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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

Page 8

by Nathan Dickeson

  “I don’t see him,” she whispered. “We’ve got a few minutes before he reaches us.”

  Moving out carefully, they went as fast as they could with the poison in their systems. Reaching a series of tiny caves that sat in the side of a long but short hill, Stella stopped with an idea forming in her head.

  “We can hide,” she said pulling on Raven’s sleeve and gesturing at the hill.

  “No, they’ll expect us to hide in those caves,” Raven said shaking her head.

  “No, I mean behind the hill,” Stella said. “They’ll check the caves but if we leave a trail going away from the hill, they’ll move on.”

  Raven paused before nodding in agreement. “How do we leave a trail? We’re on rocky ground.”

  Grabbing a sharp looking rock Stella slid her finger along the jagged edge until she found a point. Gritting her teeth, she pressed it into her finger and yanked. Hissing in pain, she dropped the rock watching small pool of blood form on her finger.

  “I could've created a knife,” Raven said.

  “No, you couldn’t,” Stella said. “We can't use our Elementia’s.”

  Moving away from the hill, she squeezed her finger making a small trail of blood.

  “That’ll have to do,” she said sticking her finger in her mouth.

  Hurrying around to the other side of the hill, they hid behind a bush that stubbornly clung to life in the stony terrain. The man came into view not making a sound. Stella froze not wanting to move an inch. She heard that most often you weren’t spotted until you moved, but if she remembered correctly, the guy who’d told her that had been talking about at night.

  Stopping, the Syarin stared at where she’d made the blood drop. She swore he was grinning through his mask. Ignoring the blood, he stared directly at them. Fighting her instinct to run Stella stayed absolutely still, and Raven did the same. Moving his gaze to the caves, the man walked out of sight. After a little while, he came back, studying the blood trail then he looked around in a big circle. Stella held her breath as he began to move in the direction the blood trail led.

  Abruptly a horn sounded, and the Syarin took off running towards it. Eventually, Raven felt safe enough to let out a long sigh of relief.

  “I don’t know what tribe that is, but they seem pretty hostile.”

  “No kidding,” Stella said sliding down to lean against the dirt cliff.

  Raven shook her head. “If we didn’t have Elemental abilities, those darts would’ve knocked us out. Instead, it removes our ability to use our Elementia for several days.”

  “Did you say days?” Stella asked her voice cracking. “No food, no weapons, no magic, and no Rick,” Stella muttered under her breath.

  Both of their heads shot up to stare at each other. “Rick!” They both yelled.

  Chapter 7

  T he grass tickled Rick’s nose as he rose peaking above the vegetation. There it was, a gorgeous fox chewing on a patch of grass. The cold breeze blew across the plains, causing the grass to wave back and forth. Gliding forward, Rick got as close as he dared. Close enough, he was sure he couldn’t miss. Wiggling his fingers Rick danced a spark across his hand. Standing up, he shot a small bolt of lightning striking the fox and watched it collapse to the ground.

  “Sorry friend,” he said walking over. “Thank you for giving your life for mine.” Bending down he looked at the seared flesh. “Not the most efficient way, but without a bow, it’ll have to do.” Now, do I want your essence or attribute? Rick thought to himself kneeling next to the fox. Attribute. He decided. Essence is low, but I don’t have any attributes left.

  Placing his hand on its chest he breathed in, its spirit flowing into him. It was amazing. Two worlds, two magics, same cost. He felt the new reservoir of power waiting for him to use.

  A quiet whistling was all the warning he had. Diving to the left, a dart scraped his arm. Rolling to his feet, Rick shot a bolt in the direction that the dart came from. It was the weakest bolt he ever produced. He wasn’t even sure it should count as a bolt.

  Maybe more like a pathetic weak arc. Yeah, that was more accurate. Staggering, he put his hand to his head, the world seeming to rock and shift. He looked down at the fox. “Now I’m the one who’s hunted. Let’s make it a worthy chase,” he said with a grin.

