Claiming an Alpha's Heart

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Claiming an Alpha's Heart Page 6

by A. R. Ford


  “Just get it over with,” I whispered. “Everyone knows you’re going to punish me.”

  The clink of Evan’s belt as he removed it, nearly forced a scream from me. The sound of the zipper, the whisper of clothing hitting the floor—all drew nerves taut with terror. I shrieked at the unexpected touch of his hands on my arms. He lifted me until my face was level with his. I refused to look into those jade eyes. The ones I knew would be filled with disappointment.


  “Just. Do. It.” A sob punctuated each word. Evan lowered me to the bed before following. Eyes screwed closed so tight; I could only see darkness. My body bowed off the bed at the sensation of his tongue tracing along my collarbone.

  “If I have to say your name a third time, stubborn one, I will spank your behind. Look at me.”

  Evan’s voice demanded I obey. His gaze caught mine the instant my eyes opened. He growled unexpectedly. I whimpered as a cramp low in my belly forced a gush of slick from my core which seemed inherently linked to my mate’s growls. His fingers caught in my panties, shredding them at the same instant as another growl rumbled in his chest. The dress received the same fate before being cast on the floor. Evan’s tongue traced from a puckered nipple, along my clenching belly, to the apex of my sex. A flick of his tongue against my clit brought a gasp.

  Two fingers unexpectedly thrust inside the clenching, heated depths of my body. The fingers curled, rubbing against that secret place deep inside my body that only Evan knew of. His tongue continued to dance on the sensitive nubbin until I shrieked. Hooded eyes melted my fear.

  “Tell me what you need, precious.” Those fingers continued to stroke, and thrust, curling so expertly, I climaxed, without warning. “Tell me, or we will continue to do this until you can no longer speak.” He suckled the nubbin between teeth that gently nipped, even as his tongue lashed. I writhed, and moaned, unable to speak as he drove me to the brink, yet again.

  “You!” My voice was a hoarse cry, tinged with raw need.

  “You do, Emmy. You always need me in the same way I need you.” The assault of his fingers, teeth, and tongue, ended. He knelt between my thighs, hands gliding from knees, to my hips. “Show me. Guide me home.”

  My hands held the throbbing rod of flesh that pulsed, and wept with need. A hiss of pleasure came the instant the mauve tip slid across swollen, slick labia. Evan penetrated my clenching, weeping core, with a growl. He drove inside me, each thrust deeper, and harder than the one before. Pounding. Grinding. Fingers stroking my clit in time with his thrusts. My body dissolved in a molten pile of ash, without warning. His final thrust buried the already forming knot so deeply, a scream was ripped from my throat. It swelled, instantly, behind my pubic bone. Each volcanic spurt of seed brought a whimper.

  Evan turned onto his back. Muscular arms clutched me possessively against his chest. He groaned, and growled, as my channel milked his knot. I raised my head, only to be met with a grin.

  “I would like to be punished once daily at a minimum, sir.”

  My words brought a possessive growl a second before Evan caught my lips in a kiss. “If you call me, sir, once more, we won’t leave this room until one, or both of us, is too exhausted to continue.”

  “Mmm. I hate to disagree. But there’s this wee problem we have. Well, not wee, but ... you know.” My cheeks flamed at my faux pas. Evan’s laughter came in a roar.

  “No further fears I will punish you. Do I make myself clear?” Evan traced a finger along my eyebrows, eyes searching mine.

  “My guardians punished me often. For being curious. For exploring. For tying them down.” The confession brought the sting of tears.

  “I will never punish you in that way,” Evan swore.

  “There’s more. Something is waking up inside me. I can detect the change in your scent when you’re upset, or happy. And this thing in my chest. It almost tells me what you’re thinking. I think pregnancy is making me crazy,” I mused.

  “We are both navigating something we knew nothing about, until we met. Perhaps pregnancy hormones are adding to the emotional state you’re experiencing. No more fears I will punish you harshly.”

  Evan’s fingers combed through the tangled mess my hair had become. I could not deny my mate a response. “Yes, sir.”

