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No Right to Kill

Page 20

by M A Comley

  Hi, Sara, it’s been a while since we’ve chatted. Give me a ring when you have the chance. Donald x

  Stroking Misty, she asked, “What do you think, girl? Should we give him a chance?” Misty ignored her and curled up into a ball. “Thanks, that’s a great help.”


  A few days later, once the forensic reports were to hand, Sara brought DCI Price up to date. “Here’s where we stand, ma’am. It has now been confirmed that Matthew Lindon was responsible for all six murders. I had another brief chat with him late yesterday afternoon. He admitted on tape that he killed his girlfriend, Dawn. What he actually said was that when the loan shark he owed a significant amount of money to told his heavies to beat him up, he then took his anger out on Dawn and went too far.”

  “Nice. Are you saying that she didn’t actually do anything wrong?” DCI Price shook her head in disgust.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying, ma’am. It just goes to show what little value a person’s life has to some people, doesn’t it?”

  “You’re not wrong. What about the other murders? How have you tied him to those?”

  “Forensics found the knife he used tucked under the passenger seat of his car. They also found an address book, possibly the one missing from the Flowers’ residence. The other victims’ names were circled. They also removed clothes he’d worn in the past few days from his bedroom and examined them. They revealed large amounts of blood spatter. The analysis is ongoing. To date, they’ve been able to attribute at least three of the victims’ blood to the garments.”

  “What about the bloody footprint at the first scene? See, I do listen.”

  Sara smiled. “I know you do. Yes, that was the easiest item forensics had to match.”

  “What a bastard. And it was all about the money? Because he got into debt and had no way of paying it off?” DCI Price shook her head again. “What a despicable creature. I know I shouldn’t say this, but I hope he gets what’s coming to him on the inside.”

  “My thoughts precisely, ma’am. I know he took a hammering from the loan shark’s men, he’s still showing signs of heavy bruising; however, he didn’t actually receive any broken bones. I’d like to see that alter once he gets inside. One last thing, when they searched his house they found a large area of blood that he’d tried to wipe up in the kitchen. That blood belonged to Dawn, so even if he hadn’t admitted to killing her, we would have had him bang to rights on that evidence.”

  “I’m glad you and your team caught him. Wait! What about your cat? Was he behind that, too?”

  Sara tutted. “I questioned him about that, and he flat-out denied he was responsible. I’m inclined to think he’s innocent on that, ma’am, but who knows?”

  The DCI seemed shocked to learn the news. “My God, seriously? So who do you think is responsible for that?”

  Sara shrugged. “I’m still investigating that. Maybe I’ll keep a closer eye on my neighbours. Perhaps one of them took a dislike to Misty weeing in their garden. Hard to believe, but you just never know these days.”

  “I hope you find the culprit soon. Is your pussy fully recovered now?” the DCI asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  Sara chuckled. “Yes, my pussy is in full working order again you’ll be pleased to know, ma’am.”

  “Another case or cases solved efficiently and in a timely manner, for which we’re all appreciative, Inspector. You should all give yourselves a pat on the back.”

  “We aim to please. Right, I better get on, ma’am. I said I’d keep all the relatives involved with what was going on.”

  “That’s decent of you. Before you go, what about the victim who is in ICU? Any news on him?”

  “Sorry, yes. He regained consciousness late yesterday afternoon. I rushed over to see him. He was able to formally identify Lindon as the killer. The poor man is beside himself, feels guilty for not being able to save his wife.”

  “I bet he does. Very sad indeed. Let’s hope that guilt doesn’t hamper his recovery.”

  “If I’m honest with you, I fear it might.”

  “That poor man. I sometimes wonder if in cases such as this the victim wouldn’t be better off dead. I know that sounds harsh, however, look at the alternative. He’s going to be forced to live in that house, knowing that his wife was murdered in front of his eyes and that he was unable to protect her… Shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…just ignore me.”

  “It’s okay, ma’am. Mr Haldon’s experience was slightly different to mine. My own recovery is going well; there’s no need for anyone to tiptoe around me when something such as this is highlighted. We all have our crosses to bear in life.”

  “We do. You’re a very special person, Sara. You know where I am if ever things get on top of you, right?”

  “I know. Thank you, ma’am.” Sara left the DCI’s office and swiped away a stray tear that caught her out. She went back to her desk and spent the next hour or so ringing the family members, bringing them up to date with the good news about Matthew Lindon. They were all shocked to learn of his arrest and his involvement in the crimes after the Flowers family had welcomed him into the fold.

  After work, the team had a quiet drink at the local pub to celebrate the closure of one of their toughest cases to date. Sara only stopped for the one drink—she was super eager to get home to see how Misty was.

