Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 14

by Kennedy Fox

  To get Lennon’s attention, I clear my throat, and her eyes pop open. “How long have you been there?”

  “Not long,” I lie. “Hungry?”

  She nods, standing, and I realize how much her belly has really grown. It seems as if she started showing overnight, though it’s been gradual. She glances at me, and she’s glowing. Becoming a mom has come so natural to her, and there’s no doubt she’ll love that baby with every ounce of her body. Hell, she already does and so do I.

  “I’ve craved pizza all day long with extra, extra, extra, extra cheese.”

  I burst out laughing. “Damn girl.” Lennon’s cravings this last trimester have been random but usually anything greasy.

  She narrows her eyes at me, and before she can even throw sass my way, I continue, “Whatever you say. I just hope they add some sauce and crust with your cheese.” I open the app and order a pizza real quick with four times the cheese like Lennon requested. One thing I’ve learned over the past few months is not to argue with a pregnant woman over food. It’s a losing battle.

  As we’re waiting for the delivery, I help Lennon hang and fold more baby clothes. This has become one of our traditions, spending our time getting the apartment ready for baby girl. The church ladies have sent so much that I’ve told Lennon she can use my room for storage if needed. Though we’ve been putting up clothes all week, there are still boxes full of onesies and dresses. I’m pretty sure Lennon won’t have to buy clothes until the kid is sixteen.

  “I can’t believe they’ve sent so much,” she says with a small pile of clothes in her arms. She’s cleared out the top two drawers of her dresser for the baby.

  “Oh my God!” Lennon yells.

  “What? What is it?” I panic and stop moving.

  She stands as stiff as a board. “Come here. Hurry.”

  I rush to her and stand beside her. “Are you okay?”

  Lennon grabs my hand and places it on her belly.

  “She’s kicking,” Lennon tells me with the sweetest smile on her face.

  Right after she says it, I feel a little foot against my palm. My eyes light up. “Wow. That’s amazing.”

  I feel it again, even harder this time.

  “Keep talking,” she tells me. “I think it’s your voice.”

  I drop to my knees so I can be closer to the baby and place both hands on Lennon’s belly. “Hey, little one. Just want to say hello, and we feel you in there. Can’t wait for you to meet your mama. She’s so pretty and nice, and I know you’ve already heard how beautifully she sings.”

  The kicking continues, and I look up at Lennon and see tears. I stand, face to face with her, wanting to take her soft cheeks in my palms and kiss the fuck out of her, but I don’t.

  “She likes you,” she says, and I wipe the tears away with my thumbs, knowing she has more on her mind.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I’m just upset Brandon is missing this. The more days that pass, the more he’s turning into a distant memory, and I never want to forget him.”

  I nod, understanding but not knowing how to console her. There are days when I wish I could bring him back, so maybe she’d be happy the same way she used to be. Then another part of me wishes I could be the man who makes her smile. Instead, I just try to be there for her as much as I can.

  Grabbing her hand, I place it over her heart. “He’s here, Lennon. He’ll always be there.”

  She nods, and the doorbell rings, pulling us both away. “Hope you’re hungry for that pizza. There’s gonna be so much cheese; you’ll be chewing all night.”

  Lennon shakes her head at me and lets out a laugh. “You’re an ass.”

  “Stop cursing in front of the baby.” I go to the door and give the guy a tip, and the apartment immediately fills with the scent. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until Lennon brings plates to the table, and we begin eating.

  “How was work?” she asks, holding the crust so the toppings don’t slide off.

  I let out a huff. “Fine. Saw Jenna today.”

  Lennon stops chewing and furrows her brows. “Why?”

  “Trust me, not by choice.” I explain what happened, and I’m pretty sure I can see her pulse throbbing in her neck. “Doesn’t she know how to take a hint?”

