Book Read Free

Baby Yours

Page 25

by Kennedy Fox

“So how’s school been?” She goes straight to the vegetables, not making eye contact with me.

  “It’s been great. Getting ready for the spring concert next week,” I say and notice bruises on her arms as she reaches for some bell peppers. I grab her hand and pull her to me to take a closer look. Her eyes meet mine as she jerks her arm back.

  Lowering my voice, I look directly at her. “What happened, Soph?”

  She laughs. “It’s nothing.”

  “That’s not nothing.” I place my hands on my hips and wait for her to explain.

  “Weston was drinking a few days ago and things got out of hand. He grabbed me too hard but didn’t mean to. He felt really bad about it afterward.”

  As I look at her face, I notice slight bruising on her cheek too. She tried to cover it with foundation, but I can see straight through it. “Did he hit you?”

  “It was an accident, Lennon,” she says between gritted teeth.

  Shaking my head, I’m so damn pissed that I can barely find my words. “You don’t drink too much, then accidentally hit someone. This is not okay.”

  “He promised me it would never happen again, okay?” She snaps at me, which takes me by surprise. She’s never talked to me this way before. And why the hell is she defending him? “He loves me, Lennon. I know that’s hard for you to believe because no one is allowed to be happy except for you.”

  My mouth falls open. “Are you serious right now? I want nothing but the best for you and Maddie. That’s total bullshit that you’d say that to me.”

  I turn my body and head toward the exit. Sophie chases after me.

  “Lennon, wait. I’m sorry. I don’t want to argue with you.” I’m so pissed at her right now that I can barely look at her. “I didn’t mean to say that. I have a lot going on right now and shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I know you only want the best for me.” Her bottom lip trembles, and I know there’s something she’s not telling me.

  “You need to be careful, Sophie. It’s not okay for a man to hit a woman, no matter what, and I’m worried about you. Weston is a dickface, and I don’t care for him already, then this happens.”

  “I know. He promised, though, and I believe him.” Her meek voice doesn’t sound like her at all, which worries the hell out of me.

  “I’m here for you. Don’t let him make excuses for this behavior,” I plead. “There shouldn’t have been a first time.”

  “I won’t, and yes, I know,” she tells me, then quickly changes the subject. We continue shopping, and I pick out a few things for the apartment, but I can’t get over the bruises on her arms.

  How hard did he grab her to leave thumb and fingerprints like that? The thought makes me seethe and makes my heart hurt for her so damn bad. After thirty minutes, we finish shopping and check out.

  After I help her load everything into her car, I pull her into a hug. “Please take care of yourself and call me if something happens or if you need to get out because he’s drunk again. Promise me.”

  She nods and forces a smile. “I promise. But you have to promise me something too.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You won’t mention this to anyone. Not even Hunter. Please,” she begs.

  I narrow my eyes and look at her suspiciously. “I will this time. But if I see even the tiniest of marks again, I’m not staying quiet …” I tell her. “I will call the cops on him.”

  “You won’t have to. He’s been super stressed, and he learned his lesson about drinking too much.” She swears to it and then hugs me again. We say our goodbyes, and as I sit inside my car, upset and frustrated, I feel helpless. She’s blinded by love, but I’m not going to let that keep me from voicing how I feel about the asshole.

  As I drive home, I push the thoughts of it out of my head for now. My big sister has always been the strongest person I’ve ever known, so I know she can stand up for herself when needed.

  By the time I make it to the apartment, it’s nearly five. I bring in our groceries, excited about what Hunter has planned. Our dates consist of ordering in and watching Friends, which neither of us minds, but this will be a nice change of pace.

  When I walk inside, pink roses are on the table and a dress hangs on the back of a chair. My mouth falls open when I see an envelope with my name on it.


  * * *

  Considering we never go out, I thought I’d make up for it all at once. A driver will be waiting for you downstairs at 6:30. I’ll see you soon. Love you!

  * * *


  “That little shit,” I say with a huge smile splashed across my face.

