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The Man of Her Dreams

Page 10

by Bethany Hauck

  “Hey now,” Ham said, climbing on the bed next to her and carefully cradling her in his arms.

  “You were the last thing I thought of when the rope slipped,” she said. “I was thinking that I wished we could’ve had more time together.”

  “We have all the time in the world now,” he said. “I could spank you for untying yourself and putting the rope around that little girl.”

  “We had to get her up first,” Flora said. “The ledge was crumbling once my weight combined with the children’s.”

  “I realize that,” he said. “You did the right thing.”

  “I know I did,” she said. “Did you really sit here for the last two days?”

  “You’re my wife,” he said. “I was too worried to leave you.”

  “I’m glad you stayed with me,” she said to him.

  “I finally realized something as you were lying in this bed injured,” he told her.

  “What’s that,” she said.

  “That I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you,” he said as he kissed her softly on her forehead. “I sat in that chair the last two days and realized how happy the last week has been. You’ve made my life better, and if I had lost you, I would’ve been devastated.”

  “I hear our girl is awake,” Ina said as she entered the room.

  “She is,” Ham said. He carefully let her back down onto her pillows as he got off the bed.

  “How are you feeling?” Ina asked her.

  “I hurt everywhere,” Flora said.

  “I have no doubt you do,” Helga told her. “You’ve got bruises just about everywhere.”

  “How is Elaine?” Flora asked.

  “The little girl will be fine,” Ina said. “You did a good job getting her off that ledge without injuring her worse. She’s already back home with her Maman and Da. Her leg will heal in time.”

  “And the boys?” she asked.

  “Are also fine,” Ina told her. “I want you to spend the next few days in bed and rest.”

  “I’m fine, Ina,” Flora protested.

  “She’ll do as you say,” Ham said from behind the healer. “I’ll make sure of it.” Flora knew he meant it and was too sore to fight with him.

  “I’m going to give you a tea with some herbs in it,” Ina said. “It should help with the pain and relax you enough to sleep again. You’ll heal quicker with some good rest.”

  “Thank you, Ina,” Flora said. She drank the tea that was given to her and within a few minutes she was feeling tired again. Maybe a few days in bed would be alright; she thought as she drifted back to sleep.


  “Are you sure it’s alright to visit?” Flora asked Ham as they walked towards the cottage where the three children lived.

  “I’m sure,” he said. “Their Maman has been up to the castle asking about you every day.”

  As they walked through the village Flora was surprised when just about everyone they passed stopped to thank her for what she’d done. She was embarrassed by the praise. “I wish they’d stop,” she said to Ham.

  “I don’t,” he told her. “It’s about time this village realized just how special you are.”

  “You think I’m special?” she asked him, smiling up at him.

  “I don’t think you’re special, I know you are,” he said, “and now the villagers know it too.”

  When they arrived at the small cottage the door swung open before they even reached it, a woman ran out and gathered Flora in her arms saying, “thank you, thank you so much. You saved my babies.”

  Flora hugged the woman back not knowing what to say as Angus came running out of the house, “Flora,” he yelled as he threw himself against her and his mother. Flora laughed as the woman finally let go, smiling down at her son.

  “You need to call her Lady Flora, son,” his mother told him.

  “Flora is fine,” Flora told her.

  “I like Lady Flora,” Angus said, smiling up at her.

  “So do I,” Ham told the boy.

  “I came to see if you were really alright,” she said to Angus, “I was worried about you and Elaine.”

  “Elaine has to stay in bed until her leg heals some,” Angus told her, “but me and Robert go in and try to cheer her up every day,”

  “I bet you do a good job at that,” she said smiling down at him.

  “Come inside, Lady Flora and see her,” Angus’ mother said. “I’m Suzan, the mother of these troublemakers.”

  “I’d love to visit with her for a moment, Suzan,” Flora said as she entered the cottage which was kept neat and tidy.

