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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

Page 6

by Nathan Dickeson

  “How’s Mulek?”

  “Dead,” Rick said. “And your light Elementalist went overboard with my friend.”

  “Its name was Raven. I paid good money for those two.”

  Rick’s mouth turned into a snarl. “Mulek said he was Zarmanian, but Raven looked like a native Syarin.”

  “She’s half,” Zaven said. “The Syrian settlers are not the fondest of witches, and that’s how I got her.”

  “Blood, sweat, and bullets, is all they care about,” Rick said. “Why would one of them want the Alshak?”

  “I don’t think there is an actual buyer. A mutual friend of ours told me to retrieve it.”

  “A mutual friend?”

  “I think you pissed him off,” Zaven said. “He gave me the tools to kill you.”

  “Who’s he?” Rick asked. “And do you really think you can kill me?”

  Zaven grabbed a red cloth on his desk and slid it back revealing a purple orb. Rick stared at the spiraling wisps of smoke that moved within it. Glowing brighter and brighter it felt like it was calling him. Reaching his hand out to touch it, he had to force his gaze back onto Zaven.


  It's not possible! The barriers should still be up!

  “He gave this orb to me, any idea what it is?”

  Lunging forward, Shadow Reaper appeared in Rick’s hand. He pointed it at Zaven’s chest.

  “It looks like a Celestial bomb, and if it is—”

  Rick didn’t bother finishing. Time was short. The swirling mist meant it was already active.

  “A bomb?” Zaven asked.

  Rick ignored him. Dispelling his sword, he grabbed a large iron shield from off the wall. Sprinting towards the window, he put the shield in front of his face and dove. He grit his teeth at the stinging cuts from the glass shards then splashing into the ocean, the stinging intensified.

  Stupid salt.

  He let go of the shield, and it sunk out of view. Have to get out of range! he thought as he swam. He kicked as fast as he could away from the ships. Sorry Captain, he thought. I lead you all to your deaths.

  His lungs burned! He needed to go up for air, but it was faster under the surface. Purple light enveloped the ships and came rushing towards him. Bracing for a shockwave, Rick swam, but it didn't come. He looked behind. The purple light stopped a few yards from him. His lungs were on fire!

  Air! I need air!

  Glowing, the light pulsed and then, in a flash, it disappeared and everything within it was gone, ships, men, and worse of all the ocean. To his horror the water collapsed backwards, filling the gap and dragging him with it. It pulled him under, deep into the ocean.

  The pressure of the rushing water knocked what little air he had left out of him. Burning with the need of oxygen, he looked around unsure which way was up. He tried to spot the sun. Everything grew darker and darker.

  A century in this world, and this is how I leave? Seriously!

  Rick woke up with the feeling of being smothered. Someone was pinching his nose shut, and something soft was pressed against his lips. Opening his eyes, he tried to focus. Blinking, the face of a tan olive-skinned girl came into view, and she was beautiful! A red bead dangled from her hair. Pulling her head back she released his nose. Still leaning over him her hazel eyes stared into his, and neither of them said a word. Slowly his memory of recent events returned.

  “Stella!” he said. Forgetting about the girl he sat up, their heads colliding.

  “Oww!” she yelled with a slight Syarin accent.

  Rubbing his own head Rick looked at her again. “What were you— where are— how?” he stammered.

  “I was giving you air,” the girl said.

  “Hold on,” he said taking another look at her. “You’re Rav—”

  A blade made of white light appeared in her hand pointing at him. “How do you know my name?”

  He stared into her eyes. “Zaven told me. Before I left him for dead.” Hoping he made the right call, he waited.

  “He’s dead?”

  Rick nodded.

  “Good,” she said making the knife disappear.

  Rick stood and with a flick of his wrist, Shadow Reaper appeared in his hand. He pointed it at her. “Now, what happened to Stella?”

  “Behind you,” Raven said.

