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Daddy's Girl

Page 7

by River Laurent

  “What’s good here?” she asked.

  “Everything,” I said, banishing the dark thoughts from my mind. She needed me on her side, not brooding over stuff that happened while she was a kid and I was an oblivious fool.

  “I don’t know what to order. I’ve never had French food before,” she stage-whispered.

  “The onion soup is good,” I suggested. “You’ll have to try snails, though, if it’s your first time.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Seriously?”

  “Honestly, you’ll like them,” I assured her with a smile. “They just taste like chicken in butter and garlic.”

  She pulled an adorable face. “Then why don’t I just have chicken in butter and garlic.”

  “Chicken,” I mocked.

  She grinned. “Do I really have to?”

  “No, but they’re good.”

  She downed what was left of her glass of champagne and a waiter immediately materialized by her side to refill her glass.

  “I’m going to need more of this if you insist on feeding me snails,” she warned. She seemed more relaxed than she’d been the entire time since she’d arrived, and I found myself unwinding slightly too. Her company was pleasant when she wasn’t doing things to make me throb with sexual tension.

  “I can’t believe you’ve been living in Europe for so long and you haven’t tried snails yet. Don’t they have snails, scones and bratwurst at every restaurant?” I teased gently.

  She raised her eyebrows at me. “You do know Europe isn’t just one big continent, right?”

  “Yeah,” I said with a grin. “But I’d go to a restaurant that served snails, scones and bratwurst.”

  “Maybe there’s a market for it, after all. European foods for Americans who don’t want to waste their time going to a bunch of countries,” she said, her voice full of laughter.

  “Hey, I’ve travelled plenty!” I protested. “I just think it would be a smart marketing move, that’s all.”

  “Are we really going to talk business tonight, Quinn?”

  “It would be a very safe topic, Madison,” I said casually.

  She took another sip of champagne and was about to say something, then changed her mind and shook her head instead. “Come on, I need you to help me out with this menu. I want to make the most of this place before I go back and have to live on a student budget again.”

  I lowered my eyes to my menu, but couldn’t help myself from sneaking another look at her as she trailed her finger around the rim of her glass.

  In the light from the candles she looked angelic and I wanted to snake my hand out across the table and cover hers with mine. Maybe if I fed her enough garlic and onions I would feel no need to go after her at the end of the night. It was definitely a theory worth exploring.

  The rest of the night flew by, and I found myself having a surprisingly good time with her. She was intelligent and fun. It seemed as if something had changed between us after the conversation we had the night before. What, exactly, I wasn’t sure, but something felt different.

  Maybe both of us finally recognized we had gone further than we should have, and we both understood pushing our luck any more could only end in disaster. It was a bit sad, but it was just life.

  I called for the bill. Kevin had already put down a big stack of cash in advance to cover the whole thing, so I left a generous tip for the staff who had very accommodatingly agreed to bring us tasting portions of some of the full-size dishes, since there was so much Madison wanted to try.

  The waitress smiled at Madison as she cleared our plates. “Did you and your dad enjoy the meal?” Madison shot me a cheeky look, and I knew what was going to come out of her mouth before she opened it. “He’s not my father.” She grinned. “He’s my boyfriend.”

  Then she leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss on my lips before I could stop her. Not that I would have even if my reflexes had been faster. The scent of citrus and roses filled my senses for a split-second before she pulled back. The waitress, without missing a beat, offered her an apologetic smile.

  “Sorry about that,” she said, glancing at me. I couldn’t say I blamed her. If I had seen the two of us out like this, I would have come to the same conclusion.

  “No problem,” Madison beamed.

  Maybe I should have corrected Madison by making her assertion into a joke, but it was her birthday, and it wasn’t as if there would be anyone here I knew. Even if they were, they wouldn’t have heard what she said. As for the kiss: it was pretty chaste as far as kisses go. There was nothing to read into, and I wouldn’t take this away from her.

  I called Benjamin, and the two of us waited outside in the cool evening air. I was a little fuzzy around the edges from the alcohol, and I found myself stealing a look at her out of the corner of my eye.

  “What?” she asked flirtatiously.

  I turned away. Now that we were no longer in those civilized surroundings the sexual tension was back in spades. I had a sudden image of her in the bath, water sluicing off her pussy, as she offered herself to me. And how hungrily I ate it.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head. Get it together, Quinn.

  “Thank you for tonight. This has been the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  I turned my head and stared at her. Her eyes gleamed, and my chest was suddenly tight.

  Luckily, the car arrived a few seconds later, giving us both a valid distraction. I ushered her in. We didn’t speak at all in the car until we were back at the house.

  “Thanks for an amazing night,” she mumbled, pulling off her shoes in the hallway.

  She stumbled slightly, and I instinctively reached out to catch her. She giggled and looked up at me, and I swear, I had to force myself not grab her and devour that mouth. I had never felt anything like it in my life, Like the urge that overtook my body as the little minx widened her eyes and fluttered her eyelashes at me.

