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Cheeky Trifle: A Second Helpings Short Story

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by Lorraine, Tracy

  Cheeky Trifle

  A Second Helpings Short Story

  Tracy Lorraine

  Copyright © 2018 by Tracy Lorraine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4




  Read Falling For Beth for FREE!

  About the Author

  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  Sneak peak

  Never Forget Him


  I want whipped cream on more than just my trifle.

  She was my high school sweetheart. The first and only person to have my heart.

  But she left.

  She took the easy way out, leaving me behind with nothing but memories.

  Now, four years later, I’ve managed to fill my time with meaningless flings and a poor excuse for an engagement. Ready to drown my sorrows with a turkey dinner, the last thing I expect to find is her sitting at the table.

  She’s just as beautiful as she always was and still has that cheeky smile that always melted me.

  This is our second chance. By the time the turkey’s gone cold and the trifle’s been eaten, Poppy is going to be mine once again.


  “What the hell is he doing here?” I whisper, grabbing my best friend’s hand and squeezing in panic.

  Although I lived in California for almost a year when I was a teenager, this is my first time here during Thanksgiving. We used the holidays as an excuse to visit my grandparents in England when we lived here. Max has tried to convince me to come back basically since the moment I left, and while I was desperate to spend time with her face to face once again, I didn’t want to see him.

  “I didn’t know he was going to be here, I swear.” Her words barely register as she swiftly steers me away from her parents’ open-concept living area and into the kitchen. My breathing is erratic and my hands shake. The thought of being in the same room as him has me on the verge of a panic attack. Everything surrounding me blurs in favour of the memories of my time with the boy who stole my innocent teenage heart.

  Aaron Townsend.

  The captain of the football team and the most popular boy in school. He was the one all the guys wanted to be and the one all the girls wanted to date. Yet, for some reason, he chose me, the awkward British girl who was like a little lost sheep in Redwood High. Four years later, I still have no idea what it was that made him choose me, but as much as I try to put it all to the back of my mind I know it isn’t something I will ever regret. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I ruined it. I followed my family back to London.

  But seeing him again makes it more obvious than ever that I left my heart here, with him.

  “Last I heard he was spending Thanksgiving with his—”

  “Don’t,” I snap, cutting off whatever was about to fall from her lips.

  The first time I spoke to Max after I left, I made it very clear I didn’t want to know anything about Aaron. I didn’t want to know if he was miserable, if he’d moved on, or what he was doing. I thought not knowing would be the easiest way to restart my life without him.

  I was wrong. Not a day has gone by since I walked away from what we had that I haven’t thought about him. I’m not delusional to think the sentiment is going to be mutual though. He must hate me.

  “Poppy,” Max’s mum sings as she walks into the room looking like a housewife from one of the old sitcoms we used to watch, with her apron tied around her waist. “It’s so good to see you again.” She wraps me in a hug and it helps ground me a little. “How are your parents?”

  I always felt at home here. And although when I first arrived at the age of seventeen, I hated the fact I’d left my life behind for Dad’s work, I was immediately grateful he was friends with Max’s dad. Max and I hit it off instantly and have been best friends ever since, even with the thousands of miles between us.

  “They’re good. They send their love.”

  “Mom, what’s Aaron doing here?” I don’t miss the fact she whispers his name, I guess hoping it’ll affect me less if it’s said quieter.

  She shrugs. “Your brother turned up with him and told me to set out an extra setting.”

  “You could have warned—”

  “Oh…I…” She glances over at me, sympathy coming off her in waves. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t…it’s been…I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I soothe, because really, it should be fine. We’re all adults now. I’m sure he won’t so much as look in my direction.

  We help out with the final dinner preparations, my nerves increasing with every second that passes, knowing I’m going to be face to face with him once again very soon.

  “Help me carry this?” Max asks, nodding towards the turkey her mum’s just arranged on a giant board.

  “Bloody hell, this weighs a ton.”

  “If you’re going to celebrate Thanksgiving, then you’ve got to do it properly,” her mum shouts over her shoulder. “Max, call the guys. We’re almost ready.”

  My heart pounds and my hands tremble as I attempt to prepare for what’s about to happen. I’ve no idea what the best outcome would be—him acting like nothing ever happened, like I didn’t rip my own heart out by walking away from him, or if he refuses to acknowledge me. At least if it’s the latter, I’ll know he’s as affected by this as I am.

  “Do not drop that,” Max warns. I go to reply but the lump in my throat stops me. “It’ll be fine. You’ll see,” she adds.

  I mumble some kind of agreement but I’m anything but optimistic about what the next few hours are going to hold.

