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Baby Yours

Page 21

by Kennedy Fox

  “I feel my heart pounding,” I admit. “Like it’ll burst right out of my chest.”

  Hunter looks a bit surprised by that response, then looks down as if he’s looking directly into my soul. “It’s exactly how I’ve felt since you came to the bar that night, asking for a drink, taunting me with your gorgeous blue eyes. Nothing’s changed for me, Lennon. I just had to get better at disguising it.”

  “You mean being an asshole,” I correct him.

  “Would you rather I said something that night I found you bent over in my kitchen?” His brow perks up.

  “No, I guess not.” I already feel guilty enough for him having to go through that. Though we’ve already talked about it, part of me wonders what would’ve happened had I stayed with Hunter that night and waited for him.

  Would we have been here three years later?

  We’ll never know.

  “If you want to kiss me, you’re gonna have to be the one to initiate it this time, Lennon,” he tells me with confidence. When I don’t move or speak, he continues. “What am I to you?”

  I flash a small smile. “You’re my best friend. The person I trust more than anyone. The person I can’t see my life without…”

  Hunter leans in, closing the gap between us just enough so our lips aren’t quite touching. My eyes flutter closed as I wait for his next move.

  “Kiss me, Lennon,” he roughly demands on a whisper. “Kiss me for real this time.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Just when I’m certain she’s backing out, Lennon closes the small gap between us, grabs my face, then presses her mouth to mine.

  Thank fucking God.

  Honestly, I was two seconds away from dropping to my knees and begging her to kiss me. I’ve been deprived of her lips for too damn long, starving for them.

  Lennon grabs my shirt and pulls me closer, fisting her fingers around the fabric, and when she slides her tongue against mine, I lose all my restraint. I wrap my hand around her neck and sink into her, deepening the kiss as our bodies do all the talking.

  Holy shit.

  Lennon wants this just as badly as I do. Finally.

  She pulls me on top of her, eagerly fingering the buttons on my shirt, and when I lean to one side, our mouths part just long enough for me to take it off. I quickly rip off my undershirt too.

  We crash together on the bed. Lennon’s leg wraps around my hip as I devour her mouth the way I’ve imagined for the past three years.

  “Fuck, Lennon,” I hiss against her when I move my lips down her neck. Then she arches her hips, meeting the hard-on that can’t be missed. “Are you sure about this?” I kiss my way back up to her mouth and pause. “I don’t think I can go back to being your platonic best friend who loves watching Friends and pretends to understand pineapple on pizza anymore.” I blurt out Hayden’s taunting words, of what he’s mocked me for the past year.

  She laughs, and the sexiest blush hits her cheeks. “I can live with that on one condition.”

  I pull back just enough to look into her eyes. “Name it.”

  She bites down on her bottom lip as if she’s too nervous to say. “You admit that Ross and Rachel were, in fact, not broken up.” The way she keeps a straight face has me laughing—shoulders shaking, head falling back laughing.

  “You, Lennon Corrigan, are impossible.” I release a dramatic sigh. “But for you, I’m willing to do just about anything. So here goes…” I clear my throat as if I’m about to make the most important announcement of my life. “They were not on a break, and the bastard cheated on the hottest actress in Hollywood.”

  Lennon cracks the tiniest of smiles. “That’s not exactly what I said, especially the hottest part, but I’m willing to accept it.”

  I look up at the ceiling. “Thank you, God.”

  Lennon giggles, and I pull her lips back to mine. It’s hard to be without them knowing how amazing she tastes and how perfect our mouths mold together.

  She pulls back with an odd expression, which gives me a mild panic attack before she grins. “Actually, can you excuse me for a second? I need to go to the bathroom first.”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  She slides out, and that’s when I notice she’s only wearing a T-shirt and the bottom of her ass cheeks are hanging out.

  And the willpower it took not to haul her back to bed should be considered admirable.

  Lennon looks over her shoulder as if she knew I’d be staring.

  “Don’t start without me now.” The seduction in her voice has me groaning in agony.

