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An American Lady

Page 16

by Emma Brady

  The two men chuckled as they left the room. Just as they were about to enter the ballroom, Lucas could hear the forced applause. Stepping just inside the door, he watched as the four ladies took their bows. His eyes drank in the sight of Sinclair standing beneath the candlelight.

  Midnight velvet clung to the shape of her body, drawn in by the tight corset. White flesh spilled out the top enough to tease him, but not enough to satisfy his carnal curiosity. The dark curls fell down her back in wild abandon and his hand twitched with the urge to touch them.

  “Looks like we made it just in time.”Davonport nudged Lucas in the ribs with his elbow.

  “She looks beautiful.”

  “Yes, your sister does appear ravishing this evening.”

  Blinking, Lucas ignored his old friend and began working his way through the crowd in an attempt to reach Sinclair. He didn’t understand this need in him to be near her but he couldn’t fight it. Instead he felt mad, rushing past people to reach her. She spotted him and he saw anger flash across her eyes. She whispered something to Charlotte before disappearing into the crowd.

  “I hope you enjoyed the performance, brother dear,” Charlotte said, deliberately stepping into his path.

  “Of course I did, at least as much as the other gentlemen.”

  “I had hoped you would pay more notice, but I imagine your mind was focused elsewhere.”

  He stopped searching the crowd for a moment to look at his sister. The smile she gave him showed she knew more than he thought. It surprised him how quickly she was becoming a woman.

  “I pay attention when it is necessary,” he told her. “I don’t need my manners checked, especially not by my little sister.”

  Her pale, perfect complexion turned an unflattering shade of red that he had never seen before. It almost appeared as if smoke would start coming out her ears. Never before had he seen his sister be anything but calm and composed. Now, she seemed on the verge of striking someone.

  “That is the precise reason why you are going to make a fool of yourself,” she ground out from behind her clenched teeth, “You will not listen to good advice.”

  Lucas was speechless as he stood staring at his sister. She seemed even more irritated by his silence. He would have said something to calm her, but a hint of blue velvet caught his eye from across the room.

  “I will listen later,” he mumbled, shoving past her toward the double doors leading out into the vast gardens.

  He was only a few steps away when he saw Sinclair walk through the doors and into the shadows. Lucas was about to follow when he noticed she wasn’t alone. Viscount Andrews followed her.

  Chapter 16

  Sinclair stumbled over the hem of her skirt in the darkness. She’d escaped into the garden out of desperation. Lucas closed in on her and she didn’t want to face him again. It was too embarrassing after her behavior earlier. Still, as she faced the dark shadows of the rose bushes surrounding her she began to wonder if her decision was a mistake.

  She heard a man’s voice behind her, “Careful, my pet, you would not want to hurt yourself.”

  Frightened, she turned around to see who it was but couldn’t see anything through the dim light without her glasses. A slight wind ruffled the bushes and sent chills down her arm. Squinting, Sinclair struggled to see who had followed her out.

  “Is anyone there?” she called out.

  Silence answered her, causing her to become even more frightened. Her pulse quickened, making her heart pound in her ears.

  She heard the voice again. “It is a perfect night to stroll through the flowers.”

  Sinclair gulped back a scream, wrapping her arms around her waist. Her eyes darted back and forth in the darkness, searching for movement. Barely a leaf rustled in the air.

  “I hope you are not upset that I followed you, but a woman as lovely as you should not be alone.”

  Slowly a figure appeared from around the corner of one of the taller shrubs. It moved closer and she caught the scent of whiskey in the air. It was strong enough to bring tears to her eyes. The man’s face was turned so that she still could not see who he was.

  “I hope you are not out here for a midnight tryst,” He chuckled. “At least not without me.”

  The man got closer and Sinclair was able to see the thin lines of his face and body. Dull brown hair fell across his forehead in a sloppy manner that a more sober man might have thought to fix. It took only a moment for her to realize who stood there.

