luckily, most of the city was empty with more and more energies fleeing from the soldiers, with only a few thousand left scattered. The burning city was rushing away from his vision, inching more and more into burnt territory where it was mostly empty.

  Ahn heartbeat rose as he slowly inspected the surrounding environment. He intensified his red aura, turning it into a scorching flame. He sensed someone nearby, someone strong. He threw a ball of fire and rushed westward, lunging himself a few miles within a second. He flashed Orange Aura, turning his skin and bones into a strong glow. His legs slammed into the ground and shattering speed, only for his Aura to shield the damage. He felt nothing, his nerves were similar to steel. He slid across the dirt, slowing down to a halt to a few hundreds of souls. He stopped flashing blue Aura, relying on his eyesight. He slowly inched towards the souls, as the surrounding trees engulfed his surroundings, a single stone road slicing this artificial forest in half. He walked down the stony streets. He slinked his blade from his right side to his hands. He inched to a small clearing where hundreds of people were cuffed with steel blocks that sunk into the ground. The Blocks were made with a Crystal Key as he sensed vague energy from a crystal user. He flashed Blue Aura, only enhancing his senses slightly. His ears narrowed, as he scanned the stronger man, a man with a crystal necklace. He saw it was a red gem around his neck. The Crystal was in the shape of a moon, and the only source of light, as he wore a black suit of armor. He pointed his blade at the hundreds as many of them shivered in fear.

  Then, a man wearing a green cap and a single star stamped on the cap saluting. Ahn sensed his power was a fair bit weaker than his own. His Aura told him he used Aura as if his Clairvoyant abilities allowed him to read his opponents like an open book. He looked to see a few dozens of soldiers surrounded the cuffed civilians.

  “What should we do with them?”

  “Who knows? Jessica says we can do whatever. I say we kill them.” The man said. Ahn clenched his fists together as the soldiers readied their weapons. The people tried to get up and run, only for the dark armored man created a black orb above them, pushing them into the ground itself.

  “Ready your guns.” One of them said.

  Ahn felt his eyes turn a quick flash of Yellow. He saw the surrounding environment with soldiers shooting at the innocent civilians, only for his vision showing him running at the dozens of shots, and knocking them upward. He shook his head, snapping back the Yellow as he rubbed his eyes. He looked once more as the soldiers held their triggers. Ahn didn't have time to think as he darted forward. He was convinced. The bolts of air shattered the surrounding sound cracked. He flashed all his Red Aura, as he bolted from shot to shot, knocking the blasts of Air upward. The air formed a cloud above him, circling outward and knocking the trees down, uplifting their roots and lunging them dozens of feet backward. Ahn looked to see the Soldiers, shocked, pointing their guns at him.

  “Who is that?” The man started, only for Ahn to rush at him. He cocked his fist back and knocked it into his black helmet. His black helmet off his body as Ahn readied another fist.

  The Major blocked his hand as he flushed his body with Orange Aura. Ahn eyes widened as he ducked downward, avoiding a punch to the face. He grabbed the major by his arm, coating his upper body with Red Aura and threw him aside. He swung around as he was greeted by a blackened fist. At the last second, he grabbed the fist as he stared at the man. Ahn eyes grew more furious as he stared at him.

  “We are our allies, and yet you strike down innocents?” Ahn growled. He felt a rage boil inside.

  “War isn‘t pretty, kid.” The man said, pulling his hand down. Ahn slid aside as a small cut sliced through his shirtsleeve. Ahn flashed Red, knocking the soldiers aside in seconds. They shot, only for him to tumble, roll, jump or lunge at his targets. He grabbed the first one by his neck and snapped it.

  “Trust me, I know,” Ahn said, grabbing another soldier head and smacked him aside, knocking down the soldiers all lined up in a circle. He then created a wave of Green Energy and shot it at the remaining soldiers.

  The Energy Ball emerged like a dome, engulfing everyone, as they fell dead. The Man laughed, then clapped. Ahn created a blade of Fire, sticking it into the ground, flashing Blue and cutting all the cuffs off the people. The hundreds of people got up, their eyes weary and their faces white. Ahn didn‘t have much time.

  “Go! Now!” Ahn yelled.

  The hundreds did just that, as Ahn rushed at the two men, creating a pointed blade from flames as he swiped at them. They both flashed Yellow and dodged each of his blows. He realized it now that is why he was so quick to act.

  He jumped backward, the now wide open space of a few thousand meters was open to him. He raised his body and blade up, pointing at the man. The largest one. He had a curious glare, interested in Ahn. Ahn felt a sharp, burning rage rush inside him. He had his own men ready to strike down these weak, defenseless people. In the dark. Like dogs. He burned with more and more rage. Every time he was mad, no matter back home or here, he would be ready to strike down anyone.

  He flashed Blue Aura, using a large plume of the Chakra as he sensed his name. It was Ra. This man who was ready to kill innocents, it was Ra.

  “Ra! I challenge you to a Duel!”

