Nothing Compares

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Nothing Compares Page 6

by Leigh Allen

  “Yeah, maybe. But, Mike came over and I decided just to give you some space.”

  “Oh, well, that’s good,” I added, still wearing my cheesy grin.

  “Are you coming over this evening after school? I don’t have any plans and dad and Gloria are both working late,” he added, finally offering me a smile.

  And, just like that, we were back to being us.

  The disastrous beautiful couple.

  “Sure, I missed you,” I add, leaning in to him.

  Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer. Even though there were times that I felt nervous under Talon’s wrath, there was also something very comforting about his arms being around me.

  “I missed you, too. I will see you later,” Talon said, as the warning bell rang loudly.

  I watched him walk back toward the stairwell and found the strength to head to class.

  After school, I sent Talon a text.

  Me: Pick me up tonight.

  It only took seconds for him to respond.

  Talon: Ok, what time?

  Me: 8pm.

  Talon: Ok, love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  I put my phone away and then hopped into my car and drove home. Having time without Talon this weekend had been very enlightening. While I missed him like crazy, it was also nice to just have time alone. Now, the guilt I felt was filling me and I knew I needed to do something to reassure him. As much as it drove me crazy when Talon allowed his anger to control him, I also knew he was battling something much deeper inside. His anger stemmed from his mom leaving him, and regardless if he would admit it or not, that had affected him in very negative ways. I had come to that profound realization while watching reruns of Dr. Phil. Maybe I should be a therapist? Nah, that would be too emotionally draining.

  After changing into a pair of tight jeans and a loose fitting gold sweater, I sat on my front porch and waited for Talon. The sky had grown darker and the days were shorter now that Fall was in full affect. The air was cool and crisp, but it was nice. I held my arms around myself, trying to stay warm while I waited.

  Just like always, I spotted Talons’ truck pulling up right on time.

  Walking to the car, I saw him rushing to open the door for me. I couldn’t help but laugh. He still opened doors for me.

  Helping me into his truck, he gave me a kiss before rushing back to the drivers side.

  Once we were both settled in the cab, he turned to me. “So, where to?” he asked.

  “Our place,” I smiled.

  Talon just nodded and began to drive to the lone dirt road that would lead us to our favorite secluded spot.

  In no time, we were there, parked under the stars and had me nestled in Talon’s arms.

  “Ok, I have to ask. Why did you ghost me this weekend?” he asked.

  I knew he would want answers so instead of talking, I just turned to him and placed my hands around his face, pulling him to me.

  “I get lost in your eyes, they are intoxicating,” I moaned.

  I wanted to distract him. To make him forget about his anger.

  Talon’s eyes rose in surprise before they filled with lust and desire.

  Feeling braver than I ever had before, I climbed over the seat, straddling him.

  I heard him gasp as my body rubbed against his. The friction caused was enough to start a wildfire. “Sometimes, Talon, I just need to be alone. I love you, but I have to love me, too,” I said, before crushing my lips to his.

  I could feel Talon tense as he wanted to ask more. To understand why I wouldn’t want to see him, but the sparks between us were too hot to stop and talk.

  Quickly pulling my shirt over my head, Talon moved to my breasts, taking each one in his mouth and sucking on my nipples. I allowed my head to fall back as I reveled in his touches.

  My hands fumbled with the button on his jeans as I felt his large erection rubbing against my sensitive skin through my jeans. He wanted me and I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Talon stopped and looked at me. “Mallory,” he breathed, his breaths rapid.

  “Just go with it,” I said, kissing him again.

  “I don’t want to just fuck you in my truck,” Talon argued, stopping my assault on him.

  “Don’t you want me?” I asked, now feeling silly for trying to have sex with him.

  Closing his eyes, Talon allowed his head to fall back and rest on the back window. “Mallory, you have no idea how bad I want you. I want to have sex with you. To make love to you when we are both ready. In a bed, not in my truck. You deserve so much better than that,” he said, holding me around the waist. “I will be your first and your last, but it has to be special,” he finished.

  I knew he was right; and more than anything, I was somewhat glad that he had been the one to stop us. I had thought that maybe if I had given him that one last piece of me that he didn’t have, he would understand how much I loved him. He wouldn’t question me any longer about wanting some time alone. He wouldn’t worry about us.

  “I want it to be special, too. I also want you to trust me more,” I said, feeling those pesky tears beginning to form in my eyes.

  I hated how emotional I could get.

  “Hey, look at me,” Talon said, pulling my face to his. “I do trust you. I know that I ask a lot of you, but I never want you to feel like you have to do something you aren’t ready for,” he added.

  I stared deep into his eyes and could see the love he felt for me radiating through them. Even through all his faults, Talon was the greatest guy I had ever known.

  “Thank you,” I said, falling against his chest and allowing my head to rest on his shoulder.

  Wrapping his arms around me, Talon just held me. Maybe we would make love one day soon, but for now, being in his arms was good enough. Neither one of us had to say anything. I was his and he was mine, it was unspoken, but at the same time, we both knew there was no going back.


