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The Crystal Wood (Half-Breed Book 2)

Page 25

by Brittany Comeaux

  “Yes, I'm feeling much better, thank you,” Shara said with a nod.

  Varg then noticed the confused looks on his friends faces and added, “By the way, this is Shara, she's Milea's...well, her step-sister.”

  Shara smiled and nodded in acknowledgment of the newcomers despite not knowing a word Varg said to them.

  “Varg, wait,” Milea said. “We need to get my dagger away from Alastor. If Zita found out about it and brought the news back to Jin...”

  “You're right,” Varg said.

  He then turned to Conley and said, “Conley, I know you can't understand Shara, but I need you to follow her to the city and warn the queen. They should be able to help you communicate like they did for me. No time to explain now, but we need to get something from Alastor before Jin finds it.”

  “Understood,” Conley said. He then pointed to two of his soldiers and said, “You there, go and tell the others that we're moving out. We'll go ahead and tell the queen that you're coming so the guards will let you in.”

  The soldiers saluted Conley and ran off to the west.

  Varg then turned back to Shara and said, “These people are going to follow you to the queen. Once there, have the shaman use the same spell she used on me so that they can communicate with her and tell her what's going on. Can you make it back?”

  “Yes, I can walk now,” Shara replied. “And I'll be sure to lead them to the city if you're sure they can be trusted.”

  “I'm positive,” Varg said.

  After that, the rest of the group set off south towards the city while Varg and Milea waved goodbye to them. They then set off north, careful to watch for anymore surprises.

  The invaders had already begun to erect tents just inside the border of the Crystal Wood when Varg and Milea found them. The pair waited in the shadows of the crystal trees where the gentle light from the crystals couldn't reach them until the camp was complete, then Milea scouted the area while Varg remained hidden.

  Milea returned a short time later and said, “Varg, I saw Alastor, and his tent if near the edge of the encampment on the west side. Let's go.”

  The pair made their way along the edge of the camp, staying out of sight in the brush until they made their way to the edge of the camp near Alastor's tent. From there, they crept into the camp once they were sure that they wouldn't be seen and kept hidden behind wagons, crates, and barrels.

  They soon found Alastor's tent and ducked behind a pile of crates next to it. They did so just as Alastor came into view and was speaking to one of his captains nearby. Luckily, he hadn't noticed them.

  “All right,” Varg whispered, “we just have to wait until he goes to sleep, then we can sneak in and grab the dagger. Hopefull it won't be on him, but somewhere in the tent.”

  After a few seconds of silence, Milea leaned over and whispered in Varg's ear, “It isn't on him now. Look.”

  Varg did so and just as Milea had said, the dagger was no where in sight, filling him with a sense of dread.

  “You don't think Jin has it?” Milea asked. “After all, we never caught Zita, so it's highly likely that she overheard our conversation after all.”

  “Maybe,” Varg said, “but perhaps he left it in Eastwold? You said so yourself that it was just an ordinary dagger in appearance, so perhaps he thought the same?”

  “I don't know...” Milea said. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “For all we know, it could be in his tent,” Varg said. “When he leaves, we can check it out.”

  Milea finally conceded. “All right, we can wait here for now.”

  Using only the moonlight coming in through the gap of the tent to guide her, Zita quickly rummaged through the stacks of papers in Alastor's tent. In spite of her efforts, her search came up empty. She soon began to doubt herself, for it seemed that Alastor was far too clever to leave any traces or evidence of an imminent betrayal.

  Suddenly, she heard voices coming outside of the tent, just near the door. It was of two men, and she soon recognized one of the voices as Alastor's. Panic struck her as she searched for a place to hide. The nearby bed wasn't an option, since it had nothing on the sides to hide her if she were to duck underneath it. The table would present the same problem. She soon opted to hide behind a nearby weapon rack, which from top to bottom was taller than her. It also touched the ground, so her feet would be obscured from view. She tip-toed over to the gap between the rack and the wall of the tent just as the flap to the tent opened and the two men stepped intside.