  Glancing over his shoulder he saw Stella lying in the damp sand still unconscious. Dispelling Shadow Reaper he walked over and knelt beside her. The setting sun made her skin glow.

  How long was I out? he thought to himself.

  “She’s okay,” Raven said. “She’ll wake soon.”

  Rick looked around the tiny beach. A patch of trees struggled for life at the start of the cliffs. “We need to get a fire built if we want to stay warm tonight,” he said.

  As if on cue, the icy northern wind picked up causing both of them to shiver.

  “You’re going to trust me just like that?” Raven asked.

  Rick nodded twisting his ring. “I think you’d like to not die on a desolate beach.”

  Raven stared at him, her hazel eyes glowing in the setting light. She nodded. “I’ll make the fire. It won’t take long.”

  Rick wiggled his fingers and sparks danced along the tips. “I can light it.”

  “We will still need wood,” Raven said getting up.

  Rick glanced at Stella making sure she was still okay and not in any danger, then he followed behind Raven… And caught himself staring. Seriously? Yes, she’s pretty, but she also tried to kill you! Focus, you have a job to do!

  Rick’s heart stopped. Groaning, he sank to his knees, his face buried in his hands. My bag! Those barrier rods had meant everything! There was no way he could build new ones in time. Now what? He had no idea. The Gads would pour out like a flood, and there was nothing he could do about it. Rick glanced towards the ocean. Maybe the rods survived? Even a Celestial bomb, shouldn’t have destroyed them. Not that he was actually sure that's what the orb was. Everything just vanished. But no, even if they had survived there was no way he’d be able to find them at the bottom of the sea. First things first. Fire now. I can worry about what to do next later.

  With his arms full of dead twigs and branches, he made his way back toward the spot they left Stella. Except she wasn’t where he left her. Stella blindsided him, tackling him to the ground. She landed on top of him and the firewood went flying all over the place.

  “Rick!” she said pointing an accusing finger at him. “What did you do with the ships?”

  “What makes you think I did it?” he groaned.

  “They’re not here and you are. So, what happened?” she asked getting off him.

  “Zaven blew the both of them into nothing,” he said standing. “Now can you help me gather up the wood you so kindly knocked all over the place?”

  Staring at the ground Stella kicked at a twig. “Sure,” she muttered under her breath. “Did anyone else make it?”

  Bending down she picked up a twig. Her leggings were torn to shreds and sand clung to her hair.

  Gorgeous. Focus! he yelled in his head.

  Raven walked over.

  Straightening up Stella stared at her. “Why is the pirate here?”

  “Because she wasn’t on the ship when it exploded and—”

  “Why didn’t you tie her up?” Stella asked interrupting him.

  “Because we went and—” he started.

  “I’m right here,” Raven said. “Quit talking about me as if I wasn’t.”

  Rick looked at her and put his finger to his lips. “Shh, we're talking.”

  Raven gawked at him.

  “I was going to say because we went and got ourselves drowned, and she pulled us out,” he said turning back to Stella.

  “Then I think our rescuer is about to kill you,” Stella said pointing at Raven.

  Rick turned back to see a glare that could melt boulders.

  “Uhh, Stella could you help me out?”

  “Not my problem,” Stella said. />
  Turning around Raven walked back towards the trees “Since she’s awake it will be better to camp near the trees.”

  Rick rushed to catch up. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m wet and cold,” she said. “I want to build a fire.”

  Nodding, Rick backed off. Running back, he passed Stella, who’d started to follow.

  “Where are you going now?” she asked him.

  “To pick up the wood,” he said. “There’s not a lot of decent wood on this beach.”

  Stella bent down and helped. After they finished picking up all the twigs they headed toward the trees. The small glow of a fire was a welcome sight.

  “How’d you manage that so quickly?” Rick asked dumping his armful onto the pile next to it.

  “My people teach the art of making fire at a very young age,” Raven said poking at it with a stick.

  “I’ve got a friend named Flare,” Stella said sitting next to her. “If she’d been in Halven you have enough fire for a lifetime.”