  His attacker appeared out of the grass with a blow gun pressed to his lips. He wore undyed leather pants and shirt and a wooden mask covered his face. Carved into the shape of a bird, it had blue with red stripes painted onto it. Rick tried to create an electric shield but nothing happened. The dart stuck in the side of his neck.

  Should’ve gone with Essence, he thought in his head. Plan B? Flaring his Celestial light, he instantly felt better and his mind cleared. He hated using Celestials, but this time he needed it. Oh wait, potion.

  One of the potions he grabbed back on the ship would create a wall of smoke, but the other... Rick shook his head and chuckled. The other was a healing potion. He could've used it instead. The Syarin watched him. They both stood still for a moment longer. Springing into action, the Syarin brought his pipe up to his lips. Rick created a burst of Essence, disintegrating the dart. Rushing forward, Shadow Reaper appeared in his hand. He pointed it under the man's chin.

  A horn sounded behind Rick. Distracted, he twisted to look. Several men now surrounded him. The man next to him dove to the side and the mask falling off his face revealed a young man who was only fifteen or sixteen.

  Feeling a stinging in his arm, Rick looked and saw several new darts sticking out of the back of his arm. Rick reached for the healing potion. Several more darts lodged themselves into Rick’s legs. His head feeling heavy, Rick looked around. Even more men appeared out of nowhere shooting more darts at him.

  Collapsing to the ground he laughed. Dying by dart overdose, he thought sinking into darkness. That’s a unique way to go.

  Why is my nose on fire? Rick thought his eyes shooting open.

  A smoking bowl sat in front of his face making him gag. Every time he took a breath the heavily scented smoke filled his lungs making him cough. He tried to move, but he was tied to a pole leaning forward.

  He was in some sort of hut. A small opening in the ceiling allowed the smoke to escape, and sunlight to enter. A square center frame supported a ring of heavy logs leaning against. Several beds made of wooden frames and hides lay scattered along the edges.

  Trying to move his hands, Rick felt the ropes dig into his wrists. The bison hide flapped as someone left the hut.

  Well they know I’m awake now, he said to himself straining against his bonds. Should I escape?

  “Yup,” a man said. “They dragged you in here this morning.”

  For the first time, Rick noticed another man tied upright to a pole. He was tall and had straight brown hair.

  “What’s your name?” Rick asked.


  Coughing, Rick looked as someone lifted the bison hide again. A group of men and a woman entered. Two muscular young men picked up his pole. Carrying him a few feet, they placed the pole into a hole standing him straight up.

  An older man came inches from Rick’s face. The man had a face covered in wrinkles, and a still muscular body covered in scars.

  He jabbed his finger into Rick’s chest. “You Bandit Wizard.”

  As he talked, the wrinkles on his face scrunched in concentration. Rick stared at him trying to figure out what the man meant.

  “Speak Bandit, why you here?” The Syarin demanded stamping his foot hard against the ground.

  “We have a misunderstanding, I’m not a bandit,” Rick said slowly letting a smile appear on his face

  “You lie!” Bandits attacked our people. Steal our water. Why?”

  “I just got here,” Rick said. “I don’t know anything about these bandits.”

  The women said something to the man in front of him. Huffing the man took a few steps back to make room for the woman who spoke. She was young enough to be the man’s daughter, but
she carried an air of authority.

  “My name is Poana. What is yours?” she asked. “My name’s Rick,” he said. “Nice to meet ya.”

  “We saw you at the top of the cliff hills. What were you doing?”

  “I lost my ship and washed up on the beach below,” he said leaving out the girls. “The only option was to climb the cliffs.”

  Several of the men laughed. Putting her hand up, the woman shot them a look.

  “Those cliffs cannot be climbed,” she said.

  “Very true,” he replied. “Except when magic can lend a hand.”

  “Yes, I’m told you took over a dozen darts before you collapsed.”

  “Would it be possible to get some food?” Rick asked.

  A small smile appeared on Poana’s face. “We’re interrogating you, and you’re worried about your stomach?”

