Claiming an Alpha's Heart

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Claiming an Alpha's Heart Page 7

by A. R. Ford

  My eyes lingered on Emmy, the possessive need to protect her, and our unborn child, growing exponentially. My attention turned to Baron. “To be honest, my first thoughts are that I should take Emmy to be examined by Dr. Morris. My second thoughts? We should send a team to investigate. You have a treasure trove of information here that could aid in our cause. One World is a danger to every person in this world, not just us, and our Omegas. The sooner we destroy them, the better.”

  Emmy managed to disappear in the time it took me to elaborate. I growled in frustration to see her standing in front of the COMM units. Glowing controls no doubt attracted her attention. An index finger tentatively pushed a brilliant green button. The row of monitors mounted above the COMM units flickered on. A computer program’s initiation screen appeared, flickered as it initialized, and sprang to life.

  Welcome, Baron Michaels. Please issue your first directive.

  The mechanical voice spilling from speakers frightened Emmy. She shrieked, and ran into the protective circle of my arms. “I will deal with your misbehavior later,” I growled in her ear. I took her hand in an iron grip. The instant her head drooped, I felt like an ass for bursting the inquisitive bubble that was an inherent part of Emmy.

  Baron strode toward the COMM units, eyes flickering over the screens. “Here goes nothing,” he remarked over one shoulder. “Review directives.” The mechanical voice began as soon as Baron’s command was spoken.

  Directive one, protect the Omegas, at any cost.

  Directive two, destroy One World.

  Directive three, allow the Omegas to select their Alphas.

  Directive four, expand on current intelligence, as necessary.

  “Well, that was simple enough,” Baron chuckled. He examined the screens, once again, before speaking again. “Review directive two.”

  One World must be destroyed. It continues to operate underground. One World seeks to obtain all Omegas, to breed with feral Alphas. The offspring will be retained for the sole purpose to wage war on the Walker family, and others associated with the resistance.

  We watched in amazement as Baron interrogated the voice activated COMM unit. “Artificial intelligence,” Joseph explained with a conciliatory smile. “The Walker family made advances in AI that are beyond any AI used by One World. It is, for all intents, and purposes, a feather in Baron’s cap.”

  “Review directive four.” Baron paced the floor in front of the COMM units, hands behind his back. He was every bit the leader I knew he would become from an early age.

  Markers on the map indicate One World prisons, where feral Alphas are currently held. Two prisons are confirmed to exist. It is unclear, at this time, if Omegas have been obtained to begin the intended breeding program. Information on specific locations may be accessed by saying ‘Review Prison number’. For example, if you would like to hear information on prison one, say ‘Review Prison One’.

  “Review prison one,” Baron commanded.

  Prison One is located in the Appalachian Mountains, not far from Arkala. Exploration in the area was unable to determine if life exists in the prison. No further information is available.

  “Review prison two.”

  Prison Two is located in the northeast United States, near what was once, Baltimore, Maryland. No further information exists regarding this prison.

  Baron’s exploration into the data contained in the COMM units continued for over an hour. In that time, we learned more than we ever hoped to know about One World. Arturo Michaels was involved in more than one underground scheme. I saw Baron’s father in a new light for the first time. We left the underground bunker after Baron’s exploration ended.

  Baron paused in front of the fountain. He glanced at me, head canting to one side. I knew he was asking permission for something involving Emmy. In my heart, I knew what he was about to ask. My head bobbed in silent assent.

  “Emmy, would you care to show me how to operate this thing?” Baron gestured toward the fountain.

  Emmy’s glistening eyes met mine. She bit her lower lip, then bowed her head. “Go ahead, Emmy.” My gut twisted with regret at chastising her so harshly.

  “I’m not certain how to close it.” She teetered on the edge of the fountain; an index finger outstretched toward the shimmering stone. The instant her finger touched the stone, the doors closed over the underground bunker. The stone returned to its original position. “There. Pressure operated.”

  “Thank you, Emmy,” Baron replied. “Without you, we may never have known about the information my father left behind. I appreciate your inquisitive nature as the gift it was on this day.”