  I decide to take another shower to freshen up, then redo my hair and makeup. Before I get dressed, I pull some sexy lingerie from my top drawer and slip it on, then grab the dress Hunter picked out. It’s a high waisted light blue A-line party dress, fancy as hell and much different from anything I own. Just by looking at this, I have no clue what we’ll be doing, but I’m excited nonetheless.

  Looking in the full-length mirror, I’m amazed by how well it fits. Did Hunter take my measurements in my sleep? The thought has me giggling. I rush to my closet and grab a pair of heels, slip them on, then take a deep breath. I have exactly ten minutes. The smile on my lips might be permanent this time. Before I walk out the door, I dial Mrs. Locke’s number to check on Alison.

  “Hey, Lennon. How are things going?” she asks.

  I laugh at her light tone. “Just checking on you two.”

  She lets out a sweet chuckle. “Honey, we’re doing just fine. Are you doing okay?”

  I realize when she asks me the question, I’m actually nervous. “I haven’t been on a real date since—” I pause and swallow hard. Since Brandon was alive.

  I try to think about my life right now and how Brandon would want me to be happy above all things. It’s a small reminder that it’s okay for me to be okay.

  “I know. And it’s the reason you need to have a night out on the town. So quit worrying. We’re just fine over here. Enjoy yourself, Lennon. You deserve to.”

  Her words repeat in my mind, and I grin. She was surprisingly supportive of Hunter and me being together once we told her. I was nervous at first, but she gave me a look as if she’d known it was coming or something. Apparently, our feelings were obvious to everyone around us too.

  “You’re right. Give my girl kisses for me.”

  “I will. Have fun.”

  After we say our goodbyes, I take a deep breath and leave.

  The limo waits downstairs just as Hunter said. I get inside and see a bottle of champagne and strawberries. I laugh at how extra he’s being tonight, but enjoy myself, like Brandon’s mom suggested, as we drive across town. Eventually the car slows and I’m utterly speechless when I step out and realize I’m at Fairytale Town.

  It’s a theme park based around children’s storybooks, and I’m more confused than ever when I see a man dressed as a toy soldier at Humpty Dumpty’s entrance. I walk up to him, and he hands me a note and a map of the park with a smirk, then goes back into position.

  Opening it as fast as I can, I pull the paper from inside and read.

  I was once the boy who’d never grow up.

  You could say I was a part of the lost boys until I found you.

  I look over at the toy soldier. “I just go inside?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he tells me.

  “But isn’t it closed?” I ask, noticing there’s no one around.

  “It’s open for you,” he ensures. I’ve heard about this place before but have never visited it as long as I’ve lived in Sacramento. I step under the archway and open the map and look for anything related to his clue. Lost boys. Thinking about it, I realize it’s a Peter Pan reference and scan the map. My eyes land upon the pirate ship, and I follow the sidewalk to it. Upon arriving, a woman dressed like Tinker Bell is waiting. She hands me an envelope, and I hurry and rip it open.

  Slow and steady wins the race. Baby, I’d wait a lifetime for

  I bite my lower lip, grinning, then head toward the Turtle and the Hare attraction. A man is dressed as a referee and gives me another envelope. I thank him and read the next clue.

  I don’t need a shoe to know you’re The One.

  I’m smiling so big and rush toward the Cinderella coach. Upon arrival, I find a woman dressed as a fairy godmother. I look at her hands and realize she’s not holding an envelope, but looking at me with soft eyes and a smirk.

  “Cinderella, you’ve made it. Now it’s time for me to bring you to the ball to meet your Prince Charming,” she tells me.

  I burst out into laughter, realizing now why my dress is this color. I nod, giddy as hell.

  “But first.” She pulls a blindfold from out of nowhere. “You’ll need to wear this.”

  “Seriously?” I ask but turn around and allow her to put it on me.