  As soon as I hear the bathroom door shut, my mind wanders like crazy. Is this really happening? Has she finally decided to give us a chance?

  After ten minutes, I start to worry she’s changed her mind.

  Another five go by and that’s when I tap my knuckles on the wood. “Lennon?”

  I hear some commotion and what sounds like Lennon scrambling. “One sec.”

  “Everything okay in there?” When she doesn’t answer, my heart races. “Lennon, open the door.”

  I know her well enough to know she’s panicking. With my hand on the knob, I slowly turn it, and she finally opens the door.

  She peeks her head out. “Hey. Sorry. I just need a minute.”

  I narrow my eyes, trying to read her. Part of me wonders if it has to do with being cleared for sexual activity, but then I remember she had her six-week postpartum appointment a few days ago because I stayed home and watched Allie for her.

  “Are you okay? You know nothing has to happen tonight, Lennon. I hope you know by now that—”

  “It’s not that,” she cuts me off, then looks away as if she’s embarrassed to elaborate.

  I tilt her chin until her eyes meet mine again. “What is it? Tell me, please.”

  She releases a short breath, then opens the door wider. “I haven’t shaved in a month.”

  I hold back a laugh, trying to be sensitive, but honestly, I wasn’t expecting that answer.

  “So you’re not internally freaking out about us right now?” I ask, studying her.

  “Well, yes. But I’m also just self-conscious about my body and what you’ll see.” There’s a faint blush on her cheeks, and I hate that she feels this way.

  “Why would you ever worry about that? I saw you give birth, remember?” I say teasingly.

  “Hunter!” She playfully swats at me, and I catch her wrist, then pull her closer until she’s pressed against my chest.

  “You are beautiful,” I tell her slowly.

  Her shoulders fall as she sighs. “You deserve perfection. My stomach looks like lumpy mashed potatoes. My boobs are leaky sandbags. I still have baby weight to lose. My thighs kiss when I walk. My vagina is probably ruined. Not to mention, the stretch marks. They’re hideous.” Her eyes are so sad and serious; I’d do anything to make her feel as gorgeous as I see her every day.

  “I know for a fact that’s not true,” I say, my thumb gripping her chin. “But even if it were, I’d love every lump, stretch mark, imperfection, and more because you birthed a beautiful baby girl, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She swallows, then nods. “Okay.”

  Her eyes scan down my bare chest as she sucks in a breath. “This would be much easier if you were covered in warts or something.”

  Laughing, I release my hold on her. When she reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it off, revealing herself to me, I’m almost too shocked to breathe. She’s in a sexy pair of panties and a bra that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.

  “Christ, Lennon,” I growl, biting down on my lower lip to hold myself back. “I want to fucking devour you.”

  “Yes.” Her eyes light up as she nods.

  I lower my mouth to hers, then stop just as our lips brush. “But first…” I pause, putting more space between us. “I need to hear you say it.”

  “Say what?” she asks just above a whisper.

  “How much you want me, this—us.
I need to hear you say it because, after all this time, I have to know for sure you want it as much as I do,” I tell her.

  She smiles. “Okay, fair enough,” she says, then straightens her spine. “Hunter Manning, I can’t pinpoint the exact moment my feelings changed for you or when they started to really shift because it happened over time. I didn’t even realize I was fighting the way I felt. I thought I could happily live like this, be your friend, and have you all to myself. But that was a lie because the thought of losing you, seeing you with another woman, and watching her touch you made me want to vomit. It took a lot to finally come to terms with these feelings, but make no mistake…” Her chest rises and falls quickly, my heart pounding so hard she can probably hear it. “I am ridiculously, madly, desperately in love with you. And I want you. If you’ll have me, I. Want. You.”

  Fuck. I’m two seconds away from getting on my knees to thank the big guy above. Never in a million years did I think Lennon would say those words to me.

  I smirk, loving how vulnerable and raw she’s being with me.

  “Now...was that so hard?” Deciding to mess with her, I look at my wrist as if I’m checking my watch and smile. “I mean, about damn time, woman.”