  It’s only a few seconds after Max calls out that dinner’s ready before the sound of men’s footsteps filter through to us. The warmth of Max’s hand wraps around mine that’s resting on my lap. I appreciate the support but it does little to stop my racing heart and the dread that is sitting heavy in my stomach.

  Her dad’s first. His eyes land on the table before exclaiming his delight at the incredible array of food staring back at him. “That’s one fine looking bird you got there, love,” he shouts to his wife. “I do love a juicy breast.”

  Max’s brother, Joe, is next, and followed closely by Aaron. Time slows down as my eyes land on him as he walks into the room. My pulse races and my heart aches as I take him in. He was always strong and muscular, but now…whoa, he’s massive. His grey shirt is stretched tightly over his wide shoulders and chest before dropping to a slim waist and thick thighs. Although incredible, his body was never the best part about him. That honour was for his eyes.

  I sit stock still, gripping Max’s hand painfully hard as I wait for him to see me, wondering what his reaction is going to be.

  Images of our final night together flash in my eyes as if I’m watching a film. Prom night, with him in a black suit and me in a magenta dress. His gentle touch as we danced together knowing that tomorrow everything was going to change. My dad had to go back to London, and Mum and I had no choice but to follow.

  Looking back, I know I should have fought to stay. But I was young and it was easier to just do as my parents said, even if it meant breaking my own heart in the process.

  After what seems like an eternity, the sound of my name being called breaks through my reminiscing.
br />   “Poppy, you’re looking incredible,” Joe says with a wink, but I don’t look over to him. My focus is locked on Aaron as his head moves and his eyes find mine for the first time.

  It feels like someone takes a baseball bat to my chest, and I grip on to the edge of my chair as a mix of emotions barrel into me all at once.


  I was meant to be spending today with my fiancée. But after coming home last night to find a note on the counter telling me it’s over, that she’d packed her stuff and left, I found myself alone.

  I wasn’t all that bothered about her going. It’s not like I was in love with her. And I really didn’t care about spending Thanksgiving on my own, but the second Joe called up last night for a few drinks and found out what she’d done, I didn’t have a choice but to spend the holiday with him. We’ve been friends since we were in diapers so I couldn’t say no to him, not that the idea excited me at all. I think I’d have preferred to spend the day drowning my sorrows with a pack of beers or two.

  My life is a joke. I have the career of my dreams, yet I was miserable. I’d proposed to Shelly because I felt like it was the right thing to do, and after almost a year of dating it was what she expected of me.

  I never loved her, though. I’ve not loved any of them. Not since…

  “Come on, bro. Dinner’s ready,” Joe says with a slap to my shoulder.

  I drag myself away from the Andrews’ TV and make my way to their dining room. Joe’s mom is an incredible cook, so I know making the effort to be here will be worth it.

  The second I step inside the room I feel it—a feeling I’ve not experienced in over four years. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and something flutters in my belly. There’s only ever been one person who makes me nervous, but she’s someone I’ve spent all my adult life trying to get out of my head—and my heart.

  Not believing it could actually be true, I drag my eyes away from the juicy bird in the middle of the table to find a familiar pair of dark eyes staring back at me. They’re exactly as I remember them to be, and looking into them now knocks the wind out of me, just like they did the first day I met her during our senior year at high school.

  Fuck me, she’s here.

  “Poppy?” Her whispered name on my lips comes out as a question as I don’t really believe what I’m seeing.

  My eyes drop down to her full lips, ones that I know curl up into the cheekiest smile I’ve ever seen before continuing down her slender neck that ripples as she swallows. There are thick black straps over her shoulders and a silver zipper running down the front of whatever she’s wearing. My cock twitches at the thought of it being a dress I can unwrap from her body.

  An early Christmas present sent just for me.

  “Jack, can you carve the turkey?” Kathy asks, either unaffected by the tension in the room or attempting to break it, I’m not sure.

  “Aaron, son, come and take a seat.”

  Ripping my eyes away from Poppy, I find Jack getting ready to take his place at the head of the table. My eyes land on the only available chair left.

  It’s next to her, of course it is. They probably all planned it just to torture me.

  My heart pounds louder in my ears with every step I take in her direction. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. I convinced myself I didn’t want to see her again after she told me she loved me, gave herself to me, only to up and leave without so much as a glance back in my direction. I told myself if I did ever see her again that I’d hate her. Hate her for breaking my heart, for shattering it into a million little pieces that I’ve never been able to put back together. Plenty of women have tried and failed, but as I stare down at Poppy, I realize that the piece missing was her.


  Dinner is torture. I can feel the heat radiating from him, and all the while his scent fills my nose, making my mouth water for a taste. I was looking forward to my Thanksgiving dinner, but sitting here with every muscle in my body tense and Aaron glancing over at me out of the corner of his eye every few seconds, my appetite has vanished.