  My back met the mattress in a nanosecond. Evan growled possessively before feasting on my lips. I must learn to misbehave, and call him sir more often.

  Much later that afternoon, we lay together. Sated. Relaxed. Loving. I wish we could spend every day this way.

  “Do you think Baron is upset we haven’t been outside the room all day?” I murmured, head tucked into the natural cradle formed by Evan’s arm, and chest. My body ached in the most delicious ways possible.

  If anyone professes a possessive Alpha intent on making his mate melt with orgasmic bliss is not possible, I must disagree. I’ve melted—numerous times.

  Evan’s hand cupped my belly. He nuzzled my temple. “Do you remember seeing Hailey? She’s about six months pregnant, now, if my calculations serve me correctly. That, my dear, is a prime example of why Baron will not be upset with us. He understands the Alpha-Omega pair bond.”

  “Will you still want me when my belly is as big as a house?”

  “If anything, dear heart, I will want you even more. I must say, the idea of seeing you ride my cock does naughty things to me. Such very naughty things.” Evan rolled from the bed before tugging my arm until I joined him. “We should shower, and dress. I’m famished.”

  Dinner was a relaxed affair held in a formal dining room. A long oak table surrounded by chairs provided ample seating for us all. Maria took great pleasure in preparing, and serving, the meal. Roast beef with potatoes, carrots, and onions in a rich brown gravy. Freshly baked bread. A golden-brown peach cobbler made my mouth water.

  “Maria’s peach cobbler is divine,” Hailey advised. “I crave it now that I’m pregnant.”

  “As you can tell,” Baron explained with an adoring glance at Hailey. “Maria spoils my wife.”

  Conversation, and dinner, was interrupted by a pounding on the front door. One of Baron’s men appeared in the doorway a few moments later. “Sir, Commander Pelegro is here. He is demanding to meet with you.”

  “Then, he can join us for dinner,” Baron grumbled. “Show him in.”

  Moments later, a man dressed in a military style uniform appeared in the doorway. My eyes grew wide at the sight of him. He stood well under six feet tall--an apparent Beta through, and through. He was thin, and wiry, with a paunchy belly. Graying hair, braided in a single plait, hung down the center of his back. The tail ended just at his shoulders. His face was lined by time. Watery blue eyes peered at the world from beneath bushy gray eyebrows. The military uniform was navy with gold buttons, embellished on the right breast with medals. A wide gold sash encircled the man’s waist. He walked with the assistance of a carved, wooden cane.

  “It’s so good of you to join us, Commander Pelegro. Might I inquire as to the nature of your unscheduled visit?” Baron stood as he welcomed the man, gesturing toward a chair at the table. Maria appeared to pour the man a glass of wine.

  “It has come to my attention that you, and your friends, are concealing at least two dozen Omegas in the barracks on your property. This is highly irregular. I have learned there was a defensive encounter, and hostage retrieval, at One World’s underground headquarters, several weeks ago. An unauthorized encounter, and retrieval, I might add.” Commander Pelegro accentuated several words as he spoke. He spoke with a lisp, tiny particles of saliva spewing from his mouth as he did so. He raised an eyebrow at Baron, then, took a sip of wine. I watched in fascination as his pinky finger remained straight as he grasped the wine glass. A jewel-encrusted signet ring graced the finger, pallid flesh protruding around it.

  I caught Evan’s hand beneath the table, tugging insistently. The medals sparkled as light from the chandelier reflected on them. This commander m
ust be insanely brave to wear sparkly medals on his uniform.

  “And the last time I asked the Royal Guard for assistance with a matter of this importance, I was told I could handle it on my own, Commander Pelegro,” Baron muttered, dark eyes flashing. Color crept from his neck, into his face. “Don’t presume to come into my home, and tell me how to manage affairs that concern my family. One World, an unauthorized rogue government, held my wife, and many of her friends, hostage. Where was the Royal Guard when I needed assistance? No doubt in the whore house.”

  My attention wavered between Baron, to the commander. No one at the table spoke. The matter was clearly between the two men. Tension rose higher when the commander cleared his throat.