  Lennon shakes her head and bursts out laughing, the sound going straight to my dick but easing all of my nerves. God, I want her so damn badly.

  Fuck it.

  I cup her face, pull her lips to mine, and devour her mouth. This kiss is the most real kiss I’ve ever had—no doubts, no questions, no insecurities.

  My cock presses into her stomach, and the more she rubs against me, the harder it gets. I want Lennon more than I want air, but shit.

  When I pull back, our heavy breathing sounds between us as I lean my forehead against her.

  “There’s one little problem,” I murmur, arching my hips.

  Lennon looks down, knowing exactly what I’m talking about. “I wouldn’t say it’s little…”

  That causes me to laugh. “Um, thanks? But I was talking about condoms. I-I don’t have any,” I say cautiously. “I tossed them out months ago and really didn’t think I’d need them anytime soon.”

  “Oh,” she says, finally realizing what I’m saying. “Have you always used a condom?”

  “Always. No exceptions,” I tell her honestly.

  “Okay, well...your odds of having kids are low, and I got tested after I found out my ex cheated on me. They also took a thousand blood samples during my pregnancy to test for everything under the sun.” I know she started dating Brandon after that and has only had two sexual partners. “Which were all negative for any diseases,” she quickly adds.

  I chuckle. “Good.” Brushing her hair off her face, I smile at her beauty. “Because I don’t want anything between us.”

  “Agreed,” she says. We look into each other’s eyes with stupid grins on our faces. “Are you gonna kiss me now?”

  Smirking, I nod. “I think I might.”

  I bring our mouths together, slide my hands down to her ass, then grip the back of her thighs. Picking her up, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I moan into her mouth as she rocks herself against my hard cock.

  “Goddamn, don’t do that,” I mutter against her lips. “You’re already driving me fucking crazy.”

  She giggles, not obeying, and when I walk us back into her room, I collapse on the bed with her underneath me.

  “I should make you pay for that,” I growl with a wink. “Lie in the middle of the bed for me.”

  This time, she listens, and as soon as she’s comfortable, she leans back and smiles up at me. “Now what, Manning?”

  “Ooh, I’ve always loved that sassy mouth of yours.” I crawl over her, keeping myself up on my hands so I don’t crush her. “Tell me every part of your body that you don’t like or feel insecure about and let me prove you wrong.”

  Lennon bites down on her lower lip as if she’s nervous to say.

  “Your stomach? Stretch marks?” I inquire.

  She nods.

  I flash her a wink, then lower my mouth to her chest. Kissing between her breasts over her bra, I make my way down to her stomach and lick over one of her faint stretch marks. Then I feather kisses over the other ones, around her belly button, and all the way down until I meet her panties. Quickly looking up, I see her chest heaving as her lips part in anticipation.

  “Where else?” I ask, keeping my gaze on her.

  “My boobs,” she answers.

  She’s not wearing a nursing bra tonight, which I’m grateful for because honestly when I saw it air drying in the bathroom the first time, it looked confusing as hell.

  Because I can’t keep my mouth off her soft skin, I kiss my way back up her body until I land on the pale flesh of her breast. I pull one of the cups down slightly until she’s exposed. When I blow cold air over her rosy nipple, and it hardens, I hear Lennon’s breath hitch.

  “Is this okay?” I ask, worried she’s too uncomfortable. I’ve seen her feed the baby dozens of times, but I’ve always respected her privacy enough not to look directly at her chest.

  “Yes,” she says with a whispered gasp. “Keep going.”

  I smile at her encouragement, then wrap my lips around her nipple. Lennon arches her back, and I pull the fabric of her bra down even more and palm her breast.

  “Fucking hell, Lennon,” I growl before flattening my tongue against her breast, licking and kissing every inch. Her breathing picks up, and I know she’s just as affected as I am. I move my mouth to her other breast, pulling the cup down and giving it equal attention.

  “I wouldn’t squeeze too hard,” Lennon says with a quiet chuckle, and when I taunt her and do it anyway, she shakes her head at me. “You’ve been warned.”

