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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

Page 12

by Nathan Dickeson

  “It’s two against one,” Stella said. Reaching the tent he ran past.

  “Yes but—“ Raven started.

  The Syarin shot out of the shadows, knocking Stella to the ground. She tried to grapple with him, but he was on his feet in an instant. He spun to face Raven and knocked her sword out of the way.

  Getting to her knees, Stella dove at his legs managing to grab one of them, but he simply jumped and kicked her in the head with the other. Stella lost her grip. Hitting the ground, he rolled to his feet. Stella scrambled to get up, her head ringing. They stood there staring at each other in the moonlight. Raven and Stella moved as one, their swords swinging. Jumping back, he flicked the knife. Sailing through the air, it lodged into Stella’s leg. She gasped dropping her sword, pain shooting through her body. Collapsing to the ground, she clutched her leg shuddering from the pain.

  They were in trouble. He could easily kill them. Raven’s sword clashed against his Tomahawk. Gritting her teeth Stella pulled the knife out, tears welling in her eyes. The man in the mask slammed his elbow into Raven’s injured arm and yanked the sword away from her. Stella threw the knife.

  It hit!

  Staggering back the man looked at her. But the knife had only bounced off the mask slicing along his cheek. A thin line of blood appeared, his mask sagged.

  No. I failed, Stella thought trying to get to her feet.

  The man ripped the mask off revealing Rick. His eyes had a cold calculating look to them. Shooting forward he brought his tomahawk swinging toward Raven’s unprotected chest.

  “Rick!” They both yelled at him.

  Stopping inches from Raven, he looked at them, his eyebrows knitting together. Stella pulled her bandana down. Cocking his head to the side Rick said, “Stella?”

  “Yep,” Stella said collapsing onto her back.

  “You tried to kill me!” he yelled.

  “You tried to kill me, too!” Stella said.

  “Did not, I kept running away.”

  “What about that first—“ Stella started.

  Raven threw herself on Rick knocking him to the ground. Stella’s jaw dropped as she planted a kiss on his lips.

  “You little!” Stella growled trying to stand up and wincing at the pain.

  Rick seemed at a loss for words… and then Raven punched him.

  “Payment for hitting my arm,” she said. “Twice.”

  Pouting, Stella glared at Raven. “He stabbed me.”

  “Do you know who shot me last night?” Raven asked, ignoring her.

  Rick’s face flushed.

  Gah! Stella yelled in her mind imagining choking the girl. Glaring would have to suffice.

  Rick scrambled over to Stella taking off his new Syarin shirt, giving her another glimpse at the muscles underneath.

  “Light! It’s bleeding really bad,” he said holding his shirt firmly against her leg.

  Stella swallowed trying not to stare... again. She looked into his eyes. All traces of shock were replaced with fear and worry. For me? She thought.

  His lips were only a few inches from her. All she had to do was lean forward. But those inches felt like miles! Biting her bottom lip, she moved closer. The pain in her leg screamed at her, and a gunshot rang out. Rick stood and Stella cursed.

  “What’s happening?” Raven asked. “And why are you dressed like that?”

  Catching herself staring at his chest again, Stella stared up at the moon.

  “I led an army of Syarin’s to drive these bandits out and rescue you,” he said.

  “Bandits?” Raven asked.

  “Rescue?” Stella asked at the same time. “These colonists were going to help us rescue you!”

  “Why would I need to be rescued?” he asked cocking his head to the side.

  “They took you as a prisoner!”

  “Yeah, but that was easily settled,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

  She couldn’t believe it! He acted like being taken prisoner wasn’t a big deal.

  “Two days to go from prisoner to warrior?” Raven asked.

  Rick scratched his cheek. “More like as soon as I woke up,” he said looking at the ground. “Sorry about your leg,” he said. Turning he looked over at Raven. “Sorry I shot your arm.”

  “So, it was you!” Raven yelled glaring at him “You stick a knife in Stella and an arrow in me.”

  “I thought—” Rick started.

