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Sacking The Player

Page 8

by Glenna Maynard

  I laugh. “Tex buddy, I would like to be your friend, honest, but my best friend hates you, so I don’t know how that will work,” I jokingly tell him.

  “I’m begging you, please don’t breakup with me.”

  I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “Put Tate on the phone you dork,” I tell him laughing.

  “Not until you tell me we can be friends.” He sounds all cute like a kid.

  “Ha, fine, fine, we’re friends. But I have the right to nut kick you if I see fit.”

  He grumbles something, and I hear the phone get jostled.

  Tate’s voice comes over the phone, giving me goosebumps. “Hey.”


  “Sorry about Tex, when I read him your text, he stole my phone,” he says with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” Gah, I am smiling so big. Thank God Courtney is asleep in her room, if she was in here right now, she’d probably be grinning all cheesy-ily at me and making kissy faces.

  “So, did you get the story from your friend?” He asks. I’m assuming he wants to know for Tex.

  “Yeah, I thought my situation with Keith was bad, including his awful parents, but Tex and his folks win the horribleness award.”

  “Yikes. That’s some comparison. Kind of brutal.”

  “Sorry. Ugh, yeah he’s your friend.” I sigh.

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. I believe in honesty.”

  In the background, I hear Tex shout, “Ask her if Courtney really had a date.”

  Tate goes to speak, but I cut him off. “I heard, and yes. She didn’t get home until late. And it looks like she got pretty frisky,” I say, knowing he’ll tell his friend, wanting him to suffer for how he did Court. And sure enough, he does. I hear a crash and a slam of a door.

  “Shit,” Tate mutters on the line.

  “Uh, dang, maybe I should have just said no?” I flop back on my bed and resist the urge to eat some pretzels. I don’t want to crunch them in his ear.

  “He’ll get over it eventually, seems like he really likes your girl though.”

  “Yeah, then he shouldn’t have had her fall in love with him and then broken her heart by being a liar. That ass,” I snap at Tate.

  “Whoa, no need to get snappy with me, I’m the middleman here.”

  “Sorry, you’re right. Should I let you go so you can go calm the giant down?” I can hear muffled banging over the line.

  “Fuck, yeah. Sorry, Amaya. I’ll catch you in class tomorrow, okay? Talk later, Twinkle Toes.” He ends the call.

  Him and that stupid nickname.


  “Come on, Amaya! We’re going to be late for classes,” I hear Courtney shout.

  “I’m fucking up, you whore. God,” I whine, not lying. All I need to do is pack my dance bag and I’m set for the day. But oh no, Courtney has to drive me batty. I need more sleep. I stayed up too late talking to Tate. I hope he was able to wake up easily. I know he has a packed day like I do ahead.

  One thing I’ve noticed over the last week is that everyone is sucking up to me. People are even giving me free food in the dining areas, and it’s weird. I’ve had three different girls come up to me trying to invite me to their parties. And I know why this is happening.

  It’s all because of Tate. This is what I didn’t want to happen. Why do people treat you differently when you are seen with a big shot? Ugh.

  One thing I noticed that doesn’t happen is girls coming up to me being a bitch. Instead, it’s the opposite. Like they are envious or something. When I was with Keith, the only times we were in public together is when he would take me home with him. I had tons of girls glaring at me and being catty bitches.

  Another surprise was that Beth seems to want to hang out with Courtney and me. Courtney thought it was strange, but I didn’t say anything. Tate and I aren’t together, even if people think we are. Whatever.

  I have anatomy this morning. I hate it but there is no getting around it. I do well with the hands-on stuff, but the boring lectures make my ears bleed. Professor Hansledorf sucks but his TA is amazing the days she takes over. She makes class fun and engaging. She’s one of those people that you want to listen to. Sadly, she isn’t in today, and I must listen to Hans, it’s what we call him for short, drone on and on about cartilage and bone density. My eyes are crossing by the end of his lecture. After this class I have English class.

