Baby Yours

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Baby Yours Page 15

by Kennedy Fox

  “Water’s fine,” she says politely.

  I hand her a bottle, then sit in the chair next to Hunter, and we begin to eat. Mom chats about the flight over, and I try to keep food in my mouth so I don’t have to talk. Hunter gives her his boyish grin and occasionally shoots me a wink. He’s such a natural at this; at pretending to be my husband. I hate that he has to do this, especially after knowing his true feelings for me. I give him an apologetic look, a half-smile so he knows how appreciative I am. He shakes his head as if it’s no big deal, but it’s a really big fucking deal to me. He’s constantly saving my ass.

  I’ve devoured half of my food and barely said a word. I’m still trying to get my thoughts together when my mother sets her napkin down on her empty plate.

  “Lennon,” she says, meeting my eyes. “I know the truth.”

  My face wrinkles, and for a second, I feel like I’m dreaming.

  “What?” I ask, making sure I heard her right. I look at Hunter and then back at her.

  “I know you two aren’t really married, so you don’t have to keep pretending for my sake.” She says it so nonchalantly that I nearly check my pulse. Instead, my mouth falls open.

  “Mom…” I pause, my heart pounding hard with guilt. “How?”

  “An anonymous birdie told me, called the church after Sunday service. Luckily, I answered the phone before your father had a chance.” She gives me a pointed look, but I’m confused as hell to who she’s referring to. The only people who knew were my sisters, but as soon as I glance at Hunter and his expression hardens, I have another idea of who could’ve run their mouth.

  “I don’t know what you think you know, but…” I start, but she waves a hand in the air and cuts me off.

  “I’m not stupid enough to just take a stranger’s word for it. I’ve done my due diligence, Lennon, and checked for myself. Marriage records are public in the state of Nevada, and I searched for yours and Hunter’s but came up empty. So I called Clark County and asked if I was doing something wrong, and the clerk told me they had no records of a Hunter Manning and Lennon Corrigan.”

  Fuck my life.

  Silence draws on as she gives me a disappointed look, and this time, Hunter can’t save me with his effortless banter and boyish grin. This time, I’m going to have to face the lies I’ve told.

  “You’re right, Mom. We aren’t married,” I admit, and a weight lifts off my chest even if this whole situation is painful. I feel like a kid getting caught stealing from the cookie jar. “I’m sorry I lied.”

  She lets out a sigh, not accepting my apology but not dismissing it either. “Now, I’ve been trying to understand why you would lie about getting married, but it must be the obvious. You and Hunter are having a baby out of wedlock and—”

  “No.” I refuse to allow the lies to continue any further. “It’s not Hunter’s baby.”

  Her face contorts, and then I think I see sadness flicker in her eyes, sadness for Hunter or me—maybe both. “Oh.”

  “Mrs. Corrigan,” Hunter intervenes. “I apologize for lying to you and your husband. It was never our intention to hurt you. Brandon’s the dad, and it’s been really hard for Lennon to deal with, considering he’s no longer with us. Pretending to be married was one hundred percent my idea. Lennon loves you both so much and didn’t want to lose you after already losing Brandon. So we came up with a plan and lied. I hope you can understand why we felt we had to.”

  My throat burns from the unshed tears I refuse to release at the mention of Brandon. Not only did I drag Hunter into this, but now my mother is probably going to lose her shit.

  My mom looks back and forth between Hunter and me with a frown on her face. “I’m sorry, Lennon,” she says genuinely. “I’m sorry you don’t have Brandon here anymore, but you do know all actions have consequences.” Her tone went from soft to firm in two seconds flat, not that I should really be that surprised.

  “I don’t want to hear the talk right now. We’re past that.” My tone is harsh, but she deserves it. The last thing I need is sex to be thrown in my face and for me to be made to feel like the villain when I’m so damn thrilled about being a mother.