  “And when have you ever known me to follow the rules?” I tease.

  “You’re a notorious rule breaker,” she states. “Should’ve known the second I said that, you’d do the exact opposite.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll handle them with care.” I wink, then kiss her breast once more before putting the cups of her bra back in place.

  I bring my lips to hers for a quick kiss. “You’re driving me insane,” she admits.

  “I’m not anywhere near done with you, sweetheart.” I smirk. “Tell me where else.”

  “My thighs,” she answers, and I have her spread her legs for me. She obliges, keeping them on each side of my body, and seeing her like this has my dick groaning in agony.

  I grab one of her legs and kiss up her thigh toward her pussy. Making sure to stay away from the temptation zone, I move to the next leg and do the same. Lennon’s moaning encourages me to tease and torture the hell out of her the way she’s involuntarily done to me for years.

  “Hunter…” She releases my name on a long-drawn-out moan.

  I drag my lips along the flesh of her thigh before capturing it between my teeth, giving it a little bite, and then I kiss it. Lennon arches her hips as her fingers fist the blanket. Her body is fucking begging for it.

  Hell, my body is ready to die.

  “Not yet, sweetheart.” One final kiss to her leg. “Tell me another spot.”

  She’s panting, desperately trying to catch her breath. “My pussy.”

  Fuck. Me.

  I press one soft kiss over her panties before sliding them down her legs and tossing them to the side. Once she’s completely bare, I drag my tongue over her slit. Her entire body shivers as I cautiously wrap my lips around her clit and suck.

  “Oh my God…” Lennon slowly enunciates each word. Her back arches, pushing her hips closer to my mouth. The fact that I’ve barely touched her, and she’s responding this way turns me on even more. My dick is so hard, I have to bring a hand down to my groin and adjust myself before it burns a hole through my damn pants.

  I inhale deeply, groaning at the scent of her. Though I want to take my time, I can’t deny either of us what we need. As I kiss between her legs, I coat one finger through her slickness before pushing it inside her. I w
ant her to know how desirable and perfect she is, and that I’ve never wanted her more.

  Lennon flails underneath me, muttering yes over and over, and as I struggle to hold her hips down with my free hand, I dive in and lick her. I alternate between kissing, licking, and sucking. I thrust a second finger inside, and I know she’s about to explode when she rocks her hips faster.

  Every part of her is beautiful, every part represents a journey or experience, and I love and crave every inch. The taste of her is what wet dreams are made of, and now I greedily want more. More of her, more of us, more everything.

  “Hunter, I’m so close,” she says between gritted teeth. I nod against her pussy, lifting one of her thighs over my shoulder, then drive my fingers deeper, faster, harder inside her. I flick her clit with my tongue, rolling and sucking it between my lips, then, like a volcano, she explodes as the sensation overtakes her.

  Once she stops shaking, I place her leg down, give her pussy one final kiss, then make my way back to her lips. Her breathing steadies, and I look into her bright blue eyes that hold so much truth to the way she feels. We both spent time avoiding the way we felt at some point. But no more.

  Leaning on my side next to her, I tilt her chin toward me so she can not only hear the sincerity in what I’m about to say but see it too. “Your imperfections are what make you perfect. Your vulnerability makes you human. But your heart? That’s what I love most about you, Lennon. Everything you do is with purpose and heartfelt. It’s why even when I wanted to hate you, I couldn’t. You had me wrapped around your finger for so long, I’d forgotten what it felt like not to have you in my life in some way, but I know I never wanna go back to that. I want you. I’m just as ridiculously in love with you, Lennon Corrigan. Always. I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “You’re mine, and I’m yours,” she simply states with a sweet smile.

  “You’ve got that right, sweetheart.” Nothing could ever change that.

  “Say it again,” she whispers when I brush our lips together.

  “Sweetheart?” I ask.

  “No. That you love me.” Her taunting tone makes me smirk at her bossiness. “I wanna hear you say it again.”


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