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Tallulah Rising (The Field of Blood Book 3)

Page 3

by ZL Morris

  Unable to see whatever she does, I glance up. “Are you saying I’m getting fat?”

  “At the moment, you’re not. But in a couple months, you will be.”

  “Wha—” And then what she said dawns on me. “Oh, hell no!” My feet stamp against the floor with the force of me jumping up from the sofa. Confusion, anger, excitement, and nervousness bubbles up, and I have no idea what emotion to pick. “This can’t be happening. Not now, it’s the wrong time. The guys will hit the roof. We’re not ready. We’re going to a damn war, Rosalina! I can’t be pregnant!”

  Chapter Three

  “Everything happens for a reason, Tallulah.” Rosalina tries to point out, but I’m beyond listening to reason.

  Unable to keep still, I march from one end of the living room to the other and back again. My hand tangles in my hair as I roughly pull on it to try and garner some sort of relief I have no idea how to give to myself. “But not this! In two or three years, I’d have agreed with you, but this is not the time for this shit to be happening. We have a war to go to. I could lose my mates during said war. And I’m still learning my responsibilities as a Luna!”

  “Good grief, Tallulah. Sit!” Rosalina commands sharply.

  Shocked by her tone, I stop mid-step and stare at her through wide eyes. “Did you just use your mum tone on me?”

  Unapologetic, Rosalina answers, “Yes.”

  Plonking my ass back in my seat, I give my head a shake. “No wonder the guys jump to attention when you use it. Holy shit, that’s a nifty trick.”

  “It is handy. You’ll have plenty of practice to perfect it over the years to come.”

  Frustrated by the way she’s acting so cool about all this, I give her the stink eye. “Seriously, Rosalina. Now is not the time for jokes.”

  “It’ll be okay.” She flaps her hand at me as if this whole thing will go away like a bad smell.

  Closing my eyes, I rest my head against the back cushions of the couch. “No, it won’t. I’ll have no chance of ever stepping foot outside of this pack again if they find out about this.”

  Silence settles between us for a moment before Rosalina quietly speaks up. “Then don’t tell them, for now.”

  No longer relaxed, I sit up and blurt, “You can’t be serious.”

  Rosalina taps a long, manicured nail against her knee in thought. “I am. I have some perfume you can use that will cover the change in your scent. You’ll need to put it on in the morning, but it’ll last throughout the day until the next morning. As much as I’d rather you stay home where I know you and the baby will be safe, I know it won’t be the best decision for you or them.”

  It takes me far too long to properly absorb her words. Finally, I ask, “You’re helping me?”

  “Honey, I have two mates and three children. I know exactly what you’re about to go through.”

  “Should I see Doctor Andro to make sure everything is fine?”

  It’s not hard for me to notice the slight shift of her weight as she considers what she wants to say before she speaks carefully. “I can’t make that decision for you.”

  Quiet for a moment, I think it over but quickly dismiss that option with a shake of my head. “He’ll tell Theo… or Henrique. I need to buy some more time.”

  “Have you been feeling any sickness? Cramps? Bleeding?”

  “No, no, and no. I’ve noticed my emotions have been out of whack lately, but I put that down to stress and little sleep.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this.” Rosalina shakes her head, and I can’t decide if she’s disappointed with me or with herself, but that doesn’t make sense. “I can get the medication you need without Doctor Andro knowing it’s gone missing before you leave, but he will notice when he comes to do inventory. Once you’re back, I want you to promise me you’ll take it easy. The only reason I’m aiding you in this is because I was in a similar position while I was pregnant with Theo, and I know the need for independence, but having it stripped away from you.”

  Shocked that she’d go to this extent to help me instead pinning me down while the guys shackle me, I stutter, “T-t-thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Tallulah. Just don’t put yourself at unnecessary risk. Otherwise, it’ll be both our heads on the block.”

  With the perfume bottle hidden inside my pocket, Rosalina leaves me with the promise of catching up later, so she can give me the medication needed for this pregnancy to go smoothly.