  My heart pounds so hard in my chest as she slowly guides me down the sidewalk. I try to figure out what Hunter has planned, but I honestly have no clue. We walk a little farther, and she guides me up the stairs until I feel hands—his strong hands—grabbing mine.

  “You look beautiful,” Hunter whispers in my ear, and shivers run down my spine as he leads me.

  “You have some explaining to do,” I tell him with a nervous laughter.

  “I know,” he says, then I feel him taking off the blindfold.

  My mouth falls open when I see Hunter wearing a suit that fits him perfectly. I turn to see where we are. I’m standing on the Mother Goose stage with bright lights in my eyes. I try to shield the light and see a small crowd of people out there but can’t make out who it is. Looking back at Hunter with wide eyes, I begin to have a mini freak-out because I have no clue what’s going on. When the Friends theme song starts playing, I laugh and slightly relax.

  Hunter chuckles, grabs both of my hands, then drops to one knee.

  And that’s when what’s happening hit me like a ton of bricks.

  Oh my God.

  The music softens, and Hunter looks into my eyes with so much love and adoration, I nearly crumple.

  He doesn’t even have to speak; he doesn’t even have to ask.

  The answer is already yes.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  When I see Lennon walk around the corner and come up the steps, my heart pounds so hard, I’m sure everyone can hear it. Our family and friends are here, just as she would want it. Her parents and sisters are such a big part of her life as well as the Lockes. Of course, I wanted my brother and his fiancée, Savannah, here too. Liam and Mason too who flash me grins and thumbs-ups, a complete turnaround from how they acted six months ago. When I told them Lennon and I were finally together, they actually supported us and apologized for making conclusions beforehand. I knew they were only protective of Brandon’s legacy, but they knew my feelings were real.

  As I drop to one knee, Lennon looks as if she’s shocked even though she knows she’s the only woman I want to be with, the only woman I’ve ever wanted to be with. She tucks her lips into her mouth and squeezes my hands. My nerves begin to get the best of me so I suck in a ragged breath and find my words.

  “Lennon,” I croak out and clear my throat. “At one point in our past, you thought I was the Beast, and maybe I was. But you were always my Belle, the one who taught me how to love and be loved. Without you, I might’ve stayed a beast forever, and I will be eternally grateful for you. Our story didn’t start like a fairy tale—” I let out a laugh as a tear falls down her cheek.

  “Don’t cry,” I whisper, just loud enough for her to hear.

  She pulls her hand from mine and wipes it away but gives me a sweet smile to continue.

  “It was far from it. But no matter what, we had each other. When I was the loneliest I’ve ever been, you were a bright yellow ray of sunshine when the days were dark and gloomy. From the moment I met you, I knew I couldn’t live without you. You’re my other half, Lennon. You’re the Monica to my Chandler, the Belle to my Beast, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  I pull the ring from my pocket, the same ring she wore when we were pretending to be married. It’s been with us through it all. When I open the box, she sees it, and her face lights up. The memories flash across her face, and I think back to Utah and what we’ve been through.

  “Lennon Corrigan, will you be my princess? I promise to give you the happily ever after you and Allie deserve and to love you with everything I have. Will you marry me and make me the happiest fucking man alive?”

  “Yes,” she whispers through tears. “Yes a million times over!” Lennon says louder.

  I smile so damn wide, my body shaking as I take the ring from the box and slip it on her finger. I stand and immediately pull her into a kiss. Everyone roars and claps, and I hear Maddie’s scream over it all. “Now give her another baby!”

  Everyone laughs, and Lennon pulls away and looks for her sister, but the lights are too bright.

  She wraps her arms around my neck. “I love you,” she tells me over and over.

  I cup her cheeks gently. “I love you so damn much. I couldn’t wait another day to make you mine forever.”

  “Good. I feel the same way.” Lennon is all smiles, and we walk down the steps and meet everyone as a quartet of violinists begins to play. Sophie wanted to help, of course, once I told her and suggested music. We’re bombarded with congratulations and hugs, and I feel so damn lucky that so many people are here to support us.