  “Yes, I am,” Rick said grinning. “It’s been forever since I had something to eat.”

  Motioning to one of the men she spoke in their language. Instantly his ring shifted to Syarin.

  “Go find food for him,” she said.

  The man frowned, but he nodded and left.

  Now say something in Halayn, he pleaded in his mind.

  “The fox you killed has been eaten,” she said in Halayn, the ring shifting back. “But we will find food for you.”

  Rick sighed in relief. It was always easier not having to explain himself for suddenly changing language and dialect.

  “One of the girls that was with you is from this land, yes?” Poana asked.

  So, they know, but they didn’t catch the girls. “Yes, I think she’s from the western part,” he said. “What did you do with them?”

  “They escaped. We did not know you were Elementalists when we tried to take them.”

  “I can’t say I’m disappointed,” Rick said. “Who are these bandits you spoke of?”

  A smile appeared on her face again. “You’re the one being interrogated.”

  The old man spoke in their language and the ring shifted and translated. “Tell him.”

  Poana looked at the old man and nodded. “Last night two scouts were attacked while watching a group of invaders travel along the cliffs. One of the scouts escaped and said the invaders changed course and camped in the Hanging Lake and then today, they shot at us with their loud weapons and when we drew near, they took one of our men.”

  “So when you saw me you thought I was one of them,” Rick concluded.

  “Yes,” Poana said looking at him. “The scouts also said their attacker used lightning.”

  Lightning? Rick thought. How is that possible? I’m the only one left. “And Devlin?” He asked, nodding his head in the direction of the other man.

  “He’s a crazy man,” Poana said dismissively. “He came into the village speaking of giant black creatures with red eyes. Stories to scare children.”

  Rick didn’t hesitate. Breathing essence into the ropes wrapped around him, he commanded them to loosen. There goes the last of my essence. Shadow Reaper appeared in his hand as he strode over to Devlin. “Tell me what you told them,” Rick commanded.

  No one moved. The Syarins stared at him realizing he could have escaped at any time, and Devlin stared at the sword in his hand.

  Dispelling the sword Rick asked again. “What did you tell them?”

  Devlin swallowed. “I was tracking my horse near the badlands when I found the corpse of a massive figure. And then in the badlands themselves, I found an army of them standing still. Then a portal opened and more came rushing through.”

  “Light,” Rick cursed spinning on his foot. The barriers are gone, and I lost the new rods. How long do I have?

  The Syarin’s had their weapons in hand and were watching him.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Rick said. “But you’ll be fighting for your lives soon.”

  “You believe him?” the old man asked.

  “They’re called Gads and your ancestors fought them.”

  “They’re myths to tell our children,” the old man said.

  Rick stared at him. “Myth has a nasty habit of being based on facts.”

  The bison flap lifted as an ancient lady shuffled in.

  “Hello Rick,” she said.

  “Hello Valla,” he said with a grin. “It’s been awhile.”

  “You know him?” the old man asked.

  “I’ll explain tonight,” she said with an air of authority. “Why are you here, Rick?”

  “I was going to reseal the barrier.”


  “I lost the new rods in the ocean,” he said staring at the ground.

  Valla gasped. “No!”

  “If Gads are already coming through the gate we’re in trouble.”

  “So I heard,” she said glaring at the old man.

  “Okay,” Rick said pointing to Poana and the old man. “I’ve got to know. Who are these two?”

  Valla smiled. “My second husband Enis, and my great-granddaughter from my first husband. But Rick, you’re trying to change the subject.”

  “Old habit.”

  “Come let’s sit,” she said walking toward one of the beds.

  Devlin coughed. “Not to interrupt, but can I be cut free now?”

  With agility faster than her old body would entail, Valla threw a knife severing Devlin's bonds.

  “Thanks,” Devlin croaked.

  “I’ve got a little skill left,” Valla said smirking at Rick.

  “Grandmother!” Poana exclaimed. “Who is this?”

  Rick turned to look at her. “I’m the guy who’s going to help you out.”