  “No,” I say, wanting to change the subject because it’s still touchy. I don’t tell her about the threats she spewed either. The last thing Lennon needs is more stress added to her plate. Whatever Jenna thinks she knows, I’m not going to give in to her hissy fit. “I just don’t want her to think she can show up here or anywhere I’m at again. It’s annoying.”

  Lennon sighs, and I watch her close up. “Yeah.”

  We finish eating in silence, and I think about everything that’s happened over the past few months. We’ve continued to eat together each night, and I’ve tried to keep up with the apartment. Lately, Lennon has been getting fatigued really easily, so I do as much as I possibly can. There have been several times I’ve wanted to kiss her or bring up how I feel again, but it’s easier, for now, to pretend I never said anything. I’ve allowed her to take the lead on us because that night, things changed, though she’d deny it if I called her out. I’m pretty sure I’ve been friend-zoned, and that’s okay because I’m not giving up hope. If that’s all I can ever be, I’ll be forced to accept it, though I don’t think she even realizes how she sends me mixed signals all the time.

  After we’ve finished eating, I put the remaining pizza in the fridge. Lennon’s phone rings, and when she answers it, I know it’s one of her sisters by how excited she sounds. The further along Lennon gets, the closer they grow, and I love how supportive they both are. Lennon looks over at me, and I whisper that I’m going to take a shower, and she gives me a thumbs-up.

  My shoulders are tight, and I stand under the hot water, hoping it relieves some of the stress. After seeing Jenna today, I’ve been on edge. She’s determined to make my life hell until I can prove I’m not the father of her baby. It’ll be hung over my head until the day he’s born, and I know, just by her threats alone, it’s not the last I’ll see of her.

  Once I’ve scrubbed the day from my body, I step out, wrap a towel around my waist, then walk to my bedroom. As soon as I enter, I turn and see Lennon behind me. Somehow, I hang onto my towel, though she startled the fuck out of me.

  “Shit,” I whisper, not expecting her to be there.

  “Sophie wants me to go grocery shopping with her tomorrow. Anything you want me to add to the list?” Lennon looks at me from head to toe; her eyes linger on my chest and then slide lower. I’ve been doing most of the grocery shopping, but Sophie likes to have Lennon join her often. It’s a way for them to bond, and then she doesn’t have to go alone.

  I chuckle as she continues to stare while she bites her lip. It’s moments like this when I know she feels exactly the same as I do but refuses to admit it. And I won’t force the issue.

  “I’m gawking, aren’t I? Sorry.” A blush hits her cheeks, and she covers her face with her hands.

  “I’m gonna get dressed now,” I tease, and she quickly turns around and walks out of my room. Sometimes, she’s so fucking adorable, and the thought of her being embarrassed has me grinning. If she wanted me, I’d give her every fucking inch. All she’d have to do is ask. Guilt be damned.

  I slip on some clothes and go into the living room and grab the plastic outlet protectors I purchased to put throughout the apartment. Sitting on the couch with her feet propped up, Lennon starts giggling.

  “What are you doing?” she asks as I go along the walls and plug each open socket.

  I look over my shoulder and grin at her. “Baby proofing the apartment since she’ll be here before we know it.”

  Lennon continues to laugh. “For the first six months, all she’s going to do is eat, poop, and sleep.”

  “And people always talk about how their kids grow up too fast. So she’ll essentially be driving in a few months.” I stand and glance over to catch her r
olling her head on her shoulders. “Your back hurt again?” Lately, she hasn’t been able to get comfortable.

  “It’s the worst. If I sit too long or stand too long, it makes my back so sore,” she admits.

  I sit next to her on the couch. “I’m gonna schedule you one of those prenatal massages. I’ve heard they help a lot.”

  She leans her head back on the couch. “At this point, I need more than just my back rubbed.” Lennon closes her eyes tight. “Ignore me. Seriously. I don’t know what my deal is today.”