  Whipping his head around he stared into Stella’s eyes. “Did you say, colonists?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Why’d they attack the tribe?”

  “They didn’t, they were the ones who were attacked.”

  Rick paused, thinking. “Do they have any Elementalists?”

  “I don't believe so,” Raven said.

  “Blazes,” Rick said leaping to his feet. “They’re fighting the wrong people!”

  “What are you going to do?” Stella asked.

  “Knock some heads together,” he said running off. “Raven, take care of Stella for me.”

  Stella watched him. “Idiot, he thinks he’s invincible.”

  “He did destroy us without trying,” Raven said.

  “How much do you think he was holding back?” Stella asked smiling.

  “I hope very little,” Raven said. “We had no guns.”

  Stella shivered feeling a cold sense run along her spine. “He’ll be okay, he has to be.”

  Another gunshot rang through the night.

  “They haven’t been firing very often,” Raven said.

  “They might be losing,” Stella said trying to stand. “We have to help.” Stella’s eyes instantly started watering. The pain in her leg was excruciating. Forcing it out of her mind, Stella leaned against Raven.

  “We won’t be much use,” Raven said.

  “We can find Tom and talk,” Stella said through gritted teeth.

  “What a fine team we make,” Raven said laughing. “You’ll be my arm, and I’ll be your leg.”

  Stella tried not to think of the kiss Raven stole. Leaning heavily against her, she limped forward.

  Stella grimaced. “Maybe you should go help without me.”

  “And leave you defenseless? That’s a no.”

  A colonist came running past. “You’re going the wrong way Misses,” he yelled. “There’s monsters over yonder!”

  Monsters is a bit extreme, Stella thought still limping forward.

  Making their way closer, the sound of fighting grew stronger. Men screaming in fear and agony, and men yelling orders. Maneuvering through the gap in between tents, they found a husband and wife unconscious on the ground.

  “Shot with a dart,” Raven said.

  Slowly moving around the tent, Stella stopped gaping at the scene before her. Both the tribesmen and the colonists were fighting for their lives. Giant man-like beings were attacking!

  “They have to be at least ten feet tall!” Stella yelled to Raven.

  Their skin was charcoal black and their eyes… Blood red. Stella wiped a suddenly damp forehead. Fear? There was only five of them, but both parties of Syarins were losing. The tribesmen fought two, but the other three were destroying the colonists.

  “Gads,” Raven said, terror, filling her voice.

  A white beam of light shot through one of the Gad’s chests. Collapsing to the ground it revealed Rick with a black sword in his hand. Running at an inhuman speed, he attacked another. The creature swung a massive sword at him. Stella gasped. From her point of few, it sliced right along his skin. But Rick didn't scream. He stabbed his sword into the thing’s chest.

  “Did you see him?” Raven yelled.

  Stella nodded trying to spot Rick. He’d disappeared as soon as the monster collapsed.

  “Where’d he go?” Stella asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  Now that there were only one of the things attacking the colonists, they were surrounding it, but their blades kept bouncing off of the creature's skin. A gunshot rang out a
nd the last Gad attacking them collapsed.

  “There he is!” Raven said pointing.

  Stella turned to look. He was fighting one of the Gads that attacked the tribesmen.

  Where’s the last one? Stella thought.

  The tent next to them ripped out of the ground. The last Gad stood there, his eyes burning red.

  Scrambling back, Stella cursed. “Venom!”

  The beast backhanded Raven sending her flying. Ice flooded Stella’s veins. They didn’t stand a chance. The Gad brought its sword up to strike. Stella swiped at the air knowing that it was useless, but then power came rushing back into her, the wind pushing the blade to the side. Stella smiled. “Nevermind,” she said staring into the Gad’s molten eyes.

  Wrapping her leg in a cocoon of wind, she spun driving her sword into its leg. Or at least, that’s what she tried to do. The blade bounced off the thing’s skin, not even leaving a scratch.

  Oh no, she thought the terror returning.

