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Daddy's Girl

Page 3

by River Laurent

  The rest of the night went on in the same vein, with me trying to convince myself that nothing was wrong, all the while knowing I was being as much of an asshole to Victoria as I was to myself. Every time the conversation paused for a second, I found my mind drifting back to the girl, asleep in my house, only a couple of dozen blocks away. She was just so fucking…tantalizing. Even with an accomplished woman like Victoria in front of me, I couldn’t shake the thought of Madison’s big blue eyes from my head, and it grated the hell out of me.

  The bill arrived and I watched Victoria do something mind-blowingly sexy with the complimentary chocolate truffles that came with it.

  “I can do the same with your balls,” she whispered, her eyes smoky with promise.

  “We should go,” I said.

  “Would you like to come back to my place? For a nightcap?”

  I looked down at her for a second before I replied. She was sophisticated and smart, and knew how to hold a conversation even when one half of it had checked out entirely, but my mind was somewhere else, and I knew I’d never forgive myself if I went home with her and didn’t give her my all.

  I didn’t want to disappoint her, and, even though I could have just accepted her invitation and had a pretty decent night, that wasn’t my jam these days. I was used to the finer things in life, and a night of mediocre, distracted sex wasn’t exactly what I would define as “fine”.

  “I’d love to, but I have to get back home. Got an early start tomorrow.” I raised my shoulders apologetically. “But I had a good time.”

  Her face fell.

  “I’ll see you again soon, I hope?”

  “Yeah, if you like,” she nodded. She could barely hide her disappointment.

  I frowned. Was I being an idiot? Should I have just gone for it? No, no, that wasn’t my style. Leave them wanting more if you leave them wanting anything. That had always been my approach to life.

  I stood and so did she.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked, hooking her hand through my arm as we made our way out of the restaurant. It was warm outside, but the rain had stopped enough that there were actually a few free taxis out on the street once again.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I assured her.

  She leaned in, pressing her body against mine in that subtle way women like her learned years ago. “Thanks for the lovely dinner. Let’s do this again very soon.”

  “I would love to,” I promised her. I was being serious, too. Victoria was probably just the kind of distraction I needed from Madison, an older woman to remind me exactly why I dated women of my own age, and not students barely out of school. I’d look back on this first date as nothing more than a brief stumbling block on something I hoped would be a beautiful, fun filled, sexual experience.

  I kissed her cheek, and waved down a taxi for her. We stood in silence as it pulled up, and I fought to think of something charming to say to see her off.

  “I’ll call you soon?” I managed at last.

  “Right.” She nodded, and this time she couldn’t hide her disappointment. She looked crushed. I think she never truly gave up hope she would somehow persuade me back to her place.

  “Honestly, I’m just distracted with the stuff that came up last minute,” I blurted out. “I really do want to see you again soon.”

  “Me too.” She grinned. Her worry washed away in one little lie. She planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth and dived into the taxi, waving at me from inside, and smiling as she leaned back against the seats. I stood and watched until she vanished off into the night. I couldn’t help having the funny feeling I might have been wrong about her. She could actually be one of those super clingy women disguised as an independent, sexually unrepressed go-getter.

  Then the valet brought my car around, and I was on my way back to Madison once more.



  I tiptoed in quietly. It felt bizarre. I hadn’t sneaked in after a night out since I was a young boy, but I didn’t want to wake Madison. She was probably exhausted, judging by all the traveling she’d been doing in the last day or so. I made my way past the guest room, but I couldn’t hear her steady breathing through the door. I furrowed my brow, but ignored the warning signs flashing in my head as I made my way to my room. I opened the door and my breath hitched.

  Madison slept in my bed.

  She lay curled up on top of the covers. Her jean shorts kicked off and piled in a small heap at the end of my bed along with her shoes. She wore one of my T-shirts which had ridden all the way up her fine body. She was naked waist down except for a white thong – not that it did much to cover her up.

  My eyes snapped down to her legs, her thighs, her ass. As though they were being dragged by magnets, my dazed, excited gaze, zeroed in on her pussy. Jesus, what a fucking gorgeous pussy. The string of her thong had sliced through the puffy lips leaving it exposed in all its pink glory.

  My dick was rock hard. I wanted to walk up to her and plunge into that sweet pussy, but my hand jerked and I pulled the door shut.

  I leaned up against it, and ran my fingers through my hair, raking my nails against my scalp in the hopes the pain would wake me up, and make me realize how incredibly stupid and deviant I was being.

  What in the name of fuck are you doing?

  She was asleep. A guest in my house. She didn’t come here to be ogled while she tried to catch some rest. I was disgusting. I needed to leave her the fuck alone, and scrub out the image of her naked body from my head at once.

  And another voice said, oh yeah? Then what the fuck is she doing in your bed?

  She was just a kid. She was Kevin’s kid for crying out loud.

  I strode down the corridor and into the living room, where I poured myself a truly large glass of scotch. I had had a couple of glasses of wine over dinner, not enough to get me drunk, but enough to lay the groundwork for that scotch to take me to the next level.