  “The troops are ready to move out on your command, Lord Rainald,” the other man said.

  “Good,” Alastor said. “I'll be planning to move out at dawn. When we get to the city, search for their general, and make her a primary target.”

  “Of course, Sir,” the captain said. There was a brief pause, then the captain spoke again, “Sir, if I may speak freely...?”

  Zita half expected Alastor to strike the man for insolence, but she was surprised to hear Alastor reply, “You may.”

  “With all due respect, my Lord,” the captain said, “are we sure we can trust these Shadow Hand cultists? Especially after that one woman attacked you?”

  Zita scowled. The Shadow Hand despised being referred to as “cultists.” Just because a small splinter of their organization near Ironbarrow saw it fit to worship the Serpent as a god, it was common opinion that the rest of the Shadow Hand was no different.

  “I don't trust anyone,” Alastor said, which nearly made Zita jump. “The Serpent has unclear motives, and I won't be taking the chance of him turning his back on me when he gets the opportunity.”


  “This stays between us, soldier,” Alastor said, “but I have no intention of allowing Jin to use that key for whatever purpose he has in mind. I want you to keep the Elvish forces distracted while I get the key and use it. I don't trust that power with the likes of Jin, especially when he refuses to let on what he intends to use it for.”

  Zita's heart nearly stopped. This was it. This was what she was waiting for. She would tell Lord Jin what she overheard and he would have no choice but to get rid of Alastor. She would volunteer, naturally, and before dawn Alastor would be lying in his cot with his throat slit.

  “Y-yes Sir,” the captain said, “I'll let the men know.”

  Zita heard footsteps, then a bit of light entered the tent from outside as someone left the tent, presumably the captain. She heard nothing more for several seconds. Then she heard Alastor's footsteps walking slowly around the tent. She covered her mouth with her hands so he wouldn't hear her rapid breathing. Her heart thumped nearly out of her chest as he moved closer and closer to her location. She could feel his presence just on the other side of the weapon rack. Why he was just standing there was beyond her, but a sense of dread washed over her when she heard his sword being removed from its scabbard.

  Like a flash of lightning, Zita ducked as soon as she heard the whirring of a blade flying through the air. A slash, and then a crash and the sound of splintering wood sounded above her as she crouched the the ground barely in time to avoid being sliced in half. Pieces of debris fell on top of her as the top half of the weapon rack crashed to the ground in pieces.

  Less than a second later, a hand lifted Zita up from the back of her vest, and Alastor tossed her onto the ground.

  “Did you honestly think I'd be stupid enough to leave anything in here that you could use against me?” he said. “Or that I would tell someone else about my plans? That speech was simply a show for you, to get your hopes up thinking you could have something against me for your master. Well I'm afraid you're out of luck at this point.”

  Alastor grabbed her again, and she fought and kicked to get away.

  “Now I'm bringing you before your master. When he finds out that I caught you trespassing in my tent waiting to kill me in my sleep, he will get rid of you faster than you can blink,” Alastor said.

  “Lord Jin would never believe you over me,” Zita bar

  Alastor looked her in the eye. “Would he? You haven't exactly proven yourself trustworthy as of late. You failed to kill the Wolf...twice, and then you attack one of his allies in front of everyone. Now you're caught in his tent at night, and I have to tell you Zita, it won't look good.”

  Zita removed her dagger from her belt and tried to attack him. The hit landed, but only on his cheek. Zita realized too late that he allowed it to happen.

  Alastor pressed his fingers to the cut and examined the blood. He then turned back to her and said, “There you go, making an attempt on my life. After our little history together, no one will bat an eye if you were suddenly caught trying to murder me.”

  Alastor yanked the dagger out of Zita's hand. He then locked both of her arms behind her back and pushed her forward towards the tent's opening. He shoved her outside into the moonlight and towards the Shadow Hand camp.