  “The Royal Council has elected to allow me to handle this matter,” Commander Pelegro added. “There will be repercussions for your unauthorized actions.”

  Baron, Vito, and Evan stood as one. Hailey and Eliane glanced nervously at each other. A squeak escaped me. My heart raced as the scent of Alpha aggression teased my nostrils.

  “Since we are on the topic of authorization, and its importance on the island, that brings me to the next order of business. I suppose you have documentation authorizing you to act on the council’s behalf, then?” Baron moved to stand beside the commander, a massive paw held out expectantly.

  “How dare you doubt me?” Commander Pelegro sputtered. “I am here under authority of—”

  Baron cut the commander off, without hesitation. He leaned toward the man, his voice low, and abrasive. “Yourself. Nosy bastard that you are. You’re curious about the Omegas. Perhaps, trying to save face because you failed to address One World when they came to the island, and built an underground laboratory, which was little more than a prison. According to the doctrine adopted by the council when this island was settled, I have the right to protect what is mine. And that is exactly what I did, Commander. Now, if you don’t have the documentation required, I will ask you to leave. I’ll meet with the council myself to address the issues.”

  “This is preposterous!” Commander Pelegro spat as he stood up.

  I could no longer stand it. The lure of shiny baubles was my undoing. I scampered from my seat, to Commander Pelegro’s side. The first medal crumpled beneath my fingers when I tugged at it. The Alphas chortled with amusement when the second medal fell apart.

  “These are fake. Why would you wear fake medals?” I asked the commander. “Aren’t those awarded to people who are very brave?”

  Commander Pelegro jerked away, his hand brushing away flakes of plaster, gold leaf, and paint. “How dare you touch me!” He slapped my hands away.

  “Ow! You rude bully!” My indignant comment came a second before Evan’s growl. This was not a sound of Alpha arousal. No. My mate was furious that Commander Pelegro dared slap my hands. I felt his emotion pulsing through the tendril.

  The next few seconds passed in slow motion.

  Eliane, Hailey, and I shrieked as Evan dove for the Commander.

  The Commander screamed like a little girl frightened by the bogey man. The chair tipped over, hitting the floor with a bang when he turned, and ran. The walking stick clattered to the floor. The Commander’s shrieks echoed behind him as Evan gave chase.

  Baron glanced at Vito. “Should we save the poor commander?”

  “If I knew it would not turn into a major incident with the council, I would say let Evan take care of him. As it is, we should save him.” Laughter tinged Vito’s words. It appeared everyone, except the Commander, was amused at the incident.

  Eliane and Hailey joined me when I left the dining room. “There is no way I will miss this!” I proclaimed.

  Through the open front door, we could see Commander Pelegro running toward the front gate. Evan ran full tilt behind the man, steadily gaining ground with each passing moment. Shrieks, and roars, filled the air. Baron and Vito proceeded at a leisurely pace across the lawn. They seemed relatively unconcerned, regardless of their comments about an incident. Just as the commander slipped through the gate, Evan’s fingers closed on the hem of this uniform shirt. A chunk of fabric ripped free when the gate slammed shut, effectively creating a barrier between Evan, and the commander.

  We laughed for hours that night when all of us gathered in the sitting room after dinner ended. I now knew Evan would defend me, regardless of the slight. The reassurance allowed me to sleep, even with worries of One World’s attempted kidnapping on the mainland niggling in the back of my mind.

  The next morning, Evan waited for me to wake up. I wore the clothing laid out for me by the sink, without question. The silky material of the dress made me feel more feminine, more confident. Evan’s growl of appreciation nearly led to delays. We ate breakfast before proceeding outside at Maria’s request to meet the others outside at the concrete building.

  The strange white-haired Beta stood with Rafe, Baron, and Vito. Rafe lifted a hand in greeting, a corner of his mouth lifting upward.

  “I hope you both slept well,” Baron said in greeting. “Joseph advises me Rafe is now perfectly safe to operate independently. Do either of you have concerns that would prevent this?”