  “A duel?” The man said. Ahn nodded, “I will show you! I will beat you in your own game!” Ahn said, his mind seething.

  Ra turned off his Aura and walked to the right. Picking up his helmet, he slid it back on and turned away. “You aren‘t worth a duel.”

  “What, scared I can actually defend myself?” Ahn scoffed.

  The man laughed as he waved at him and swinging around. “Jon and Sam, you take care of him.”

  “Yes, Ra.” The major said, shining a yellow light at him. Ahn ran to punch Ra, only for him to freeze in place.

  Ahn raised a brow, only for him to see his mind turn blank. He felt his mind lose its train of thought, unable to think and recall. He felt time slow around him as he saw nothing but Light. He tried to rub his eyes, only for his movements to hardly respond. He felt his muscles turn heavy as he felt locked in place

  His vision of light saw himself, headless as someone sliced off his head of behind. He felt this vision sting. This was an illusion, he thought
it. He tried to look away, only to remain frozen. He saw his own death, his head falling off his body. He rejected this.

  “No!” He flashed Green, covering his body with Aura. The blade sunk into his neck and bounced off, shattering upon impact. He shook his head violently as the illusion faded from his mind. He looked at Sam, his face confused for a moment. Ahn looked at the Yellow Light, the one that cast the illusion and felt nothing. He had no choice, as he intensified the use of Green, Ahn needed to resist and adapt to this, or else he will die for real.

  “Sam! Why didn’t you Mind Control him?”Jon said.

  “I tried! It didn‘t work!” Sam yelled.

  Ahn bit his tongue, closing his eyes as he flashed Blue Aura. Despite no seeing, he sensed two souls, one in front of him and one behind him. The one in front of him tried to mind control him. “Can he control me as long as I see his Light?” He shook his head, he didn‘t need his eyes, anyway. He kept using both Green and Blue as he darted forward

  The man counted. Seconds, milliseconds, microseconds. The man's motions slowed, his sluggish arms swinging wide brushed his right hand aside. He then felt a beam of black darkness inch from behind him. Ahn sensed this, time returning to its regular intervals, milliseconds then seconds. Then, he jumped upward, as the beam of darkness shot at Sam. The dark beam shot and sliced through his hand.

  He always loved using Blue Aura. His reactions and ability to control his own perception helps in close combat. Sam fell to the ground, motionless. Ahn turned at the only survivor, opening his eyes again. The forest parted down the path as the man's face was ghost white. He bolted the other direction, running at the forest. Ahn scoffed.

  “You are lucky, run back home.” He said. Ahn turned around at the dead Major. His eyes were wide as if his last moments were spent afraid. He felt a deep sense of pity as he waved his hand over his eyes. His eyes shut down, as he pulled his hand away. His mind was echoing with pain as his hand turned balmy. He felt queasy, he had used Half of his Aura.

  The beam of darkness can cut space. Did Ra teleport? He asked himself, only to find a few answers. “Maybe he can't teleport far, or his abilities are better for offense?”

  “God, I wish I knew more,” Ahn asked himself.

  Illevetar sensed it; the entire building had twenty floors, each about a ten-foot clearance. She closed her eyes, sensing the flames around her and in a few moments she detected fifty faint outlines. She rushed and grabbed the nearest one, and then the next one and the next one. Then she rushed up to the next floor, using Wind to burst her through floor after floor. She didn't use her eyes; she couldn't see it anyway. The intense flames hurt her eyes, and the smoke and smog-choked her vision to be mere glimpses of people, wood pillars that kept up the floors, old, burnt furniture that littered the floor. Within the hour, she was on the middle floor and the last one with people inside.

  This floor was the least covered with smoke and flames, with tens of people still inside on this one floor. The tenth floor was a large hall, with a single burnt ashen table in the far back, hiding back tens of people. They all seem huddled together, not moving, no emotion, except fear.

  Illevetar gulped. “H-Hey.” She said. A small, meek sound squeaked in the back. She walked slowly over the table, her hand extended. A little boy, hidden by a single, dark brown cloth trying to keep himself hidden. She smiled.

  “It is okay. I am here to help.” Illevetar whispered.

  The boy said nothing; his blue eyes were gleaming through the dark shroud.

  “You are not the Demon?” The boy asked.

  The Demon? Illevetar asked, her eyes darted from side to side. “What Demon?”

  Then, she saw it. She saw a jet, red skinned man, gray wings fly through the window and grab Illevetar and slamming her through the door and throwing her up into the air a few thousand feet in a second. She reached in the air, trying to grab her sword, furiously grasping at nothing.

  “Okay, where is my-” She said, only for a blade to jam inside her chest and pierce her stomach. She coughed and vomited blood as she looked behind her. The Maldition Man had a red and black crystal wrapped around his black coat.

  “Miguel, The Demon Flame.” He said, she grabbed the hilt of her blade as she felt her body boil from the inside and out. She screeched in pain as she wiggled in the air helplessly. “Your flames are so… weak.” He said.

  She slowly turned her head around as she shot him a glare. “What did you say?”