  “Viscount Andrews,” she said slowly, trying to calm her nerves, “I had hoped to meet no one out here.”

  “Then I am a disappointment?”

  “I wouldn’t dare imply such a thing.” She would think it quietly to herself.

  Her sarcasm was lost on the drunken fool as he sagged slightly against the shrub. Sinclair slowly backed away from him, worried that he might do something foolish. She would be in a great deal of trouble if he was sent back to the house with a bloody nose, but even worse trouble for a wrinkled gown.

  “Just wish you hadn’t gone to the trouble. I didn’t need any company in my own garden.”

  “When I saw you slip out I could not resist following, especially after you gave such a wonderful performance.” said Michael.

  That was one of the biggest lies she’d ever heard. The last hour had been filled with torturous sounds that barely passed as music. She played every note wrong on purpose.

  “I think it’s unwise for us to be out here alone.”

  “No one knows where we are,” his voice slurred a bit. “They will not find us for a long time.”

  “Still, I think it’s best if I go back before they notice.”

  As she walked past him, Michael lurched to grab her by the arm. The force of his body knocked her into the opposite bush. Gasping for breath, Sinclair tried to push Michael off of her without losing her balance.

  “Why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

  “This is highly inappropriate,” Her voice had a hysterical sound to it.

  The weight of him pushed against her corset, restricting what little air she had to breathe. Luckily he seemed too foxed to do more than simply lean against her. His hands hung limply at his side.

  “Is it me?” he asked, his sticky breath wetting her cheek. “Would you be more inclined to stay if I were a certain earl?”

  The insinuation stung Sinclair’s pride. Michael had noticed there was something between her and Lucas. She only hoped they had been subtle enough so that no one else noticed.

  “You have the wrong idea.” Sinclair was trying to push him away.

  Her voice was raspy from trying to breathe beneath his body. The only part of her that was free to move were her legs, but they were busy holding her up. If she even attempted to move them, both of them would tumble to the ground. That was the last thing she wanted.

  “I think I have it figured out just right. I know the game you two are playing.”

  “You’re too foxed to know anything.”

  The man let out a howl of anger, sending fear straight through Sinclair’s veins. She shivered against the cold leaves, her back cutting into the thin branches. A twig ripped through the arm of her sleeve to cut her skin. He misinterpreted her yelp of pain as a sign he won.

  “I will break you in like a wild horse, with a strong hand.” said Michael.

  “Why would you waste your time?”

  “My wife needs to know her place.”

  “That will never be me.” Sinclair began to struggle harder against him, but even drunk the man out weighed her.

  “Too proud, eh? We will see how you feel after your reputation is ruined and you have limited options.”

  “I would be soiled goods then. You wouldn’t want that as your wife.”

  He laughed at her naïve question, the wetness from his mouth making her flinch. “I might not have any respect left for you but I do admire the large dowry and family connections you have.”

  “You are disgusting.”
  His shrill laugh rang in Sinclair’s ears. For a moment he lost his balance and she managed to wiggle free one of her arms before he caught himself. Holding still, she cringed as he slid one hand along her cheek.

  “You have not yet learned the dark depths of London society, but you will. Even your darling Lucas would eventually turn on you.”

  “He isn’t my darling,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Good, then you will not miss him when we are wed.”

  The smug smile on his face turned her stomach. Never before had Sinclair despised someone so much. Michael was the most repulsive person she’d ever met.

  “I’d rather die than marry you and let you touch the money my parents worked for. Nothing you do to me is going to change that.” Sinclair hissed at him.

  In anger Michael reached up with one arm to strike his palm against her cheek. The pain brought tears to her eyes and a tremble to her knees. This was new to her, having never been struck before. It throbbed hot against the cool night air, taunting her for her foolishness. Many women would have broken down into hysterics over such a blow, but Sinclair only grew more furious.

  “You will learn to do as you are told.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that.”