  Emmy silently rejoined me, her hand finding its way into mine. We enjoyed dinner that night with a sense of accomplishment. In that time, Emmy became more withdrawn. I could feel the tendril pulsing in my chest with fear, and something more, something I could not decipher. She picked at the food, tearing it into pieces, but not eating. Even Hailey and Eliane noticed, asking if Emmy was ill. She simply shrugged.

  I’m not certain when she managed to sneak away. Baron and Vito responded as Alphas do when I excused myself. Each man inclined their head, jaw clenched, and mouth set. Hailey and Eliane carried on an animated conversation. They were unaware of Emmy’s disappearance. I followed her sweet scent to our room on the third floor. The room was empty upon closer inspection. It was not until I turned to leave the room that I heard muffled sobs coming from the closet. The sobs stopped the instant I rapped on the closet door.

  “Emmy, may I come in?” I waited patiently as sniffling, and a muffled groan, came from behind the door.

  “No. I’d like to be alone,” she replied.

  “You left without telling me,” I sighed, a hand pushing the hair away from my forehead. Emmy was determined to test me at every turn. I was even more determined to be patient with my mate.

  I sat by the door, on the floor. Undignified. Confused. A groan nearly slipped free as I thought of the complications of a relationship with my Omega. Complications I was more than willing to sort out. I would do anything for Emmy, even if it meant fighting down the Alpha instincts that demand I punish her for daring to embarrass me.

  “You were busy.” Her voice was thick with tears. I could not resist a smile when she blew her nose. “I misbehaved, again. I should always stay in the room.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better if we discuss this facing one another, dear heart? And you didn’t eat dinner. I’m concerned about you, and the baby.”

  “Who cares? I’ll be big as a house, soon, and you won’t want me. You ... you’ll find someone who isn’t fat. Someone who always behaves!” Her voice rose hysterically, only to be interrupted by more sobs.

  I could not wait a second longer to comfort my mate. Emmy scooted into a corner of the closet when the door swung open. Not to be deterred, I crawled inside before lifting her into my arms. I sat down clutching my mate. She managed to drive an elbow into my ribs. The resulting whoosh of air expelled from my lungs came a second before I kissed her. The purr vibrating my chest soothed her, to a degree.

  “There will never be another mate for me, Emmy. You are the only Omega I want. No one, and I do mean no one, could replace you in my heart. Posie, and Rafe, would plot my demise if I hurt you.”

  She sniffled against my chest. My heart swelled with love when she took my hand, and kissed each knuckle. “I can’t help that shiny things make me crazy with the need to investigate. What can I do? I tried to stop myself from touching Commander Pelegro’s medals. I didn’t mean for them to fall apart. They were fake. Who wears fake medals? And the stone on the statue. It practically said ‘Hey, come investigate me.’ What am I supposed to do?”

  “Just be you. Curious, incorrigible, Emmy. I would have it no other way.” I cupped her cheek, caressing her lips with my thumb. With her nose pink, and lashes spiky from crying, Emmy was the most adorable, sexy creature I can remember feasting my eyes upon. “Of course, sexual favors are always appreciated.”

Emmy turned in my lap, straddling my hips, her hands clenching my shirt as she looked up at me. “Promise you aren’t mad, and you won’t punish me?”

  “I promise. Don’t you remember our conversation at the hotel in Walden? I asked you to help me learn. Conversations such as this aid the process of learning.”

  “I remember,” she admitted. “Why am I so emotional? I’m not usually this way.”

  “I’ve taken the liberty of discussing this with Baron. Pregnancy hormones result in an emotional roller coaster in some Omegas. Hailey was that way in her early pregnancy. Things have leveled out for her in the second trimester. In a few weeks, things should be better. You must stop thinking I’ll hurt you, Emmy. Even if I punish you, the punishment will never result in your injury, or pain. I can think of a very delightful way to punish you.” My lips caressed her forehead, a hand rubbing her back as I spoke.

  Breath hitched in Emmy’s throat. “I hope Baron won’t mind I took the tissues from the bathroom.” Her eyes were as round as saucers, pupils dilated until the iris nearly disappeared. She squirmed on my lap.