  It’s called sexual frustration, but I don’t dare say that. It’s not the first time she’s hinted about sex, and I’m sure she’d feel better if she found some sort of relief. I think about the toy she has in her room and find myself growing hard at the thought of her using it. Imagining her mouth falling open as she releases soft moans has me wanting to take another shower.

  Fuck me.

  I quickly adjust myself because I’m hard as a rock. Standing, I force the thoughts of her naked body out of my head, and I hope she doesn’t notice my dick.

  “I think I’m going to go to bed,” I tell her, fake yawning.

  She nods and agrees she’s tired too. Lennon goes into her room, and I walk into mine. Crawling under the sheets, I grab my cock and stroke myself as I think about her. I’d give her everything she could ever need. I’d take it slow, kissing and sucking her supple nipples, being as careful as I can, making sure she’s completely satisfied. I’d make love to her all night, taking my time until she begs me to fuck her. It doesn’t take long before the orgasm rocks through me, taking full control, and I let out a muffled grunt that I hope she doesn’t hear. Considering the walls are paper thin, I’m sure she did. After I clean up, I lie back in bed and wonder if she’s thinking of me when she touches herself. The thought alone has me growing hard all over again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Hunter’s grunts and groans from his room cause heat to build between my legs. Hell, those are the hottest sounds I’ve ever heard. I close my eyes and picture him touching himself, and then rub my thighs together to relieve the ache building inside.

  Reaching for my vibrator, I imagine him on his bed, slipping into his shorts and stroking his hard cock. I angle the top of the toy over my clit, and as soon as it comes alive, I desperately search for my release. I think of Hunter in his room doing the same, throwing his head back when he comes, and wonder if he thinks of me while he pleasures himself.

  The guilt creeps in again, just like it always does when my thoughts about Hunter turn inappropriate. After our time in Utah and these past six months, I don’t know that I have any energy left to fuel the remorse.

  As I push those thoughts away, I focus on my body and think of Hunter next to me—watching me, touching me, fucking me. With my belly, I can’t get the angle right, but I say fuck it and try anyway. The handle on the wand isn’t long enough, so I grab a pillow, stuff it under my ass, and angle my hips to push my pussy higher.

  I will Macgyver my way to an orgasm if I have to.

  With my legs parted, I bend my knees and close my eyes. Focusing on reaching my climax, it builds higher, growing more intense as I arch my hips into the vibrator. I increase the speed, and soon, I’m screaming into my pillow, not worrying or thinking about the fact Hunter is on the other side of the wall.

  It’s not the best I’ve ever had, but until I have this baby and can find my own vagina again, it’s gonna have to get me through.

  Sigh. Vibrator dick has nothing on real dick.

  It’s been two weeks since Jenna’s surprise visit to Hunter’s work. He tells me not to worry, and I’m trying not to, but until it’s proven with a paternity test and resolved, it’ll always be in the back of my mind. The closer I get to my due date, the more anxious I get.

  I can’t believe Halloween is tomorrow. Hunter and I bought loads of candy to hand out to the kids who live in the apartment complex. Last year, it was crazy, so I’m hoping we have enough to last the entire time.

  I’m thirty-two weeks pregnant, and the baby will be here in a blink, so I’ve been trying to use my spare time to prepare. Work has been great so far with no major problems, and many of my colleagues are excited about the arrival of the baby, but it could be because winter break is around the same time. I’ve been counting down and can’t wait to meet my little miracle.

  After work, I sit on the couch and prop up my feet because they’ve been swelling more than usual lately. Standing most of the day isn’t doing me any favors, and though I try to sit when I can, it’s not comparable to having them elevated. I’m so tired, I nearly fall asleep, but when I hear the door swing open, I pop up with a grin. As soon as Hunter walks in, he goes to take a shower, and I start pulling items from the fridge for burgers. On Fridays, we typically order out, but tonight, I volunteered to cook because he’s been doing so much for me. Each room has been completely baby-proofed from top to bottom; hell, it’s even adult proof at this point.