  Her lips parted in invitation and a look of adoration filled her eyes. My heart began to pound like crazy. I already knew what it would feel like to pull her close against me. That kiss we’d shared the night before seemed to hang between us, unspoken, like the promise of so much more.

  “Oh, Quinn,” she whispered. “I loved it when you put your mouth…on my pussy.”

  The haze cleared and I suddenly remembered. She was not mine to spoil, or take. I let go of her and stepped back. I turned away and started walking toward the stairs.

  “Don’t thank me for the dinner. Thank your father,” I called harshly over my shoulder. I got into my bedroom and slammed my door shut. Jesus, what the fuck was wrong with me? I had never been so hung up on a woman like this in my life. Never. Was it just because I knew I shouldn’t? Or was there something more going on?

  I heard her make her way into her own bedroom, the door clicking shut quietly behind her.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I sat on my bed with my head buried in my hands and remembered the way I had found her on her first night here. Her shorts kicked to the end of her bed and the string of her white thong trapped between her pussy lips. Little sweet Madison.

  She wanted me.

  And I wanted her.

  More than I had wanted anything else before.

  With a surge of confidence and stupidity, I strode out into the corridor. I felt as if my brain might overflow from wanting her so much. My body ached with desire as the need for her coursed through my veins. I had my hand on the door before I realized what I was doing.

  My hand trembled.

  Was I really going to do this?

  It took everything in me to take a step back, and evaluate the situation. She latched on to me because she felt let down by her dad, and I was the nearest thing to him she had. I shouldn’t take advantage of that.

  I turned on my heel, and made my way back down to my room. I paced the floor. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stay in my bedroom with her next door. I needed out of this house and burning away this sexual urge.

  I grabbed
my trunks from the wardrobe, pulled them on and stalked down the corridor, ignoring what felt like a magnetic pull from her room. I made my way to the pool silently. I would swim until I was so exhausted I would not even be able to think of sex. That seemed like the only way I would be able to keep my desire in check.



  I heard him on the other side of the door, but just as I flew across the room to open it, I heard his footsteps stride away, so fast I knew there was no point in opening the door.

  If only he would forget who I was. Who my father was.

  I stood for a long time at my door after he had gone. I think I was waiting for him to come back. When I heard his door open again, I stopped breathing. His door clicked shut, but he walked in the opposite direction.

  I knew where he was going. I had thought about it myself.

  I felt so wired with lust and wanting I had considered swimming a few laps. The alcohol buzzed in my veins.

  I wanted Quinn. God, I wanted him.

  It had been a great night. We’d chatted. We’d enjoyed each other’s company. We’d eaten great food and we’d teased each other. Even though both of us were doing our level best to ignore the obvious attraction, the night had been fun. But the easy companionship didn’t last. As soon as I found myself in the car on our way back here, I had to fight the urge to reach out and do things to him.

  I pressed my head against the wood, squeezing my eyes as tight as I could. It was the only way I could put him out of my head. I needed to distract myself with something, anything, but it wasn’t working. My entire body seemed to pulse for him. Just knowing he had left this place to get away from me was making me want to scream at the top of my lungs.

  I knew he wanted me.

  I knew we both wanted this.

  I didn’t wait any longer.

  I wanted my first time to be with him.

  Before I could stop myself, I reached under my dress, grabbed hold of my panties, and pulled them down and off. I kicked them aside and made my way down the corridor.

  As I hurried toward the pool the stars were all out and twinkling away in the night sky and the water looked turquoise in the underwater lighting. He had his back to me, and was about halfway down the length of the pool. He didn’t hear me come out, and I took the opportunity to admire his body. I hadn’t seen it recently, and I had to say it was still pretty damn great. As he swung his powerful shoulders the beautiful snake tattoo appeared to move on his back.

  I perched myself down on the edge of the pool, dangling my feet in the water, careful not to let my precious dress get wet. It was my favorite and in my heart, I knew I brought it because I wanted Quinn to see me in it.

  I sat there in silence, kicking my legs back and forth so the water slopped quietly about my ankles. Quinn reached the other end of the pool, and turned around to kick off and make his way back. That was the moment he laid eyes on me.

  I saw a strange mixture of emotion flicker into his face: desire, excitement, then annoyance, but I wasn’t going anywhere.

  It was just the two of us now and I could feel the tension rising as he began to swim toward me, cutting through the water easily and powerfully. Before I knew it, he was standing a few feet from me, eyeing me as though I was something that could explode.

  “What are you doing here?” he demanded coldly.

  I took a deep breath. I could put myself on the line. No second-guessing, no beating about the bush. I needed to get a yes or no answer out of him, and I couldn’t wait any longer to find out what it was going to be.

  I hitched my skirt up to my waist and spread my legs as far as I could. His eyes flicked straight down to my bare pussy, and his mouth fell open.