  “I said.” He started, only for Illevetar to punch him and slam him back on to the tenth floor. Illevetar fell to the ground in free fall, taking a few seconds to float to the ground as her weight cracked the floor beneath her. The man twisted expression, red skin and red eyes boiled at her with pain and disgust.

  “Wow, you have a lot of restrained emotions for a fire mage; perfect for your personality and actions.” He said.

  Illevetar vomited once more a pile of blood. She turned to the ten people, all standing up now as hiding in the back.

  “Run. I can only spare five seconds.” She said. The ten looked at her confused until Illevetar released a constant explosion of red flames around her. In an instant, she created a blade of wind and jammed it into the Man once more, exploding her aura with the two as the center. The ten people in their moment ran down the stairs in the far back. Illevetar eyes narrowed as she pulled out her blade in her stomach. She felt her inner organs slowly repair herself, the blood inside her reattaching her internal organs. She breathed in the natural energy from the surrounding environment, trying to use her flames to sear her wounds closed to prevent bleeding, she grabbed a nearby wall, almost ready to pass out.

  Miguel smacked through a few pieces of debris. His head tilted to the side, his eyes furious and hungry like a vulture. He screeched, his crystal rushing towards her. She dodged from side to side. She can't use her Magic against him. He can absorb her flames if she wasn’t careful, and her wind magic was not under her control yet. She tried to create a blade of water, only for the droplet to collapse to the ground below. She cursed, that was the Element she needed. She grabbed her blade with both hands and created a sharp enchantment of wind. She felt her eyes fade, her body growing weak as she felt her sword weigh tens of tons. She saw the man snap his head back into place as he rushed at her before she can react, she felt her body being thrown a few thousand feet into the ground, landing into the street. She then huffed and puff.

  This is it? This is my limit? Even at staring at death, she felt her limit approaching. She cursed. This was pitiful; she felt her rage boil. She needed to surpass herself, and then she felt throughout the city; only five forms of life. She smiled; all of her friends are alive.

  “Well, if you can’t beat em, bomb em.” She said, slamming her blade into the ground as she poured all of her magic into the blade. Miguel rushed at her, grabbing her blade as he created an explosion of flames around himself. She then smiled.

  “You called me weak? I dare you to try that again knowing you don’t have the jump on me.” She said.

  Then in an instant, half the city was vaporized in a giant explosion. More then half of the city was engulfed in the city in flames, smoke, and ash as the explosion stretched two kilometers wide. She felt her flames overpowering Miguel as she then condensed the fire into her blade as she pulled it out of the ground and shot him with flames, sending him flying tens of kilometers away, sending him flying away, with the city destroyed. No one was harmed, she felt the army escape, and yet the Fire erased most of the city with ease.

  She fell to the ground as all she saw was blackness. Her soul however, started to crack.

  Her potential was unlocked.

  Ahn shook his head as he heard a loud boom in the distance. He turned around at the forest, only to see a mushroom cloud a mile away, shooting a mile in the sky. He then looked in front of him as he saw the forest fall apart trees falling on the ground. He suddenly felt a blast of wind knock him back. The force of the explosion didn't hurt, but he felt
dazed, his eyes looking at the night sky. The blast of fire bursted above him in a giant mushroom cloud that shot up a few thousand meters high, almost as tall as the mountains on the island. Ahn looked in amazement, laid flat on the ground as he tried to get up, but the blast drained him of his energy, probably a side effect of Magic absorbing his Aura briefly. The city was filled with only soldiers and in a brief moment, hundreds of souls disappeared in an instant.

  A few moments later, Ahn got up, the park leveled in an instant.

  “Ouch.” He groaned. “Who the fuck did that?” Ahn asked himself. He flashed the last of his Blue Aura, he felt a strong soul extinguish from a roaring flame to a small spark. He detected two other souls, Illevetar and Rachel.

  Illevetar flame, however, was far smaller than it was before. Ahn eyes widened.

  “Oh, no.” He said, running back into the city. His aura dissipated.

  “Fuck, not now!” Ahn said, cursing his own lack of energy as he panted trying to race it to the remnants of the explosion. “Illevetar, wait for me! I am on my way!”

  The city was a mess. Illevetar exploded most of the city by herself, and when Rachel turned around, she was met with a fireball that shot her back, buildings and streets around here were demolished in an instant. The flames were soaring to thousands of degrees, as she felt her body grow in temperature, she instinctively turned her body into electricity. Rachel felt her body release bursts of static electricity as Rachel repaired her inner organs and skin. Turning into electricity was hard, she needed to work on this more. The blasts of fire shot through her head and heart and stomach, all of them regenerating in an instant.

  In a few moments, the explosion subsided, and Rachel fell back to the now dirt ground, head first.

  “What the fuck just happened?” She groaned, picking herself up from the dirt. Her eyes grew a deep yellow, and she sensed through the remnants as a city. Life was only distinct enough for two beings, she senses Ahn nearby and Illevetar about a mile away.


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