  Stepping out of the building, I make my way to the dance studio. I’m starting to re-think my course load. Yes, I want my fall back in sports medicine, but don’t I really need to take English and history, I only took them to be in the same classes with Courtney, but it’s just too much. I know she will understand if I drop them.

  If I lose those two that would just leave my requirements for sports medicine, and then I’d have more time with my dancing. I am already late for class with Madam Webber. She’s going to be pissed, she hates tardy people and if I want to keep my role in the recital coming up at the end of November, I need to make a better effort. After rehearsal, I’m going to talk to my advisor.

  Chapter 15



  haven’t seen Amaya in a few days, not since we forced her to share her table at the restaurant, and it bothers me. But there she is just up ahead of me going into the school office. I go quickly, following behind her.

  “Amaya!” I shout, wanting her attention.

  She turns around. “Hey, we don’t meet for another two hours.”

  I fucking hate that she’s constantly trying to draw a line of when and where we can hang out. It pisses me off. I roll my eyes at her. “Yeah, so.” I shrug. “I saw you, thought I’d come say hi, and see what you were up to.”

  “I’m fine, just need to drop a few classes that I really don’t need.”

  “Oh, what classes?” I ask, truly interested. Praying she’s not dropping from the class we share together, because tomorrow first thing, I’m showing up early and making sure she sits next to me. For the last week, anytime I tried to get people to move so we could sit next to each other, they refused. My fault, since I was late for class each time and got stuck sitting at the back, far away from Amaya.

  “Just History and English. Not really sure why I bothered with them since they have nothing to do with my future.”

  “Hey, you want to grab a quick bite to eat before you teach me the awesomeness of dance?” I grin at her.

  She shakes her head with a slight laugh. “Sorry there, King, no eating before class. Water only.”

  Well damn, I’m starving.

  “I’ll feed you, King.” Someone purrs from behind me. Fuckin’ hell, I’m so over this shit, pretty sure everyone has heard by now I have a girl, especially after my shouting match with that bitch and Keith at the frat house.

  Looking at Amaya, I know I have a chance with her, because she looks jealous as hell right now. Steam is about to blow from her ears. I turn around and see it’s Samantha, a girl I bagged last year. Not good.

  “Sorry, Sam, but never gonna happen.”

  She sneers. “Your loss.”

  “Nope, it’s yours. I got my girl here, don’t need you.” I hug Amaya, pulling her in close, but she gives me the brush off.

  “You like women with curves, you honestly can’t expect people to believe that you are with that twig.” She points to Amaya with an eye roll.

  “Listen here you little bitch,” Amaya speaks up, standing in front of me. “Tate loves me, he loves my body, what I can do with it, and that’s not all. He actually keeps me around for more than just bed play, because I actually have a brain in my head. So, go fuck yourself.” I’m stunned, Amaya turns to look at me and grabs my hand, pulling me quickly into her. And she kisses me.

  Oh fuck.

  I move my hands to cup her ass and groan against her soft lips, dying to slide my tongue between the part in her mouth and taste her.

  She breaks the kiss too soon for my liking. I was only getting started.

  Pulling b
ack, she stares at me. “Let’s go, baby, we have plans,” she coos, loud enough for Sam to hear.

  I don’t bother looking back at Sam as we walk down the hallway hand in hand wearing a huge dopey smile on my face the whole time.

  When we’re far enough away, I stop walking and look at her, smirking. “You were jealous,” I gloat.

  She rolls her eyes at me and blushes slightly. “Nope, I just thought it was pathetic. You know, when girls do that to you, why can’t you just ignore them and walk away? You were dragging it out.”

  “I don’t like being a complete dick.”

  She pokes my chest with her finger, and I cover her hand with mine.

  “Well, maybe you should start, then I wouldn’t have had to say anything back there. I had a feeling it would have kept going for a long ass time if I hadn’t of stepped in.” I like her feisty, possessive side. It’s Hella sexy.

  “Want to get to the dance hall early? That way we can get out early and grab something to eat?”

  “Don’t you have practice?” she asks.