  “What’s done is done, Lennon. I can see that.” Her eyes glance down at my stomach. “I understand why you felt like you had to lie, but now it’s time to handle things correctly. I can tell by how you two acted in Utah and by your photos that you have mutual feelings for each other. Love like that can’t be faked.” She looks back and forth between us while my heart stops beating altogether.


  “Don’t worry. I’m not planning to discuss this with your father. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. But the lie is already out there, so before more people find out the truth and feel as if they were scammed by you, I’d suggest you make it right.”

  Make it right? What the hell does that mean?

  Before I lose my cool, I stand and clear the table since we’re all finished eating. The apartment is small, and there’s not nearly enough space to disappear like I wish I could. I walk into the kitchen, hoping to find some sort of clarity and gain control of my emotions. She’s pushing my limits, and I don’t want to say something I’ll regret. While I don’t want to lose her or my father, it seems inevitable at this point.

  “Lennon…” Hunter comes into the kitchen, whispering my name. “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” I look at him confused, rinsing the plates in the sink. “This isn’t your fault.”

  He brushes a hand through his hair, looking down at his feet before his gaze finally meets mine. “It is. I should’ve told you, but I didn’t wanna freak you out or make you more stressed.”

  Considering my mother is at the table and she’s only ten feet away, Hunter stands close to me, his breath whispering against my cheek. This situation is so awkward, and I hate that he’s stuck in the middle of it.

  “Told me what?” I ask, keeping the water running so she doesn’t overhear.

  “The day Jenna came to my work, she threatened to leak our secret.”

  “What?” I whisper-shout. “How’d she know?”

  He shrugs. “You can find almost anything on the internet, Lennon. She’s a nurse and probably hacked into your medical records to find your family history, due date, and personal info. Hell, I don’t know. Maybe she put two and two together. Probably found your Instagram or even stalked us. For all we know, she’s crazy. I’m just speculating here, but regardless, she found out and has to be the ‘anonymous’ tip.”

  I’m seething. My blood is boiling, and my heart racing as I try to think of a hundred ways to get away with murdering her. Temporary insanity? Could use the hormonal card maybe.

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” I murmur sarcastically. Though I understand why he didn’t say anything sooner, it would’ve been nice to get ahead of this and prepare for the possibility instead of being blindsided. Jenna clearly has it out for Hunter and dragged me through the mud to make her point.

  She’s not going to let him go that easily.

  “Mom, do you want some coffee?” I ask, turning off the water and looking around Hunter with the fakest smile I can muster.

  “Yes, I’d love one, but we still need to talk about this, Lennon.” There’s a bite in her tone, and I don’t know how I’m going to get through this conversation.

  Too bad I can’t drink right now.

  I make her a cup, then bring it over to her. Hunter follows, and we both sit. My throat swells up, wanting to get this over with as soon as fucking possible.

  My mother blows on her coffee, and I wait until she takes a sip before speaking up again. “So, Mom. How are you suggesting I ‘make it right’?”

  She smiles over the porcelain brim. “Isn’t it obvious? By getting married. For real.”

  My brows rise to my hairline as I look over at Hunter who doesn’t react at all. His thoughts must be all over the place too, but whatever he’s thinking, he’s not making it noticeable to me. Turning my gaze back to my
mom, I glare at her as if she’s lost her mind. She’s gone too far this time.

  “That’s not happening,” I tell her flatly so she knows I won’t even entertain her ludicrous idea.

  She continues as if I hadn’t spoken at all. “It’s really easy to cover up actually. All we have to do is say there was an issue with the paperwork, and it had to be re-filed. A rushed job and missing signature, which explains the date change.” The smile on her lips tells me she’s been through this before and quite proud of it, too.

  “It’s another lie,” I hiss. “Not too mention, Hunter and I aren’t together. This isn’t his baby. He was doing me a favor.” The words come out like venom, and I can feel Hunter’s eyes glued to the side of my head. Saying them aloud is another reminder of how things can’t be between us.

