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Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise

Page 4

by Lauren A. Johnson

past were appearing and the dead were roaming the Earth.

  “How long before it begins to affect us? I don’t know. But I do know that if I wanted to, Damascus could have killed you all by now,” Adair explained.

  “Let me guess, you want access to the Outer Dimensional Agency.” Tobias asked.

  “Among other things baby cakes, because this guy here, Damascus is just one of the many gems I scattered all over time and space before we lost the first war. I’m the only one who knows what I’ve made before my memory faded. Thanks for bringing me back, Lo. And the rest of these bitches are with me.” Adair pointed to her former coworkers who could only stare at the monstrous creature before them. Damascus could look human if he tried, he could soften his harsh expression and his smile is enough to pull anyone in. If anyone in the world where they now stood were to see him they would have thought that he hailed from Greece since his hair was curly and his skin was an olive color.

  “Hey!” Adair’s former boss exclaimed, “I’m not your bitch!”

  “You are if you want to get out of here alive,” Adair shook her head as if there was no argument.

  “What about our families?” One man asked.

  “They’re probably already dead, or worse.” Adair said pointing to a figure who was running around wildly.

  The figure became clearer the closer it got to everyone. The horrific sight of a man merged with another man was too much for some to handle. A third arm extended from his back and eyes in the back of his head. He ran around panicking for someone to help him. Adair sighed, “When dimensions drift,” she clasped her hands together almost like she was clapping, “Bodies drift and meld together; our bodies are made up of just rapidly moving cells. If those cells slow down and reform while other cells are passing through them, we get our boy with an extra helping hand here and an extra set of eyes,” Adair explained. One of the coworkers shouted as she and the others watched the man who had more limbs and eyes than any human should. The deformity ran screaming and hollering into the room as everyone stood in horror and watched. Adair only rolled her eyes.

  “I can’t look!” One of the employees shouted while Adair turned to leave. She’s seen worse things than this during her dimensional travels.

  “Come with me if you want to live,” she said as she left the room. Everyone got up and followed. Nicklar set his weapon to stun and shot the deformed man with his laser gun to put him out of his misery. He, Lo and Tobias looked at one another with serious looks. They knew that this was the only course of action to take, but they did not know where it would take them.

  The group made it to Tobias’ spaceship which was right outside of the building. “Damascus.” Adair called. Damascus attacked the three agents and knocked them out cold. When Lo came to she realized she was on the bridge of a Bi’lal spacecraft. As she sat up she can see Nicklar and Tobias watching the dimensional vortex flow past them as they made their way back to the Outer Dimensional Agency.

  “Did you guys carry me all the way here?” Lo asked standing up while she sat into an empty chair on the bridge.

  “You weren’t waking up; we went back to the call center to use their computers to find Viren’s ship.” Nickalr explained.

  “It’s not like she’ll be needing it,” Lo chuckled as she put her hand on her forehead still feeling a little dizzy.

  “She stole my ship,” Tobias said with a furrowed brow and his arms crossed.

  Nicklar chuckled, “At least she didn’t kill us.”

  “How do we know she wasn’t trying to?” Tobias remarked, “How could she have known that we’d find Viren’s spacecraft in time?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know that we can’t tell anyone we let her out,” Nicklar put his face in his hands.

  “What’s she going to do? We have a lot of info on that ship about the agency. About us! She may not fully understand that 99% of the agency are agents we pulled from across time and space. They don’t know that we’re Atlanteans. Do you think she’ll use that?” Lo asked, Tobias looked over his shoulder to her and hit a few buttons on the alien spacecraft console.

  “She sent us a message,” Tobias pressed a final button before the video played.

  Adair appeared on the screen, “Sorry guys and gal, but I couldn’t risk any of you turning on me,” she thought for a moment, “Again. Don’t worry, I won’t be joining the Bi’lal, I hate and despise them, they want to destroy life. I hate that as much as you do, I’ll reclaim my army, you like to call them vampires, but that’s such a dirty word, I prefer the term, super soldiers, Damascus is a good start, but I’ll be collecting more along the way to fight in the upcoming war. I am doing this for the human race. Don’t try to stop me.”

  “We need to anticipate her next move,” Tobias said as he leaned back into his chair on the ship’s bridge.

  As the universe collapsed into another Adair turned to her former co-workers and supervisors, “Him and her,” she said pointing to certain people before looking to Damascus who only nodded. The people screamed and cried in horror as Damascus turned the designated two into creatures like him. The ones who were lucky grasped onto one another in silent horror in the hopes that Damascus won’t turn them into creatures like him as well.

  Damascus took in a large helping of human blood before looking to his master, “Where are we going now?”

  “We’re going to find Atlantis, whoever finds that, wins the war. In order to do that we need to find a few of my old friends.” Adair explained.

  “The ones who locked you away?” Damascus asked as the others trembled in fear at the sound of his voice.

  “The very ones.” Adair closed her eyes and imagined Adair’s body in suspended animation. “Everything will happen sooner than they think; they won’t know what hit them.”

  “It’s risky,” Damascus’ voice was gruff as he ingested the human blood.

  “Good.” Adair smirked as she looked into the dimensional vortex .


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