  Holy shit, I’m pregnant. I’m having a baby. I could be having two babies depending on who the father is. Oh, my god.

  Head tucked between my knees, I lean against the hallway wall while taking deep breaths in an attempt to get my breathing back under control. The last thing I need is to freak out in the hallway where anyone can see me.

  A few deep breaths later, the overwhelming urge to either eat my body weight in food or puke my guts out passes, and I straighten. Settling my back against the wall, I wipe my brow with my sleeve and stare down at my still too flat stomach. A baby, or babies, is in there.

  Feeling under control once more, I walk the length of the long hallway and the side door clicks as I push it open, and I’m momentarily blinded by the sun shining brightly. The air smells clean and fresh, but holds an undercurrent of wet fur that snuffs out the pleasant smell.

  Two furballs rush towards me in a blur, but I manage to stay upright as they both duck and dive around my feet. A yelp sounds, and I reach down to separate them. “Nu-huh, play nicely, you two.”

  Both boys shift, and a smile spreads across my face as I take in their dirty faces. “Have fun?”

  Milo bounces on the spot, unable to control his excitement from the run. “It was amazing, Luna Tally. We played hide-and-seek. Alpha Theo helped me catch a fish.” His little face scrunches up with a wince. “And Nash fell into brambles.”

  Concerned for Nash, I crouch to check the boy’s body and quickly see small red marks that pepper both his thighs. They don’t look anywhere near as sore at they would’ve if a human child had fallen in them. “Are you okay?”

  “It’s itchy but doesn’t hurt.” Nash didn’t talk all that much when he first arrived and was happy for outgoing Milo to do all the communicating, but he’s gained a lot of confidence since being here, learning we’re not going to hurt him.

  I’m secretly hoping the pack the boys are originally from will be on Belcoot’s side. I have a special kind of pain for a man who hurts and tortures helpless children.

  “Here you go, boys.” Theo hands them both a small bundle of clothes.

  Accepting them, they both dart into the house without giving me a second thought.

  “Enjoy yourself?” My eyes dance across Theo’s bare chest, down to a tapered waist, and without meaning to, my tongue darts out to wet my lips.

  “Tallulah,” Theo teases.

  Body heating with the idea of seeing him without his shorts, my brain short circuits. “Huh? What?”

  “You need to stop eating me with your eyes for now. We can continue this in a little while, I promise.”

  Frazzled, I’m unable to pull my attention from the front of his shorts. Did I imagine his cock twitching? “I…”

  “Tallulah!” Theo growls, and it finally grabs my attention.

  “What? Oh, sorry.” I shrug, not sorry at all.

  Pulling me into his arms, my mind short circuits from the smell of the aftershave he put on this morning, and I feel his cock twitch against my stomach. Yep, definitely didn’t imagine it. “You’ll be the death of me.”

  Pressing further into him, I murmur, “But what a way to go.”

  Our moment is interrupted as patrollers, fighters, mates, and fathers of all ages who are healthy and able line up around the yard where, not too long ago, the guys asked me to be their wife, and I joined them in marriage before the bonding ceremony.

  Now, though, there’s no sign of the flowers decorating the chairs and the smiling faces of our pack joining us on our special day. Instead, al
l that remains are men hardened by previous wars and generations of defending their lives, their families, and their alpha.

  My heart hurts as I take in all their faces one by one. I can’t help wondering if all of them will make it through the war against Blood Moon, or if we’ll have to tell a mother, mate, sister, or daughter that their loved one isn’t ever coming home.

  Feeling the tears bubble up from unwanted emotion, I clear my throat before stepping up beside Quimby. The last thing the pack needs is a weak Luna who cries at the drop of a hat. Stiffening my spine, I resist melting into the hand that touches my back as familiar tingles spread throughout my body in a gentle caress.

  Theo doesn’t take his place in front of the men like I imagine a leader would. Instead, he bypasses me and Quimby to stand amongst the men. A few confused glances spread between them, but none voice their confusion.