  She saw the anger flare in his face before her fist reached up to knock against his chin. At first she worried it wouldn’t be enough to knock him over as he seemed to hover for a moment. Then his knees buckled and his body fell over with a loud curse. Michael fumbled around on the grass, struggling to stand again while Sinclair took off running.

  “I will wring your neck for that!”

  His screams echoed behind her as she ran. The cut on her arm stung in the wind, the blood soaking her sleeve. Burning in her lungs tore through her as she struggled to breathe while she ran. Cursing the damnable corset, Sinclair was forced to slow down and gasp for air. She wasn’t going to make it back to the door before he got to her, so she needed to. Desperate, Sinclair saw a crack between two of the larger bushes. Not knowing what else to do, she slipped between the green branches.

  “I know you must be close,” Michael’s voice could be heard as he approached, “I still smell you in the air.”

  Peering between the leaves, Sinclair could see him stop only a few feet from where she hid. Biting her lip to keep quiet, she prayed he wouldn’t hear the ragged sound of her breathing.

  “I will find you, bitch, and when I do...”

  He wasn’t able to finish his sentence because a broad shadow emerged from behind a hedge and walked towards him. Michael froze, his mouth gaping open. The shadow seemed to move silently toward the viscount who was visibly shaken.

  “You will do what, Andrews?”

  She recognized the deep voice as being Lucas. His movements were slow, his muscled limbs carefully controlled. Michael mumbled something incoherent as Lucas circled around him. Lucas ignored the other man’s incoherent ramblings, continuing to stalk him with every step.

  “You would not be looking for Miss Brown, now would you?”

  “I was only trying to ensure her safety.” Michael’s voice faltered.

  “By screaming at her in the dark?”

  His last word came out as more of a bark than speech. Sinclair bit down on her lip till she tasted the metallic taste of blood. It only added to the misery of the evening.

  “I did not realize she came to meet you. If I had, I would not have bothered.”

  “You know as well as I do what your reason for being out here was, but it is over now. If I were you, I would hurry back in.” Lucas spoke in calm tones that had a hard edge.

  “Is that a threat?”

  “I should think so.”

  The earl loomed over Michael, fists balled at his sides. His shoulders were twice as wide as the other man’s and for a moment he was the only one visible to her eyes. Sinclair waited, her ears straining to hear the next word.

  “You cannot keep me from seeing her,” Michael stuttered, “I haven’t given up my pursuit.”

  “She has been clear that she wants nothing to do with you.”

  “What she wants has little to do with it.”

  Even in the face of eminent danger, the man was stubbornly arrogant. Sinclair wanted to run from her hiding place and smack him squarely on the jaw. Touching the swollen area beneath her eye, she wished he could feel the same pain.

  “I am going to give you one chance to leave before I lose the thin thread of control I have.” Lucas told the other man.

  “You cannot bully people around like this.”

  A deep rumble came out of Lucas as he lunged for Michael.

  THE TWO DARK FIGURES hit the ground with a loud thud, rolling along with many groans. In the darkness, Lucas could see the look of fear painted across Michael’s face. As he pinned the weak man beneath him, the earl took pleasure in the other man’s discomfort. He deserved this pain and much more. Pitiful sounds escaped the viscount’s thin lips and fell on deaf ears. A well placed fist to the face and Michael lay there unconscious.

  “You can step out from your hiding place to explain yourself.” Lucas said, standing and brushing the dirt from his ruined evening clothes.

  Sinclair must be hiding somewhere in the nearby brush because the scent of coffee lingered in the air. At the sound of his voice he could see the leaves moving. Like a cat he moved quickly from where he stood to grab her by the arm. She didn’t even have enough time to react before he pulled her out into the open space. Like a brick wall, his hard chest stopped her from tumbling to the ground beside the viscount.

  “You had best start speaking quickly.”

