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Daddy's Girl

Page 11

by River Laurent

  Right, I’ve established that she’s a con-woman. I can’t trust her, not as far as I can throw her, anyway. She’s lied through her teeth to get in here, and this last statement, I see it for what exactly it is. A barely disguised offer of her body in exchange for what she wants. Some part of me is furious with her because I really like her and she’s turned out to be nothing, but a cheap slut. Putting herself out so easily. How many men has she offered herself to like this? I don’t know why, but I fucking hate the idea of any other man touching her.

  Fuck it. Two can play at this fucking game. If she’s passing it around like candy why shouldn’t I have a piece too? It’s stupid to let her walk out of this room without at least trying my luck. Would it be so out there for me to untie her hair and watch all those glorious golden waves cascade down her body? I bet her skin is like the finest silk, and I’ll lay money she’ll moan when I suck those big, juicy boobs. My cock starts pulsating for her.

  If she says no, fine. She can leave, and I’ll put this sorry affair behind me. Shit, I’ll have forgotten her by tonight when I’m buried deep inside some other broad.

  “I’ll take her address,” I drawl.

  Her face lights up, and she opens her mouth as if to thank me, but I hold a hand up to silence her so I can deliver my condition of acceptance.

  “If you lock the door, strip, and let me look at you.”

  Chapter Two


  “What?” My jaw hangs open as soon as the words are out of his mouth. He can’t be serious.

  Can he?

  He’s scanning my face for a reaction, one corner of his full sensual lips twisted cynically. Part of me wants to see him smile. For years, I’ve followed his career, as starting quarterback, team captain, and leader of the team’s defense, and seen hundreds of photos of him in gossip magazines, always with his arm wrapped around the waists of anonymous Barbie-like women, a big grin plastered across his face.

  None of the photographs have done him justice.

  In real life, he’s a badass magnetic hunk of a man. Power and animal attraction radiate out of him in waves strong enough to knock out an ox. His eyes are the color of wet grass and they glow in his deeply tanned face. His nose is straight and his jaw is strong and chiseled, as if out of solid granite. Did I hear wrong? Did he actually ask me… to strip for him? Why? When he has all those beauties at his beck and call.

  “You heard me.” His voice is soft but steely.

  “No,” I gasp, shaking my head.

  His gorgeous eyes turn icy. “What happened to “anything?” he taunts.

  “I didn’t mean that.” My voice is shocked and unconsciously pleading.

  “So, you lied. Again.”

  “No, I wasn’t lying. I-”

  He shrugs carelessly. “Go home, Reese. You’re wasting my time.” Then he turns away from me as if he has already forgotten all about me and opens his locker door. If I don’t strip he’s just going to get dressed and walk out of here, and I will never get another chance to convince him that I’m telling the truth, and Morgan will never get her dying wish to see her beloved son all grown up and successful.

  I know my stepmom will be repulsed if she knew her son asked me to do such a lewd and degrading thing. If I go to her and tell her about his request, she wouldn’t hold it against me for not going through with it. In fact, she’d be very, very sad that her beautiful boy had become this callous, sexual predator.

  No matter what happens I will never tell her the truth. I’ll never spoil the illusion. Let her breathe her last thinking he is something special. I don’t have to do this. I can just leave. No one will blame me. I’ll make something up, but as I watch the way the bulging muscles in his torso move when he reaches inside his locker, something unusual happens.

  The muscles between my legs clench hard, and a little voice in my head says, “So what if you strip for him? What harm can it do? No one will ever know. And you want it, don’t you?”

  I guess now might be a good time to admit that I’ve been secretly dreaming of Drake Kelly for a long time now. It’s part of the reason I came here today, all dressed up in my most professional outfit and with a faked ID from a local paper bought for the princely sum of $120.00 from the net. I wanted to meet him in person and see if he lived up to the hype.

  Damn him, he does.

  He’s one of those rare people who exists at the intersection of talent, good looks, and charisma. My eyes follow the dangerous-looking tattoos on his arm up to his powerful shoulders and onto his tightly sculpted body where they taper down to his lean hips before they are hidden by his towel. He’s a sex god, there’s no arguing with that. I know most of my friends would kill to be standing this close to him especially considering that he’s almost naked.

