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Snow on the Roof

Page 13

by Sean Ashcroft

Grant rolled to the side, the bed creaking as he collapsed onto it.

  For a handful of minutes, all either of them could do was stare up at the ceiling and catch their breath.

  Once Sunny had the power to move again, he rolled onto his side, resting his head on Grant’s shoulder, splaying his hand possessively over his chest so he could feel his heart beating under it.

  “Way better than expected,” Sunny said, remembering last time.

  “I just want you to be happy,” Grant responded. Sunny’s heart clenched at the sincerity.

  Grant was so impossibly sweet. Which, as it turned out, was exactly what Sunny was looking for in a man. Someone who’d be sweet, and sincere, and wasn’t interested in playing games or looking better in front of his partner.

  Grant just was, and he cared about Sunny, and Sunny loved him so much he was afraid his heart might explode with it.

  “I am happy. You have no idea,” Sunny said. “I never expected to find someone like you.”

  “Me neither,” Grant said. “Wished for it a lot, but…”

  “Oh, yeah,” Sunny agreed. “You definitely qualify as the man of my dreams. Even if I wasn’t totally sure what I was dreaming of.”

  “We’ll make this work,” Grant said, turning over to face Sunny. “Whatever it takes, okay? I thought I’d lost you tonight, and I really don’t ever want to feel like that again.”

  Sunny bit his lip, tears welling up in his eyes at the thought of losing Grant. Everything felt like it’d happened so fast, and all of Sunny felt raw and exposed right now, but he wanted what Grant wanted.

  He wanted this to work.

  He wanted to be able to be in love with Grant, forever, and live happily ever after.

  “I just want to be with you,” Sunny said. “And I really don’t care what we have to do to make it work.”

  “Good.” Grant wrapped an arm around Sunny’s back, hugging him close and pulling the blankets up over both of them. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Sunny murmured, sure that he was never going to get tired of that.

  He had Grant. Everything else, they could figure out later.


  “One last hug?” Grant asked as he carried Hope’s bags out to the car for her, wanting to wring every precious second out of their time together.

  He was glad she was moving closer. Living so far away from his loved ones had been agony, and he couldn’t wait until that was over.

  Julia had said they needed to move by March. Grant could hold out that long.

  He’d already held out a lot longer, and this Christmas had given him a lot more strength than he was used to having.

  Besides, he had Sunny to help him. He couldn’t stop smiling every time he thought about that.

  Hope threw her arms around him, squeezing tight. She was getting tall, fast. One of these days she’d be all grown up, and Grant would be left wondering what the hell happened.

  He had plenty of memories of exactly what the hell had happened—birthday parties, and scraped knees, and childhood crushes, and all the things that were a part of growing up, but it still felt so soon, as though he’d been holding her wrapped in blankets only last week.

  Today, it didn’t feel as though twelve years had passed. He felt like a young man again, with his whole life ahead of him.

  Sunny helped with that. Sunny helped with a lot of things.

  “I love you, honey,” Grant murmured in Hope’s ear as he held her, his heart tugging as he was eventually forced to let go. “You wanna come over two weekends from now? I can show you around the city.”

  If he was lucky, Sunny would help him with that, too. He seemed to like Hope, and Hope seemed to like him.

  Grant could break the news that daddy had a new boyfriend later. He was starting to think that all the worrying he’d done about whether or not Hope would be okay with that was stupid.

  She’d be excited. There wasn’t really a jealous bone in her body. Like everyone, she got a little nervous around change, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be happy.

  And they could take it a step at a time. If anyone would understand, it was Sunny. He had a way of understanding everything.

  Grant was still pretty sure he was some kind of Christmas miracle. An angel sent to help him out, like something out of a crappy holiday movie.

  As long as he got to keep him, though, Grant didn’t really care where he’d come from. As long as he stayed.

  Hope turned to Julia, bouncing with excitement. “Can I? I promise I’ll be good.”

  Julia smiled over at Grant, nodding in approval. “I think we could arrange that. We need to start looking at places anyway, so…”

  “You can stay with me,” Grant said. There wasn’t enough room in his apartment, but he’d figure it out. There was a couch. He’d be happy sleeping on that if it meant he was a step closer to having everyone he loved a little closer than before.

  Julia glanced behind him, over at the cabin. Grant knew Sunny was standing in the doorway, watching them from a safe distance. “I think we can figure out a hotel nearby,” she said. “Considering how loud you were last night.”

  Grant blushed to the tips of his ears, the cold air making them feel even hotter than they otherwise would have.

  He looked down at his feet for a moment to compose himself, then cleared his throat and looked back up to meet Julia’s gaze. “Yeah, well. Consider it payback for when you started bringing Joon over.”

  Julia chuckled. “I’m glad you’re happy. I just don’t wanna sleep in the next room over.”

  “Fair,” Grant said. “And thank you. Your blessing actually means a lot.”

  “You don’t need it,” Julia said. “But you definitely have it. It’s good to see you smiling again.”

  Grant could barely stop smiling. He was afraid it was starting to get obnoxious.