  “Have you been like that all night?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Jesus, Madison,” he snarled, and I could hear that mix in his voice again, the one that told me he wanted me, but he was mad as hell with himself for not being able to just turn me down. Well, bad luck, buster. He ran his tongue across his lips, and I could practically feel his tongue on me again. I pulled in a shaky breath, and forced myself to continue talking.

  “I want you. I want, I want you to eat me out again. I want you to…fuck me, Quinn, I want you to do everything to me.”

  He let out a groan and I stared at him imploringly.

  He took a deep breath, as though trying to find the strength to turn me down, but I knew he didn’t have it in him. He closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them, they glittered with naked lust. He dived into the water and cut through the expanse between us like a shark after the smell of blood. My heart hammered in my chest with anticipation, as he emerged, water sluicing off his big body. He wrapped his big heavy hands around my thighs and opened them wider. The sheer power of those hands made me shiver. I leaned back on my palms and watched him look at my exposed pussy.

  My mouth had fallen open and I could hear my rasping breath as I waited for him to go for it. Give me what I craved. Every instinct in me wanted to grab his head and push his face into my throbbing core, but I knew he needed to come to it himself, needed to just give himself over to his desires.

  He slid his tongue over his lower lip, and as if entranced, ran his fingertip lightly along my wet seam. I responded by sliding my body along the cold tiles toward him. Quinn lifted his head and looked at me with hooded eyes. I could feel his desire for me. It radiated off him in hot waves.

  “Please,” I whispered jaggedly.

  “Not yet.”

  My body ached for him and I writhed inside with pure frustration. He knew exactly what I wanted, he just didn’t want to give it to me. I didn’t say the words again, but begging him with my eyes, I rocked against his hand. He took his time and played with the slick folds. Maybe he wanted to savor every moment because he knew as soon as this was over, we would have to return to the real world and accept the fact what we were doing was forbidden.

  When I thought I could bear it no more, he locked eyes with me and slowly pushed a long finger into me. I was so slick there was no resistance.

  I cried out with relief.

  The sound must have snapped his resolve. With a groan, he swooped down and flicked his tongue across my clitoris, swiping it in a windshield wiper movement. One finger became two. Damn, it felt good. My head fell back and my hands grasped his hair.

  He sealed his lips around my clit and sucked. I squeezed my eyes shut, as whole new waves of pleasure coursed through my body. The intensity of the sensations drove my brain into a frenzy. It was so freaking awesome I never wanted it to end. He let out a sudden growl sending shivers of pleasure through my pussy, and…just like that…I came.

  So incredibly hard, my eyes flew open, and a soundless cry sprung from my mouth. Every muscle in my body tensed, and I became completely rigid, while my pussy clenched around his fingers over and over again as waves of bliss dropped me over the edge. His fingers continued to plunge in and out of me, but he had pulled his mouth away from me, and my climax. I was still breathing hard when he withdrew his fingers. He hauled himself out of the pool and scooped me up into his arms.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and inhaling the chlorine-infused scent of him. A hint of his aftershave remained, sweet and musky, and so, so him.

  “To my bed,” he replied gruffly, his voice dropping down to a dark growl, as he carried me through the corridor and up the stairs to his bedroom. He lay me on the bed, and quickly slipped out of his trunks. Oh, my, his cock was hard and thick. I was suddenly desperate to taste him.

  “Sit up,” he ordered, and I did as I was told.

  He quickly unzipped my dress, pulled it away from me, and flung it carelessly over his shoulder. It landed over the back of a chair in one corner of the room. We were completely naked. My blood hammered in my ear with excitement. I wanted this for so long it almost seemed unreal it was finally happening.

  My first time.

  With the man I’d always dreamed of and wanted it to be with.

  He slid his hand into my hair and looked down at me. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered. He bent his head and inhaled my scent before trailing feathery kisses on my neck. I felt a tightening between my legs. God, he sure knew what to do.

  “You want this?” he asked, grazing his lips across the sensitive lobe of my ear.

  I nodded.

  “Say it,” he said, his voice low and full of dark promise.

  “I want this,” I gasped, my entire body aching up to him. Hell, I didn’t just want it I needed it. I felt as if I couldn’t wait a second longer.

  “I’m old enough to be your dad.” He bit down on my ear lobe.

  Pain lanced through me. “Ah”

  He sucked at my tingling earlobe.

  “I…I…like older men,” I stuttered.

  He looked into my eyes and something passed between us, and suddenly we were on the same path. He pulled away from me and moved to the bedside cabinet. I shivered without the heat of his body. His hand dived into the drawer and pulled out a condom. Quickly he sheathed himself and came to sit on the bed next to me.

  “Sit on me,” he invited.

  I clambered on his big body and sat on his lap with my legs astride him. I felt his cock, hard and hot move against my open pussy. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me.

  “Rub yourself on my cock. I want to watch you cum again,” he said.

  Deliberately, I rubbed my clit on the shaft while his eyes burned bright. When I broke apart he placed his strong hands around my waist and lifted me, holding my entrance over the head of his jutting cock.


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