  Evan spoke for both of us, without consulting my opinion. I bit back the urge to speak. Rafe glanced at me, his eyes filled with some emotion I could not decipher. Perhaps, he was happy to see me. Or it could be that he sensed my irritation at being treated as if I could not speak for myself. The need to explore increased as the men drifted into conversation about the upgrades recently completed on the grounds. I wandered off, drawn to the garden behind the mansion.

  Square flower beds edged in stone, filled the air with the delicate scent of their perfume. I recognized roses, sweet Williams, and marigolds, artfully arranged. More exotic flowers accentuated the colorful beds. Flowers served no useful purpose, at least, in my mind. Plants served a purpose as medicine or food. The fountain in the center of the garden drew my attention.

  The statue carved as part of the fountain was exquisitely detailed. A slender woman wearing a flowing dress stood with both arms extended above her head. She held a bowl in both hands. Water trickled from the bowl into the base of the fountain. The thin gold chain around her waist drew me in. A shimmering ruby glistened in the light. Upon first inspection, I thought the stone was real. As I tilted my head to the side, it became apparent the stone was attached to a metallic stem inserted in a tiny hole in the statue’s waist.

  Evan called my name. I turned toward him, but immediately refocused on the stone. The temptation to touch the shiny bauble gnawed at my gut. Surely, it would not hurt to touch it. The faceted surface felt smooth beneath the pad of my index finger. I gasped when the stone moved inward. Horrified, afraid I had broken Baron’s statue, I jumped from the base of the fountain.


  I sighed; shoulders hunched as he approached. He was upset with me, yet again. The grating screech of stone upon stone came from beneath my feet. A puff of dust brought a cough. The stone pavers gave way beneath my feet. I was falling, tumbling down into darkness, even as my scream rent the air.

  Chapter 8


  The instant the stone pavers gave way beneath Emmy’s feet, I ran as fast as my legs could drive my body across the lawn. She lay at least five feet below the opening on stone steps by the time I made it to the fountain. Other than being covered in dust she appeared to be uninjured.

  “Emmy?” Worry clouded the tendril as it pulsed, and writhed, in my chest, demanding I attend to my mate.

  “I’m okay. I tumbled down the steps,” she replied. One hand held at her eyebrows blocked the sunlight’s glare as she squinted into the darkness. “You won’t believe what’s down here.”

  The pounding thunder of Baron, and his crew’s feet on the ground, indicated their appearance was imminent. We hesitantly approached the entrance. Who knew what risks lay in this underground chamber? The stairs led us at least fifteen feet beneath the ground. I gathered Emmy into my arms, kissing her forehead, hear
t pounding in relief to know she was uninjured.

  Baron flicked a switch on the wall. Every person standing on the staircase gasped as row after row of lights came on. A bank of COMM units stood directly ahead. A map of the mainland of the former United States of America hung on the wall to our right. At least half a dozen pushpins dotted its surface. A long conference-room table faced the wall. An envelope bearing Baron’s name lay at the head of the table.

  I watched as he approached the table, one hesitant step at a time. He opened the envelope, read the folded letter retrieved from its depths, and turned to face us with a million-megawatt grin.

  “What does it say, Baron?”

  “It’s a letter from my father. I can’t believe this! He, and his men, knew about One World. They were searching for the underground bunkers on the mainland.” Baron gazed at the last page of the letter for a moment before reading it out loud.

  “I know you are twice the man I was, Baron. I know you have the strength, and intelligence it will take, to defeat One World. Use the information to defeat our common foe. Failure is not an option.”

  Every head turned toward Emmy. Joseph spoke first. “Thanks to your inquisitive nature, my dear, you have given us a much-needed advantage.”

  “You’re not upset that I broke your statue, are you?” Emmy asked Baron, eyes lowered to stare at the dusty floor.

  “Of course, not, Emmy. And to be honest, I don’t think it’s broken. It functioned exactly as my father intended. I echo Joseph’s sentiments. Without you, we might never have found my father’s archive.” Baron’s eyes drifted to the map. “And I bet those markers indicate areas we need to focus on. Evan, we should assemble a team to investigate areas closest to us. What are your thoughts?”


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