  “I’ll take you to Elaine,” Angus said taking her by the hand. They entered the room where Robert was sitting on a stool next to the bed talking to his sister.

  “Hello, Robert,” Flora said. “I’m so happy to see you’re well.”

  “I’m well,” Robert said sadly, “but Elaine is still healing.”

  “She’s young,” Flora tried to assure him. “She’ll heal fine.”

  “I’ll be here to help her until then,” Robert said.

  “Robert,” Flora said, “you can’t blame yourself for what happened.”

  “But I’m the oldest, and I should have known better than to go near the cliffs,” he said.

  “Do you know my husband Ham McCade?” she asked Robert, nodding towards Ham.

  “He was one of the men who helped rescue Angus and Elaine,” Robert said, he turned towards Ham and said, “thank you, sir.”

  “He’s also Laird McCabe’s son,” Flora said as Ham nodded at the boy.

  “Am I in trouble?” Robert asked.

  “Nay,” Flora said. “Did you know that Laird McCabe also told his sons never to play near the cliffs?”

  “I’ll never play there again,” Robert said.

  “Do you know why we were able to find you, Robert?” Ham said to the boy.

  “Maman said that a bunch of people were out looking for us,” Robert said.

  “They were,” Ham said. “My brother Ross and I decided to check the cliffs first. We did that because just like you, we didn’t always listen to our Da, and we played there more than once.”

  “You disobeyed the Laird?” Robert asked.

  “Well to us we were disobeying our Da,” Ham said chuckling. “The point Flora’s trying to make is that you made a bad decision, but many boys your age do. If you’ve learned from it, then that’s what’s important.”

  “Do you really think that, sir?” Robert asked him.

  “I do,” Ham said. “What do you want to do when you get older, Robert?”

  “I’d like to be a guard for Gleann,” Robert said.

  “Then if your Maman and Da say it’s alright I want you to be at the castle tomorrow morning,” Ham said. “Some of the boys your age are beginning to train, and I’d be happy for you to join them.”

  “Can I, Maman?” Robert asked his mother, who had been standing in the doorway.

  “I think your Da will approve,” Suzan said, smiling at her son.

  “And how are you, Elaine?” Flora had sat down on the bed next to the girl.

  “You’re the lady who saved me?” Elaine asked.

  “Well I came down to the ledge, but my husband and his brother pulled you up,” Flora told the girl.

  “Thank you,” Elaine said, sitting up and throwing her arms around Flora. “Can I hug him too?” Elaine whispered to Flora, though it was loud enough for Ham to hear.

  Flora laughed as Ham said, “I never turn down a hug from a pretty lass.” Elaine smiled at him as he walked over and hugged her.

  “I like him,” Elaine said to Flora.

  “So do I,” Flora whispered back.

  “Ok, young lady,” Suzan said. “Time for you to take a bit of a rest. You two boys have some chores to do.”

  “Yes, Maman,” the three children said.

  Flora and Ham exited the room as Suzan was shooing the children out of the house. “Now,” Suzan said to Flora, “I hear
you need some dresses made.”

  “How did you know?” Flora asked her.

  “Your husband and Lady Jacqueline have told me,” she said.

  “You’re the seamstress Jacqueline knows?” Flora asked.

  “I am,” Suzan told her.

  “I’ll be back to get you in a bit,” Ham said to her, giving her a quick kiss. “I’ll bring back the material you picked out in Edinburgh when I return.”

  “Why are you leaving?” Flora asked.

  “Would you like me to stay while Suzan gets your measurements?” he asked grinning at her.

  “I’ll see you in a while,” Flora answered.

  Chapter 13 A Happy Ending

  “Did you have a good day today?” Ham asked her as they entered their room and he shut the door behind him.

  “I had the best day,” she answered. “I loved Suzan; she’s going to make me gowns that are simple but nice.”

  “Whatever makes you happy,” he said.