  Varg and Milea crouched down as Alastor left his tent. They'd heard a struggle and were about to walk in to investigate when they heard arguing between Zita and Alastor. They then saw Alastor dragging Zita out of the tent.

  “We have to help her,” Varg said.

  “Why?” Milea asked. “She was supposed to kill you, remember? And she could have easily killed those guards back in the Crystal Wood-”

  “Exactly,” Varg interrupted, “she could have, but she didn't. I think there's more to Zita than meets the eye, and if we help her, she might be willing to help us.”

  “You mean she could give us information about Jin?” Milea said. “But we've tried that, and she wouldn't crack.”

  “I have a feeling that things may have changed,” Varg said. “Besides, we need to find the key, and I'm pretty certain that Alastor doesn't have it.”

  Milea nodded and whispered, “Jin.”

  “That's right,” Varg said. “Let's move.”

  Soldiers stared as Alastor dragged Zita all the way to where Jin was seated near a camp fire, along with Xilas and several other Shadow Hand operatives. His white robe was gone and he now wore a simple black and silver armored garb that he normally wore underneath the robe. He was enjoying a cup of tea when he looked up and saw the newcomers.

  When Jin saw Zita being dragged around, she was relieved when he immediately stood up, dropping his cup in the process, and said, “Alastor, what is the meaning of this? Unhand Zita this instant.”

  Alastor obeyed, but instead of releasing her gently he shoved her to the ground by the campfire. In response, the other Shadow Hand members who were sitting around the fire stood and drew their weapons, pointing them in Alastor's direction. Jin walked over to Zita and helped her up.

  “Your apprentice has crossed the line this time, Jin,” Alastor barked. “I just caught her in my tent hiding behind the weapon rack. When I tried to question why she was there, she attacked me again. See?”

  Alastor pointed to his sliced cheek, at which point Jin helped Zita to her feet and looked at her.

  “Zita, is this true?” he asked.

  “Lord Jin, he's lying! He's planning on betraying you, please you must listen,” Zita said quickly, spilling her words.

  “Then what were you doing in his tent?” Jin asked.

  “I knew he was up to no good, so I was trying to find proof,” Zita explained.

  “Jin, surely you cannot allow this foolishness to continue,” Alastor said. “It's clear that she won't let go of the past, and it's affecting you and your followers. You need to take action against her before she hurts someone.”

  Zita glared at Alastor. She knew that Lord Jin would never do such a thing. However, her whole world was soon turned upside down when she heard Jin speak again.

  He turned to Xilas and said, “Escort Zita to her tent and keep her confined there until further notice.”

  Zita's head snapped in his direction. “What? Lord Jin, you must believe me!”

  “I'm sorry, Zita,” Jin said. “I truly am, but I cannot allow you to complete this mission. Please, don't make this anymore difficult than it already is.”

  Zita looked at Alastor again, and all else faded away as her anger flashed when she saw that same smug grin of his. It was the exact smile he gave her when his father ordered the guards to take her away, the day she left his castle and was taken to that gods forsaken brothel. She lunged at Alastor and reached for his neck. She didn't care if he killed her first. She was going to take him with her, one way or another.

  “Zita!” Jin yelled.

  She landed on Alastor and the two of them hit the ground hard. Her hands tightened around his throat. All the years of shame, anger, and hatred channeled through her fingertips and into his bloodstream. He struggled against her and several Shadow Hand members struggled to pull her off, but the rage gave her unimaginable strength.

  Alastor shot up and snatched her by the throat. He slammed her on the ground, rolled her onto her belly, and locked her arms behind her back.

  “You see?” Alastor said. “She's nothing but a menace. You saw how she just made yet another attempt on my life.”

  “Alastor, that's enough,” Jin said. “Get off of her.”

  “No, she needs to serve as an example,” Alastor said as he raised his sword in the air.

  “Alastor, stop,” Jin shouted. “She's my operative; I will decide her punishment.”

  “Too late,” Alastor muttered.