  But it’s me he wants to see naked!

  Well, I want him to see me naked too. I want to see what his eyes look like when they are glazed with desire. Not for one of those perfectly formed blonde women he escorts around town, but for me. Little ole me.

  My eyes swivel towards the door. Am I really going to do this?

  He glances at me, his face bored. “Are you still here?”

  I let out a shaky breath and force myself to look up into his eyes. He really isn’t joking. Well, neither am I. I feel a heat growing steadily between my legs. I press my lips together. Sure, it’s a bad idea, the worst, but my cheeks are already burning, and my chest is rising and falling fast. I want this, want him. And if it gets him to take the address as well … no harm done. Right?

  In one swift motion, I turn to the door and push the latch across, locking it tight. Just us now. I whirl back to him and find his eyebrows have disappeared into his hairline. He never expected this. Well, he asked for it, and he’s going to get it.

  I stand in front of him, just a bench between us, and reach up to undo my ponytail. I pull out the band and let my long hair fall around my shoulders. I feel better like that, less done-up, a bit more covered up. Then, with my heart hammering against my chest, I slip out of my blazer, letting it fall to the floor. The only sound is the air conditioning humming in the thick, heavy almost-silence hanging between us. He turns slowly towards me, his eyes dark with interest.

  Oh shit, this is really happening.

  Before I can stop myself, I reach up and begin to unbutton my shirt. I take my time, pushing through one button carefully before moving on to the next until it hangs open over my torso. I discard it and reach for my bra.

  “Leave it on,” he orders. “Take off your skirt next.”

  I look up at him and am taken aback when I see the way his eyes have darkened. They are almost black. They sweep up and down my body, and I fight the instinctive urge to wrap my arms around myself to cover it up. No man has seen me naked. Ever. But he wants to see me, so here I am. I do as I am told, and reach around to unzip my skirt, contorting my upper body so I can reach it. I tug it down to my hips in one smooth motion, then hesitate for a second.

  “Let it go,” he murmurs, his voice closer to a growl than it had been before.

  I drop the skirt and force myself to meet his gaze once again. He seems focused on my panties. It’s lace and it is clinging to my hips. He flexes his fingers, as though he longs to reach out and touch me.

  “Bra,” he says thickly.

  I quickly unhook my plain black bra, pulling my arms out of the straps as I drop it at my feet. I can feel the blood pulsing in my veins, feel my heart as it drums against my ribcage. As his eyes take in every inch of me I feel that heat between my legs growing and growing, soaking my panties. He cocks his head to the side as though deciding what to do next. I still can’t believe this is happening. Can’t believe that I’m doing this. Can’t believe how much he seems to want it. I stare at him, waiting for his next order with baited breath.

  “Play with yourself.”

  “What?” My eyes widened in shock. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a dirty girl. You know what I want,” he responds,
his eyes glinting. “Or do I have to show you?”

  This is taking things further than what I agreed to, but the heat between my legs is starting to turn into an ache and I need some relief too. If that’s what he wants, why not give it to him? I lift one hand, and hover it over my sex for a second before I slide it quickly beneath the lace of my panties.

  I’m used to touching myself in the privacy of my own bedroom, but I’ve never had a man so much as see me naked before today, let alone watch me masturbate. Somehow, his presence isn’t off-putting. If anything, his intense regard and interest is encouraging and makes me feel bold and daring. I brush my fingers over my clit, and my own touch makes me shiver. I’m so sensitive and swollen that everything feels tantalizing intense.

  I let my eyes drift shut as I draw small circles around my clitoris, pressing gently until I feel myself grow pert and solid beneath my fingers. Even with my eyes shut, I can still feel his hot gaze on me, and it’s the only encouragement I need to go further and further. To entice him into my performance. My head goes back as my hips start gyrating gently upwards.

  I hear a rustling sound, and my eyes pop open.