  “So I’ll see you in a while? We can work out arrangements whenever.”

  “I’ll book flights in the car and text you the details,” Julia said. “Don’t worry. You’ll see so much of us soon that you’ll get sick of us.”

  Grant shook his head. “Never. I love you guys.”

  To his surprise, Hope hugged him again. “I love you too, Daddy,” she said, squeezing him tight. “Will Sunny be there?”

  Grant glanced back at the cabin, where Sunny was leaning against the doorframe in his pajamas and a blanket, sipping a glass of orange juice.

  “I think so. Is that okay?” Grant asked, suddenly nervous. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if it wasn’t.

  “He promised he’d do my nails for me next time,” Hope said. “So he owes me.”

  Grant laughed at that. At least his two favorite people had something to bond over.

  “I’ll remind him and make sure he’s available for manicure duties,” Grant said. “You like him, huh?”

  Hope nodded. “He’s your boyfriend, right? You’re allowed to say. I’m old enough to understand.”

  Grant smiled, his heart swelling in his chest. “I’d have to ask him about that, but yeah, I think so.”

  “Good,” Hope said. “I like him.”

  A wave of relief washed over Grant. He’d been naive to think that Hope wouldn’t see what was going on, even though he’d done his best not to be too obviously affectionate with Sunny this morning, to give himself more time to work out how to approach the subject.

  Like always, Hope had surprised him in the best possible way.

  “I like him, too,” Grant said. “And he likes you.”

  “I know.” Hope grinned, peering around Grant to wave goodbye to Sunny.

  That made all the difference in the world. All Grant wanted was for everyone in his life to get along and stick close to him. It looked like he was getting both of those wishes.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Grant said, opening the car door for her. “You need any of these bags? Or do they all go in the back?”

  Hope took a small tote bag with a heart on it from Grant’s
hand. “Just this one. I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” Grant said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Take care of your mom and Joon for me.”

  “I will.” Hope grinned at him as he backed away, closing the door for her and then hefting the rest of her bags into the trunk. She’d been a little spoiled this Christmas, but she was a good kid. Grant would have given her the world if he’d had it to give.

  He waved goodbye to Julia and Joon, stepping out of the way as they started the car, backing up to where Sunny was standing in his thick slippers and Grant’s dressing robe.

  On reflection, that hadn’t been all that subtle.

  “You okay?” Sunny asked as he waved at Hope, who was waving frantically from the back seat as the car pulled out of the drive.

  “Hurts less to watch them go with you here,” Grant said. “And they’re coming over in two weekends. And Hope wants you there.”

  Sunny’s whole face lit up with a smile. “I love her,” he said without a moment’s hesitation. “I never even thought about kids before, but I love her so much. You did good with her.”

  “Not just me,” Grant said. “Takes a village to raise a child, and all.”

  “I’d be honored to be part of that village,” Sunny said.

  “She says you’re my boyfriend.” Grant smiled at the thought. He was too old for a boyfriend, but then again, maybe not. Maybe that was exactly what he needed.

  For a while, at least.

  He was already fantasizing over exactly how he was going to ask Sunny to marry him, once things settled down.

  In the meantime, though, boyfriend was as good a title as any.

  “I assume I am your boyfriend,” Sunny said.

  “I like the sound of that,” Grant admitted. “You still have a job, by the way, if you want it. Nothing in the company policies that says I can’t date my PA. Which is kind of a lawsuit waiting to happen, but...” he shrugged.

  He really didn’t feel like he was in any danger from Sunny. He would have trusted Sunny with his life.

  With Hope’s life, even. Grant knew that if there was anyone in the world he could count on, it was him.

  So he was really hoping Sunny would want to come back to work, because he wasn’t sure how he could manage without him. He didn’t want anyone else.

  “You promised me a few days off,” Sunny said.

  Grant took that to mean that Sunny did want to keep his job, after all. He could have as many days off as he wanted, in that case.

  “Sure, of course, if that’s what you want. I can drop you back at home, or…”

  “I was thinking you should take a few days off, too,” Sunny continued. “And we could spend them together. In bed.”

  Grant turned to stare at him, a jolt of arousal hitting him square in the pit of his stomach.

  On top of everything else, on top of Sunny’s kindness and his patience and his way of making Grant feel so loved he sometimes thought he might burst with the feeling, Sunny also wanted him.

  He hadn’t been afraid to say so, either. Sunny was going to wear him out.

  Grant was okay with a little wearing out. He could definitely go for spending the next few days in a happy, satisfied haze of sex, cuddles, and naps.

  He wanted to be skin-to-skin with Sunny as much as he’d let him.

  “I could, uh…” Grant licked his lips, fighting to get his thoughts in order. “That sounds…”

  “Like one of my better ideas?” Sunny finished for him, smiling a tiny, impish smile.

  Maybe he wasn’t all angel, but Grant could get behind that.

  Or on top of it.

  Or under it.

  Wherever Sunny wanted him, really.