  “Not today, there’s a game Saturday, so no practice. Coach doesn’t want us hurting come game day.”

  She raises a brow. “And dance won’t hurt you for the game?”

  I shrug. It’s been a few months since we started the dance stuff and Coach told me yesterday, I didn’t need the dancing lessons anymore since my ankle is fully healed, and I’m doing amazing footwork on the field. But I don’t want to quit, because then Amaya probably wouldn’t let me keep seeing her. And since we cut our lessons to only one day a week, I’m soaking up all the time I can to be with her.

  Today is the day I put part one of my plan into action.

  She’s still standing in front of me and her mouth is open like she is trying to think of some smartass remark.

  The invitation her parted lips provide is a temptation I can no longer ignore. I cup her cheek and lean in. When she doesn’t pull back and leans forward meeting my mouth halfway, it feels right. I go in soft and smooth. Her lips move with mine and our tongues connect in a warm embrace. Her breath is light and minty as our mouths continue to dance. Our tongues sweep against each other like old friends. It’s as though we’ve been kissing our whole lives. It should scare me, this feeling of wanting her and needing her. But I know, I just know that she’s the one. My dad was right. The desire to have every piece of her hits me like an arrow straight to my heart. I feel the urge to look for cupid, because I’m perfectly content to never kiss any other woman but Amaya.

  She moans into my mouth as I grab her neat bun and mess it up by digging my fingers into the wispy strands with hunger. I want to possess every inch of her, heart, soul, and body. I want it all.

  She pulls back breathless and bites her bottom lip. “That was some first kiss, Tate. You’re more than a King on the playing field. I think I might dub you a King of kisses too.”

  I laugh as her long lashes flutter giving me a hint at the smile behind her caramel eyes.

  She grabs my shirt collar and kisses me again. I suck on her tongue and she melts against me. Her teeth graze my bottom lip hinting at so much more to follow.

  “Friends don’t kiss like that,” I tease her.

  “They do now,” she says biting her lip.

  I shake my head and start to argue but she doesn’t give me a chance.

  “Let’s get going.” She releases me and jogs ahead of me giggling.

  And of course, I run after her giving into the chase. I’m already whipped it seems.

  Chapter 16



  kay, yeah, I was totally jealous. I’ve seen Samantha around a lot, and I can’t even deny she’s absolutely beautiful. If only she was a beautiful person on the inside, well, she’d be the perfect package. I only stepped in because Samantha looked ready to blow her head off. And yes, because I was jealous as hell and wanted to put a stop to it.

  Maybe I’ll bring her up to Beth next time I see her. Beth seems to scare everyone, and when she’s around no female talks to me, and according to Tate, him either. I don’t know if it’s because everyone knows that Beth can kick their ass, or if she just has a scary vibe.

  Kissing Tate, yeah, I don’t know why I did that, but the guy can kiss. Courtney would be proud of me for taking the reins and making a move. Not that I’m going to tell her, she’d just read way too much into it. I was caught up in the moment is all. At least that’s the lie I keep repeating to myself. In time, I might actually believe it.

  We walk to the dance hall and see that it’s vacant, so we get to work.

  I stare at Tate, and he’s looking at me weird. He has the goofiest smile right now. It’s kind of cute in a lost puppy way.

  “What?” I ask.

  His smile has turned from cute to creepy stalker.

  He scratches the back of his neck.

  “Don’t go getting shy on me now,” I persist.

  “I need a favor?”

  “Depends.” I smirk. “Tate King the almighty football legend needs something from little ol’ me?” I tease.

  “I’m serious. I need two something’s actually.” He shoves his hands in his jacket pocket. Is he nervous?

  “Okay?” I hedge, baffled but curious.

  “My folks want me to bring you to this get together. They want to meet you,” he mumbles abashed.

  “Really? Why?” I’m a bit taken aback.

  “You can say no.”

  “I can? Oh, gee. Thanks for your permission. What’s this other thing you want?” Meeting the parents, yikes. I wasn’t expecting that. I try to hide my shock by asking about this other favor.