  I shuddered as I gulped it down, praying it would bleach what I’d just seen from my head. But no, my brain seemed determined to cling on to the image no matter what. I get angry with myself. For fuck’s sake, I was turning into some kind of old pervert, eyeing up a girl who had nowhere to stay but my house. I needed to pull myself together, and right now. If Kevin knew what had been going through my head in that split second, he would beat the shit out of me, and I would deserve it too.

  I lay down on the couch, tucked my hands up into my chest, and tried to catch some sleep. It took forever, but I had almost dozed off when I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, making their way toward me. I snapped upright.


  Her long hair was loose and messy. It lay in waves around her breasts. My T-shirt just about covered her pussy. And I knew exactly what that looked like.

  “Jesus,” I muttered, shielding my eyes from her as though she was the sun. “Put some clothes on.”

  “I’m sorry. I had a bad dream.” She rubbed one of her eyes with her closed fist, and crossed her legs at the ankles, wobbling precariously. “Can I just…lie with you? For a little bit?”

  I knew I should have said no. That was the only acceptable reaction to her request. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself I shouldn’t, I didn’t have it in me to say no. I was tired, the alcohol had worn me down, the irresistible sight of her in my T-shirt and knowing what was underneath, was enough to break down any resolve I had built up.

  “Fine.” I sighed.

  “Thank you,” she yawned, and came over to me on the couch.

  I shifted to make room for her, but she lay down directly in front of me and curled herself up against my body. I held my hands away from her, as though she was red-hot, but eventually, I let one settle awkwardly on the side of her waist. It wasn’t too intimate, and I had to put it somewhere, after all.

  Soon enough she had closed her eyes again and started to fall back off to sleep. The steady rise and fall of her chest was hypnotic in its calmness. I did my best to match my b
reathing to hers, but I was so damn consumed by her presence it was hard to keep my head straight.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shifted my body away from hers. Her response was instant. She nestled herself further into me. There was no getting away from this. I moved my head further away from her, and found my cheek tickled by a strand of her long hair. It smelled of apples, and the scent enveloped me. I closed my eyes, determined not to fold.

  Suddenly, I felt her ass pressing back into me.

  What the fuck! This wasn’t just the shifting of someone trying to get comfortable. She meant that. I opened my eyes as she twisted her head around to look at me. Her gaze flashed with something playful and sensual, and just like that I was rock hard against the firm flesh of her ass. She ran her teeth over her bottom lip, and my eyes were drawn to how soft and full they were. She knew what she was doing. Fuck, she knew.

  “You can have me if you want,” she murmured, her voice breathy and whispery.

  My cock twitched at her offer. I closed my eyes and shook my head, but my fingers were already sliding down her body, as if of their own accord. I had to force myself to remove them before they took things further than I wanted.

  “No, we can’t,” I grated, shoving her so she was driven upright. “You need to get back to your own bed.”

  “Come on, Quinn.” She bent over, my T-shirt hanging away from her chest, allowing me a tantalizing glimpse of her bare breasts. Her nipples were hard, and her ripe breasts looked as though they would have fit perfectly into the palm of my hand.

  “No, Madison!” I warned, my voice harsher this time. “Go. To. Your. Bed.”

  “But I want to stay with you,” she pleaded.

  “Now,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “Fine,” she pouted. Shooting me a look over her shoulder, she made her way out of the living room.

  My head was so hazy with arousal I had to fight the urge to go after her, to scoop her up into my arms, carry her to my bed like a fucking caveman, pin her down, and fuck the shit out of her, but I knew I had to let her go. I had no choice. It was for the best, even my lust induced brain could see that.

  I heard her close her door, and I flopped back into the couch and exhaled. If I ignored my erection I hoped it would soon subside. Because…damn, if that girl didn’t know how to turn me on. She seemed to take great pleasure in doing so too. I was almost annoyed at how easily she’d been able to get me to pop wood, and how hellishly difficult it had been to send her away.

  But I had, and it was all that mattered.

  The real question was. For how long though?



  I woke early, my head banging from the drinks I had rashly mixed last night, and a sour taste in my mouth. And the first fucking thing that came into my mind: Madison. And there she remained as I switched on the coffee machine and went past her room into mine.

  In the shower, I braced my hand against the tiles, fisted my erect cock, and remembered her pussy. All those wet, pink folds with nothing to cover them but a single, white string. She was a horny, dirty girl with the sweetest pussy I had ever seen. I quickened my strokes. My heart raced, my breathing became faster. I thought about ramming into her while she slept. I was almost there.

  Suddenly, an image of Kevin, came unbidden into my mind. “You’ll take care of her, won’t you?” he said.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  My cock was so hard, it hurt, but I forced myself to unclench my hand. My behavior was totally unacceptable. I was getting hung up on a very dangerous fantasy. Hell, maybe she’d been so jet-lagged the night before she hadn’t even realized what she’d been doing.