  “The last thing your father needs is a scandal, Lennon. I don’t condone lying, but in this case, it seems like your only option. If you do this, it fixes everything. It negates the lie, and your father doesn’t have to know you slept in a room with a man who wasn’t your husband—under our roof—which is extremely disrespectful. He doesn’t have to know you live with the same man you aren’t married to.” She pins me with her eyes as if that’ll magically make me obey. I lock my jaw so I don’t say what’s really going through my mind. “You’re in really deep right now, Lennon, and while I believe in forgiveness, you’ve broken my trust. You don’t want to break your father’s. If he finds out you orchestrated this in front of him, me, and the church members, I’m not sure things will ever be the same, and what you feared the most—losing us and your family—could very much be your reality.”

  The air is too thick to breathe, and I feel as if I’m drowning until I look at Hunter, until I realize what my mother is actually suggesting. Forcing him to marry me to appease her is bullshit, and I won’t sit idly by and allow her to play puppet master with my life anymore.

  “No,” I simply say, finding my courage. “It’s not happening and is completely out of the question.”

  “Lennon…” Hunter says my name so softly, but this isn’t his battle to fight. I got us into this, and I’ll deal with it now—the right way.

  “With all due respect, Mother, my answer is no. Ever since I was a child, all you’ve ever done was dictate my life. I followed your strict rules and ridiculous standards, always eager to make you and Dad proud. I had very few close friends and got made fun of all the time for being the preacher’s Goody-Two-shoes daughter. There were times I felt I’d never be good enough when all I ever wanted was to make you two happy.” I throw my arms up into the air and let them smack back down, frustrated and finally releasing the way I’ve felt for years. “What did it do for me in life? Nothing. Because here we are, and you’re looking at me like I’m a huge disappointment. Doing exactly what you want me to do, what you expect me to do isn’t happening anymore, Mother. I love you both so much, but this is my life. Not yours. Not Dad’s. Demanding we get married for the sake of old traditional values isn’t fair to Hunter, and it’s sure as hell not fair to me.”

  She scoffs. “You’re overreacting, Lennon. You aren’t thinking clearly.”

  “No, Mom. I’m thinking clearly for the first time when it comes to your demands. If you and Dad no longer want to be in my life or be in your granddaughter’s life, then that’s on you. That’s something you’ll be forced to live with for the rest of your lives. I’m going to be a single mother soon, and my sole responsibility will be to protect my child. What you’re essentially asking me to do is total bullshit, and I’m not going to do it so you look good to the church. I don’t care what they think about me. I no longer care what you think about me either. So if you flew all this way to give me ultimatums, then you can leave.” Years of frustration spew and I’m shocked I actually had the balls to say what I feel. For once, I’m glad to be hormonal and not accepting her shit.

  I glance at Hunter, and he looks uncomfortable and shocked but gives me a head nod, agreeing with everything I just said.

  When I look at my mom, I can tell she’s not happy with me. She looks downright furious. “That’s how you really feel?”

  There are two sides to my mother. The one Hunter met, who was sweet as pie, kind, and accepting. And then there’s this one—critical, judgy, and condemning. I’ve ignored it, refused to believe she could be this way, but things are clear as day now.

  “I am not continuing the perpetual lie. I refuse. As you said, all actions have consequences, and I’ll happily face mine. The baby is Brandon’s. I’m not married to Hunter. My baby isn’t coming into a world based on lies so everyone else feels better about my situation. It’s my life, and I’ll do what I please going forward. And either you’ll be there to support me and the baby, or you won’t. I can’t force you to do anything just like you can’t force me. Not anymore.” I shake my head at her, licking my lips that are suddenly dry.

  “Excuse me one moment.” Hunter slides his chair out, and I watch as he walks to the hallway. I hear the bathroom door shut, knowing he’s purposely giving us privacy, which is the last thing I want right now. When there’s an audience, she’s forced to be on her best behavior because appearance is everything.

