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Origin Equation

Page 17

by Charles F Millhouse

  “No Professor.”

  “I didn’t think so,” Charles said. “Now out, we haven’t a lot of time, and we have a long journey – one we might not make. We have to warn Hyta and her team and get off this planet.”

  The Exploration Ship Seeker

  Deep Space

  October 20, 2442 Earth Time

  “Failed!” Uklavar raged. His thunderous screams filled the ship’s corridors. He’d ripped a panel out of the wall and tossed it across the room, creating little wisps of smoke and sparks from the damage he caused. Fire suppression systems activated shooting a foam into the bare spot where the computer terminal used to be.

  The beast’s horns resonated an intense light as he stalked about the room, hands clenched into fists he rumbled, grunting and snorting his disdain. The attack on Shin’nor’ee was simple, the might of his scouts should have easily overwhelmed the scientists, but the attack failed, his minions killed and one captured.

  My Own stood in the darkness at the back of the room studying the creature’s rage. “It seems we underestimated those on the planet,” she said.

  Uklavar wheeled toward her, his nostrils flared, and he grunted, “If this is your attempt to comfort me by taking part of the blame, it isn’t working.”

  “I was pointing out that I know the people on the planet,” My Own said. “They’re resourceful. There isn’t a problem they can’t solve, given time. How they captured one of your scouts, I do not know. But they’re attempt to hide this from you did not work.”

  “Of course, it did not work,” Uklavar snarled. “Whoever attempted to conceal my minion from me did not have the power to do so. If a Cosmea tried, they might have succeeded, but weaker, less affected means cannot prevent me from knowing all, seeing all.”

  “They should have known any feeble attempt would be pointless against you Great One,” My Own said in reverence.

  Uklavar paused, his muscles relaxed, and he said in a calmer voice, “Let me see you, step out of the shadows.”

  My Own stepped forward. Though she couldn’t explain it, her skin felt tight against her and she seemed taller. After a fortnight her body had finally settled into its current state – the metamorphous was complete. She glanced at her tawny hands and examined the long fingernails. It was like looking at someone else’s hands. “What have you done to me?” she asked. Even her voice was different, aged, but regal.

  “Look for yourself, my Harbinger.”

  My Own had avoided mirrors, or anything that would capture her reflection since she returned to the Seeker. She’d stayed in the dark, afraid to look, afraid at what she’d become. She relaxed her arms to her side and stepped forward. Keeping her eyes to the floor she stood in front of a mirror, tightened the breath in her chest, and looked up. Ice chilled her bones. She faced a stranger. Her face was lovely, but older and longer. Crow’s feet feathered out away from the crooks of her eyes and her lips were less pouty. Ribbons of grey flourished through her hair, dominating its original color. If she had to guess an age, My Own was looking at forty-five, even though she still had the memories of a seventeen-year-old.

  Her clothes were domineering. They had manifested on her when she was transformed, though she didn’t know how. Black and tight to her skin, she admired her slender shape, her new attire gave her a commanding presence. All that’s missing is a whip, she told herself.

  “Are you not impressed my Harbinger?”

  My Own looked at Uklavar’s image in the mirror behind her. She fought the rage swelling in her, unsure if it was because she hated him for what he did to her, or if it was something else. Some anger manifested from her regeneration, a deep instinct to fight, to control and to obey the beast’s commands. She swallowed the urge to lash out, controlled her anger and refused to succumb to his will. She would fight Uklavar, but when she was ready. If she must obey him in the meantime, she would do so, if only to save lives.

  She turned toward the beast, and bent to a knee, her eyes averted to the floor. She hated what she’d become, and she hated Uklavar more than life itself. Drawing a hardened breath, she asked, “What is your bidding, Milord?”

  The Planet Kepler 369, AKA the Planet Shin’nor’ee

  The Origin Chamber

  October 20, 2442 Earth Time

  My Own’s obedience to her master, came without persuasion, or trickery on his part. Though she did not follow him out of blind ignorance, she did so out of hope and a desire to protect her friends. Her choice to feign loyalty had to be played like an actor preforming a roll. She despised him as much as she hated anyone who would use their power to make people follow them. It turned her stomach to think that she had to go on pretending, though it became easier with each passing moment.