  Standing in front of me is a completely naked Drake. My mouth drops open, and I feel another jolt of arousal as my eyes skim down his body… until they fall on his erection. Holy amazeballs! He is enormous. I have never seen a man’s cock in person before, and it looks very… good. Not the way a pretty painting looks good, but the way a tasty meal looks good. It lights something in me, some need, something dark and heavy that has been lying buried deep inside me.

  My fingers move quicker, and my mouth hangs slightly open as I look back at his face. His expression mirrors mine. Desperate, hungry, horny. I buck my hips back and forth in time with my fingers, and my breath begins coming in short, sharp bursts, until my entire body tenses up, every muscle seizing, and I know I won’t be able to last much longer-

  When my orgasm hits, it is explosive, practically taking me off my feet. My pussy clenches repeatedly, my body crumpling as I press a hand against the wall behind me to keep myself upright.

  “Fuck!” I gasp. I’m not much one for cursing, but there is nothing else I can possibly think of to convey the intensity of that moment. I look up at him once more and find him grinning at me, a victorious, possessive smile on his face. He loves this, loves the power he has over me. And I must admit, I’m not adverse to it, either. In fact, I love it.

  I love having him watch while I play with myself.

  By the time my vision clears and my orgasm fades away, I can tell that the heat between my legs still hasn’t dissipated. If anything, it has grown more intense. I slowly withdraw my hand from my panties, and let it fall by my side again. I stare at him, unsure of what to do next, and he cocks his head to the side to observe me for a couple of seconds.

  “Are your panties very, very wet?”

  I nod.

  “Take them off then,” he orders, his voice low.

  I obey at once. It is as though my body has registered the intensity of what has just happened, and it is desperate to find some way to recreate that feeling. I step out of my underwear and stand buck naked before him.

  He runs his tongue across his bottom lip as his eyes fall to my pussy, and I wonder for a moment what his mouth might feel like on me. He seems to weigh his options, and I have no idea what he is going to request next. The blood is whirling around my head because I already know that whatever it is, I don’t have it in me to say no.

  He sits down on the bench between us, facing me, so he’s eye-level with the apex of my thighs. I cross my legs a little, suddenly nervous, but he reaches out and parts my thighs so I am fully on display for him. As soon as his fingers touch me, I feel a jolt of pure electricity, followed by a trail of sparks as he lightly runs his thumb across my wet inner thigh. He takes his thumb up to his mouth.

  “Freshly shaven pussy. My favorite,” he murmurs and licks at my juices slowly while watching for my reaction. The action is so hot my lips part involuntarily.

  He brings his hand forward again and lets his fingers graze my slit.

  I bite my lower lip helplessly. God, he has complete control over my body.

  “When did you shave it?” he asks softly.

  “In the bath, last night.” My voice is breathless.

  “For me?”

  I shake my head.

  “Liar,” he taunts softly. “You shaved it for me.”

  “No,” I say, but I feel hypnotized by his eyes. They never leave my face.

  “Let me feel that pussy,” he murmurs, and he is so close to me that I can feel his hot breath against my swollen lips.

  I suck in a sharp breath. “Wh-what do you mean?” I ask. I want him inside, but I am suddenly afraid.

  “Rub your pussy lips on my cock,” he replies, scanning my face as though waiting for my reaction. “I want to feel your wet little cunt sliding on my dick.”

  I stare down at him then my eyes shift down to his cock: so thick, and alive, and jerking with need. Pre-cum is dripping from the tip. Though a part of me, the sensible, good girl part of me, knows I should say no, the rest of me just wants to feel his skin next to mine too.

  Leaning down I wrap my arms around his neck, and lower myself down so my pussy is just barely touching his erection. He pressed me down so that I am enveloping his shaft the way a bun accepts a hot dog.

  My wetness makes it easy for me to grind myself along his meat. It’s a delicious feeling and I savor it while I watch his face the whole time. His eyes never leave mine, even as his mouth tightens and his jaw clench. His hands come up to my hips, and he guides me along, both of us moving in perfect rhythm with each other.