  “I think you need to get a job,” my mom announced, as she walked through the front door.

  It was the next day and I was still reeling from how I had almost had sex with Talon in his truck.

  “What?” I asked, stuffing a forkful of spaghetti in my mouth.

  I had warmed up leftovers from a dinner meeting my mom had the night before. She had been kind enough to leave the rest for me.

  “Hi to you, too,” I stated sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

  “Mallory, don’t be so dramatic. Hello,” she huffed, walking past me into the kitchen. Her heels clicked along the tile and it drove me crazy like nails down a chalkboard.

  “So, you want me to get a job,” I said, trying to keep from arguing with her.

  “Yes. I just sold a house to the owners of that cute, new little bakery on Main Street. They are looking for someone to work part time. Sometimes after school and maybe weekends,” she said.

  “Ok, I can go apply,” I said.

  “No need. I told them all about you. They want you to start Monday,” she added, sorting through mail.

  “Wait, what? You just pimped me out?” I asked.

  Turning to face me, she scowled. “What does that mean? Pimped out? No, they said they could use someone like you. When you go in, you will fill out the necessary paperwork. It will be good for you. I mean, now that soccer is over, all you do is spend time with that Talon boy,” she said, not even bothering to look at me.

  “Yeah, and you missed all of my games last season,” I mumbled.

  Thankfully, she didn’t hear me.

  My phone buzzed with a text from Talon. Mom noticed and lowered her eyes at me. “Aren’t you two moving a little fast?” she asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, my voice growing frantic. She barely acknowledged my existence and now she wanted to act concerned?

  “All you do is talk to him or run out of this house to go meet with him. I haven’t even met him yet,” she finished. “You and Marcus just ended t
hings, don’t you think you need to just be without a boy for a while?” she asked.

  “Well, you are never home. Maybe you can meet him this weekend,” I stated. Then, gaining my courage, I added, “Marcus is nothing like Talon. Besides, I’m alone enough living here. I just want to be around Talon,” I argued.

  “Fine,” she said, before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed. My mom drove me insane sometimes. I glanced down at my phone and read the text from Talon.

  Talon: Hey, can you talk?

  Me: Sure.

  Just then, my phone rang. Picking it up, I heard Talon’s warm voice.

  “Hey, babe,” he said.

  Just hearing him made me calm down. “Hi, I am so glad to hear your voice,” I sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, panic quickly filling him.

  “Nothing. My mom is just driving me insane. She got me a job at that new bakery on Main Street. Didn’t even talk to me first,” I almost yelled.

  I knew my mom could probably hear me, but I didn’t care. I decided to head to my room so as to not start another battle.

  “That sucks. We won’t get to see each other a lot,” he added, sounding sad.

  “I know. It’s only supposed to be part time,” I assured him. “But hey, I have good news,” I stated, trying to boost him back up.

  “That’s why I was calling. I have news, too,” he shared.

  “Great. What is it?”

  “I want to tell you in person. Can I come over?” he asked.

  Realizing now would be as good a time as any for him to meet my mom, I agreed. “Sure, you can meet my mom, too,” I stated.

  We hung up and Talon arrived ten minutes later. I had spent my time waiting for Talon, warning my mom not to be rude to him. She wasn’t always the most pleasant person to deal with.

  As Talon’s truck pulled into the driveway, a wave of nervousness filled me. Seeing my change in behavior, my mom suddenly had a much calmer and motherly tone.

  “Mallory, you really like him, don’t you?”she asked, as Talon got out of his truck.

  I nodded my head, yes.

  Opening the front door, I smiled as Talon stepped onto our porch. He looked amazing in a pair of loose fitting jeans and a button down blue shirt. It was hard to act like I wasn’t addicted to this guy standing in front of me, but when I’m around him, I can’t remember anything but him.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Talon,” my mom said, extending her hand to shake Talon’s.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Talon beamed.

  They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. My mom was actually being pleasant and Talon seemed so proper.

  I just stood in awe, unsure of what to do.

  After a few minutes, my mom retreated to her room and Talon and I were left in the foyer.

  “So, let’s sit outside,” Talon offered, taking my hand.

  Allowing him to lead me outside, I grabbed my coat and wrapped it around me as I closed the front door behind me.

  Spinning, I faced Talon. So, what is your news?” I asked, looking up at him.

  Smiling, Talon kissed me before talking.

  “My dad and Gloria will be out of town this weekend,” Talon says, as he takes my hand and leads onto the porch.

  “Yeah,” I say, following his lead.

  “I want you to stay with me,” he says, stopping and turning to face me.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” I ask. My thoughts instantly reverted to the last time when I tried to jump him.

  Talon and I have been getting even closer to crossing that line of my virginity and being alone with him an entire weekend, just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. I wasn’t sure if either of us would be able to stop if we were alone. In his bed. Together.

  “Of course I do. But baby, I just want to be with you. Just the two of us,” he adds.