  “Good afternoon, Gentleman. Today we’re going to split you into different teams of various levels of training. Each team will have two of our highly trained fighters, and they’ll give you some pointers and teach you how to defend and the quickest way to end a fight between you and an opponent successfully.” Theo’s voice sounds strong, able, a born leader.

  Pride swells for him.

  I half expected someone to butt in and tell him they’re not going to war alongside the vampires, but no one does this time. I’m grateful we’re over that bullshit. Surprise flickers across Theo’s face, not obvious enough for everyone around him to notice, but someone who truly knows him would recognise his ticks before he shutters his expression.

  Once Theo splits the men into six groups and sets the fighters to work on teaching the techniques, he turns his attention to the seventh group. “I want you guys to train with the rest of them, but you’ll not be going to the war. Instead, you’ll be put in charge of the vulnerable here and holding it down until we arrive home. I don’t anticipate we’ll stay with the DeLuca’s longer than needed, but if we do, then I want you to be prepared for any backlash that could come your way. I’ll make sure the pack will head home as soon as it’s over.”

  “You want”—the guy frowns while looking at the rest of the group—“eleven of us to hold the fort here in case someone wants to take over this place?” Bowing his head to Theo, he continues, “I don’t mean any disrespect, Alpha, but if we’re outnumbered, then eleven of us would barely make a dent if a whole pack came our way.”

  “You should have more faith in yourself, Dasha. Our vulnerable will be on lock-down within the alpha residence. I’ve spoken with my parents, and my mother is thrilled to have you use their space while they’re visiting with other packs and giving them the news of the war.”

  “The alpha quarters?” Dasha splutters. “What about all the breakables?”

  Snorting, I whack a hand over my mouth when Dasha and Theo turn in my direction to scowl at me. Embarrassed, I break eye contact, hoping they’ll carry on with their conversation and leave me alone.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when Theo continues without giving me shit. “My mother raised three boys, Dasha. She knows where to hide the expensive stuff, so the little ones don’t break them.”

  Dasha nods so hard I worry his neck might snap and cause his head to roll off. “Oh, okay then. Thank you, Alpha.”

  “Are we ready?” Kenji asks.

  “Ready for what?”

  “To show them what you’re made of.”

  “Wha—” I see the fist flying towards my face at the last second, and with a curse, I manage to duck before the fucker punches me in the face.

  “What the fuck, Kenji!” I spit, but he doesn’t answer.

  In the next second, he comes at me again.

  Pissed off, I duck the next blow, and with a crouch, I swing my leg out and take his from under him. Dust spews up from the force of his body hitting the ground. Without giving him a chance to recover from the air being knocked from his lungs, I lunge. Knees digging into his chest, I use my forearm to push down on his windpipe.

  Annoyed at him for not giving me a heads up about what he was going to do, I push down a little harder while wiggling on my knees until he winces from how bony they are. “Now, what you going to do, oh wise mate of mine?”

  Still, he doesn’t answer me, and I worry I might have hurt him and loosen my hold on his neck. The next instant, my back stings as a stone digs into it, and now Kenji is on top.

  Coughing for a second, I regain my senses and realise he was waiting for an opening.


  Pissed at myself more than him now, I buck, but it doesn’t shift his weight off me. Stuck, I hurriedly try to think of different ways to get him off me, but quickly realise I have no way to get out of the hold he has me in. Unless…

  Shoving my pissed off emotions down, I offer him a flirty wink, then worry I didn’t add enough sass to it. But the darkening of his eyes tells me I hit the right mark. Slowly, my fingers trail up his arms in a featherlight touch which causes his chest to hitch on a breath. Smothering the wicked smile that wants to give away my plan, I reach for his ears and gently pull him down for a kiss. Our lips barely touch. One swipe, two, on the third, I swing his weight to the side, flipping our position until I regain my footing, and press my boot firmly to his groin.

  Kenji’s eyes widen. “Loosen up.”