  “I’m sorry for what my masters and I did.”

  “Where’s the Alshak?” Stella asked them.

  “Gone,” Rick said.

  It would be nice to have right about now.

  “I can’t undo what’s already done,” Raven said. “If you choose to kill me tonight, I won’t resist. But if I live tomorrow, I will consider the debt forgiven.

  Stella sank back. “There goes that payday,” she sighed. “I’m not going to kill you, I only came after you for the money.”

  Rick groaned again.

  “What?” Stella asked.

  “All my coin was on the ship,” he said staring at the ocean. “Let’s dry off and figure out what to do in the morning.”

  “I can dry you off,” Stella said standing.

  A gentle breeze blew over Raven causing her to shiver.

  Turning to face Rick her eyes locked with his. They both lingered, not letting the other go. A playful twinkle shown in her eyes and a heavy gust of icy wind knocked Rick on his back.

  “Cold!” he shouted rubbing his arms.

  Drying herself, Stella sat down.

  “Thank you,” Rick grumbled still rubbing his arms “Did you purposely make the wind colder?”

  Stella struggled to keep a straight face, but a huge smile forced its way out.

  “You can’t prove anything,” she said winking.

  Rick shot her a baleful look. Sitting around the fire they talked until darkness enveloped the world. Looking into the sky, Rick tuned out the conversation between the two women. Oh, how he loved the stars twinkling and shining up above.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  Wandering around, he found himself sitting up on top of a sand dune which formed against the cliffs.

  “I see you escaped,” The Voice said.

  “You still won,” Rick said. “I lost the barrier rods. Now it's just a matter of time.”

  “Now you see how pathetic your attempts were,” The Voice said. “How many years did you waste?”

  Rick slapped his hand against the sand. What was he going to do?

  “I could remove those pesky emotions. I could take away fear, guilt, pain, and loneliness if you’d only let me be your master again.”

  “Nice try,” Rick said. “Without those I wouldn’t be able to feel peace, sympathy, gratitude, happiness, and joy.”

  “I’ll see you brought to your knees!” The Voice hissed. “You and all those around you! All will serve me!”

  “No one stays long enough for me to care about them,” Rick said. “And no one on this world is strong enough to destroy me.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that,” the Voice said.

  “You could always send one of the—” Rick cut off as Raven approached.

  “So, this is where you wandered off to,” she said sitting next to him.

  He let out a sigh of relief smiling at her. “Thank you.”

  “What did I do?” she asked.

  “For saving me,” he said laying back.

  The warm sand pressed against his back. Sliding his hands behind his head, he propped himself up to look at her.

  “Why do you look so relieved?” he asked.

  “I have something important to tell you,” she said looking down at her hands.


  Raven fidgeted for a moment then sighed. “My people have a prophecy. The fate of the world would depend on a half-blood saving a man from drowning,” she rambled. “And I think that man is you, which is why I saved you. A man hired me to make sure that if you survived, I would stall you. But I saved you instead of letting you drown.”

  Rick sat straight up staring at her. Since when did this world have prophecy? What man? What's going to happen to this world? Why do I always have to save it? What's going to happen to her? he thought in rapid succession.

  “By the destroyer,” he cursed. “Okay, first. You. Who hired you, and do you think he’ll come after you?”

  “Yes,” Raven said.

  Rick started pacing. “Okay, then you need to stay by me or Stella at all times. Now, who is this man?”

  “He called himself T,” she said. “He’s blond, as tall as you, with arms the size of logs.”

  “Blond is pretty rare in this part of the world, so that’s good,” Rick muttered to himself. “Do you know why he needs me stalled?”


  “Who gave this prophecy? And how?”

  “The wise woman in my mother’s tribe,” she said. “And no idea. It was before my mother was even born.”

  Rick plopped back on the sand lying back. “Okay, that's all the questions I have for now.”