  I got out of the shower, unsatisfied, and dressed for work. I was glad for the excuse to get out of the house for the rest of the day. Maybe I would make a point to stay late at the office. Yeah, it was probably for the best.

  I hurried downstairs to make myself a coffee before I left. The only thing worse than getting caught with her again would be heading into the office without a drop of caffeine in my system. My head still thumped. I wasn’t twenty anymore and hangovers tended to kick my ass these days.

  “Morning,” a sleepy voice came from behind me.

  My dick twitched.

  “Uh, morning.” I didn’t turn around, as I waited for my coffee to stream into my cup. I switched the button off and lifted the cup to my lips, inhaling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Mmm, that was some good shit. If I could just keep focused on the smell wafting up, maybe I would be able to hold off the memory of Madison’s delectable pussy.

  As soon as I turned around, I knew I would be stuck with another image designed to torment me all day. She had changed, but if anything, this outfit was even more revealing than the last one. A cropped olive-green bustier clung to her chest, pushing her breasts up into the most irresistible cleavage, and she had replaced the other shorts for a low-riding pair of baby-pink ones. These just emphasized the way her waist flared out to her hips. I blinked down at her for a moment before I got my dazed wits together enough to speak again.

  “Coffee?” I offered, and on the pretense of making her one, quickly turned back to the machine. Really all I was attempting to do was erase her image and try to get my fucking shit together. I had to be better than this. If she planned to throw herself at me with as little restraint as she had last night, I needed to be stronger. Not fall apart at the first sight of her in a pair of shorts.

  “Yeah, that’d be great.” She leaned up against the counter as I glanced over my shoulder to acknowledge her request. “Black, with two sugars, please.”

  I made her a cup and handed it to her. “Why were you in my bed last night?”

  She smiled apologetically. “Sorry. I went to the toilet during the night and completely..lost my way.”

  My eyebrows rose. She had an ensuite. I said nothing and tried not to watch as she curled her dainty hands around the cup, pursed her mouth, and made a porn star worthy show of blowing at her coffee. Whatever was wrong with me last night was still not fixed. Bending my head, I gulped my drink hurriedly even though it was still scalding hot.

  “I need to get off to work,” I blurted out. I didn’t have to stay here any longer than I already had. “Make yourself at home. There’s a pool just down the hall feel free to use it. If you want to go out I’ve left the keys on the side table.”

  “Cool.” She nodded, flashing me a dazzling smile. “Thanks, Quinn.”

  “No problem,” I muttered, and made for the door, closing it tight behind me, as if that would solve everything. My plan didn’t work. I spent the entire commute to work trying to remind myself it was Kevin’s daughter I was thinking that way about.


  My best friend.

  The best guy I knew.

  I was restless the whole day at work, distracted by images of her, and the knowledge she was waiting for me at my house to tempt and torture me even more when I got back. At any other time, I would have been delighted to have a gorgeous, willing woman ready for me when I got back from work, but I couldn’t have this one.

  It was unthinkable for me to have a half-naked woman in my house I couldn’t lay a finger on. Outside of work, I never kept women around unless we had a specific use for each other. I actually dreaded to think about what kind of a nightmare the next few days would be. Especially, since I was certain Kevin had been conservative when he delivered his estimate. He made sure I would say yes.

  I had convinced myself I hated the thought that she had all this power over me, but at the same time, that made it all the more tantalizing. She was aware that I knew I couldn’t have her, but she was determined to play Delilah at every turn.

  At least that was the way it seemed to me.

  Or perhaps I was just overthinking everything and the outfit she wore down this morning was just the kind of thing she liked to wear. Maybe, I should keep my dirty-old-man thoughts to myself and let her enjoy her time in the city. By the time I drove home in the evening I
had a strategy.

  Just…play it cool.

  Treat her as nothing more than a guest. Be friendly, but not too friendly, and call Kevin and tell him he needed to get his ass back here as soon as possible. I could tell him something had come up, something unavoidable. Obviously, I wouldn’t mention the fact that I couldn’t get the feeling of his daughter’s ass against my cock out of my head.

  When I arrived back at the house, I found it empty. I should have been relieved, but what I really felt was an acute stab of disappointment and annoyance. I’d been thinking about her all day and convincing myself I didn’t want to see her, and now the inescapable truth stared me in the face.

  I was fucking desperate to see her.

  I frowned. Where could she have gone without telling me. Then, I saw a note sitting on the counter. I took off my jacket as I went over to pick it up. Dumping my jacket on the back of the couch, I picked up the scrap of paper. The handwriting was loopy and messy.

  Down in the pool. Let me know when you’re back. M x

  I expected her to take advantage of the pool, but I had hoped I could avoid the sight of her wandering around dripping wet in a bikini. I sighed, steeled my resolve, and made my way toward the pool.

  It was early evening, and hot air ruffled my hair as I opened the sliding door. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that if I could run a million-dollar business, I could see a woman in a bikini and not get overtaken by lust. I just needed to get a hold of my self-control again. Things are always less complicated in the daylight.

  With that thought I stepped into the ring of fire.


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