  My Own arrived on Shin’nor’ee undetected. Since Uklavar’s bug attack on the planet failed, he decided that more subtle tactics were necessary. My Own had her instructions, though she didn’t like what she had to do, she told herself, it was the only way to keep her friends safe.

  My Own parked her shuttle nearby and traversed the dense jungle leading to the temple. She passed three members of the expedition team undetected, skirting around them like a sly fox.

  Her objective was simple. Get into the temple unseen, free the beast and retrieve what Uklavar commanded her to do without being seen. Yeah, simple, she told herself. Origin was never left unattended, and it wouldn’t be as simple as just walking in and asking for the information... would it, she wondered.

  My Own dressed in a one-piece coverall, much like those worn by the Requiem team. She hoped her appearance had changed enough that no one would recognize her on first glance. There were so many people working on the project that she might just be overlooked. There were a lot of hopes and wishes in her plan, but it might just be ridiculous enough to work.

  My Own didn’t encounter anyone directly outside the temple, so getting into the complex was easier than she hoped. Once inside, however, she encountered at least ten people at the threshold. The ornate main chamber had been divided up in sections with large screens giving privacy, and work areas. There were shadows behind each of them, adding to the number of people in the room.

  The people she did see, sat around several tables and were either eating, or in various conversations. There were some glances thrown her way, but no one gave her a second look. To them, she was just a member of the team they didn’t know.

  My Own, walked past the people as if she belonged there and it gave her ample time to slip down the corridor leading into Origin’s chamber. She passed the melted tombs, all the people were released, though she wasn’t sure what happened to them. It was a mystery she didn’t have time to solve.

  Work chatter filled the corridor as My Own neared the Origin chamber. She stopped outside the two large doors and leaned in. she counted six people, including Hyta Winters who sat in a wheelchair studying a palm device.

  Upon further examination, My Own didn’t see Charles Long, Da’Mira Tannador or her brother. If anyone were to recognize her, it would be them. Beyond Hyta, My Own saw the insectoid creature resting malevolently inside a forcefield – scrutinizing everything, and everyone around it.

  My Own rested her back on the wall near the door. Why am I doing this? She contemplated. Asking for help from Hyta would be to great of a risk. Uklavar could see her through the insectoids eyes if he wanted to, and he most likely was. She would have to do this on her own. She stood away from the wall, renewed her resolve and stepped into the Origin chamber.

  Like the main hall, no one looked in her direction when My Own strolled through the door. As per Uklavar’s instruction, she was to free the insectoid, so it could create a distraction and she could then go to work undetected. The creature remained incased in a forcefield near the base of the Origin Computer. The creature knew My Own the moment she came into view. Its gruesome eyes watching her every move. It swooshed back and forth inside its prison, anticipating its freedom.

  My Own raised a hand to quiet the monste
r. The last thing she needed was to alert those in the chamber – or worse, Origin itself. Every step closer to her objective meant she could be spotted at any minute. She needed just a few minutes, a few minutes and she...

  “Hello, My Own.”

  My Own froze in mid stride. Damn it, she thought as she spun around and said, “Hello Van.”

  Van Xavier stood in front of her wide-eyed offering a toothy grin. He wore an expedition uniform, and he carried a bucket full of debris, presumably from the bug creature’s attack. His face was smudged with dirt, and his dark hair a jumble atop his head.

  Van was the younger brother of Gregaor Xavier, who suffered from a mental handicap. A disgrace in his mother’s eyes, Van accompanied Gregaor on the expedition to get him away from his wretched mother. He and My Own didn’t strike up a friendship, there had hardly been enough time for that. But that didn’t deflect the fact that she was staring him in the eyes, wondering how long it would be before someone else saw her.

  Narrowing his brow, Van said suspiciously, “You look different. Why do you look different, My Own?”