  “And I loved the children,” she added. “I hope we have some of our own one day.”

  “I would like that too,” he answered.

  “I love your family,” she continued. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt part of a family, and the McCabe’s make me feel like I am.”

  “That’s because you are, Flora McCabe,” he said.

  “You know what else I love?” she asked him.

  “What’s that?” he replied.

  “You, Ham McCabe,” she said. “I really love you.”

  “Thank god,” Ham said sweeping her up in his arms, “I thought I’d never get you to say it. I love you too.”

  Ham carried her over to the bed where he began taking her clothes off one piece at a time, not stopping till she stood naked in front of him. He then stripped off his own clothes as she watched.

  Ham picked her up in his arms again and gently laid her on the bed. He climbed over her, holding himself up on his arms he said, “let me show you how much I love you.” Flora smiled up at him and nodded before he lowered his head, bringing his lips down onto hers. Soon he was sliding his tongue into her mouth where she let her own tangle with his.

  Ham kissed her breathless, then he moved down to her neck, licking and suckling till a moan escaped her lips, He moved lower still, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it softly. Flora arched her back, trying to get him to take more, which he did, sucking a bit harder. He pulled back letting her breast pop out of his mouth, moving onto the other and doing the same.

  Flora was lost in sensation, as Ham sucked her breasts she felt the tingle all the way down to her cunny. He moved lower still, running his tongue down her stomach to her belly button. He stopped there and ran his tongue around and around before dunking it inside, making her giggle. He moved lower still; Flora parted her legs to make room for him to lay there.

  Ham took the sides of her cunny in each hand and pulled them to the side, baring her perfect pink nub and hole. He ran his tongue all the way from the nub to her opening and then back up. He swirled it around and around feeling her nub harden. He ran his tongue back down and began thrusting it as far as he could into her hole, loving the taste of the fluids that were now leaking out. “You taste so good,” he told her.

  He brought his tongue back up to her nub which was now rock hard. As he flicked his tongue across it, he gently pushed two fingers up inside her. He worked slowly, not wanting her to come to fast. “Harder, Ham,” she said.

  “Nay,” he told her. “This time we’re taking it slow and gentle. You just healed.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, thrusting her hips up as he pushed his fingers into her again. Ham kept at the pace he had set, licking over and over her clit as he worked his fingers in and out of her.

  Soon he felt her clit began to jump underneath his tongue and her cunny clamped down on her fingers. He kept up the slow rhythm as he let her ride her orgasm to completion.

  By the time she was done his cock was so hard it almost hurt. He climbed back up on top of her and once again kissed her. As she kissed him back, he grabbed her and flipped them both over so that she was now straddled on top of him. He lifted her up by the hips and brought her down on his cock, entering her slowly. “You’re in control,” he said to her smiling.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said. Ham picked her up a small ways, sliding her cunny up off him and then letting her fall back down, entering her fully again. “Ahhhh,” Flora said.

  Flora took over from there. She put her hands on Ham’s stomach and pushed herself up a small ways before lowering herself again. She shifted her legs to the sides a bit more, feeling him slide in a bit deeper. She then picked up her rhythm, lifting up slowly and then dropping back down more firmly. She leaned forward a bit more finding that in this position her nub would rub against him, creating an even more intense sensation.

  “Do you like being in control,” Ham asked her.

  Flora smiled down at him, “aye,” was all she said.

  Flora increased her pace and the intensity. Soon she was raising up and letting herself down where she would grind on top of his cock, trying to make it go even deeper. She felt that now familiar flutter in her belly and knew she was about to cum. She ground down one last time as her body collapsed on top of Ham, her nub pulsing and her cunny gripping his cock tight.

  Ham felt his wife begin to orgasm as she fell on top of him, grinding her hips down on top of him. He reached forward and grabbed her hips, lifting her and pulling her down quickly as he pounded his cock into her, joining her, he shot his load up inside her. When they were both done, he left her on top of him as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Do you want me to move?” she asked him, although she was comfortable.