  Zita pried her arm free and grabbed another knife from her belt. She stabbed Alastor in the arm, causing him to retract. He thrusted his blade. She rolled out of the way. She charged at him. He grabbed her knife hand. She kicked him. He took the knife from her hand, and...

  Zita fell silent, the knife jutting from her gut. She looked down at the blood pouring from her wound. There was no sound, but she somehow felt Jin screaming her name. She fell to her side and Alastor stood over her, confident that he had just ended her life. She waited for death, but she never saw a light. Instead, she saw a wave of ice fly overhead.

  The ground shook as several people fell to the ground. A short time later, she heard someone shouting, “Milea, cover me!”

  An arrow flew and someone cradled Zita in their arms. Though her vision was growing dark, she could see white hair. She heard another arrow. Whoever held her began to run into the forest.

  Zita grew cold, but before she could embrace the dark, she heard Varg's voice whisper, “Just hold on.”

  Once he had Zita secured, Varg ran into the forest while Milea continued loosing arrows at the oncoming hoards. Before they got too close, she ran off in the same direction as Varg and they shot off into the forest in an attempt to lose their pursuers.

  Once they were far enough away, Milea caught up to Varg and said, “I'm going to lead them away from you. Get Zita to safety and try to control the bleeding until I can heal her.”

  With that, Milea fell behind again and deliberately caught the attention of their pursuers. She then darted off in the other direction as Varg ducked behind a tree with Zita and watched as the Shadow Hand cultists and some of Alastor's men ran in Milea's direction.

  Even though Varg feared for her safety, he knew Milea would be fine and made even more distance between himself and Zita and the camp.

  “V-Varg,” Zita moaned, “take it out. Take the knife out. Please...”

  “Not yet, Zita,” Varg said. “I know it hurts but if I take it out too soon, you could bleed to death.”

  “No...I won't...please...take it out,” she cried.

  Varg didn't answer this time. Though he felt guilty, he knew she would die if he took the dagger out too soon.

  “You...saved my life...why?” Zita gasped.

  “I haven't saved you yet. We still have to mend that wound,” Varg said.

  “I told you to just take it out,” Zita scolded.

  “Don't be stubborn,” Varg said. “I told you we have to wait for Milea. I think we're far enough away by now. Let's find you a place to rest.”

  Soon Varg found a clearing nearby and he rested Zita aga
inst a nearby rock. He knew it wasn't the most comfortable position even for someone in perfect health, but it would have to do. It was also in the perfect position so that the pale glow of the crystals nearby could help him see better.

  “All right Zita,” Varg said, “I'm going to have to press onto your wound to stop the bleeding.”

  “Varg...” she whispered.

  “It's all right, Zita,” Varg said softly. “Just hold on.”

  “Take...the knife...out...”

  “Zita, if I do that you'll bleed to death. I don't know if I an hold pressure on it long enough until Milea gets here,” Varg said.


  Varg looked into her eyes and could tell by her expression that she knew what she was doing. He nodded hesitantly, and when she released her hold on the dagger, he gripped the hilt and pulled it out. Zita cried out and arched her back. Varg made an attempt to press his hand to the wound, but she stopped him.

  “No, just wait,” Zita gasped.

  Varg was about to protest when he looked down at her wound and saw something that made his heart nearly stop. Before his very eyes, Zita's wound not only stopped bleeding, but healed all by itself right before his very eyes. The knife fell from Varg's trembling fingers and the wound soon sealed up as if it were never there.

  Varg fell backwards onto his rear and simply stared at where the wound once was. It all made sense now...everything made sense now...

  Now able to move without being in pain, Zita sat up straight and caught her breath. She sensed his shock and then said, “I'll be fine now. Thank you.”

  “Zita...” Varg muttered, “...where did you get that power?”

  “I was born with it,” Zita explained. “It was one of the many gifts the Lunari had.”

  “Then all of your people had this power?” Varg asked. “And are you positive that when you had the affair with Alastor you were the only one of your kind left?”

  “Yes,” Zita said, “but what does my power have to do with Alastor?”


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