  The Gad kicked her in the chest, sending her flying. Feeling bones break, she gasped in pain, and landed on the ground a few feet away. Stella rolled to the side and the Gad’s sword smashed into the earth where she lay moments before. A gunshot echoed in the night. Tom stood at a distance, smoke rising from his pistol. The Gad made a blood chilling howl. Staggering back, it dropped its sword and grabbed its neck. Gritting her teeth, Stella put as much force as she could sending the sword flying into the Gad’s side. Howling, it lashed at her. Diving out of the way of those deadly claws, she tried to ignore the stabbing pain. Another gunshot rang out, the bullet ripping through the Gad’s arm. Howling again, the Gad grabbed its sword and dove at Stella. Rolling to the side she tried to dodge, but the Gad barely managed to scratch her leg. Stella screamed. There were no words to describe the pain shooting through her body. A black gash formed along her thigh, the flesh along the wound already turning a sickly purple. The world seemed to blur, her brain went foggy. All she could think about was the pain as she writhed on the ground.

  In a flash, the plants in the entire area shriveled up and died, and a blast of force shot through the Gad. Rushing over, Rick knelt next to her and grabbed her leg, his hands glowing white.

  Again, Stella screamed in pain, but it quickly faded.

  “Hold still,” he said biting his lip.

  Stella tried to laugh wincing at the pain in the rest of her body. “I had him on the ropes.”

  He gave her a smile, his hands hovering over her chest. “Mhm, sure you did.”

  The pain vanished from both her chest and her leg.

  “Oh, that feels way better,” she said rubbing her ribs.

  Rick stood and rushed over to Raven. His hands glowing, he waved them over her. Raven groaned.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  Stella walked over as the tribesmen started chanting, or was it singing?”

  It started out in a low almost reverent tone. Knocking their weapons together they gradually increased the volume. Raven said the words under her breath in Halayn.

  “Together we fight the land. Together we stand. Together we are a clan. Together we ran. Against the darkness we stand, protecting this land.”

  Humming they kept the beat going.

  “Tonight, we run to the fight, tonight it's in sight. Tonight, he attacks the world, tonight it grows cold. Against the evil one, we dance, if only to stop his advance.”

  Humming again for a time, they continued.

  “The serpent above them all, the serpent will fall. The serpent will not succeed. The serpent won't feed. Against him we walk in stride, with no stepping aside.”

  The singing slowly died down. Rick jogged back toward the edge of camp.

  “Where are you going?” Stella asked.

  “This could turn south any second. Somebody's got to keep the Syarins from killing each other,” he said over his shoulder. “Who's the leader of the settlers?”

  “Hank,” Stella said. She and Raven looked at each other and followed him.

  “Hank! I need to speak with you!” Rick yelled over the moans of the injured.

  “Hank’s dead!” Tom yelled back.

  “Who's that?” Rick asked Stella.

  “Tom, he's good. He helped Raven and me.”

  “Then who's in charge?” Rick asked walking toward Tom.

  “That'd be me,” Tom said stepping closer.

  “Good,” Rick said, and then turned. “Poana! Send your men away and come here.” He looked at Tom. “You try anything, and I'll kill you.”

  “Who do you think you—”

  “I'm the guy who just killed the demons.” Tom closed his mouth. “Where’s Devlin?” Rick muttered. “He’d sure be useful.”

  Stella’s head snapped up. “What did you say?”

  “Oh right,” Rick said looking at her. “Devlin’s somewhere around here.” A Syarin tribesman came running up ripping off his mask. Correction. She. Stella glanced at Rick. “Poana,” Rick called. “Where’s Devlin?”

  “He’s hurt, come,” Poana said panting.

  They took off in a run following her. She led them to the edge of the cliffs. Stella gasped. Devlin lay face down with a black gash cut into his back. No, Stella thought staring at him.

  Rick knelt next to him. His hand falling to a vial on his belt.

  “I’ll help,” Raven said kneeling on the other side of Devlin.

  Rick nodded. Both their hands glowed moving up and down his body. No one spoke.

  Not Devlin. You can't die, Stella thought staring at him.