  My Own loosened the expression on her face – forced a smile and said, “It’s called getting old, Van. We all do it, I just did it faster than everyone else is all.”

  Enthusiastic, Van exclaimed, “Hyta will be happy to see you. Should I go get her?”

  My Own stumbled forward and snagged Van’s arm in her hand. She squeezed tight. With the safety of her friends, paramount, she said, “I want you to do me a favor, Van. A very special favor... can you do that?”

  Van nodded with a mischievous grin.

  “I need to keep my presence here a secret. No one can know I’m here. It would be better for everyone, do you understand.”

  “Like a game?” Van asked wide-eyed.

  “Yes, like a game. You like to win at games, don’t you?”

  “Uh huh,” Van said with a large toothy grin.

  “Good, because if someone sees me here, you’ll lose the game, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  Van looked around him to check if anyone had seen them and then nodded his head and asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to go hide, hide and don’t come out of your hiding spot for a long time. Can you go and do that?”

  “Yes, but won’t you come with me?” Van asked.

  My Own looked back toward the imprisoned bug creature. It was beginning to thrash around in its invisible cage even more. My Own steadied herself. Surely the beast would draw attention to it before long. Time was of the essence. “I can’t come with you Van. Now, please, go.” She released her grip on his arm. They regarded one another for a few short seconds and then Van scurried off.

  My Own sighed in relief and turned toward Origin. The insectoid stared intently at her as she approached. Its crystal eyes following her every movement. The forcefield was several inches off the floor and My Own looked up into the bug’s face. “I’m going to release you,” she said. “Your master wishes for you to cause a distraction while I carry out my mission. You are to harm no one... do you understand?” My Own stared into the animal’s eyes, waiting for a reply. After a long moment, the insectoid nodded in response.

  From her hip pocket, My Own removed a small round disruptor disk that Uklavar assured her would deactivate the forcefield. She placed the disk at the bottom of the bubble surrounding the bug, and keyed in an activation code. The device began to grow in power, and it would only be seconds before it deactivated the forcefield. She eyed the bug and asked again, “Do you understand.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand child, maybe you’ll explain it to me.”

  My Own’s heart sank, and she turned to find Hyta Winter in her wheelchair and Van standing next to her.

  “My, my, Van was right, you have aged. The creature’s handiwork I presume?”

  My Own stood erect, pondering the next couple of seconds. “You shouldn’t be here,” she said.

  “Nor should you. You were taken by the horned beast and your brother has been sick with worry,” Hyta said. Her narrowing eyes beamed with suspicion. “Explain yourself.”

  “I can’t,” My Own said. “I was trying to spare you. Keep you all safe. Van why didn’t you listen to me?”

  “I’m not very good at keeping secrets,” Van admitted.

  Hyta leaned forward in her chair. Her acidy stare unrelenting.

  “Why are you looking at me like that, Hyta?”

  “You’ve been in Uklavar’s presence for far too long,” Hyta said jabbing a bony finger in her direction.

  My Own grimaced at the sound of his name.

  “You could have been compromised. By your appearance, I’d say that was a good assumption. Corruption can age someone greater than their years. Have you been corrupted, Cora McGregor?”

  My Own shivered as if someone walked over her grave. It had been a long time since she was called by her real name. “Please, Hyta, you weren’t supposed to see me. I wanted you all to be safe. That was my only wish.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re up to,” Hyta said. “But how do you think your brother would react to your presence here. He might not understand the change in you.”

  “Is he here... where is Colin?” My Own scoured the chamber looking for her brother, afraid what he would say when he saw her.

  “He’s gone back to Earth with the Lady Tannador in a plea to raise an army against Uklavar,” Hyta said.

  “Please, don’t say his name so loudly,” My Own pleaded.

  “Stop this girl,” Hyta said sharply. “You’re here now, with us. You’re safe.”

  Again, My Own shivered. None of them were safe, especially her. Even away from Uklavar she felt his presence. His eyes ever watching her, his influence strong. She wanted to stay, she wanted to fold herself into Hyta’s arms and cry and never go back to the beast. Since he augmented her appearance though, his hold on her was beyond explanation. There was no staying, there was no running away. Even though she didn’t want to obey him, she thought about the people she would save by doing so. The truth was, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was under his power and she would die in his service.