  Getting to this point wasn’t easy, but I know nothing worth having is.

  The Lockes come over, pushing Allie in her stroller. She looks adorable in the little blue dress that matches Lennon’s.

  “So you were in on this the entire time?” she asks them both. Mrs. Locke shrugs and nods. “Oh my gosh. Look at your dress,” Lennon says as she grabs Allie, then realizes they’re twinning.

  Her sisters walk up, and Sophie suggests we need more photos. I know they probably took a ton already. Maddie takes Lennon’s phone and begins snapping photos of Lennon and the baby.

  “Okay, Daddy, get in too,” Maddie demands, physically pushing me into the photo.

  “It sounds so dirty when you call him that.” Lennon gives her a pointed look and shakes her head before bursting into laughter. Maddie wiggles her eyebrows, and I shake my head. That girl is a handful.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” I ask when I notice Sophie is alone because I invited them both.

  “Oh, he couldn’t make it. Got caught up at work,” she tells me with a smile. Lennon glares at Sophie, and they hold a silent conversation, but I don’t question it. I’ve tried several times to send an invite to our guys’ nights so we could get to know him, but he always has something come up. Weston’s weird as fuck, and Liam and Mason both hate him with a passion, though I haven’t quite figured out why yet, considering he’s never around.

  “Right,” I hear Mason say from behind us. Sophie looks at him and rolls her eyes, but he ignores her. Something he’s good at. Their weird behavior toward each other after all this time makes me think something has happened between them—and both are hiding it. There has to be a reason; otherwise, it’s just plain ridiculous at this point. Ever since Brandon died and my focus has primarily been on Lennon and the baby, the four of them have hung out but I never ask for details. Perhaps I should have. Maybe one of them would’ve cracked by now.

  Maddie lights up when she sees Liam even though he still pretends she doesn’t exist—though I know better. The way they all act has me cracking up. Lennon notices and laughs too, but she’s paying more attention to Allie than her sisters.

  As they go back and forth with each other, the Corrigans come over and pull us to the side to tell us how much they love and support us. Lennon’s mom takes the chance to steal Allie and hold her.

  “So happy you’re gonna be a part of the family...for real this time,” Mr. Corrigan tells me.

  “Dad,” Lennon jumps in, but all he doe
s is laugh.

  They ask when we’re going to get married, and Lennon has to remind them that we just got engaged. After about ten minutes of chatting, Hayden pulls me away to chat, then I’m met face to face with my parents. My expression drops when I see them because I didn’t expect them to come. They’ve never wanted to be a part of my life before, so why now?

  Hayden stands guard, ready to pounce at any moment.

  “Hi, son,” my dad tells me, and my mother gives me a small, hopeful smile.

  “Hi,” I say, crossing my arms, tense as fuck. Lennon walks up and stands beside me, and she’s the only thing that calms me down. Her sweet voice brings me back to reality as she introduces herself to my parents. We have no secrets between us, so she knows all about my childhood and history.

  Savannah walks up, and I finally introduce her to Lennon as well. As they’re caught up in conversation, giggling like they’ve known each other forever, my mother looks at me.

  “She’s lovely, Hunter. Seems like you really found your match.” There’s sincerity in her voice.

  “I’m proud of you, son,” my father finally says, and I’m so shocked I nearly fall out on the sidewalk. Even Hayden does a double take when the words leave his mouth.

  “What?” I say, imagining I’m dreaming.

  “I know I haven’t been the best father over the years…” He trails off, and I halfway wonder if he fell and hit his head. By Hayden’s expression, I know he’s thinking the same thing. “But I’d like to change that. I’m sorry.”

  “You can’t just show up like this and expect all to be forgiven with an apology. You’ll need to prove you mean it,” I tell him. I’m not sure what the heck happened for this change of heart, but I’m still guarded when it comes to him. My mother’s expression doesn’t change and neither does Hayden’s.

  “That’s fair,” he states. “Maybe we can have a family dinner, like old times.”


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