  “My fraternity is holding a date auction, and I need you to bid on me. I’ll pay whatever the costs. I can’t get stuck with a crazy like last year.”

  “What happened last year?”

  “Some chick tried to get me to have sex with her.”

  “I’m sure that was hard.” Pun intended.

  “Yeah, no, but she tried to give me a condom out of her purse and it wasn’t even in a wrapper. I freaked out and excused myself to the bathroom. I don’t even know where the idea came from, but I filled the damn thing with water, and it was like a damn showerhead there were so many holes. So, if you could do this for me, yeah.” His cheeks are red he’s so flustered.

  Poor guy. What’s wrong with these chicks? Does he have a magic dick or what? Geez. I kinda feel bad for him.

  “My my, you are really racking up the favor debt today, aren’t you?” I grin, letting him off without being too much of a smart ass. “What do I get out of this?”

  “Anything you want?”

  “Anything, huh? I have to think on this...” I pace across the floor taking my time, watching him sweat. “What’s with the auction? Don’t guys like you live for that sort of shit? Being the center of attention and all that.”

  “That’s the problem. They don’t want to bid on me for me. They want the Tate King experience. And I told you about last year.”

  I have to bite my tongue not to laugh on that one. “What if I want the Tate King experience? What does that entail?” I’m flirting and he seems to like it.

  “You’ll have to agree to be my girlfriend for you to get that experience.” He smirks at me, and I feel my face getting hot, remembering those stolen kisses from earlier. “But please, will you do this for me? I’m not above begging. I’ll do it.” He drops down on one knee. How hot is that. Tate King pleading for my help with those blue eyes sucking me in.

  “I’ll do it on one condition,” I finally concede.

  He nods. “Anything.”

  “You have to be my partner for my audition next month for the dance company that is coming through this way. They are looking for new dancers to add to their company, and I want to try out. So far everyone seems to be doing solo work, but if our duet is amazing, I might have a better shot of getting it.”

  His mouth hangs open. “I uh, shit. Okay, I’ll do it. But can we not tell people? I
don’t want people there to see me dance.”

  “Nope, we will broadcast it loud and far. So you better act like you are proud to be doing this, and we will rock it.”

  “You’re trying to ruin me, aren’t you?”

  “Hey, I can dance without you or find a partner, but you’ll be stuck with your fangirls.” His eyes go wide. He doesn’t seem thrilled with his prospects.

  He rubs his temples and sighs. “Fine.”

  “This means I own your ass now, Tate.”

  “Sounds kinky. I like it. Tie me up, chain me, spank me, abuse me. I’m at your service.” He’s got jokes.

  “Don’t be a perv,” I warn, but my lips curve into a smile on their own, giving me away. Traitorous body.

  “You like it. Don’t lie.”

  I feel my face get red, yeah, I do like him, that’s the problem.

  He steps into me knowing he’s winning the war even if I just won this one small battle.

  “Did you get the notes from the lecture I missed?”

  “Yeah, you want to come over and make a copy or I can just email them to you.”

  “Nope, let’s go.”

  This is probably a terrible idea. Taking Tate to my room alone. Yeah, we are so not getting any studying done.

  He holds my hand without a word. We both know what’s about to go down. As soon as we get in my room all bets are off.


  Tate is in my room tonight, we’re studying together for a quiz, but the only thing we are learning is the taste of each other’s tongues and other various body parts. He’s sucking on the shell of my ear and telling me all the things all girls love to hear. “I love hearing you laugh, it’s the sweetest sound. I love the way your skin pebbles with goosebumps when I kiss you.” Swoon.

  I don’t know how we went from pretend to the real thing but neither of us can keep our hands to ourselves or our lips for that matter. Our books fall to the floor as he pins me down on the couch, getting hot and heavy.

  He grinds against me, and oh god, I’m going to explode with just this. His hands lower, grazing my breasts and he cups me, yup. I’m gonna orgasm.

  “You’re making me so damn hard,” he confesses.


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