  My Own drew a breath. She couldn’t explain it, because she didn’t understand it herself. All she could do was try and convince Hyta, though that would be impossible. Before she could state her case, the insectoid broke free from its imprisonment. It sprung through the air over My Own, its razor-sharp claws flayed open like jagged knives. It slashed at Van, ripping a sizeable gash in the boy’s face. Surprisingly, Van didn’t scream, but he did run, his hands up to his facial wound and a stream of blood in his wake.

  Hyta shoved her walking cane into the bugs chest trying to hold it at bay. Grunting, as she fought a losing battle. With a panicked look in her eyes and twisted horror on her face, Hyta glanced at My Own, silently pleading for help as she succumbed to the monster’s attack.

  My Own shouted, “Recall... recall... recall...!” but the angered creature did not respond.

  Hyta’s cane snapped like a brittle twig and the insectoid lunged at the old woman. Her screams filled the chamber drawing others to her aide. My Own looked away, she couldn’t watch. She focused on what Uklavar instructed her to do. The sound of weapons fire followed, but she didn’t look back.

  Shouts, and cries of warning from the expedition team followed, but My Own still didn’t look back. She couldn’t – it was her fault this was happening. It was her fault... My fault... my fault.

  My Own dashed toward Origin. Time was of the essence, and she worked quickly, detaching a hidden panel at the base beneath the computer. She didn’t know when Hyta stopped screaming, she’d blocked out the horrific ordeal, but the sight of the blood, it stained her soul. She fought the urge to scream. Her heart twisted but she pushed onward knowing the horned beast could see her through the bug’s eyes. Aware there were more members of the expedition team around, she didn’t allow them to distract her. Her goal insight, she worke
d quickly following Uklavar’s instructions. With a firm grip, she yanked a large black cubicle out of Origin’s base. The device was lite. For a supercomputer with the knowledge of the ages, My Own expected it to weigh much heavier.

  She heaved it onto her shoulder, and turned averting her eyes to the floor, refusing to look at Hyta’s remains and witness the vile destruction as the creature ripped into the expedition team.

  These weren’t warriors, they were scientists, who had never faced anything like this. It was clear they would all be dead in a matter of minutes.

  My Own stopped and turned. Feet from her, on the floor lay a dead man. There was a rifle laying inches from him. She swallowed. She couldn’t allow these people to die because of her. It wasn’t their fault that she succumbed to the beast’s will so easily.

  With the black box still firmly on her shoulder, My Own picked up the fallen weapon, charged it and leveled it in front of her, pinpointing the insectoid creature among the scurrying people who ran for their lives. Waiting for the opportune moment, My Own fired the gun, with hopes of drawing the bug toward her.

  The insectoid raged, its tattered wings spread open like a giant bat and pushed itself off the ground hurling through the air. My Own sprinted toward the chamber door, stopping just outside, raising the weapon again and firing a volley of shots. They slowed the bug creature but didn’t stop it. Dashing up the corridor toward the temple’s main chamber, My Own stopped, placed the black box at her feet and raised the gun, pointing it at the ceiling. When the insectoid came into sight, she fired the remainder of the ammunition into it. The ceiling splintered and broke apart raining down on the unsuspecting brute.

  It slammed to the floor – its wings trapped under some debris, as it squawked out a hideous warning. Its incisors gnashing and snarling crying out a warning not to approach. Yet, My Own ignored it and moved forward with intent. She spun the rifle around, having watched her brother use one as a cudgel before.

  She let out the cry of a banshee, swinging the end of the weapon down on the insectoid’s head, bludgeoning the beast until it no longer moved. My Own stared up the corridor wondering how many of the expedition team was dead. Wanting to rush to their aide she quelled her desire, standing in the corridor listening to the cries for help, and the screams. She looked away. She had broken all links to these people the moment she came back to Shin’nor’ee.


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