  Inside of him the mixture of fear for her safety and anger that she let herself get into such a situation made his pulse race. He felt half mad wondering what might have happened if he had arrived in time.

  Shaken and bleeding, Sinclair looked like she’d been through an ordeal that might have broken a lesser female. Instead a spark of indignation lit her eye. He watched with a darkened mood as she ripped the fabric from her sleeve with a flourish and tossed it to the ground.

  “It’s none of your business why I am here. I am not your property.”

  “If you were, you would be somewhere safe at the moment.”

  She snorted and he could feel himself growing angrier by the minute. Like a wild animal, he roared fiercely. “You are insufferable!”

  Reaching out, Lucas grabbed Sinclair by the forearms and pulled her up against him. He felt her body tense and a she screamed out. Lucas released her, knowing only pain could cause such a reaction in her. When he pulled his hand away he saw what looked like blood on his palm.

  “Did he hurt you?” Lucas asked.

  “It wasn’t him as much as it was the bushes.” The fire was gone from her tone.

  Gently he ran his hand over the arm she extended, feeling the wetness of blood on her scratches. Bending over to get a closer look, Lucas could see the red in contrast with the paleness of her skin. It wasn’t a large cut, but it would no doubt leave a scar. Cursing, he wanted to beat the man all over again.

  “It’s really not much compared to what my face must look like.” Sinclair added, not pulling away from him but turning her face aside.

  “He hit you?”

  “It was a mistake saying that, wasn’t it?”

  Lucas took her chin gently in his large hand to inspect the swelling bruise along one cheek. The rough skin of his thumb brushed across it, making her flinch. Anger welled up in his chest, causing his hand to press against her jaw. Only her yelp of pain reminded him that he needed to be gentler. Those blue eyes were looking up at him with such despair and the shadows of the injury only made it more intense.

  “That bastard deserves a lot more than he got tonight.” Lucas wished he had taken longer to punish the villain before he passed out.

  “I think you’ve done enough.” She tried to smile, but it appeared as more of a grimace. “I imagine his pride will be injured the most.”

y did you come out here with him?” Lucas asked.

  “I didn’t. He followed me.”

  “You were trying to get away from me.” Now he felt a tingle of guilt that his behavior might have caused this.

  “Yes, but I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  Lucas looked at her in silence, drinking in the pale beauty of her face. Those blue eyes stared back at him, so open and trusting. For a moment he forgot how stubborn and opinionated she was, thinking only of how lovely she looked. He had a desperate need to kiss her and taste her sweetness again.

  “Sinclair,” he whispered, breathing in the strong, rich scent of her, “If you want me to stop tell me now.”

  The mood had changed quickly, catching her off guard. Staring into her blue eyes, he saw the desire burning in them. Heat flushed through her body, spreading a deep blush across her skin. His hands cried out to touch her warm, soft skin.

  Lucas took her silence to be acceptance. This filled him with a strange sense of accomplishment. It pleased him to know she wanted him to kiss her.

  “Lucas, please,” she whispered, stretching up to brush her lips against his

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Grabbing her by the waist, Lucas pressed her body between his and the garden wall. He’d visited this garden enough as child to find the wall in the dark. He heard her gasp when his chest pressed hard against hers.

  “Did that hurt?”

  “No, I’m just not used to this damned corset.”

  Normally cursing from a woman would have offended him, but coming from Sinclair it amused him. With a smile on his face, Lucas placed tiny nibbles along the outline of her lips. She responded with a long sigh.

  He tasted the faint blend of coffee on her lips and it made him hunger for more.

  In slow, steady strokes he parted her lips and tasted her warm mouth. She copied his movements, rubbing her tongue against his. He groaned, pressing the length of his body against hers.

  Wanting to feel her body more intimately, Lucas reached around to push up on her backside. Her short, soft body lifted into the air until his hip was between her legs. The blue velvet of her skirt was at her knees, allowing her to wrap her legs around her waist as his hip held her against the wall.


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