  Slowly the color returned to his cheeks. Rick and Raven sat back simultaneously.

  “He’ll be okay,” Rick said grinning. “Raven, can you go heal others? Poana, Stella, follow me, we need to speak with Tom.”

  “Who’s going to watch Devlin?” Stella asked.

  “I’ll be good,” Devlin groaned.

  Stella hugged Devlin as he sat up.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing!” Devlin said. “You’re supposed to be in Halven.”

  Rick tapped her shoulder, “Sorry, but we need to move before the Syarins start fighting again.

  Devlin patted her back. “Go, I’ll be okay. I think I’ll lie here for a time.”

  Stella stood looking at Rick. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Thank me later,” Rick said running off, with Poana on his tail.

  So much running! Stella thought chasing after him. They passed Raven kneeling next to a man. Reaching Tom, Rick stopped.

  “Is your friend okay?” Tom asked Stella.

  “He’s fine, thanks,” she said.

  “My men are leaving,” Poana said to Rick. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Is anyone injured?” Rick asked.

  “Two men died, and four have minor injuries,” Poana said.

  “Have Raven take care of them now,” he said. “Even a small scratch from a Gad’s blade could be lethal.”

  Ponana nodded and trotted off.

  Rick turned to look at Tom. “And you?” he asked.

  “No one injured, but three of our men are dead.”

  “I’m sorry,” Stella said.

  “How long until my men wake from them darts?” Tom asked.

  “A few hours,” Rick said. “I’m sorry we attacked.”

  Tom sighed. “As I see it, if you hadn’t saved us, I have no doubt we’d all be six feet under. I didn’t miss that you stopped our Gads first.”

  “You were fighting more Gads,” Rick said.

  Tom’s scowl darkened. “Will there be more?”


  Stella couldn’t help but lick her lips. Serpent's tail! I couldn’t even fight one!

  Tom’s mouth hung slack.

  “My men are gone,” Poana said walking back with Raven.

  Rick clapped his hands together. “All righty,” he said. “Now that all that's taken care of, let's sort out this situation between your pe

  Both Tom’s and Poana’s faces instantly grew dark. Stella shifted from one foot to the other.

  I hope you know what you’re doing, she thought glancing at Rick.

  “Both of your peoples were attacked first, correct?” They nodded. Rick's hand shot out tapping Tom’s forehead.

  “What was that?” Tom asked feeling his forehead.

  “Did you attack first?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Maybe someone in your group attacked first?”

  “No, my men are with me at all times except the lookout who got killed.” Tom’s eyes widened as he spoke.

  “Have you attacked the tribesmen after?”

  “Only shot a few shots when they came to close, and when we grabbed the scout,” Tom said clamping his mouth shut. “What did you do to me?”

  “Do you have an Elementalist?”

  “No, sir.”

  Poana pointed at Tom. “He could be lying.”

  “No,” Rick said.

  “How do you know?”

  Magic, Stella thought smiling.

  “Magic,” Rick said. His hand shot out and tapped Poana on the forehead.

  “Have you lied at all to me?”

  “No,” Poana said.

  So, your men were attacked by an Elementalist?”


  Rick waved his hands. Poana and Tom both blinked repeatedly.

  “So quick summary,” Rick said. “I think somebody wanted you to think the other group was hostile. I don’t know why, but that seems to be the logical conclusion. That said, Tom your people should leave the area and continue on your way. Poana leave them alone. Agreed?”

  Stella tried to keep from laughing as they both nodded their heads. Even if he did cheat with magic, leave it to him to resolve a feud within a few minutes.

  “I’ll meet you back at the village,” Rick said to Poana.

  She nodded, leaving without a word.

  “Who do you think would want this?” Tom asked.

  “No idea,” Rick said. “But I do have a question for ya.”


  “How much would it cost for me to get some of y'all's clothes?”

  Now Stella did smile noticing him switching his language to match theirs. Shipwrecked, captive, general, peace talks, and now buying clothes, she thought shaking her head.

  “Clothes?” Tom asked his eyebrows knitting together.


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