  “Nay, you’re perfect right where you are,” he said to her. “In fact, you’re just perfect.”

  “Even though I wear trews most of the time?” she asked.

  “Because you wear trews,” he simply answered.

  “Even though I don’t do my hair up fancy every day?” she asked.

  “Because you don’t do your hair up fancy every day,” he answered.

  “Even though I cuss sometimes?” she asked.

  “We can work on that,” Ham said laughing. “You’re perfect just because, you’re you, Flora.”

  “Do you know what you are?” she asked him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re the man of my dreams, Ham McCabe, and you always will be,” she said as she snuggled into him.

  Ham wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. “It’s about time,” he said, smiling as they both drifted off to sleep.


  “These last two weeks have been so much fun being here with everyone,” Jacqueline said as the family enjoyed their evening together.

  “It has been good to have you all home,” Hamish said, holding his new grandson. He was sitting on the floor with the twins playing next to him.

  “We need to get together more often,” Alastair said.

  “I agree with that brother,” Rory said. “I was gone for a long time. I missed everyone, and now Jacqueline and Ross are off living somewhere else.”

  “We could all meet again at Tioram when our baby comes,” Angela suggested.

  “Your Da and Mither wouldn’t mind?” Ham asked.

  “Not at all,” she said. “The castle has plenty of extra rooms. My Mither loves to entertain.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Ross said, giving his wife a quick kiss. “What a smart woman I married.”

  “There is something I wanted to talk to all of you about,” Hamish said to his children.

  “What is it, Da?” Eadan asked. No one had mentioned the fact that Nessa hadn’t come down to join the family.

  “I’m to the point in my life where I want to just sit back and enjoy my family and grandchildren,” he began. “I’m thinking about announcing to the clan that Eadan will be taking over as Laird.”

nbsp; “Are you sure you want to do that, Da?” Eadan asked.

  “Aye, I am,” Hamish said to him. “That would make it possible for me to travel and see my grandchildren and not have to worry about Gleann. I know I’d be leaving it in good hands.”

  “I’m honored, Da,” Eadan said.

  Before the conversation could continue further Connor and Jacqueline were surprised to see Angus, one of the soldiers from Tarmon, come walking towards them.

  “Angus,” Connor said jumping up. “Is something wrong back home?”

  “Your Da sent me,” Angus said. “You’re needed back at Tarmon as soon as possible.”

  “What’s wrong, Angus?” Jacqueline asked. “Is someone hurt?”

  “No, Lady Jacqueline,” Angus replied. “Laird Fraser was delivered a scroll from the King. It seems Lady Fiona has been betrothed.”

  “She’s already betrothed, to Brayden,” Jacqueline said.

  “Not anymore,” Angus said. “She is being commanded to marry Logan Stewart.”

  “A Stewart?” Ross said, getting to his feet. “Why would he do that?”

  “It seems he’s worried about bad relations between the McCabe’s and the Stewarts after what happened with Lachlan,” Angus said.

  “But Fiona isn’t even a McCabe,” Jacqueline said. “Why would he make her marry him?”

  “Because there aren’t any other McCabe girls. This still makes the Stewarts family through marriage,” Hamish answered.

  “How is his Logan related to Lachlan?” Connor asked.

  “They’re cousins,” Angus said. “I don’t know much more.”

  “I know Logan Stewart,” Alastair said. “We fostered together for a short while; he’s not a bad guy.”

  “If he’s anything like his cousin, this marriage won’t be happening,” Connor said, he turned to Jacqueline saying, “we need to get home as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll start getting our things together, and we’ll be ready first thing in the morning,” Jacqueline said. “I want to get home too; poor Fiona must be so upset.”

  “I’m going with you,” Alastair said.

  “I’d appreciate that,” Connor said to Alastair. “You’re the only one who knows the man.”


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