  “Oh yeah,” Grant said. “We, uh… we don’t have to be gone until the afternoon…” he added, glancing into the cabin behind them.

  Sunny grabbed Grant’s hand, throwing back the remainder of his orange juice as he pulled him inside.

  Grant closed the door after them, happy to follow Sunny wherever he went.


  December 26th, one year later...

  “You look great in purple,” Sunny said as Grant moved to stand beside him. His stomach was in knots, but that was the way it was supposed to be. He wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

  If he wasn’t swinging wildly between nervousness and excitement, he would have known he was making a mistake.

  “I thought it was blue,” Grant said.

  Sunny looked over at him, confused, and saw a tiny smirk on his face.

  “I had you for a second there,” Grant said.

  Sunny shrugged. “I would have married you in a blue shirt. I’d still marry you if you turned up naked.”

  The smile on Grant’s face changed to something softer and warmer. “Are we gonna do this, then?” he asked, offering his arm to Sunny.

  Sunny took it eagerly, curling his fingers into the crook of Grant’s elbow. “If you’re sure you’re ready.”

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” Grant said, pulling Sunny in closer to his body. “You’re the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten. Two years in a row, now.”

  Yesterday, they’d had the most magical family Christmas Sunny had ever been a part of. His face still hurt from smiling and laughing the entire time.

  Today, he was marrying the man of his dreams.

  If Sunny had loved Christmas before, that was nothing compared to how he felt about it now. It was definitely the most wonderful time of the year.

  He took a deep breath, then nudged Grant in the side to get him to lead on.

  The crowd on the other side of the doors was overwhelming, but Sunny had Grant to stick close to. After today, he’d always have Grant to stick close to.

  The first part of the ceremony whooshed over Sunny’s head, his heart pounding too loudly with excitement for him to hear anything much that was being said.

  He’d heard it at the rehearsal. He knew what he was agreeing to.

  His brain tuned back in when Grant caught his eyes, and Sunny swallowed.

  They’d decided to write their own vows, and he had no idea what Grant was about to say. Knowing Grant, it’d be something disarmingly sweet.

  Grant was the sweetest, kindest man Sunny had ever known. He never did anything without thinking of everyone else in his life first.

  If anyone deserved to be loved, it was him. Sunny had told him that a dozen times over the last year, and he thought it was starting to sink in.

  “You are my Sunshine,” Grant began, making Sunny’s throat tight already. He wasn’t sure he was going to survive Grant pouring his heart out in front of everyone they knew like this.

  “Which I guess you’ve heard a lot, but for me, you showed up on my doorstep at a time when I needed you most, like the world’s prettiest Christmas miracle. Not a day has gone by that you haven’t surprised me with the depth of your patience, your compassion, and your foresight. You also keep my life in order, which is definitely something you should still be charging for.”

  The crowd behind them laughed, and despite the tears already welling up in his eyes, so did Sunny. He was smiling so broadly that his face hurt all over again, staring up into Grant’s eyes and barely processing that he got to have this, forever.

  “What I’m saying is, I’m lucky to have you, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make you want to stay. That’s what I’m promising, here. You know I love you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, so there’s no point in telling you that. What I want you to know is that I’m gonna spend the rest of my life trying to keep you happy enough to want to wake up next to me every day. Because I lived a lot of it without you, and I’ve got a whole lot of lost time to make up for. If you’ll have me.”

  Sunny bit his lip as tears spilled over his cheeks, sniffing and squeezing Grant’s hands tighter.

  “I was so prepared and now you’ve made me cry in front of all these people, and I’ve forgotten what I wrote d
own,” Sunny said. He had notes in his pocket, but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of Grant long enough to grab them.

  He wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to let go of Grant ever again.

  Another wave of laughter rippled through the crowd, which felt fitting. Their joy had always been infectious. If Sunny hadn’t been sure Grant was the one before he’d had him in a room with all his friends, he’d known after that.

  They fit together. Always had, from the first moment they’d met.

  “I’m standing here falling in love with you all over again,” Sunny said. “When I first met you, you answered the door with your shirt in your hand, and I thought: this man needs my help.”

  More laughter from behind them made Sunny smile again. He knew what he wanted to say, even if it wasn’t what he’d written down.

  “And helping you felt good. But more than that, being around you felt good. Your kindness and your softness in a world of hard edges made seeing you every day the best part of my life pretty much immediately. I never get tired of the way your eyes light up when you smile, or the gentleness of your touch. I won’t ever get tired of those things.”

  Sunny took a deep breath.

  “So I want to promise to make you smile as often as I can, to be close enough to touch whenever you feel like it, and that I’m not going anywhere. I could live a thousand lives and I’d never meet anyone I’d want to spend the rest of my time with more than you. If you’ll have me,” he finished, repeating Grant’s words.

  “I will,” Grant said softly, tears shining in his eyes, too.

  All Sunny could do after that was stumble over everything else he was supposed to say, his tongue refusing to cooperate when all he wanted was to grab Grant with both hands and never let go.

  This was easily the best Christmas gift of all.

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