  I tugged her earlobe between my teeth. She cried out, fingers tugging my shirt. Another squirm came when my tongue traced along her neck, to her collarbone. A growl vibrated deep within my chest. Emmy’s gasp told me everything I needed to know. My Omega was aroused.

  “I don’t think tissues are our primary concern.” Without hesitation, I carried her from the closet. We settled in the center of the nest. Emmy sprawled on top of me as she nuzzled my chest, and neck. “Would you fulfill a fantasy I have?”

  “Yessss!” she hissed, hands sliding beneath my shirt, fingers pinching my nipples as she writhed against me.

  “Ride my cock. I can’t wait to see your face when you come undone.”

  There was no need for further conversation. We devolved into instinctual animals, disrobing, grinding, nipping at one another until we lay naked. My cock lay heavy, and thick, against my abdomen. Emmy licked the slit with a moan, suckling my head into her mouth. Fingers tangled in her hair; I pulled her head upright. With a shake of my head, I lifted her into position. The tip of my cock eased against the slick folds between her thighs. She writhed, and moaned, hands braced against my chest. Inch by agonizing inch, she took my cock deep. Rocking. Grinding. Striving.

  Her eyes were closed, face lit with the ecstasy of our joining. My mate gave me everything I wanted, and more. How could I quash her free spirit? As long as she was safe by my side, it did not matter. The clenching muscles of her inner passage brought my groan, as well as her answering gush of slick. Emmy’s bouncing breasts were, indeed, beautiful. Her face was beyond that. It was a mask of bliss, love, and adoration.

  Emmy’s fingers clawed my shoulders as she came undone. My arms clutched her to my chest as a thrust of my hips set the knot behind her pubic bone. A roar of completion answered her strangled moan.

  We lay together, sprawled limbs tangled, panting for air.



  “Might I require daily punishment of this nature?” she whispered against my chest.

  “Absolutely, you can. I think this must be part of our daily ritual.”

  Emmy’s giggle was my only response. I needed nothing more. My mate and I had a better understanding of one another. Attending our relationship was a matter I would not, could not, ignore.


  “What the hell?” I growled upon seeing Commander Pelegro, and a detail of the Royal Guard at his heels, just outside the gate of Baron’s estate.

  Baron’s roar nearly deafened me. He stared outside the window of the study; eyes narrowed. Vito joined us. “Gentlemen, we have a pressing matter to attend to. Vito, would you alert the others?”

  “Of course,” Vito grinned before leaving the study.

  “Let me make a call, Baron. I expect additional men could be here within ten minutes via the helio, or transport.” Cell phone technology now included a miniature COMM unit integrated with the cell phone. It was a priceless advancement. One that made communication, calculation, organization, and almost any task, easily available at one’s fingertips. A call to the head of my security team set their flight in place, with an estimated arrival time of five minutes. “Five minutes out.”

  “We can easily take that amount of time walking to the gate,” Baron added.

  “Let’s make an appearance, friend.”

  “The nerve of that dried up, piss-scented Beta,” Baron grumbled while we walked toward the gate. Joseph and Rafe joined us. Baron’s security force swelled the ranks. With VLRs held in hand, they were a formidable group. I would not cross them.

  “Mr. Michaels,” Commander Pelegro called from the gate. He grinned before thrusting a rolled document through the gate. “Orders to detain each and every one of your Omegas for questioning, and health screening. It appears the Royal Council is concerned these women may be here illegally. And as such, they present a community health concern.”

  Baron stood with arms crossed on his chest. He chuckled while examining the document. “Nice forgery, Commander. I’ve seen the original seal for the Royal Council. I’ll pay them a visit at their next scheduled meeting. That would be tonight at seven this evening in New Ivormoor’s council chamber, if I remember correctly.”

  Commander Pelegro sputtered, his face turning a delicate shade of crimson. “How dare you accuse me of forgery?”

  The gate slid open at the same instant as the transport bearing my security detail came to rest on the launch pad on Baron’s estate. The rhythmic thud of their boots marching across the grounds was accentuated by pieces of armor colliding. Commander Pelegro paled visibly at the show of force. A dozen Royal Guardsmen stood behind him. Nearly a hundred men stood behind us.