  Buffing my fingers across my shirt, I shake my head. “Not until you say sorry for not telling me what you were going to do.”

  “Not happ—”

  His words cut off when I add a little more pressure to his groin.

  “I’m sorry!” Kenji splutters.

  Not loosening my hold, I smile. “I think we’ll call that a win for me, not so wise mate of mine.”

  “That’s enough, you two,” Theo calls from his place next to the rest of the men in our pack.

  “Spoilsport.” But I loosen my hold and offer Kenji a hand to pull him up.

  “That was evil,” he whispers once he’s back on his feet but gives me a kiss to let me know there are no hard feelings.

  Brushing the dust from his cheeks, I murmur, “Not as evil as you for not telling me.”

  Placing an arm over my shoulder, he leans down. “It was to help you.”

  Unsure what he means, I keep my voice low. “How so?”

  “The looks they kept giving you suggested they weren’t sure why a female was here during the training. By me attacking you and you stopping me, it proved to the ones who were sceptical that you are beyond capable.”

  “But I fought Lana.” Surely fighting a rabid bitch wanting my mates and her shifting during the fight should’ve been enough to prove I was capable.

  He places another kiss on my temple. “You did, but going against a male three times your size is a whole different ball game.”

  When his reasoning registers, my muscles relax. “I’ll thank you for it once the bruise I likely have on my back has healed.”

  “So, after supper then.” Kenji chuckles, knowing it’ll take me a couple of hours to heal a nasty bruise.

  Under my breath, I grumble, “You really are an asshole.”

  The cold lap of water against my toes rouses me from a deep slumber, but I refuse to open my eyes and acknowledge my surroundings. After the training, the guys suggested we go to the waterfall to relax.

  I was all up for relaxing.

  I didn’t go in the water with them, though, despite their protesting because I was worried the water, no matter how amazing it makes me feel, would wash away the perfume Rosalina gave me to cover my scent.

  Instead, I opted to lie on the rock that dips at one end and catch up on sleep.

  The training went well. Most of the men know how to quickly take down an opponent without burning themselves out, but we still have a long way to go before they can do the moves without hesitation. The last thing we need is a bunch of half-baked fighters who have to think through their moves, but it’s promising. Soon, they’ll do the moves from muscle memory. I just pray it’s enough.

/>   It has to be enough; there’s no way our rivals can gain the upper hand considering they’ve all weakened their bodies with Wolfsbane.

  Remembering the effects it had on my own body from only a bite causes a shudder to wrack my body. Our pack doctor will be busy when our fighters return home. I’ll have to remind him to stock up on those pills so he can reverse the Wolfsbane in their system. Actually, it’s better I don’t see him. The last thing I need is Doctor Andro knowing my secret and divulging the information to my mates.


  Pulled from my thoughts but still not willing to open my eyes, I roll towards the voice. “Hmm?”

  Fingers brush against my forehead, and the tickle of hair wisps across my nose for a moment. “We’re going to get some supper. Want some?”

  Still not opening my eyes, my hands blindly reach out until they snag material. Clumsily, I pull the body towards me until I snuggle into their warmth. “Too sleepy.”

  A chest expands across mine with a sigh, but I try to ignore it, favouring sleep instead.

  “You can pick what we have, or you can try another of Nia’s apple pies,” Theo calls from somewhere above me.

  My eyes snap open at the mention of apple pie. “I’m awake, I’m up. Take me to the good—”

  The words die on my tongue as I take in Theo leaning over me. Chest bare, wet boxers stick to his magnificent body from swimming in the water, and my eyes track the droplets as they roll down his defined chest, over his sixpack, and into his black boxers that hold such goodness. Momentarily distracted, I lick my lips, wanting something else to indulge in.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Quimby scowl from me to his brothers. “Why have we never used food as a way to get her moving before?”

  Lazily, I stretch. “Because you use other methods to wake me up.”

  A hand moves down the length of my back, and my body bends to Kenji’s ministrations like a cat being petted by its owner. “We should’ve done that.”


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