  “I have one,” she said staring into his eyes. “Who are you?”

  Rick grinned. “A nobody.”

  “A nobody responsible for the fate of the world?” she asked.


  Raven stared at him, her eyes narrowing. “Where are you from?”

  “I’ve been on the move as long as I can remember,” he said staring at the night sky.

  “That sounds exciting and unspecific. I bet you’ve seen a lot of interesting things.”

  “If I only could remember them all,” he muttered. “You had to see some sights yourself while on Zaven’s ship.”

  “You could say that,” she said staring at the ground.

  “How’d you end up on that ship?”

  “Mulek kidnapped me,” she said. “And now, I’m a pirate.”

  Rick leaned over putting his hand on her shoulder “If you were just a pirate you wouldn’t have saved me.”

  Mumbling something under her breath she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

  Ricks mind went blank. Her lips tasted like, well he wasn’t sure what they tasted like but they tasted good.

  Pulling her head back she smiled at him. “I think even a thick-headed man like you will understand my intentions now.”

  “I—” he stammered.

  Taranis sat on the edge of the Syarin cliffs, staring at the tiny glow of a campfire on the beach. It was still a success. But if Raven hadn’t saved Rick, it would’ve been done! He punched the rock. He’d deal with her after this was over.

  I’ll have to stall him myself.

  He had the bait, now he needed time. Standing, Taranis slid Rick’s pack onto his back and faded into the night.

  Chapter 6

  B reathing out, Stella’s breath clung to the frigid morning air. A few embers remained of last night’s fire. Jabbing it with a stick she sent a gentle breeze into the bed of coals coaxing it back to life. A small flame appeared and Stella smiled. Rick and Raven were still asleep. They’d come in at some point in the night.

  What had they been doing? Stella violently jabbed at the fire. None of my business. Rick is free to do whatever he wants.

  At least that's what she told herself. Tossing a couple twigs on the fire the small flame grew. “If only we had breakfast,” she muttered rubbing her stomach.
Adding a few more branches she fed the flames with air. The flames ate it up growing stronger and stronger. Her skin tingled from the heat. “Way better,” she said sitting back.

  She stabbed the fire just cause. Cold, hungry, and no gold. What a grand adventure. The only reason she came on this stupid trip was to get the glory and reward of returning the Alshak to The Temple of Heshelon. Now if the dang thing even survived, it was at the bottom of the ocean.

  Rick seemed pretty upset about losing his bag. Why do I keep thinking about Rick? She yelled in her head stabbing the fire again.

  “What’d that fire do to you?” Rick asked sitting next to her, those blue eyes peering intensely at her. Somehow his hair still was perfect. Spiked in the front and nothing out of place. Stella wanted to slap herself.

  Snap out of it and grow up! But those eyes.

  “It’s how this trip turned out,” she said tossing the charred stick into the fire. “I’m cold, hungry, and how am I supposed to get paid now?”

  And then there’s you, she added in her head.

  Rick chuckled. “Oh, is that all?”

  Stella glared at him. But he wasn’t paying attention. He looked distant, pain shown in his eyes, and his grin turned into a slight frown.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked scooting closer to him.

  “Men died because of me,” he said. “And my bag had some vitally important things in it.”

  Stella stared into the fire. “You’re right. Batlas is dead, and here I am thinking about how hungry I am.”

  Rick collapsed back. “I’m starving!”

  “Same,” Raven said joining them around the fire.

  Stella felt like glaring at her.

  “Is there any chance of building a Fish trap with those scrubby looking trees?” Rick asked.

  Raven shook her head “There’s nothing strong enough to make rope out of down here.”

  “I might be able to scoop out a fish or two with my Elementia,” Stella said.

  Rick shook his head. “I have a plan.”

  “What’s that?” Stella and Raven both asked.

  “No food and no way to get off this beach,” Rick said. “We’re in a bit of a situation, aren’t we?” Staring into the fire, he pointed at the cliff. “There’s always up.”


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