  Just when I feel as if I am going to climax again, there is a flare in his eyes, and his strong hands curl around my waist and lift me up until I am hovering over the tip of his engorged massive cock. Through that haze of lust, a tiny alarm suddenly goes off in my brain. Oh, God, he is going to impale me on that thick shaft. I pull my arms off him and jump back. I don’t know what came over me, but I didn’t mean to go this far. I can’t do this. Not here. With him. Morgan’s son. In a men’s locker room. Not after waiting all this time for that special guy. My breath is shaky as I reach for my clothes. He furrows his brow at me.

  “What’s this then?” he asks. “A fucking cock tease!”

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I should go. I didn’t think it would get that far,” I hurriedly, pull on my skirt and my top, then fumble in my pocket for the address I’d scrawled down earlier. I thrust it at him. “Here, this is the address.”

  He takes it without looking down at the paper. “That’s it?” he asks, sounding furious.

  “I’m really sorry about this, but you should go and see your mother.”

  He doesn’t say anything as I go to the door.

  “Good meeting you,” I mutter, undo the latch, and make my way out into the corridor. Taking in giant gulps of air into my lungs, I press my fingers to my temples and wonder what the hell I just allowed to happen to me.

  Chapter Three


  The door clicks shut behind her, and I’m left there looking like a dumbass fool, horny as fuck, and reeling with the image of her creamy thighs spread open, her head thrown back, her round breasts jiggling in my face, and her pupils so dilated they are nearly as big as her irises. And that sexy meow that slipped out of those plump lips.

  I look down at my hard cock. He’s still waiting for a hot cunt to drop down on him. Fuck. What a little tease? I snatch up the discarded towel from the floor and wrap it around my waist, raging and frustrated beyond belief. Why’d she leave like that? She looked like she was having a great time and then … she’s out the door faster than shit through a goose.

  Beneath the towel, my cock aches, and I consider jerking off just to get rid of my erection, but no, I’ll save it for her. I’ll find her again, and she’s gonna open up, and take all of me inside her pink hole. After that, I’m go
nna pump into her over and over until my cum is dripping out of every orifice. Her mouth, her pussy, her ass.

  I stop suddenly. What the fuck?

  Unbelievable, but I realize that in the hot haze of mindless lust I was about to fuck her bare. I actually wanted to slide my bare cock into her wet flesh. Hell, I’m still fantasizing about it. I must be going insane. A girl like that? Who offers herself to anybody. Shit, I’ve been hit in the head too many times to be thinking such crazy shit!

  I swipe a deodorant stick under my arms, pull my clothes out of my locker, and begin to get dressed, but she’s etched onto my brain. She walked her ass into a men’s locker room like she was some innocent, pure thing. All big eyed and dressed like a schoolteacher, but she was so astoundingly into it, so open, so fucking hot. I practically had to keep myself from drooling when she was fingering herself. The look on her face. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. She was utterly lost to the pleasure she was bringing herself, and not paying any attention to my presence.

  Every other woman I’ve been with has been either so focused on pleasing me so she can become a permanent fixture in my life, or just looking good while she was doing it so that she can become a permanent fixture in my life, but this girl. This girl made herself cum as though there was no-one else in the room but her and her dirtiest fantasies.

  And then… the sensuous way she rubbed her pussy lips on my dick. That sure was something else. The slick softness tantalized me. Her juices coated my cock, the sweet scent driving me crazy, while her little hard clit rubbed and rubbed, and begged for more. Oh, Jesus!

  I fuck a lot of women, no, make that a shitload of women, but I never felt like I had to have any of them before. Not like I need to have Reese. This is like something out of a damn chick flick. I walk to the bench and pick up the piece of paper she gave me, looking for a clue as to how to contact her again.

  My eyebrows shoot up when I see the address on the paper. It’s from my hometown, Petersville! Not that, that gives her story anymore legitimacy, but it does establish that whoever these people are they’ve taken the time to do their research. Obviously, I’m not falling for it or anything, but… seeing the address does make a tiny flicker of doubt light up in the back of my brain. I grab my phone, pull up Mom’s number, and dial.


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