  I sigh. I want to have that alone time with him, but I also worry about ruining something so pure that we have both respected. Sensing my reservation , Talon begins to grow agitated.

  Letting go of my hand, he takes a step back from me. As my hand falls to my side, I feel that familiar unease begin to grow in the pit of my stomach. Running his hand through his hair, I see his face growing red. This was the last thing I wanted to do, but I can tell he is already worked up.

  “Talon,” I begin, but he stops me before I can continue.

  “Don’t,” he warns, holding a hand up. “I thought you loved me,” he seethes.

  “I do love you,” I say, taking a step toward him. I need him to calm down. I hate when he gets this upset.

  “If you loved me, then you would want this time together. Is there someone else?” he questions, rage filling his eyes.

  My own anger begins to form as he begins to accuse me of wanting someone else. Doesn’t he get it? I spend every moment with him. I have given him my heart and soul, and yet, he still can do this.

  “Talon, I will not let you hurt me. You know damn well there isn’t anyone else. I am with you every moment of the day. I have given you my heart, even after I swore I wouldn’t. I am just worried that we may go too far,” I cry out.

  I hate how angry he gets at me sometimes. I am trying to keep my voice low so my mom doesn’t hear me, but I’m just so frustrated.

  Seeing my anger building, Talon pulls me to him.

  “I don’t want to fight,” he breathes.

  I don’t either.

  “I’ll come over, but you have to stop acting like this,” I say.

  “Babe…” he begins, but I cut him off.

  “No. You stop accusing me of things that aren’t true or maybe I will have to rethink our relationship,” I stated.

  Even as the words slipped past my own lips, I felt like I was being stabbed. The thought of losing Talon was brutal, but I had to stand up for myself.

  “You can’t…” he tried to argue, but again, I stopped him. He had to hear me. To really hear what I was saying.

  “Talon. I love you. That’s enough,” I said, before crushing my lips to his.


  Allison picked me the next morning.

  We hadn’t spent much time together and when she asked if I wanted to go with her and Hollis to get coffee, I jumped at the chance.

  I started working at the new bakery in two days and I wanted to soak in as much time with my friends as I could. Well, as much as I could without pissing off Talon too much.

  We pull up to the drive-thru of the nearest Starbucks and each order cappuccinos and blueberry muffins. As we drive, we gossip about the latest drama and laugh at the cheerleaders epic fail at the last pep rally.

  It felt so nice to just laugh and have fun. Sometimes, I feel like I forget to do that.

  Biting into my muffin, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

  “Looks like loverboy is texting already,” Allison sneers from her seat.

  Rolling my eyes, I pull out my phone. “Be nice.”

  Talon: Where are you?

  Me: Allison and Hollis picked me up. We got coffee. I’ll be at school in five minutes.

  Talon: Got news…

  Me: Seriously? What’s up?

  I felt Hollis watching me from the passenger seat in the front. “You two are connected at the hip,” she teased.

  I knew it was all in fun, but sometimes it killed me when they made fun of my relationship with Talon. Yes, it was fierce and tulmoltious at times, but our love was stronger than any stupid fight we had.

  “That’s what happens when you have a boyfriend,” I hissed back. Maybe it was a low blow, but it stopped their banter for the moment.

  Talon: Since Dad and Gloria booked another Florida getaway, I thought you and I could have Friday night together and then invite everyone over for a party on Saturday night. I know we fought about this, but I get what you are saying. It will be a good balance between us and time with friends.

smile brightened my face. He was trying to compromise and he had really listened to me.

  Me: Sounds good. See ya in a few

  I put the phone away and shared the news with my friends.

  “A party?” Allison asked, sounding giddy.

  “Yep. Talon has the house to himself again. I guess I will go over after work on Friday,” I added.

  We pulled into the parking lot and as usual, Talon was waiting for me.

  Allison and Hollis only giggled as they walked past us.

  Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, we walked into the school together and just like that, the world was balanced again.


  The week flew by and just like that, it was Friday and I was starting my first day at the new bakery and getting ready to spend the weekend with Talon and my friends.

  My shift at the bakery wasn’t that bad. It was actually a really cute little place. Sunshine bakery was located across from the courthouse and on the corner of Main Street. It had a rustic feel with exposed brick walls and dark wood beams but a cool trendy vibe as they allowed local musical artists to come play. I had been hired to just run the cash register and take orders. Pretty easy.

  The owners were really nice and only asked me to work a few hours a week. I would still have plenty of time for Talon and my friends, plus I wouldn’t have to worry about catching up on school work. They told me that during slow shifts, I would work on my school work at the counter.

  Everything seemed to be working out perfectly.

  After work, I rushed home and showered. Allison and Hollis came over and were busy in my closet picking out my outfit when I emerged from the bathroom.

  “I’m not wearing that,” I stated, as Hollis held up a Halloween costume from last year. It was a shiny black dress that hugged my hips. I had worn it under a long, black trench coat so you couldn’t really see how skimpy it was.


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