  She’d not long stepped through the front door when her mobile rang. She flopped onto the couch, planted Misty on her lap then answered the call. “Hello.” She had trouble recognising the number on the caller ID.

  “Hi, Mrs Ramsey, it’s Mark Fisher. The vet calling to see how Misty is?”

  “Oh, hi, Dr Fisher. I’ve just this second got home. She’s purring away on my lap and seems fine. Thank you so much for ringing, it’s very kind of you.”

  “Not at all. By the way, it’s Mark, I hate to be formal with my clients.”

  Sara sniggered. “That’s a deal. I’m Sara in that case.”

  He cleared his throat and then said, “I was wondering if you’d consider going out for a drink with me in the future, Sara. Sorry if that sounds a bit forward of me to suggest such a thing when we’ve only just met.”

  Sara was taken aback for a moment or two and struggled to find the words to respond, prompting him to ask, “Are you still there? Sorry, it’s okay for you to say no, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “No, wait. I’m sorry, you took me by surprise, that’s all. Okay, why not?”

  “Are you sure? Don’t feel obliged or forced into a corner. I have broad shoulders and I’m used to rejection.”

  Sara laughed. “Really? No, it’s fine, honestly. I’d love to come for a drink with you.”

  “What about Saturday?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “I’ll pick you up. I have your address on file. Look forward to seeing you at eight o’clock, will that do?”

  “See you at eight. Thank you, Mark.”

  “No, thank you. See you on Saturday.”

  Sara ended the call and went through to the kitchen to see what was sitting in the fridge for dinner. On the way, she caught a glimpse of herself in the hall mirror. She was utterly beaming, and for the first time in ages her heart felt lighter.

  After feeding Misty and letting her out into the garden, she knocked up a stir-fry for herself and collapsed on the couch to watch the evening news. Halfway through her meal, her phone rang again, and she angled the mobile to see the screen. Bloody hell, Donald again. What is his problem? Maybe I should tell him I have a date on Saturday. Maybe not. “Hi, Donald. I’m eating dinner. What can I do for you?”

  “Anything nice?”

  “Liver stir-fry, one of my favourites.”

  “Yuck, can’t stand liver. Busy day at work?”

  “Very. You?”

  “Hit and miss. Any chance we can have dinner this week?”

  Sara rolled her eyes, thankful that he wasn’t in the room with her. “Not this week. I have a ton of paperwork ahead o
f me over the next few days. It goes with the territory when we crack a case.”

  “You solved the case of the murders?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Excellent news, you are clever.”

  “Teamwork. I’m nothing special. Anyway, must fly, my dinner is getting cold. Oh, your mum rang, by the way. I’ll try and nip over to see you all in the next few weeks, work permitting.”

  “Great. I can’t wait to see you again, it’s been a long time, Sara. Enjoy your meal.”

  “Thanks.” She ended the call and finished her stir-fry then went through to the kitchen to wash up. When she returned with a cup of coffee and a custard cream in her hand, she noticed the screen on her phone was lit up, signifying she’d missed a text. After punching in her password, she scrolled through to her text messages.

  Your cat was lucky. It was a warning. Next time it’ll be you who needs hospitalisation!

  Sara stared at the screen, gobsmacked. Who? Why?

  She tried to ring the number, but the call remained unanswered. Her hand was shaking uncontrollably. She flew around the house to ensure all the windows and doors were shut and locked.

  If it wasn’t Lindon who’d poisoned Misty, then who was it?


  Letter to you, the reader.

  Dear Reader,

  thank you for coming on this emotional journey with my newest detective DI Sara Ramsey. There will be more investigations for her to solve in the future, I promise.

  In the meantime, why not try one of my other series? The series that started them all, the bestselling Justice series.

  You can read the first chapter here:

  Cruel Justice

  Thank you for supporting my work.

  M A Comley

  P.S. Reviews are like cupcakes to authors, won’t you consider leaving one today? We love cupcakes.

  Keep in touch with M A Comley






  About the Author

  M A Comley is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of crime fiction. To date (November 2018) she has over 80 titles published.

  Her books have reached the top of the charts on all platforms in ebook format, Top 20 on Amazon, Top 5 on iTunes, number 2 on Barnes and Noble and Top 5 on KOBO. She has sold over two and a half million copies worldwide.

  In her spare time, she doesn’t tend to get much, she enjoys spending time walking her dog in rural Herefordshire, UK.

  Her love of reading and specifically the devious minds of killers is what led her to pen her first book in the genre she adores.

  Look out for more books coming in the future in the cozy mystery genre.




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