  Valla sat. Gesturing to Enis, she patted her seat. He shuffled over and sat with her. Enis looked at Devlin then him. “Help with bandits, or Gads?”

  Rick grimaced. “I’ll take care of the bandits, and I’ll fight the Gads. But—”

  Silence fell over the hut. “Is it really that bad?” Enis asked.

  “Yes,” Devlin said.

  Rick looked at him. “I don’t know what you saw, but that was just the beginning.”

  The bison flap moved as a young man came running through speaking in their language. The ring shifted. “Poana, the two women with the bandit—” He froze, seeing Rick wasn’t tied up.

  “What about the two women?” Rick asked.

  Every head turned to stare at him.

  Valla started laughing. “You changed languages, my dear.”

  Oops. He looked around. “I’ll explain later,” he said then turned back to the young man. “What about the two women?”

  “The bandits took them, I thought it was strange.”

  “Good lad, now can you go and see what’s taking my food so long?” Rick asked patting him on the shoulder. The man nodded and left.

  “When did you become in charge?” Poana asked.

  “He often does this,” Valla said smiling through her wrinkles.

  Rick’s eyes got a cold look to them. “Now I’ll definitely be taking care of those bandits,” he growled. Poana and Enis smiled, while Valla grimaced, and Devlin looked lost not understanding the language. “When does the sun set?” he asked.

  “It’s setting now,” Enis said.

  Already? Wow.

  “Tonight, I’ll scout, and then we’ll see what to do from there,” Rick said starting to pace. “Valla, could you say something in Halayn?”

  “Something,” she said in Halayn.

  “Ha… ha...” Rick said as the ring shifted. “Devlin, what're your plans?”

  Devlin looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “What are you going to do? Today, tomorrow, where are you going? Are you going to fight or leave? The choice is yours.”

  “Oh,” Devlin said pausing. “Not to sound cold, but I need to go back to Halven.”

  Rick summoned Shadow Reaper and cut Devlin’s bonds. “That's no problem,” he said placing his hand on his shoulder. “Is Halven your home city?”

  “Yeah, I work for the
guild there. But the reason I have to is for The Tournament.”

  “Hmm, do you know Stella?”

  “Yeah! she’s a good friend of mine. How do you know her?” Devlin asked.

  “Um, well she was with me and she’s been taken by the bandits here,” Rick said.

  “She was with you!” Devlin shouted. “What is she doing here?”

  “Pirates,” Rick said. “But now she’s in trouble... But I guess you could go back without her.”

  Devlin shot Rick a cold look. “Like I’d leave now.”

  Poana cleared her throat. “Will you tell us now, how you can speak our language perfectly?”

  “Easy,” Rick said. “Magic from another world.”

  “Another world?” Devlin exclaimed.

  “You saw the gate,” Poana said.

  “Before you ask,” Valla said to group. “Rick and I traveled through the gate a few times, and don’t ask me when.” Poana opened her mouth to say something. “No,” Valla said in a tone that left no argument.

  “The food has finally arrived!” Rick announced a moment before the bison hide moved.

  A young man entered who was neither of the previous men. This one had a freshly busted up nose. Handing out the bowls to everyone, he gave Rick his. A knife flashed in the man's hand as he lunged at Rick. Knocking the knife to the side, Rick grabbed the bowl of food before it hit the floor.

  Should food really be your concern? You’re running low on magic, he thought spinning around. Of course, it should! Food is a necessity!

  “What are you doing?!” Poana yelled in Syarin.

  “Don’t kill him, Rick,” Valla said in Syarin at the same time.

  The boy lunged again. Rick grabbed his wrist and slapped the knife out of his hand. Twisting about, Rick kicked his legs out from under him. “Hi,” Rick said kneeling on the boy's other arm. “What’s up?” The boy tried to spit in his face.

  “Speak,” Enis said.

  “Why is this bandit not tied up?” the boy yelled.

  “Because I’m an old friend, not a bandit,” Rick said. “Now what happened to your nose?”


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