  “Young lady,” she hisses. “Remember you’re the one who got yourself into this predicament. You’re the one who had sex before marriage, who ended up pregnant, and decided to lie to me, your dad, and the congregation about being married to a man who’s not even the father of your baby. You live in an apartment with him as well, which I’ve also discovered Brandon lived here too. The internet is powerful, and all of your lies can easily be uncovered, Lennon. What I’m asking you to do is make it right, to do what your heart is telling you to do anyway. The way you look at each other, there’s nothing fake about it. Nothing. He looks at you like you’re his entire world, and I see it in your eyes too. Now, you can deny it. You can say it’s not true or whatever you need to because you’re emotionally unstable, but that relationship you two portrayed, everyone believed. I know everything he said to me and your father was coming from his heart, and that he’d take care of you and the baby in a heartbeat. He loves you, Lennon. And you know what? You love him too.”

  I don’t have the energy to deny her allegations or try to make sense of how she can possibly know all that even before I did, so I don’t argue it. She grins and takes a sip of her coffee, but I know this is far from over.

  I lower my voice so Hunter doesn’t overhear. “I will deal with that in my own time when I’m ready,” I snap, tired of everyone telling me how I feel and what I need to do about it. This baby is my only priority right now. Hunter and I will handle everything else when the timing is right.

  “You were lucky enough to find love once in your life, Lennon. Don’t let the second time slip through your fingers. All I’m asking is for you to think about it.”

  Her words rip straight through me. I let out a ragged breath as she finishes her cup of coffee in silence. Once she’s done, she stands and places the cup in the sink.

  “Thanks for dinner and the lovely conversation.” She grabs her purse and walks to the door, not giving me a second glance or a goodbye before leaving.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It’s been three weeks since Lennon’s mom popped in unexpectedly. There was so much I wanted to say, to do, but I knew Lennon needed to speak her mind. As much as I always want to protect her, she needed to handle this.

  I was so proud of the way she stood up for herself. It was a long time coming, I knew that, but I know Lennon well enough to see how it’s affecting her. All she’s ever wanted is a family and for her parents to support her and be proud of her. From the stories she and her sisters have told, they grew up super close, not always agreeing with their overbearing parents’ rules but loving them nevertheless.

  Lennon waits every day for a call from her parents, and each night when it doesn’t come, I know she’s disappointed. She doesn’t want to admit it, but I know it weighs on her. Howev
er, today is a special day, and I want to do everything I can to cheer her up.

  “You ready, Baby Mama?” I tease as I peek into the bathroom where she’s still messing with her hair.

  “Just about, Big Papa.”

  I snort at the random nickname. “That’s a new one.”

  “Hey, you started it with One Hump Llama.” She glares at me through the mirror.

  Unable to hide my smile, I laugh and shrug. “Still funny.”

  Lennon rolls her eyes, then unplugs her curling iron. “You’re worse than Maddie.”

  “But you’re a cute llama. Can’t even tell you’re pregnant from this view.” I scan my eyes down to her ass, which is still luscious as ever.

  Lennon clears her throat, forcing my attention back up before she turns and faces me. “I’m not carrying her down there.” She crosses her arms, which rest on top of her bump.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I purse my lips, then lean back on my heels. “Time to go, or we’ll be late.”

  Lennon sings to the radio as I drive us to the hospital for a tour of the labor and delivery ward. I’m not quite sure we need to spend an hour to see it all before she delivers, but Lennon insisted, so here we are.

  Once we’re signed in, we head to the fourth floor and meet with a few other couples also taking the tour. I already know they’re assuming we’re a happy couple, and when one woman asks when we’re expecting, neither of us bothers correcting her.

  “December twenty-third,” Lennon says.

  “Oh you two must be so excited for a Christmas baby!”

  I wrap my arm around Lennon and pull her into my side. “We sure are,” I answer.

  Lennon looks up at me with a curious smile. I flash her a wink, and she relaxes against me.

  A woman named Jessie introduces herself and explains how the tour will work, and if we have any questions, now is the time to ask. She talks about birth plans and how having them set up with the doctor before going into labor can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby. Even if the plans don’t go as expected, it’s good to know the options.


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