  “Are you sure you’ve had enough, sweetheart?” Kathy asks. My plate is almost as full as when she dished it up for me.

  “I’m good, thank you. It was delicious.” I fight to keep the quiver out of my voice but I don’t think I’m successful.

  “You’re welcome. Who’s ready for dessert? I made it especially for our guest—English trifle.”

  “No pie?” Jack complains with his brows together.

  Rolling her eyes at her husband, Kathy disappears with a spring in her step, a hum of approval sounding out from around the table. Everyone around me starts up a new conversation about the football match later this afternoon, but none of their words register in my brain.

  “I could think of something much tastier I’d like for dessert,” is whispered in my ear.

  Chills run down my spine as memories of how his touch used to ignite my body slam into me.

  “I…uh…” I stutter.

  “Tell me you’re single, please,” he begs. “If you’re seeing someone, I don’t—”

  “I am. I’m single,” I say in a rush, cutting off whatever it was he was about to say.

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  My eyes fly to his in surprise, but instead of the anger I thought I’d see reflected back at me, the only thing I see is desire.

  Red hot desire.

  Heat floods my core and I squeeze my thighs together to try to dull the ache.

  “Here we go,” Kathy sings as she carries in a tray full of individual trifles. Everyone around the table wastes no time in grabbing their spoons and diving in.

  Everyone apart from Aaron and me, that is. We’re still too lost in each other.

  With his eyes still locked on mine, he speaks up. “Kathy, have you got any extras of these?”

  “Of course. Would you like to take one home?”

  “I would. I think I would really enjoy savouring it later.” His eyes darken, kick-starting that dull ache starts up between my legs once again.

  “No problem, sweetheart.”

  Everyone’s either enjoying their dessert too much or plainly ignoring us because from the way he’s looking at me, there’s no way Aaron’s comment was innocent. Indecent images fill my mind involving the two of us and a trifle and I have to look away, convinced he can see every one of my thoughts.

  Scooping up a spoonful of cream, I moan softly as its creaminess hits my tongue. The heat of Aaron’s fingertip at the side of my mouth makes me flinch, and the tiny bit of skin he touches burns.

  “You had a little bit…” He pulls his finger back and sucks the small blob of cream into his mouth. “Just as sweet as ever.”

  I smile at him and it feels like my entire world rights itself. I haven’t been happy since getting back to London. I went to university and graduated with an English Literature degree because it was expected of me.

  But I’m not stupid. I know the reason I’ve been floundering to find a job since graduating a few months ago is because my heart’s not there. It’s here, with the man who’s staring at me like I’m the most important person on the planet.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Aaron says, crowding me against the wall the second I step foot out of the bathroom. His forearms cage my head in and he drops his head so our lips are almost touching. His breath fans my face as his eyes urge me to say yes. “I need to get you alone. Come on, Pop Pop,” he encourages, using a nickname I haven’t heard in four years that makes warmth blossom in my belly.

  “Oh…okay,” I stutter, feeling him nudge his nose against mine.

  He steps away and disappointment floods me. But as he turns to walk, his hand finds mine and he intertwines our fingers, pulling me back towards the living area.

  “Don’t you want to watch the game?” I ask, rounding the corner to find the rest of the family staring at the TV and on the edge of their seats.

  “Nah, I’ve got something much better to keep me enterta

  A blush spreads from my cheeks and down my neck at the prospect.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Don’t forget the trifle,” I say quickly, passing by the kitchen.

  We’re just about to leave when Max finds us. “Off somewhere nice?” she asks with a wink in my direction.

  “We’ve got about four years’ worth of alone time to catch up on. Make our excuses for us, would you?” Aaron asks as embarrassment floods my cheeks.

  “Sure thing. Enjoy yourselves. And make sure she can still walk tomorrow,” Max calls out at the last minute, making Aaron laugh. I groan as he tugs me towards his parents’ house, only a few yards down the street.

  “Really?” I ask, a little apprehensive about what we’re about to do under their roof. It really is like being a kid again.

  “They’re on vacation and I wouldn’t survive the drive to my place,” he admits, his voice rough with desire.


  He makes quick work of unlocking the door and pulling me inside. I expect him to keep going, to take me to his old bedroom but instead he pushes me against the door. I suck in a breath in surprise as my back crashes against the wood. But then he’s there, his lips hovering right in front of mine.

  “Oh God, please,” I whimper.

  “I never could resist you.” His lips slam down on mine and his tongue sweeps into my mouth. We kiss like teenagers, familiarizing ourselves with each other’s mouths and tastes. The container I was holding falls to the floor but I don’t hear the thud, every single one of my senses too consumed by Aaron.


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