  “I think you’re outnumbered, Commander,” I called with a grin. “One hundred, to twelve? Thirteen if we count you.” Little Frankie’s rapid chatter caught my attention. A glance over one shoulder revealed Vito, Big O, and Frankie making their way to our position.

  “Make that one hundred three,” Baron called out before he stalked toward Commander Pelegro. He seized the spluttering man by the lapels, lifting him until he stood on tiptoe. “If you come here, again, know that I will respond in kind. If you threaten me with force, expect force in return. I have every weapon in this world at my disposal. My men could easily overpower you, and the guard, with nothing more than their bodies. Do you truly wish to cross me, Commander?”

  “N-No!” Commander Pelegro spluttered. “My apologies, Mr. Michaels. There has been a horrible error. I’ll address this matter with the council, immediately.”

  Baron released the man. He straightened the lapels of the commander’s uniform. “See that you do. I intend to do the same.”

  The commander and his force disappeared into the armored bus that carried them here. The vehicle disappeared in the distance before Baron spoke again. “He’ll be back with more men. Stupid fool.”

  “I suppose we should visit the council as you’ve threatened. I have, at least, two of the members in my back pocket,” I volunteered the information as we walked toward the mansion.

  “Not only do I deal in guns, and armor, Evan. Information has been an important part of my investment portfolio. I have dirt on Commander Pelegro, and every member of the council. Tonight should provide us with an interesting meeting.”

  “Well played,” Vito chortled. “Should we have a plan B, just in case?”

  “Always,” Baron confirmed. “Big O, Little Frankie, take a dozen of the men with you, and pay a visit to the families of each council member. Leave a calling card they’ll understand. Headless rats. A half dozen for each family. As for Commander Pelegro, bring his plaything to the quiet room.”

  “Plaything?” My question was truly born of ignorance. Baron’s knowledge of the dark things on Jade Island impressed me.

  “The Commander has a fetish for a male Beta prostitute, with a hunger for wrinkled flesh, and power. A few days in the qu
iet room should convince the commander, and his plaything, to cooperate.” Baron held the front door open for us with a bow. A grin revealed perfect white teeth.

  “You’re quite pleased with the outcome, aren’t you?” I inquired. He was. The grin said it all.

  “My father taught me well in some ways. Don’t make a threat you have no intention of keeping. When it comes to my wife, and my friends, I play for keeps, Evan. Never underestimate that. Commander Pelegro forgot who he was dealing with.” Baron pulled Hailey into his arms when we entered the sitting room. “Good afternoon, little bird. I hope your nap made you feel more rested.”

  Hailey murmured her assent. Eliane and Emmy entered the sitting room shortly afterward. Baron welcomed both women warmly.

  I was amazed at how easily Baron morphed from death-dealing organized crime lord, to a loving husband, and thoughtful host. I knew to keep him among my allies. It was a thought born not of fear, but of similar ideals. I turned my back on my brother’s dealings months before his untimely death. I had no desire to enter the organized crime world. Baron and Vito were important friends. Their council on the intricacies of Alpha-Omega relationships, and pair bonding, saved me immeasurable amounts of heartache with Emmy. For that, I was eternally grateful.


  Our group journeyed to New Ivormoor for the council meeting. The streets were congested. It was a glorious time to make a statement. The stretch limousine carrying us, and our mates, drew more than one curious glance. The security detail at the front, and rear, of the procession, drew several more.

  The council members were unprepared for our appearance. Every member’s countenance, and behavior, gave that much away. The reaction varied. Perspiration. Dilated pupils. Coughing. Fidgeting. Our Omegas gliding into the chamber on our arms increased the tension exponentially. Regal. Relaxed. Exquisite. Dare I say, we were all proud?

  The first council member to speak made matters worse. A balding Beta with no clue who really owned him, he spoke with false courage. “This is highly irregular, Mr. Michaels. And you, Evan Quinn. Your father should have brought you up with better sensibilities.”


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