  Just as I put hamburger meat in a skillet, Hunter walks into the kitchen wearing a pair of shorts that hang off his hips and a shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. I try to force myself to focus on the food, but he catches me stealing glances and smirks.

  “Damn, I’m hungry,” he groans, leaning over the skillet, taking in the scent of the sizzling meat. His arm brushes against mine, causing goose bumps to form along my skin.

  “Me too,” I admit as my stomach grumbles, but I want more than just the food. He shifts on his feet as his eyes meet mine, and I shamelessly enjoy his closeness. He lingers for a moment longer, allowing me to soak in the scent of fresh soap on his body. Hunter asks how my day was, and before I can say anything, I hear a knock on the door.

  Hunter looks at me. “Expecting someone?”

  “Maybe Sophie finally ordered me a male stripper or gigolo,” I half-joke, then shrug.

  “I wouldn’t put it past her,” he tells me with a chuckle, then goes to answer it. The first person who comes to mind is Jenna. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past her.

  By the tone of Hunter’s voice, I know it’s not. I hear him laugh nervously, and then I recognize a voice that has my stomach in knots.

  “Wifey, look who came to visit us,” Hunter says with eyes as wide as saucers as my mother peers around him.

  “Mom!” I force out, searching her face as she walks toward me. I wipe my hands on a dish towel before she pulls me into a hug.

  “What a surprise!” I squeal, hoping she doesn’t feel how tense I am. “What are you doing here?” I keep my tone light, though I’m silently losing my freaking mind. My mother is here, standing in my kitchen. What the actual fuck?

  She grins, stepping back into the dining room and glances around the apartment. I feel so exposed and vulnerable right now. “Just wanted to visit the happily married couple and see how everything’s going.”

  I’m speechless, but I need to find words now instead of later. Too many thoughts stream through my mind as my heart rapidly churns in my chest. I remind myself that Hunter and I are married, and we’re having a baby. I put on a fake smile and hope she doesn’t see straight through it.

  “Well, you’re just in time for dinner, Mrs. Corrigan. Hope you’re hungry. Smells good, sweetheart.” Hunter leans over and places a chaste kiss on my lips. It’s supposed to be sweet and simple, but it has my emotions bubbling to the surface. I desperately want more of him, and when we pull away, I’m completely breathless. A meaningless fake kiss isn’t supposed to do that. I tuck my lips inside my mouth, and my mother’s eyes meet mine as she sits at the table.

  “I’ve been following your Instagram. Everyone loves the updates so much,” she states, but her words have an underlying meaning.

  Hunter distracts her while I finish dinner by talking about the last few doctor’s appointments and the things we’ve been doing to prepare for the baby. He explains the baby proofing and shopping for things he never would’ve thought of before now. Tho
ugh he seems to be enjoying himself, I interrupt their conversation to give him a much-needed break to take a breath because he’s been talking for nearly five minutes straight.

  “Hungry, Mom? I’ve made plenty,” I ask, pulling the ketchup and mustard from the fridge.

  “Sure,” she tells me, and I make her a plate too. I’m stalling, but all I can think about is how she’ll want to see the nursery and a tour of the apartment, and when she sees we’re sleeping in different rooms, our entire façade will be destroyed. Showing up here unannounced is not what I expected and never planned for. The thought of losing my parents, everything I tried so hard to keep and protect, guts me. I could think of more lies, more cover-ups to help the story, but I’m already in so deep. The thought is exhausting.

  Hunter comes into the kitchen to help me carry everything to the table.

  “Relax,” he whispers in my ear, and I take a deep breath. My body feels like it’s burning from the inside out because I know we’re going to get caught. There’s no getting out of it, not with her sitting at my dining room table. I glance down and realize I’m not even wearing my wedding ring. At least I can blame it on my swollen fingers, but what’s Hunter’s excuse?

  “What would you like to drink? We’ve got water, milk, cranberry juice, and orange juice,” I ask.


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